
Will County Gazette

Friday, March 14, 2025

December 2024: 9 new registered sex offenders living in Will County

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Colonel Michael Gillock Deputy Director for the Division of Statewide 9-1-1 | Official Website

Colonel Michael Gillock Deputy Director for the Division of Statewide 9-1-1 | Official Website

There were nine new registered sex offenders living in Will County in December 2024 compared to the month before, according to the Illinois Police Sex Offender Registry.

The Registry showed 367 sexual offenders living in Will County, compared to 363 the month before. During this period, five offenders left Will County and nine moved into the area.

Of the nine offenders who moved to Will County in December 2024, eight were sexual predators.

Sexual predators and child murderers remain on the registry for the rest of their lives.

The offenders moving into Will County may have been recently convicted or moved from other cities in the US.

According to a 2024 study by SafeHome.org, Illinois ranks fifth in the total number of registered sex offenders, with more than 34,000 living in the state.

Nationally, the study found over 795,000 registered sex offenders in the U.S. as of August 2024 — an increase of approximately 8,000 compared to 2023.

Registered Sex Offenders in Will County as of December 2024

Aaron E. RileySexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/photos
Aaron F. BettenhausenSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography victim less than 13 previous conviction and Child pornography/film/photos
Adam Eugene FolkersSexual PredatorNon-CompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim <13
Albert MartinSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim <9 and Predatory criminal sexual assault
Aldo GuerraSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16
Alex M BehmetuikSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography
Alex PicalloSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual assault
Alfred JuniorSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sex abuse/bodily harm
Alla ZayyadNon-verified Child Sex OffenderCompliantUnlawful restraint and Violate sex offender registration
Alphonso ChandlerSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16
Ana E. MateoSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16
Andrei Fabian VaiciusSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/photos
Andres Agron-VegaNon-verified Child Sex OffenderCompliantSexual exploitation/expose organs
Andres L. VillagomezNon-verified Child Sex OffenderCompliantIndecent solicitation of a child
Andrew Charles PruittSexual PredatorCompliantPredatory criminal sexual assault
Andrew J. PetersSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual assault/victim <9 and Violate sex offender registration
Anthone J CaradineNon-verified Child Sex OffenderCompliantTraveling to meet a minor
Anthony D. MatthewsSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16
Anthony DamaskaSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography victim less than 13
Anthony M. LinderSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim <13
Anthony Paul CosentinoSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/photos
Anthony PerezSexual PredatorCompliantCriminal sexual assault
Anthony SchargorodskySexual PredatorNon-CompliantCriminal sexual assault/force
Anthony Williams Jr.Non-verified Child Sex OffenderCompliantCriminal sexual abuse/vic 13-17 and Failure to report change of address
Antonio V. WilliamsSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16
Anya S. HagemanSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse
Armando RomeroNon-verified Child Sex OffenderNon-CompliantChild sex offender present in a school zone, Criminal sexual abuse/victim vic 9-16, Fail to report weekly/no fixed address/2nd, Failure to report a change of address/employment and Failure to report annually/2+
Arteria AustinSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16
Bartholomew R DulleckSexual PredatorNon-CompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16, Attempt and Child sex offender/reside 500'
Bartolo NunezSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim <13
Benjamin D. DavilaNon-verified Child Sex OffenderCompliantCriminal sexual abuse/victim cant consent
Benjamin J. BarkerSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16
Benjamin J. CohenSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/photos
Billy CarneySexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse and Predatory criminal sexual assault
Billy Ray J. ClevelandSexual PredatorNon-CompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/weapon and Failure to report a change of address/employment
Bobby LouieSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated child pornography
Bobby PrewittSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sex abuse/victim 13-16 and Aggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim <13
Brandi EdwardsSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16
Brandon C FerralezNon-verified Child Sex OffenderCompliantCriminal sexual abuse/vic 13-17, Failure to report a change of address/employment and Sex offender registering/false information
Brandon D. HarrisonSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse and Violate sex offender registration
Brandon J. SpainSexual PredatorCompliantJuvenile pimping and Violate sex offender registration
Brandon M. OakesSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sex abuse/victim 13-16
Brawlie W GaskinsSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sex abuse/victim 13-16 and Violate sex offender registration
Brent HustonSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16
Brian HallSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse, Criminal sexual assault/cant consent and Criminal sexual assault/force
Brian Keith GubalaSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16 and Sex offender registering/false info
Bronson D. HughesSexual PredatorNon-CompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16, Child sex offender residing within 500' of a day care, Fail to register a new residence/school/2nd+, Fail to report weekly/no fixed address/2nd and Violate sex offender registration
