Lockport Township Board of Trustees Workshop Committee met May 22.
Here is the minutes provided by the Committee:
A workshop meeting was held on Tuesday, May 22, 2018, 6:00 pm at Lockport Township Government, 1463 S. Farrell Road, Lockport, IL 60441, in the Multi-Purpose Room #127. Supervisor Ron Alberico presiding.
Present were Trustees Gregg Bickus, Barbara Delaney and Dean Morelli (arrived at 6:07), Clerk Denise Rumchak and Collector Karen Johnson (arrived at 6:09). Also present was Bob Loewe and Grant Spooner filming the meeting. Absent were Trustee Barb Boyce and Assessor Debbi Mason. The meeting agenda was posted at the Lockport & Crest Hill Libraries, Lockport Township Government Building, on the Township website (Clerk’s section), and the calendar and also on the Multi-Purpose door.
Items discussed were building leasing procedures and putting a Building Committee together.
The Board discussed the different organizations that have utilized the building. Trustee Delaney was told by Supervisor Alberico that an additional maintenance position was included into the budget to provide clean up after an organization’s event. She believes this is costing the Township money and suggested having a cleanup fee incorporated into the lease. Supervisor Alberico proposed having the part time maintenance employees rotate shifts every week to cover Monday through Friday nights. Supervisor Alberico stated that when an organization utilizes the building on the weekend, they are responsible for compensating the employee for cleanup. There was discussion with the Board about the mandatory documents the organization needs to provide before being approved to use the building space.
Supervisor Alberico would like to establish a Building Committee. This committee would meet quarterly to discuss present and future plans for the building. Supervisor Alberico asked if anyone was interested in becoming a member of the committee. Trustee Morelli agreed to be a member of the Building Committee along with Supervisor Alberico, Michele from the Supervisor’s office and one maintenance employee.
There was discussion in regards to previous requests received for the use of the building.
Trustee Morelli mentioned that at the last meeting it was disclosed that the volunteers from the Seed Community Garden were not interested in preparing and maintaining the community garden. He suggested having a Township employee prepare the garden and to reach out to the public to see if anyone is interested in maintaining the garden. Supervisor Alberico commented that he will ask the volunteers at the Food Pantry.
Trustee Morelli stated when we first moved into the building, there were cleaning service estimates received. Trustee Morelli asked what responsibilities the maintenance employees have. The Board discussed these responsibilities. Supervisor Alberico stated that if the maintenance employees cannot keep up with cleaning, the Board can discuss hiring a cleaning service.
Trustee Morelli indicated that he is having second thoughts about purchasing a lawn tractor. He stated that the current person cutting the grass is being paid $100 per cut and is using his own equipment and gas which is maintenance free for the Township. Supervisor Alberico stated that the tractor he is looking at will be able to do more then cut grass. Trustee Delaney asked if the current person cutting the grass needs to provide insurance to the Township. Supervisor Alberico responded that he was not sure.
On a Motion of Bickus, seconded by Boyce to adjourn at 6:28 pm.