Village of Homer Glen Administration & Finance Committee met March 4.
Here is the agenda provided by the committee:
1. Call to Order.
2. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
3. Roll Call.
4. Approval of Amendments to the Agenda.
5. Minutes.
a. February 5, 2020
6. Public Comment.
7. Reports and Communications from Staff.
a) Finance Director
b) Development Services Director
8. Old Business.
9. New Business.
a) Consider a Motion to Recommend Approval of the Village of Homer Glen’s January Legal Bills from Mahoney, Silverman & Cross, LLC in the Amount of $5,999.50.
b) Consider a Motion to Recommend Approval of TRIA Architecture’s Invoice No. 3209 for Heritage Park Schematic Design Services, in the amount of $16,586.11.
c) Consider a Motion to Recommend Building Permit Fees be Waived for Improvements to the residence to Accommodate a Disabled Veteran.
d) Consider a Motion to Recommend Approval of the Amended Standard Operating Procedure No. 001.
10. Adjournment.