Bryan Michael KendallSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim <9
Bryan William MeyerSexual PredatorNon-CompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16, Fail to register w/in 5 days of new residence/school and Failure to report a change of address/employment
Cantrell RowellSexual PredatorCompliantPredatory criminal sexual assault
Carl M. KummerSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated child pornography
Carla J. PoliSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16
Carlos A. GuillenNon-verified Child Sex OffenderCompliantTraveling to meet a minor
Carlos ArroyoSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16 and Attempt
Casey L. BeallSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/photos
Charles E. BaloghSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated child pornography
Charles J. WesolowskiSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16
Charles MalySexual PredatorCompliantPredatory criminal sexual assault
Charles MartinNon-verified Adult Sex OffenderCompliantAggravated criminal sexual assault
Charles PariseSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16
Christopher E. BrunnerSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16
Christopher J. RicciardiSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16
Christopher LovingNon-verified Child Sex OffenderNon-CompliantCriminal sexual abuse/vic 13-17
Christopher M. GaleSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16
Christopher MeeksSexual PredatorNon-CompliantCriminal sexual abuse/vic 13-17 and Violate sex offender registration
Christopher MoyanoSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim <9
Christopher OdetteSexual PredatorCompliantPredatory criminal sexual assault
Christopher Scott GravesSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sex abuse/victim 13-16 and Aggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16
Christopher T. JensenSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16
Cleavon T BaileySexual PredatorCompliantChild abductn/lure a child <16 yrs into vehicle and Criminal sexual assault/cant consent
Clifford MountsSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual assault and Felony conviction after 7/1/2011
Cordale P HallinSexual PredatorNon-CompliantChild pornography
Courtney L. RichardsonSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim <13
Curley KingSexual PredatorNon-CompliantCriminal sexual assault/cant consent, Criminal sexual assault/force, Fail to report weekly/no fixed address, Failure to report a change of address/employment and Felony conviction after 7/1/2011
Dajuan L LackingSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim <9, Failure to report annually/2+ and Violate sex offender registration
Dana H. DowningSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim <13
Daniel Edward CzuprynSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/photos
Daniel GonzalezSexual PredatorCompliantPredatory criminal sexual assault
Daniel J. FoilesSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/photos
Daniel Lee PalmerSexual PredatorCompliantPublic indecency/lewd exposure, Sexual exploitation/expose organs and Violate sex offender registration
Daniel MoultonSexual PredatorCompliantCriminal sexual assault and Failure to report annually
Darnell ThompsonSexual PredatorCompliantPredatory criminal sexual assault
Darray M StallingsSexual PredatorCompliantCriminal sexual abuse/victim cant consent
Darrell StephensonSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated child pornography and Aggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim <13
Darvel AlexanderSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16 and Failure to report a change of address/employment
David A. SchwartzSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/photos
David J. FroggeSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16
David M. GascaSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sex abuse/victim 13-16 and Violate sex offender registration
David Martin MurphySexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sex abuse/victim 13-18 and Criminal sexual abuse force
David MascoteNon-verified Child Sex OffenderCompliantCriminal sexual abuse force
David R. PughSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse
David RobinsonSexual PredatorNon-CompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim <13, Failure to register 10 days new residence and Felony conviction after 7/1/2011
David VaksdalSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography and Child pornography/produce
David W. EarnerNon-verified Child Sex OffenderCompliantChild sex offender/reside 500', Criminal sexual abuse/victim cant consent and Fail to report weekly/no fixed address/2nd
Deray M RobinsonNon-verified Child Sex OffenderCompliantTraveling to meet a minor
Derrick WoodsSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16
Deshaunell D KnightNon-verified Child Sex OffenderCompliantGrooming
Deshawn HamptonNon-verified Child Sex OffenderCompliantCriminal sexual abuse/vic 13-17
Dion R. ClarkNon-verified Child Sex OffenderCompliantCriminal sexual abuse/vic 13-17, Fail to report weekly/no fixed address/2nd and Violate sex offender registration
Donald M. KvasnickaSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16, Failure to report annually and Violate sex offender registration
Douglas CanasSexual PredatorCompliantCriminal sexual assault/cant consent
Douglas E. GordonNon-verified Child Sex OffenderCompliantSexual exploitation of a child/victim <13
Drenell D ParishSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim <13 and Attempt
Duane R. SchultzSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim <13
Dwayne Lee WalkerSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16
Dwight A. WilliamsSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim <13
Eddie L. McKeeSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16, Aggravated criminal sexual assault, Aggravated kidnaping, Criminal sexual assault/force and Felony conviction after 7/1/2011
Eduardo HernandezSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/photos
Edward R CetwinskiSexual PredatorCompliantCriminal sexual assault/victim 13-17
