
Will County Gazette

Saturday, February 22, 2025

City of Joliet Land Use & Legislative Committee met Sept. 14

City of Joliet Land Use & Legislative Committee met Sept. 14.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:


Present: Councilwoman Jan Hallums Quillman, Councilwoman Sherri Reardon and Councilman Cesar Guerrero


A motion was made by Councilwoman Sherri Reardon, seconded by

Councilman Cesar Guerrero, to approve the Land Use & Legislative Committee Minutes from August 4, 2023. The motion carried by the following vote:

Aye: Councilwoman Hallums Quillman, Councilwoman Reardon and Councilman Guerrero


This section is for anyone wanting to speak regarding agenda items and are allowed a maximum of 4 minutes. It is not a question and answer period and staff, and the Committee members do not generally respond to public comments. The City Clerk has a copy of the public speaking procedures; please note, speakers who engage in conduct injurious to the harmony of the meeting shall be called to order by the Presiding Officer and may forfeit the opportunity to speak.



Ms. Andrea DeLap, 9-1-1 Communications Director, Joliet Police, appeared on behalf of the agenda item. She explained the reasons for the request of having the public safety alarm systems ordinance amended and gave background information about the process.

Councilwoman Reardon inquired about the process if an alarm company calls the radio room. Ms. DeLap responded.

Councilwoman Quillman inquired about the current ordinance and Mr. Regis responded.

A motion was made by Councilman Cesar Guerrero, seconded by

Councilwoman Sherri Reardon, to recommend for approval by the full City Council the amendment to the Public Safety Alarm Systems ordinance. The motion carried by the following vote:

Aye: Councilwoman Hallums Quillman, Councilwoman Reardon and Councilman Guerrero


Ordinance Amending Provisions of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Joliet Relating to the Inspector General

Mr. Todd Greenburg, Interim Corporation Counsel, explained the proposed amendments to the Code of Ordinances relating to the Inspector General.

Councilwoman Quillman had many questions. She inquired about the current Interim City Manager and what powers he has over the Inspector General. Mr. Greenburg responded the ordinance does nothing to change the Inspector General's status.

Councilwoman Quillman said citizens are concerned that the Interim City Manager has power to hire and fire when he is only temporary and wanted to know if there is anything that can be done to change that. Mr. Greenburg responded there is nothing that can be done to change that. The voters in 1955 voted to have a City Manager form of government.

Another concern from the citizens is that the City Manager has a lot of power when that position is not elected by the citizens like the Mayor and City Council is. Mr. Greenburg stated again that is because of the vote in 1955 to have a City Manager form of government. If they wanted a change it would have to go to referendum to change the form of City Government.

Councilwoman Quillman asked since the litigation is pending in court should the ordinance amendment wait so that it can all be discussed at one time after the court decision. Mr. Greenburg said the ordinance is already clear because the Illinois Supreme Court has made a ruling that in a Manager Council form of government the Council and the Mayor do not have the authority to appoint and discharge officials and employees.

Councilman Guerrero had some concerns about the qualifications. Mr. Greenburg responded and said the Council does have the ability to change the qualifications for the Inspector General. Councilman Guerrero feels there should be some revisions to that section.

Councilwoman Reardon inquired about the letter that was received from the office of the Will County State's Attorney. Mr. Greenburg explained what it meant.

Councilwoman Quillman asked about how the current Inspector General was hired through the past City Manager, who made the recommendation to the Mayor and City Council at a City Council meeting. Mr. Greenburg responded that it wasn't necessary that he did that because he does not need to get their approval under the City Manager form of government. Mr. Greenburg said in April the ordinance was changed saying that the Mayor with the advice and consent of the City Council appoints the Inspector General. He said that ordinance is not legal.

A motion was made by Councilwoman Sherri Reardon, seconded by Councilman Cesar Guerrero, to recommend for approval by the City Council the Ordinance Amending Provisions of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Joliet Relating to the Inspector General. The motion carried by the following vote:

Aye: Councilwoman Reardon and Councilman Guerrero

Nay: Councilwoman Hallums Quillman



Mr. Regis discussed the topic of possibly having a flag ordinance. This went to a different Committee meeting earlier in the week and there was not a consensus there. It was recommended it go before the Land Use & Legislative Committee for a possible ordinance. Mr. Regis gave examples of other towns and their ordinances or regulations.

Mr. Regis and Mr. Greenburg agree that a municipal flagpole should not be a conduit for private speech.

Councilwoman Reardon feels it makes a lot of sense to not use the flagpoles because it can cause a lot of problems.

The Committee members discussed the topic further with Mr. Regis and Mr. Greenburg.

Councilman Guerrero spoke about the rental inspection program pertaining to families renting out another home for other family members. Mr. Regis responded.


This section is for anyone wanting to speak regarding non-agenda items and are allowed a maximum of 4 minutes. It is not a question and answer period and staff, and the Committee members do not generally respond to public comments. The City Clerk has a copy of the public speaking procedures; please note, speakers who engage in conduct injurious to the harmony of the meeting shall be called to order by the Presiding Officer and may forfeit the opportunity to speak.

Please see public comments at the following link joliet.legistar.com/Calendar.aspx Then select "Meeting Details" for the meeting held on September 14, 2023.


A motion was made by Councilwoman Sherri Reardon, seconded by Councilman Cesar Guerrero, to adjourn. The motion carried by the following vote:

Aye: Councilwoman Hallums Quillman, Councilwoman Reardon and Councilman Guerrero
