
Will County Gazette

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Village of Crete President and Board of Trustees met April 22

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Michael Einhorn, Village President | Village of Crete

Michael Einhorn, Village President | Village of Crete

Village of Crete President and Board of Trustees met April 22.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

President Michael Einhorn called to order the regular board meeting of the President and the Board of Trustees of the Village of Crete on Monday, April 22, 2024, at 7:00 p.m. and led those assembled in the Village of Crete Municipal Building, 524 W. Exchange St, Crete, Illinois in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

On a roll call by Village Clerk Deborah Bachert the following were present in the municipal building: Trustees Steve Bruns, Stephen Johnson, Holly Milburn, John Phelan, Katrina Seifert, Mark Wiater and President Michael Einhorn. A quorum was present.

Also in attendance: Administrator Michael Smith and Supt. of Public Works Justin Pancrazio. Chief Neal Haemker arrived at 7:45 pm.


Visitors are always welcome to all public meetings of the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Crete. Interested parties wishing to speak should identify their intent to speak, they then may give their name and where they reside if they so choose and then make their comment. Persons may also provide their address privately to the Village Clerk if they so choose; persons are advised that addresses are considered private information under the Freedom of Information Act and thus are exempt from disclosure pursuant to any Freedom of Information Act request. However, to give proper consideration to all items on the agenda, the President has the authority to limit participants in debates and will close repetitive or abusive remarks. In addition, public comment rules are posted in the board room.

1. Keith Miller asked about Village participation in a "Sharps Collection Grant" through the IEPA.

2. Ernest Jones asked about the new homes being constructed in Williamsburg and the issues of the covenant in this subdivision, including any role the Village may have in the covenant. The Village has no participation in a subdivision covenant.

APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Special orders


All items on the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine in nature and will be enacted in one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a board member so requests, in which event, the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and will be considered separately.

Approval of Minutes: Regular Board Meeting - April 8, 2024

Approval of Bills April 8, 2024 thru April 19, 2024

Ratification of Payroll - Bi-weekly payroll ending April 17, 2024

A motion was made to move to the consent agenda:

New Business Item # 1: Road Closure requested by Illinois Lutheran Schools to host a community event called "Touch a Truck" and request to close the road and set up along Elizabeth Street from Cass to Division from 10am to 12pm on Saturday, May 25th and

New Business Item #2: A Proclamation declaring the month of May 2024 as Motorcycle Awareness Month in the State of Illinois.

Motion: Trustee Mark Wiater

Second: Trustee Stephen Johnson

Abstain (0) none

Motion declared carried.

Ayes (6) Trustees Bruns, Johnson, Milburn, Phelan, Seifert, Wiater

Nays (0) none

Absent (0) none

In accordance with an opinion from the Illinois Attorney General's Office, President Einhorn read aloud the items as listed for approval prior to action being taken on the Consent Agenda with brief explanations.

A motion was made to approve the Unanimous Consent Agenda with the two additions as listed above.

Motion: Trustee Mark Wiater

Second: Trustee Stephen Johnson


Ayes (7) Trustees Bruns, Johnson, Milburn, Phelan, Seifert, Wiater and President Einhorn

Nays (0) none

Absent (0) none

Abstain (0) none

Motion declared carried.


Public Health - Trustee Katrina Seifert - no report

Water Department - Trustee Stephen Johnson

Areas in Lincolnshire are being prepared for the construction of the water main.

Road and Bridge - Trustee Steve Bruns

A culvert on Burville Road collapsed last week. Repairs are in process and the road will be passable soon. Asphalt will be laid in three weeks.

Building and Grounds - Trustee John Phelan

Plantings of the hardier plants/flowers were completed at Main & Exchange Streets this week.

Weeds are emerging through the walls of the creek (First Street). A new plan will be tried.

Finance, License and Ordinance - Trustee Mark Wiater

The Joint TIF Review Board met on April 22nd. This is a yearly event. Thanks Karen Tellef for your attendance.

Public Safety - Trustee Holly Milburn - no report

President Michael Einhorn

Marty Braccio (Code Enforcement Supervisor & EMA Director) will be retiring on April 30th. Ryan Allison will be appointed by President Einhorn as Director effective 5/1/2024.


Village Administrator - Michael Smith

Employee health insurance packets are now available.

Sidewalk/curbs including restoration will begin on 4/25/2024. (Davis Concrete)

A Public Hearing for the Beckwith Lane water main project was held for the EPA loan on 4/22/2024. There were no residents from the area in attendance.