Efren A. HinojosaSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16
Elisa I. MartinelliSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sex abuse/victim 13-16
Emmerson S. SmithSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16
Eriberto MorenoSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/photos
Ernesto PugaSexual PredatorCompliantCriminal sexual assault/force
Ervin A. EvansSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16
Ethan MartinezNon-verified Child Sex OffenderCompliantCriminal sexual abuse/vic 13-17
Fernando GarciaSexual PredatorCompliantChild luring and Predatory criminal sexual assault
Fernando J. MoraSexual PredatorNon-CompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16
Francisco J. HernandezSexual PredatorCompliantCriminal sexual assault/force, Fail to report weekly/no fixed address/2nd, Failure to report a change of address/employment and Felony conviction after 7/1/2011
Frank DegrassiSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16
Fred Martin BretscherSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/photos
Gabriel Esteban SaenzSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/photos
Gary A. CarrSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16
Gary L. KosackSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse and Criminal sexual assault/cant consent
George C. KellySexual PredatorNon-CompliantPromoting juvenile prostitution
George G. ChaffinSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/photos
Gerald T. FitzgeraldSexual PredatorCompliantPredatory criminal sexual assault
Giovanny AguilarSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/photos
Glenn E. StrohSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography victim less than 13
Greg A. VoegtlinSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16
Greg E. BrownSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16
Greg WeithersSexual PredatorNon-CompliantAggravated criminal sexual assault, Fail to register w/in 3 days of new residence/school, Fail to report change of address/employment/2nd, Failure to report annually/2+ and Felony conviction after 7/1/2011
Gregory PulidoSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim <13 and Indecent solicitation of a child
Hector HuertaSexual PredatorNon-CompliantUnlawful restraint
Henry T. ThorntonNon-verified Adult Sex OffenderCompliantCriminal sexual abuse force
Hernando CardonaNon-verified Child Sex OffenderCompliantUnlawful restraint
Irving AvilesNon-verified Child Sex OffenderCompliantCriminal sexual abuse force and Failure to report a change of address/employment
Isaac J KruspeNon-verified Child Sex OffenderCompliantCriminal sexual abuse/victim cant consent
Ivan G. WilliamsSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16
Ivan Hernandez-RomanSexual PredatorLocation UnknownAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16
Ivan TorresSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim <13
Ivan van JohnsonSexual PredatorCompliantPredatory criminal sexual assault, Violate sex offender registration and Violate sex offender registration act
Jaclyn Roseann PlascenciaNon-verified Child Sex OffenderCompliantIndecent solicitation of a child over the internet
Jacob B. AbramsSexual PredatorCompliantIndecent solicitation of a child over the internet
Jacob L SiemeckNon-verified Adult Sex OffenderCompliantAttempt and Criminal sexual abuse/victim cant consent
Jacqueline A. EptingSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16
Jamal KingSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim <13 and Predatory criminal sexual assault
James C. SanchezSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/weapon
James E. PerezSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim <13
James Edward BunnaSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim <13
James FergusonSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim <13 and Criminal sexual assault/force
James H. GodseySexual PredatorCompliantCriminal sexual assault and Predatory criminal sexual assault
James HaywoodSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim <13
James Michael PoormanSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse
James R. Morton Jr.Sexual PredatorCompliantPredatory criminal sexual assault
James V. CohnNon-verified Child Sex OffenderCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16, Fail to report weekly/no fixed address/2nd, Failure to report a change of address/employment and Violate sex offender registration
Jamie CaraballoSexual PredatorCompliantSexual exploitation of a child/sex act and Sexual exploitation of a child/sex act/2nd
Jason C. HortonSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated child pornography
Jason D. GoldieSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sex abuse/victim 13-18
Jason L. HardingNon-verified Adult Sex OffenderCompliantCriminal sexual abuse force
Jason P. RamanSexual PredatorNon-CompliantChild pornography/film/photos
Jason R BrezichSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/photos
Jason Thomas MingerSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim <13
Jeffrey FarmerSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sex abuse/bodily harm and Aggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16
Jeffrey SampsonSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim <13
Jeremy EscolarSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/photos
Jeremy James LawrenceSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated unlawful restraint
Jerimiah N. PinkermanSexual PredatorCompliantCriminal sexual assault/force
Jerold DenningSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse
Jerry D. SappNon-verified Child Sex OffenderCompliantPredatory criminal sexual assault
Jesse B. GorelSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/photos
Jesse DuckettSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16
Jessie J. DillardSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sex abuse/victim 13-16
Jesus A. LemusSexual PredatorNon-CompliantChild pornography/film/tape/photo
Jesus GarciaSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sex abuse/bodily harm
Jimmy Dale DavisSexual PredatorNon-CompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16
