
Will County Gazette

Thursday, March 13, 2025

Village of Plainfield Plan Commission met May 5

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Village of Plainfield Plan Commission met May 5.

Here is the minutes provided by the commission:


Chairman Kiefer called the Plan Commission meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and led the pledge to the flag.

ROLL CALL: Commissioners Heinen, Minnis, Renzi, Ruane, Seggebruch, and Chairman Kiefer were present. Commissioner Womack was absent. Fire Protection District, Plainfield Public Library District, Plainfield Township Park District and Plainfield Community Consolidated School District 202 were absent.

OTHERS PRESENT: Jonathan Proulx, Director of Planning; and Jake Melrose, Economic Development Manager.


The Minutes of the Plan Commission meeting held on April 7, 2020 were approved as presented.


No Public Comments received via email.


Mr. Proulx stated the Village Board approved increase to the traffic impact and municipal fees, and Plainfield Library impact fees.



Lot 6 in the Prairie Creek Commercial Subdivision

Rod Baker Ford

Mr. Proulx stated the applicant is proposing to develop a new auto dealership on Lot 6 of the Prairie Creek subdivision. Prairie Cree was originally approved by planned development as a lifestyle-type retail center in 2004. However, the retail landscape has evolved dramatically since the original planned development approval. The side was subdivided in 2010 and has subsequently been developed with Bartel’s Auto Clinic and Wash-U car wash. The proposed dealership would occupy Lot 6, south of the main east-west entrance to the development, which aligns with Joseph Avenue. Development would require approval of a site plan review for the new dealership as well as a major change to the planned development to reflect the changes to the overall development concept.

Mr. Proulx reviewed the staff report dated May 1, 2020. Mr. Proulx concluded Staff supports the proposed dealership use and the necessary deviation from the original lifestyle center planned development. Staff also finds that the proposed dealership site plan complies with the requirements of the site plan review ordinance. In advance of any public comment and discussion by the Plan Commission, staff recommends approval.

Chairman Kiefer swore in Vince Rosanova, attorney; Eric Ohlfs, Redmond Company; and Christina Baker, applicant. Mr. Rosanova explained the existing use and condition of the Prairie Creek subdivision. Mr. Rosanova stated the proposed use is in line with Villages’ comprehensive plan. Mr. Rosanova explained the proposed use, site plan, building materials signage, and impact to the community.

Chairman Kiefer stated no public comments were received via email. Mr. Proulx confirmed.

Commissioner Heinen stated he is excited to have the dealership relocate. Commissioner Heinen asked if the parking meets landscape code and if more landscape can be added. Mr. Rosanova stated the applicant is seeking landscape variance request and explained why. Commissioner Heinen explained where landscaping could be added and suggested the applicant continue to work with staff. Commissioner Heinen stated his concern for landscaping is on the east side of the development because of future residential. Commissioner Heinen asked if there is anything prohibiting landscaping on the eastside of the development. Mr. Rosanova explained that the current development and the future residential will have 5-acre open space and detention area which is beautifully landscaped. Mr. Rosanova stated that additional landscaping will have negative consequences to the product. Mr. Rosanova stated he will speak to the applicant about adding additional landscaping. Commissioner Heinen asked who owns the detention. Mr. Rosanova stated the Baker’s own it but will be part of an association in the future. Commissioner Heinen wants to make sure that the required stormwater management is provided.

Commissioner Minnis is excited for the development. Commissioner Minnis agrees with the previous comments regarding landscaping enhancements.

Commissioner Renzi also agrees with the landscaping enhancements suggested. Commissioner Renzi suggested a privacy fence on the east side of the development for security. Commissioner Renzi asked how staff computed the parking spaces in the staff report. Mr. Proulx explained the parking computation. Commissioner Renzi asked if there will be roughly 700 cars in the lot. Mr. Ohlfs stated there will be 1,142 stalls total with a usage breakdown of 832 stalls for inventory, 198 service stalls, 48 employee stalls, and 28 customer stalls. Commissioner Renzi asked how many handicapped spaces will be available. Mr. Ohlfs stated there will be 5 handicapped stalls.

Commissioner Renzi asked if there is a variance being requested for the lighting along the CBI property. Mr. Ohlfs indicated that they do not comply with code in that area but will work on reducing it. Mr. Rosanova stated that the lights are brighter there because of safety. Commissioner Renzi asked if the overall design of the product is what is required by Ford. Mr. Ohlfs stated Ford has pro type requirements along with input from the Baker’s. Commissioner Renzi asked if Ford has sign requirements. Mr. Ohlfs confirmed it is based on the size of the building and sales. Commissioner Renzi asked if the required signs were submitted with the site plan and asked if that is why they are requesting a variance for signage. Mr. Ohlfs confirmed. Commissioner Renzi asked if there will be a sidewalk. Mr. Rosanova stated no and explained the developments to the north and south do not have sidewalks. Mr. Proulx explained that the applicant is asking for relief for the sidewalk as part of the planned unit development. Commissioner Renzi suggested a bond in lieu of a sidewalk for a future sidewalk.