Police Department - Chief Scott Pieritz - Absent; Report Submitted

Police Department Report for April 22, 2024

1. On Friday April 26th Andrew Stokes will receive the oath of office as a full time police officer.

2. All members of the police department recently participated in class room rifle instruction. A review of rifles including function, care, storage, maintenance, use, and policy were covered. There will be annual rifle range training and qualifications in May.

3. Several officers participated in specialized training over the last month. This included Report Writing, ARIDE, Verbal Judo, Jiu jitsu, Tactical Emergency Casualty Care, Reid Technique of Interviewing and Interrogation, Pistol Optics Instructor, Less Lethal Instructors Course, Building entry and control tactics, proactive patrol tactics, Using Restorative Justice Appropriate Station Adjustment, and DUI and IVC Updates. The range of officers participating in this training included new (under a year) to 25+ years on the job. Some of this training will fulfill Safe-T-Act training mandates, while other training will turn our officers into instructors, where they can "teach-back" to everyone on the department. Our School Resource Officer (SRO) attended several training classes focused on the school.

4. Chief Pieritz and Deputy Chief Groszek will be attending the Illinois Chief's Association Training Conference held April 24-26 at the Tinley Park Convention Center.

5. Community Event: Earth Day/ Earth Week: April 22nd to April 27th will be 'Earth Day/ Earth Week." During this week, The Crete Police Department, Trinity Lutheran, and The Crete Park District encourage all residents to show support for our environment and our community by participating in environmental awareness and action. Residents are being asked to establish a mindset in the coming year to be more environmentally friendly in our little corner of the world. Simple changes can cause a ripple effect of change. Reduce energy use, don't litter, pick-up litter in your community or parks, reduce plastic use, make a compost bin in your yard, plant a tree, reduce, reuse, recycle. Search online on how to start making a positive impact in our environment.

6. Earth Day/ Earth Week will have (2) main events. On Wednesday April 24th, The Crete Park District will host activities at 11:30 am - check their website for information.

7. On Saturday April 27th, The Crete Police Department, Trinity Lutheran, and Crete Park District will join forces to sponsor a community clean-up and luncheon. At 8:30, residents can sign up for the clean-up event at 1393 Elizabeth Crete, IL (Trinity Lutheran).

8. Happy Telecommunicator Week (April 14-20) to all the men and women in gold! The Crete Police Department appreciates everything Laraway Communication Center (LCC) does for us.

CPD Pieritz Facebook Post: "GYPSY" SCAM ALERT

It is that time of year when we begin to see contractor scams commonly known as "Gypsy Scams". Often it is a contractor coming to your door and asking if you would like your driveway seal coated or other work done around the house. These scammers use watered downed materials or just diesel fuel to spray on your driveway. They also 'specialize" in any project you may have around your house. They request a cash down payment. Sometimes they leave and you never see them again. Other times they do a job and request more money. They also conduct "Ruse Burglaries," where they distract you at the front door, while someone else goes in the back door and burglarizes your house. Often preying on the elderly. They often have out of state plates and pickup trucks.

Recent confirmed scams in Chicago area had "Tony Young's Paving and Masonry" on side of truck.

Always lock your doors-even if you are out working in your yard and can't see entrance points. ALL solicitors in Crete MUST have a Village permit with photo sticker issued by the Village (See my previous post on Solicitor Permits)**Any contractors without these permits should be reported to police department

I suggest you NEVER purchase services from someone who comes to your door. Always research or get a contractor through a friend or recommended from others

NEVER let anyone in your house you have not authorized, screened, or have an appointment through a reputable company.

These scammers have falsely identified themselves as ComEd, Nicor, Comcast, and Aqual employees in the past. Ask for ID, call the company to verify, call police if unsure. Reputable companies do not just come out without notification.

Report suspicious activity immediately

Fire Department - Administrator Neal Haemker

House fire on Joe Orr Court today.

Hose testing completed today.

Stats for the month will be forthcoming.