John C. KavanaughSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sex abuse/bodily harm, Failure to report annually/2+ and Sex offender registering/false info
John E PraninskasSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/photos
John P. BenedictSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16
John Robert BossSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sex abuse/victim 13-16 and Criminal sexual assault
John SeymourSexual PredatorCompliantPredatory criminal sexual assault
John T. AndrewsSexual PredatorCompliantPredatory criminal sexual assault
John VanbuskirkSexual PredatorCompliantPredatory criminal sexual assault
Johnny CuraSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/tape/photo and Child pornography/solicit a child to appear
Jon Charles M. GrossmanSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse and Failure to report a change of address/employment
Jonathan LinsanganSexual PredatorCompliantPredatory criminal sexual assault
Jonathan LopezSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim <9
Jose Angel ChapaSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16, Violate sex offender regisistration/2nd and Violate sex offender registration act
Jose E. OrtizSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16
Jose F. LopezSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16
Jose J. TarangoSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse and Aggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim <13
Jose SernaSexual PredatorNon-CompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16
Joseph M. HicksSexual PredatorCompliantPredatory criminal sexual assault
Joseph Michael MootzSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography victim less than 13
Joseph PinsonNon-verified Child Sex OffenderCompliantChild abduction lure a child victim under 17 and Sexual exploitation of a child/sex act/2nd
Joshua E. LebronSexual PredatorCompliantSexual exploitation/expose organs
Joshua M PawchakSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16
Joshua P. VoightSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim <9
Jovanni a MartinezNon-verified Adult Sex OffenderCompliantAttempt and Criminal sexual abuse/victim cant consent
Juan A. CepedaSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse intellectually disabled
Juan D. NunezSexual PredatorNon-CompliantChild pornography and Violate sex offender registration
Juan M. RamosSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse
Juan PerezSexual PredatorNon-CompliantAggravated criminal sexual assault/vic 9-13
Julius M. TurnerSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16
Justin M. WhiteSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated child pornography
Justino MunizSexual PredatorCompliantPredatory criminal sexual assault
Kanard F WatersSexual PredatorCompliantCriminal sexual assault/cant consent
Kanti G KothariSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim <13
Kathy Lynn KasherNon-verified Child Sex OffenderCompliantSexual exploitation of a child/sex act
Kenneth E. WirthSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16
Kenneth FisherNon-verified Adult Sex OffenderCompliantAttempt, Murder with intent to kill or injure and Rape
Kenneth MorrisSexual PredatorNon-CompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16
Kenneth R. DanielSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse and Violate sex offender registration
Kevin CondonSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse
Kevin DavisSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual assault
Kevin EthridgeNon-verified Child Sex OffenderCompliantIndecent solicitation of a child over the internet
Kevin M. UllerySexual PredatorCompliantAggravated child pornography and Grooming
Klause-Jorg EliasSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/photos
Kohlman C. CowgerSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/photos
Korey Allen JurgenaSexual PredatorNon-CompliantPublic indecency/lewd exposure
Kyle D. GoreSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated child pornography
Kyle HillNon-verified Adult Sex OffenderCompliantCriminal sexual abuse force
Kyle JurkovicNon-verified Child Sex OffenderCompliantCriminal sexual abuse force
L. van ThaddeusSexual PredatorNon-CompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 9-16, Aggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim <13, Failure to report a change of address/employment and Failure to report annually/2+
Larry A. MarcotteSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/photos
Larry CarterSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual assault, Felony conviction after 7/1/2011 and Indecent liberties with a child/sex
Laurice GreenSexual PredatorCompliantCriminal sexual assault/force
Lawrence JohnsonSexual PredatorCompliantCriminal sexual assault
Lawrence PatrickSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography
Lee Harris IIISexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual assault/victim 9-13
Lemar BridgesSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sex abuse/victim 13-16, Felony conviction after 7/1/2011 and Violate sex offender registration
Lenell GreenSexual PredatorCompliantCriminal sexual assault/force
Leonard E. HedrickSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/reproduce/sell
Leonard J. WeberSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sex abuse/victim 13-18
Leonard M. WronaSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16
Leroy FulfordSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual assault and Fail to register w/in 3 days of new residence/school
Levi Samuel Kevin CastroSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/photos
Louis A. SchatzSexual PredatorCompliantPredatory criminal sexual assault
Louis FournierSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse, Aggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim <13 and Predatory criminal sexual assault
Luis A. PereiraSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse and Predatory criminal sexual assault
Luis HidesSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16 and Fail to register w/in 3 days of new residence/school
