Village of Frankfort
Recent News About Village of Frankfort
Who are the Village of Frankfort's highest-paid employees?
Here are the 50 highest-paid employees of the Village of Frankfort, according to 2015 Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund (IMRF) records:
Here are the 36 former employees of the Village of Frankfort receiving the highest annual pension payouts
Here are the 36 former employees of the Village of Frankfort receiving the highest annual pension payouts, according to 2015 Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund (IMRF) records:
Frankfort mayor talks property taxes
Property taxes are a big – perhaps the biggest – issue for Illinois in 2017.
2.03 percent of people in Frankfort receive food stamps
2.03 percent of people in Frankfort were receiving food stamps as of April 31, 2016, according to an analysis of the federal program by Will County Gazette.