Superintendent of Public Works - Justin Pancrazio - Report submitted

Building Department - Building Inspector Mike Smith - Report submitted

Code Enforcement - Code Enforcement Supervisor Marty Braccio - absent; no report

Fire & Police Commission – Jim McPhee - absent; no report

EMA - Marty Braccio - absent; no report

Animal Control/Code Enforcement Officer - Ryan Allison - absent; no report

Planning Commission - Karen Tellef - absent; no report

Heritage & Architecture Commission - Phyllis Monks - absent; no report Media Consultant - Nick Borrell - absent; no report

Earth Day Event/Earth Week Event Sponsored by Crete Police Department, Trinity Lutheran, and Crete Park District. Dates: April 22nd to April 27th. Two main events are Wednesday, April 24th at the Crete Park District at 11:30 am (See website for more information or call 708-672-6969) and Saturday, April 27th beginning at Trinity Church, 1393 for sign up at 8:30 am for clean up the town event with luncheon to follow.

Received notification from the Chamber of Commerce for Crete Cruise Season. It will begin on June 3rd. The Chamber is looking for Sponsors of Cruise Night. To be included on the Cruise Night t-shirts for 2024, sponsorship forms and monies must be received by May 10, 2024.


1. Results of the 2024 Road Resurfacing Program located at various locations. Three bids were received. K-Five bid $1,226,834.00; Gallagher Asphalt bid $1,068,077.00; Iroquois Paving bid $1,017,368.50. Approval will be made subject to an acceptable pre-construction meeting agreement with the low bidder, Iroquois Paving. Board action may be taken.

A motion was made to accept the low bid of Iroquois Paving at $1,017,368.50 contingent upon an acceptable pre-construction meeting agreement and to allow President Einhorn or Trustee Wiater to make decisions if some items need immediate attention. Motion: Trustee Holly Milburn

Second: Trustee Steve Bruns Ayes (6) Trustees Bruns, Johnson, Milburn, Phelan, Seifert, Wiater

Nays (0) none

Abstain (0) none

Absent (0) none

Motion declared carried

2. Memorial Day, May 27th, 2024 Cancellation of meeting. .

A motion was made to cancel the regularly scheduled Village Board Meeting on May 27th, 2024.

Motion: Trustee Mark Wiater

Second: Trustee Stephen Johnson


Ayes (6) Trustees Bruns, Johnson, Milburn, Phelan, Seifert, Wiater

Nays (0) none

Absent (0) none

Abstain (0) none

Motion declared carried.


1. Road Closure requested: Illinois Lutheran Schools is hosting a community event called "Touch a Truck" and is requesting to close the road and set up along Elizabeth Street from Cass to Division. (Basically, the stretch of road between Trinity Lutheran Church and Illinois Lutheran Elementary School.) The event will be from 10am to 12pm on Saturday, May 25th. Setup is scheduled to begin at 8am. Board action may be taken.

Moved to the consent agenda.

2. Proclamation: A Proclamation declaring the month of May 2024 as Motorcycle Awareness Month in the State of Illinois. This is an annual request made by A.B.A.T.E. of Illinois, Inc. (A Brotherhood Aimed Toward Education). For 37 years the month of May has been proclaimed Motorcycle Awareness Month in the State of Illinois. Board action may be taken.

Moved to the consent agenda.

3. Motion to approve wage increases for certain full time Non-Union employees and part time employees for the Fiscal Year 2024-2025. Board action is anticipated.

A motion was made to approve 3% wage increases for the Fiscal Year 2024-2025 to become effective with the first full pay period in 2024 for certain full time Non-union employees and part time employees and to extend rates of Kim Adams: $27.23; Nicole Bruns: $25.50; Jennifer Becker: $22.00; Amy Gould: $25.52; Amanda Swanson: $25.52; EMT Start Rate: $19.00; EMT-P Start rate $21.00 and to exclude increases for Fire Chief/Administrator and Deputy Fire Chief per the discussion held at the April 8, 2024 executive session.

Motion: Trustee Mark Wiater

Second: Trustee Katrina Seifert

Ayes (6) Trustees Bruns, Johnson, Milburn, Phelan, Seifert, Wiater

Nays (0) none

Absent (0) none

Abstain (0) none

Motion declared carried.

4. The Liquor Commission may need to meet during the absence of President Einhorn (Village Liquor Commissioner). Due to a health issue, President Einhorn may be out of the office for an extended period of time beginning May16th. Three businesses may need hearings as they are either being sold or having new specifications in their business. President Einhorn will ask opinion of the Village Attorney as to how this should proceed.



As there was no further business to come before the board, a motion was made to declare the meeting adjourned at 8:09 p.m.

Motion: Trustee Mark Wiater

Second: Trustee Steve Bruns

Ayes (7) Trustees Bruns, Johnson, Milburn, Phelan, Seifert, Wiater and President Einhorn

Nays (0) none

Absent (0) none




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