Luis Lee ConcuaSexual PredatorCompliantCriminal sexual assault/force
Luis O. DiazSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim <13 and Aggravated criminal sexual assault
Manuel A. SalazarSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated child pornography
Manuel HerreraSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse and Aggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16
Marcos SotoSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual assault/victim <13
Marcus GrocesleySexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16 and Criminal sexual assault/victim 13-17
Mario HumphriesSexual PredatorCompliantPredatory criminal sexual assault
Mark ChibeSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16 and Failure to report a change of address/employment
Mark E GlowczynskiSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/photos
Mark Joseph HnatSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/photos
Mark L GasparasNon-verified Adult Sex OffenderCompliantCriminal sexual abuse force and Violate sex offender registration
Mark LoveSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16, Aggravated criminal sexual assault, Child sex offender present in a school zone, Fail to register w/in 5 days of new residence/school and Failure to report a change of address/employment
Mark William ManningSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual assault/victim >60
Marquis T. HarrellSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim <9
Marvin JohnsonSexual PredatorCompliantPredatory criminal sexual assault
Mathew RamonesSexual PredatorNon-CompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16
Matthew J. FletcherSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sex abuse/victim 13-18 and Child pornography/film/photos
Matthew S. CaseySexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/photos
Maxie A. RobinsonSexual PredatorCompliantPredatory criminal sexual assault and Violate sex offender registration act
Maximilian R. KirschNon-verified Adult Sex OffenderNon-CompliantCriminal sexual abuse/victim cant consent and Fail to register w/in 5 days of new residence/school
Mazen M. DiamondSexual PredatorCompliantCriminal sexual assault/cant consent
Melissa A. RathSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16
Michael A. JacksonSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/photos
Michael G. WallaceSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/photos
Michael J. MelodySexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/photos and Child pornography/film/tape/photo
Michael J. SzafraniecSexual PredatorCompliantChild abductn/lure a child <16 yrs into vehicle
Michael J. WardSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/photos
Michael James BaddersSexual PredatorCompliantCriminal sexual abuse force and Criminal sexual assault/force
Michael John WendellSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16
Michael KellySexual PredatorCompliantCriminal sexual assault/force, Fail to report weekly/no fixed address/2nd and Failure to report a change of address/employment
Michael S. YoungSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/photos
Michael Steven SimsSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated child pornography
Michael W. HamburgSexual PredatorNon-CompliantAggravated criminal sex abuse/victim 13-16
Michael W. QuigleySexual PredatorCompliantCriminal sexual assault/cant consent and Predatory criminal sexual assault
Miguel AbarcaSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16
Nasser NassriSexual PredatorNon-CompliantCriminal sexual assault/force, Felony conviction after 7/1/2011 and Violate sex offender registration act
Nathan L. PorterSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim <13
Nicholas Robert ByerleySexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography victim less than 13
Oscar SaenzSexual PredatorCompliantPredatory criminal sexual assault
Pablo LeonNon-verified Adult Sex OffenderNon-CompliantCustodial sexual misconduct
Patrick D. WorrallSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/photos
Patrick Earl McGuireNon-verified Adult Sex OffenderCompliantCriminal sexual abuse force
Paul A. PesaventoSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sex abuse/bodily harm
Paul A. SalamonSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse
Paul Gregory WilliamsSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated child pornography
Paul RoeslerSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim <13 and Child pornography/film/photos
Paul T. RaibleySexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/photos
Peter ZabalaSexual PredatorNon-CompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16 and Murder with intent to kill or injure
Peter a VentsiasSexual PredatorCompliantPredatory criminal sexual assault
Ralph BergerSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sex abuse/bodily harm
Randall L. MorganSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16
Randall Wayne LenertSexual PredatorCompliantChild sex offender present in a school zone, Criminal sexual abuse/vic 13-17, Failure to report a change of address/employment, Sex offender registering false info and Violate sex offender registration
Randy J. GomezSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography victim less than 13
Raymond StapinskiSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16
Rebecca Rose TremmelSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim <13
Richard E. CheekSexual PredatorNon-CompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse and Aggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim <13
Richard RheinschmidtSexual PredatorCompliantPredatory criminal sexual assault
Richard Scott MillerSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16
Richard StromSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16
Richard William TigheSexual PredatorCompliantCriminal sexual assault/cant consent and Failure to report a change of address/employment
Ricky Allan NeumanSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim <13
Robert C. SmithSexual PredatorCompliantCriminal sexual assault/victim 13-17
Robert E. MontgomerySexual PredatorNon-CompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim <13