Commissioner Ruane agreed with the comments regarding the lack of trees. Commissioner Ruane stated if a light is in the future for Joseph Ave. then there would be a need for a sidewalk. Commissioner Ruane asked what the fenced area will be used for and what materials will be used. Mr. Ohlfs stated 8-foot-tall chain linked security fence with barbwire across the top and the area would be used for police vehicles or vehicles with equipment in them. Commissioner Ruane asked staff if this type of fence would be allowed. Mr. Proulx stated barbwire is not allowed in B-3 zoning district and staff will discuss other options with the applicant.

Commissioner Seggebruch asked what will happen to the existing location after the relocation. Ms. Baker stated the current location will be sold. Commissioner Seggebruch asked if the proposed location will be for new and used vehicles sales. Ms. Baker confirmed.

Commissioner Seggebruch asked staff if there is a light at Joseph Ave. wouldn’t the spacing between the lights between the dealership and Meijer’s be too close together. Mr. Proulx stated the Public Works Department is coordinating the traffic signal with the applicant and IDOT. Mr. Proulx indicated he feels a traffic signal will help with the development of the remaining lots in Prairie Creek. Mr. Rosanova stated the signal location meets IDOT requirements, expect for the trip requirements. Mr. Rosanova explained the cross-access easement between the Prairie Creek and Meijer’s subdivisions.

Commissioner Seggebruch appreciates that the building is the feature on the site and agrees with adding landscaping to the east side of the development. Commissioner Seggebruch asked if the fenced lot is in the future. Mr. Rosanova indicated that it will be part of the initial development and stated the applicant will continue to work with staff on the landscaping plan. Commission Seggebruch stated barbwire fencing does not fit into this zoning district and suggested other products to use. Mr. Rosanova agreed and said they will continue to work with staff.

Commissioner Minnis made a motion to adopt the findings of fact of staff as the findings of fact of the Plan Commission and, furthermore, recommend approval of a major change to the Prairie Creek planned development to approve Rod Baker Ford on Lot 6.

Second by Commissioner Renzi. Vote by roll call: Heinen, yes; Ruane, yes; Seggebruch, yes; Renzi, yes; Minnis, yes; Kiefer, yes. Motion carried 6-0.

Commissioner Minnis made a motion to recommend approval of the site plan review for Rod Baker Ford on Lot 6 of the Prairie Creek subdivision, subject to the following two (2) stipulations:

1. Compliance with the requirements of the Village Engineer; and

2. Compliance with the requirements of the Plainfield Fire Protection District.

Second by Commissioner Ruane. Vote by roll call: Renzi, yes; Seggebruch, yes; Heinen, yes; Ruane, yes; Minnis, yes; Kiefer, yes. Motion carried 6-0.



Lot 3 in the Prairie Creek Commercial Subdivision

PetSuites - Plainfield, IL

Mr. Melrose stated the petitioner, PetSuites – Plainfield, IL, is proposing to construct a 10,975 square foot pet care facility to be located on the north end of Lot 3 of the Prairie Creek subdivision just east of Bartel’s Auto Clinic and Wash U Car Wash. Pet Suites is a national pet care chain that has over 30 locations in 11 states. The operation consists of short and long-term care, retail sales, grooming, and training classes. The subject development is currently zoned B-3 Highway Business District. The petitioner is requesting a recommendation of approval for a special use permit for the allowance of the animal kennel component of their operation, along with the recommendation of approval for the site plan review and plat of subdivision.

Mr. Melrose reviewed the staff report dated May 5, 2020. Mr. Melrose concluded the proposal to develop part of Lot 3 in the Prairie Creek development as a pet care facility with kennel services requires a special use permit as well as site plan and plat of subdivision review. The request for the special use requires a public hearing. In advance of any public comment or discussion by the Plan Commission, staff recommends approval of the above.

Mr. Melrose stated an email public comment in support of this development was received from Craig Nelson, Wash U Car Wash (see attached).

Chairman Kiefer swore in Craig Forgey, applicant; and Jared Kenyon, Kimley-Horn. Mr. Forgey provide the background on the PetSuites company and an overview of the services that will be offered.

Commissioner Seggebruch asked what the plan for noise control of the outdoor exercise/play area is. Mr. Forgey indicated that dogs will be in small groups and the staff will bring noisy dogs in quickly.

