
Will County Gazette

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Will County Forest Preserve District Finance Committee met April 4.

Webp meetingroom05

Will County Forest Preserve District Finance Committee met April 4.

Here is the minutes provided by the Committee:

A. Call To Order

Meeting was called to order at 8:45 am by Chair Ray Tuminello

B. Pledge Of Allegiance

Commissioner Moran led the Pledge of Allegiance.

C. Roll Call

Attendee Name; Title; Status; Arrived:

Judy Ogalla Ex-Officio Present

Kenneth E. Harris District 4 (D - Bolingbrook) Present

Donald Gould District 6 (R - Shorewood) Present

Steve Balich District 7 (R - Homer Glen) Present

Mike Fricilone District 7 (R - Homer Glen) Present

Suzanne Hart Ex-Officio Present

Donald A. Moran District 3 (D - Romeoville) Present

Jim Moustis Ex-Officio Present

Tom Weigel Vice Chair Present

Darren Bennefield District 5 (R - Aurora) Absent

Lauren Staley-Ferry District 9 (D - Joliet) Present

Annette Parker Ex-Officio Present

Gretchen Fritz District 5 (R - Plainfield) Present

Ray Tuminello Chair Present

Tim Kraulidis District 13 (R - Joliet) Absent

Tyler Marcum District 10 (D - Joliet) Present

Ralph Schultz Chief Operating Officer Present

John Gerl Chief Financial Officer Present

John Fay Director of Maintenance and Operations Present

Andrew Hawkins Director of Planning and Development Present

Laura Kiran Director of Marketing and Communications Present

Cindy Cain Public Information Officer Present

Lisa Lukasevich Director of Finance Present

Denise Steffen Director of Information Technology Present

Rose Scofield Customer Relations Specialist Present

Bryan Kopman Attorney Present

D. Schedule Of Bills

E. Approval Of Minutes

1. Minutes of February 27, 2018

Result: Approved [Unanimous]

Mover: Steve Balich, District 7 (R - Homer Glen)

Seconder: Donald A. Moran, District 3 (D - Romeoville)

Ayes: Ogalla, Harris, Gould, Balich, Fricilone, Hart, Moran, Moustis, Weigel, Staleyferry, Parker, Fritz, Tuminello, Marcum

Absent: Bennefield, Kraulidis

F. Old Business

G. New Business

1. Approval of an Amendment to the Forest Preserve District of Will County Retiree Health Insurance Trust Agreement Allowing the Forest Preserve Board President With The Advice And Consent of The Board of Commissioners to Appoint the Sixth and Seventh Members to the Board of Trustees

Commissioner Tuminello explains, the sixth and seventh members of the Board of Trustees are elected exclusively from those retired employees of the District receiving benefits from the District's healthcare plan. The Trust currently has 19 retirees receiving healthcare benefits.

With such a small population of retirees and the cumbersome nature of the election process established under the original Trust Agreement, a change is proposed in how the sixth and seventh members are selected to serve on the Board of Trustees.

Moving forward, staff would prepare a list of retirees receiving benefits from the Trust that are interested in serving as a member of the Board of Trustees. This list would be presented to the President of the Board of Commissioners for their consideration and appointment. The President would then forward (2) two names from the list to the full Board of Commissioners for advice and consent.

Result: Approved [Unanimous]

To: Forest Preserve District Board Of Commissioners

Mover: Donald A. Moran, District 3 (D - Romeoville)

Seconder: Tyler Marcum, District 10 (D - Joliet)

Ayes: Ogalla, Harris, Gould, Balich, Fricilone, Hart, Moran, Moustis, Weigel, Staleyferry, Parker, Fritz, Tuminello, Marcum

Absent: Bennefield, Kraulidis

H. Executive Session - None

I. Reports

1. Next Meeting Date - Wednesday, May 2, 2018 immediately following the Operations Committee meeting but no earlier than 8:45 am

J. Comments By Public

No comments were received.

K. Comments By Commissioners

Commissioner Moran inquired about Service Dogs receiving a permit discount at our Forest Preserve Dog Parks. Discussions followed.

Finance Chair Tuminello concluded that this should be added to the Finance agenda next month.

L. Adjournment

1. Meeting was Adjourned at 9:39 am

Result: Approved [Unanimous]

Mover: Mike Fricilone, District 7 (R - Homer Glen)

Seconder: Donald A. Moran, District 3 (D - Romeoville)

Ayes: Ogalla, Harris, Gould, Balich, Fricilone, Hart, Moran, Moustis, Weigel, Staleyferry, Parker, Fritz, Tuminello, Marcum

Absent: Bennefield, Kraulidis