Robert H. YoungNon-verified Child Sex OffenderCompliantIndecent solicitation of a child
Robert J. PasternakSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim <9
Robert James McMillanSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse
Robert M HipshurSexual PredatorCompliantCriminal sexual assault/cant consent and Violate sex offender registration
Robert RedmondSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual assault/victim <13, Felony conviction after 7/1/2011, Predatory criminal sexual assault and Sex offender registering false info
Robert Theodore DannowitzSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/photos
Roberto R. BurnettSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/photos
Roberto T. GutierrezSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16
Rochelle J. RodriguesSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16 and Aggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 9-16
Roderick HamiltonSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16, Fail to register w/in 5 days of new residence/school and Failure to report annually/2+
Roderick J. DavisSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16
Romeo GallegosSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim <13
Ronald L. RadtkeSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16
Ronald RandolphSexual PredatorCompliantPredatory criminal sexual assault
Ronald SchlabachSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual assault/victim <13
Roy J. MillerSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16
Ryan Charles BenckSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16
Ryan William DolanSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sex abuse/victim 13-18
Sam Hamed HatabSexual PredatorNon-CompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16
Samuel MarzetteChild Murderer/MurdererCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/handicap, Aggravated criminal sexual assault, Aggravated criminal sexual assault/weapon and Murder with intent to kill or injure
Scott R. RussellSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16
Sean J. BellmanSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/photos
Sean P BenaitisSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sex abuse/victim 13-16
Shana S. CoxSexual PredatorNon-CompliantAggravated criminal sex abuse/victim 13-16
Shawn a SilakowskiNon-verified Child Sex OffenderCompliantIndecent solicitation of a child, Indecent solicitation of a child<13/assault and Violate sex offender registration
Sheldon Corey OliverNon-verified Adult Sex OffenderNon-CompliantCriminal sexual assault/cant consent, Criminal sexual assault/force, Fail to report weekly/no fixed address/2nd and Sex offender registering/false info
Sidney Edward StokesSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual assault/victim <9
Stanley J. KinnunenSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16
Stephen V. KolasaSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16 and Indecent solicitation of a child
Steven A. JonesSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16 and Failure to report annually/2+
Steven BauerSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/photos
Steven BodemullerSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/photos
Steven George BrooksSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/photos
Steven Lawrence SlyNon-verified Child Sex OffenderCompliantCriminal sexual abuse/vic 13-17 and Violate sex offender registration
Terrance CobbsSexual PredatorCompliantCriminal sexual assault/cant consent and Fail to register w/in 5 days of new residence/school
Terrence Patrick ObrienSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/photos
Tessah MitchellNon-verified Child Sex OffenderCompliantAggravated kidnaping
Thomas KingSexual PredatorCompliantCriminal sexual assault/force
Thomas Michael FeesSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/photos
Thomas W. WatsonSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16
Tiffin MisenerSexual PredatorCompliantCriminal sexual assault/cant consent
Timothey N EasterlingSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16
Timothy WhiteNon-verified Child Sex OffenderCompliantSexual exploitation of a child/sex act
Tina M. GrellSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim <13
Tommie G. AustinSexual PredatorNon-CompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse, Failure to report a change of address/employment, Predatory criminal sexual assault and Violate sex offender registration
Tomure AdamsSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16
Torin J. GearyNon-verified Child Sex OffenderCompliantAttempt and Criminal sexual abuse/victim cant consent
Travis W. JohnsonSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim <9
Troy Raynell RandleSexual PredatorCompliantCriminal sexual abuse and Predatory criminal sexual assault
Tyler D. BarkhurstSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography victim less than 13
Tyray R CooperSexual PredatorCompliantCriminal sexual abuse force and Predatory criminal sexual assault
Verdis CallowaySexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual assault
Vincent Edward CzajkaSexual PredatorCompliantCriminal sexual assault/force, Felony conviction after 7/1/2011 and Violate sex offender registration
Virgilio LopezSexual PredatorLocation UnknownAggravated criminal sex abuse/victim 13-16
Wilbert BrooksSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16
William A. MoodySexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim <9 and Fail to register a new residence/school/2nd+
William Brandon CrudupSexual PredatorNon-CompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16
William C. GriffinSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16
William Leach Jr.Sexual PredatorCompliantPredatory criminal sexual assault
William Roger LindenSexual PredatorNon-CompliantPredatory criminal sexual assault
William S PodwikaSexual PredatorCompliantCriminal sexual assault/force
Yancy M. TylerSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16
Yerardo GutierrezNon-verified Child Sex OffenderCompliantAggravated criminal sexual assault and Murder with intent to kill or injure