Commissioner Seggebruch asked if the outdoor area in broken up into separate areas. Mr. Forgey explained the layout and purpose of the outdoor areas. Commissioner Seggebruch asked if staff will accompany the dogs while they are outside. Mr. Forgey confirmed.

Commission Ruane asked if the open space to the east is for future expansion or it is a play area for the dogs. Mr. Forgey indicated it is extra property they do not need. Commissioner Ruane suggested pulling the building back to allow for more green space in the front of the building. Commissioner Ruane asked what type of fence will be around the outdoor area. Mr. Forgey stated it will be a 7-foot-tall white vinyl privacy fence.

Commissioner Renzi asked staff to explain how the property and the use are compatible to the existing businesses in the area. Mr. Melrose stated that the use is permitted in the B-3 zoning district as well as it is compatible with the adjacent properties zoning. Commissioner Renzi asked if the building elevations are compatible with the adjacent developments. Mr. Melrose confirmed because the all the buildings in the area are is the same color pallet.

Commissioner Renzi asked if they will be grooming pets as well as boarding them. Mr. Forgey confirmed. Commissioner Renzi asked if the retail sales will be minimal. Mr. Forgey confirmed. Commissioner Renzi asked what the estimated number of employees per day is. Mr. Forgey stated it depends on the number of dogs they have it can be between 4 to 8 employees. Commissioner Renzi stated the parking is less then what is required by code and asked if this is the normal amount of parking spaces required by PetSuites. Mr. Forgey indicated that between 23 to 25 parking spaces are what PetSuites needs to operate, since most the business is based on dropping off and pick-up.

Commissioner Renzi asked if PetSuites has an agreement with the property owner to the south to make the access improvements. Mr. Forgey confirmed there will be a cross access easement agreement. Commissioner Renzi asked if the applicant is required to have parking islands. Mr. Melrose stated that staff did not see a need for them because on the size of the parking lot and it is heavily landscaped.

Commissioner Minnis suggested moving the trash enclosure back to keep it out of the main parking lot. Commissioner Minnis asked if there will be a grass area between the parking lot and building. Mr. Forgey stated it is all sidewalk there. Commissioner Minnis suggested that they add a grass area so dogs can relieve themselves before entering the building. Commissioner Minnis asked staff what they envision with the south cross access easement for the future development south. Mr. Melrose stated it would need to be aligned with the PetSuite development and this will be appealing to a future development.

Commissioner Heinen recused himself from the case.

Chairman Kiefer stated he is always concerned about site lines once the landscape matures and asked the applicate to keep that in mind with the placement of their landscaping.

Commissioner Ruane suggested a sidewalk along the access road in front of PetSuites. Chairman Kiefer, Commissioner Renzi, and Commissioner Minnis agreed.

Commissioner Renzi made a motion to adopt the findings of fact of staff as the findings of fact of the Plan Commission and, furthermore, recommend approval of the special use for animal kennel operations on the parcel at Lot 3 of the Prairie Creek Development, petitioner PetSuites – Plainfield, IL and in accordance with the reviewed plans.

Second by Commissioner Seggebruch. Vote by roll call: Minnis, yes; Ruane, yes; Seggebruch, yes; Renzi, yes; Kiefer, yes. Motion carried 5-0.

Commissioner Minnis made a motion to recommend approval of the proposed site plan review for the project known as Pet Suites at Lot 3 of Prairie Creek Development, subject to the following two (2) stipulations:

1. Compliance with the requirements of the Village Engineer;

2. Compliance with the requirements of the Plainfield Fire Protection District;

Second by Commissioner Renzi. Vote by roll call: Ruane, yes; Seggebruch, yes; Renzi, yes; Minnis, yes; Kiefer, yes. Motion carried 5-0.

Commissioner Ruane made a motion to recommend approval of the preliminary plat of Prairie Creek North-South Third Subdivision (PIN 06-03-03-101-015-0000), subject to the following two (2) stipulations:

1. Compliance with the requirements of the Village Engineer; and

2. Compliance with the requirements of the Plainfield Fire Protection District.

Second by Commissioner Seggebruch. Vote by roll call: Minnis, yes; Renzi, yes; Seggebruch, yes; Ruane, yes; Kiefer, yes. Motion carried 5-0.

Commissioner Renzi made a motion to recommend approval of the final plat of Prairie Creek North- South Third Subdivision (PIN 06-03-03-101-015-0000), subject to the following two (2) stipulations:

1. Compliance with the requirements of the Village Engineer; and

2. Compliance with the requirements of the Plainfield Fire Protection District.

Second by Commissioner Minnis. Vote by roll call: Ruane, yes; Seggebruch, yes; Minnis, yes; Renzi, yes; Kiefer, yes. Motion carried 5-0.


Chairman Kiefer read the reminders.