Village of CobdenCity of TuscolaCity of DanvilleSpringfield TownshipVillage of MokenaCity of Chicago HeightsCity of WyomingCity of PontiacVillage of DanversVillage of HinsdaleVillage of WoodridgeCity of North ChicagoCity of ClintonVillage of East AltonCity of MarionCity of Rock IslandCity of Des PlainesCity of AnnaVillage of JeromeVillage of BolingbrookBelvidere TownshipCity of Crest HillLemont TownshipCity of East MolineVillage of Elmwood ParkCity of BraidwoodVillage of CahokiaVillage of PlainfieldCity of PrincetonCity of FreeportVillage of New LenoxVillage of Orland ParkCity of RochelleVillage of CowdenVillage of PecatonicaVillage of BeecherVillage of OblongVillage of MidlothianVillage of GorevilleCity of Mt. VernonCity of WaterlooVillage of SandovalVillage of PeotoneCity of GalesburgVillage of Oak LawnVillage of HullVillage of SkokieCity of JolietCity of BloomingtonVillage of MoneeCity of OregonCity of HoopestonCity of PittsfieldVillage of ForrestonCity of Champaign TownshipCity of PaxtonCity of KewaneeCity of JerseyvilleCity of AuroraCity of RockfordCity of BenldCity of Loves ParkVillage of Melrose ParkCity of GeneseoVillage of StegerCity of WaukeganVillage of ElwoodVillage of ManhattanCity of DecaturCity of West ChicagoCity of CentraliaVillage of CrestwoodVillage of WinnebagoCity of AltonCity of OlneyVillage Of Richton ParkCity of AmboyNaperville TownshipVillage Of CaseyvilleCity of HarveyVillage Of InvernessCity of ElmwoodVillage Of ChannahonCity of UrbanaCity of OttawaCity of MendotaCity of GolcondaCity of La SalleCity of EvanstonCity of LincolnVillage Of University ParkVillage Of ShorewoodCity of LockportCrete TownshipTownship Of FrankfortVillage Of Homer GlenCity of MarkhamCity of HerrinCity of MorrisVillage Of Anchor


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