
Will County Gazette

Saturday, February 22, 2025

City of Joliet Zoning Board of Appeals met Nov. 21

Webp 3

Larry E Hug - City Council Member - District 1 | City of Joliet

Larry E Hug - City Council Member - District 1 | City of Joliet

City of Joliet Zoning Board of Appeals met Nov. 21.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:



Present Ed Hennessy, Bob Nachtrieb, Ralph Bias, Brigette Roehr, Jim Riggs and Debbie Radakovich

ALSO PRESENT: Community Development Director Dustin Anderson, Interim Corporation Counsel Todd Lenzie, Planner Jayne Bernhard, Planner Ray Heitner, and Planner Helen Miller

Deputy Public Works Director Sean Mikos arrived at approximately 2:30 P.M.


Zoning Board of Appeals Meeting Minutes 10-17-24

A motion was made by Brigette Roehr, seconded by Ralph Bias, to approve Zoning Board of Appeals Meeting Minutes 10-17-24. The motion carried by the following vote:

Aye: Hennessy, Nachtrieb, Bias, Roehr, Riggs and Radakovich






PETITION 2024-53: A Special Use Permit to allow an automotive repair business, located at 206 S. Boulder Avenue. (COUNCIL DISTRICT #5)

PETITION 2024-54: A Variation to allow an automotive repair business to be located within 100 ft. of a residential zoning district, located at 206 S. Boulder Avenue. (COUNCIL DISTRICT #5)

Planner Jayne Bernhard read the staff report into the record. Petitioner Kamil Szanjnowski appeared on behalf of the petition. Mr. Szanjnowski responded to the Board’s questions about business work performed and access to the property. No one spoke in favor of or in opposition to the petition.

A motion was made by Bob Nachtrieb, seconded by Brigette Roehr, to approve PETITION 2024-53: A Special Use Permit to allow an automotive repair business, located at 206 S. Boulder Avenue. (COUNCIL DISTRICT #5)

PETITION 2024-54: A Variation to allow an automotive repair business to be located within 100 ft. of a residential zoning district, located at 206 S. Boulder Avenue. (COUNCIL DISTRICT #5). The motion carried by the following vote:

Aye: Hennessy, Nachtrieb, Bias, Roehr and Riggs

Nay: Radakovich

PETITION 2024-55: A series of Variations to allow signs that exceed the maximum permitted height and to allow an increase in total sign area for the property, located at 311 N. Ottawa Street. (COUNCIL DISTRICT #5)

Ms. Bernhard read the staff report into the record. Petitioner John Bays and Lino Carrillo with Express Signs & Lighting Maintenance appeared on behalf of the petition. In response to the Board’s questions, there was a brief discussion about sign illumination, tenants, parking, and building renovations. No one spoke in favor of or in opposition to the petition.

A motion was made by Jim Riggs, seconded by Ralph Bias, to approve PETITION 2024-55: A series of Variations to allow signs that exceed the maximum permitted height and to allow an increase in total sign area for the property, located at 311 N. Ottawa Street. (COUNCIL DISTRICT #5). The motion carried by the following vote:

Aye: Hennessy, Nachtrieb, Bias, Roehr, Riggs and Radakovich

PETITION 2024-56: A Special Use Permit to allow community health offices, an R-B (restricted business) use, in an I-1 (light industrial) zoning district, located at 2705 McDonough Street. (COUNCIL DISTRICT #5)

Ms. Bernhard read the staff report into the record. Petitioner Ben Stortz appeared on behalf of the petition. In response to Mr. Bias’s question about building ownership, Mr. Stortz responded. No one spoke in favor of or in opposition to the petition.

A motion was made by Bob Nachtrieb, seconded by Ralph Bias, to approve PETITION 2024-56: A Special Use Permit to allow community health offices, an R-B (restricted business) use, in an I-1 (light industrial) zoning district, located at

2705 McDonough Street. (COUNCIL DISTRICT #5). The motion carried by the following vote:

Aye: Hennessy, Nachtrieb, Bias, Roehr, Riggs and Radakovich

PETITION 2024-57: A series of Variations to reduce the required side yard and corner side yard to allow construction of a new residence, located at 1150 Norley Avenue. (COUNCIL DISTRICT #2)

Ms. Bernhard read the staff report into the record. Gina Hensley appeared on behalf of the petition. In response to the Board’s questions, Ms. Hensley briefly explained the property would be a rental with a basement. No one spoke in favor of or in opposition to the petition.

A motion was made by Ralph Bias, seconded by Bob Nachtrieb, to approve PETITION 2024-57: A series of Variations to reduce the required side yard and corner side yard to allow construction of a new residence, located at 1150 Norley Avenue. (COUNCIL DISTRICT #2). The motion carried by the following vote:

Aye: Hennessy, Nachtrieb, Bias, Roehr, Riggs and Radakovich

PETITION 2024-58: A Variation of Use to allow a contractor shop, a B-3 (general business) use, in an R-2 (single-family residential) zoning district, located at the Southwest Corner of Woodruff Road and McKay Street. (COUNCIL DISTRICT #4)

Ms. Bernhard read the staff report into the record. Petitioner James Foster appeared on behalf of the petition. In response to the Board’s questions, Mr. Foster briefly described the house and contractor shop site plans. No one spoke in favor of the petition. Birdie Wright and Anna J. Shelby, area residents, spoke in opposition to the petition. Mr. Foster briefly discussed rental trailers on the property.

A motion was made by Ralph Bias, seconded by Brigette Roehr, to approve PETITION 2024-58: A Variation of Use to allow a contractor shop, a B-3 (general business) use, in an R-2 (single-family residential) zoning district, located at the Southwest Corner of Woodruff Road and McKay Street. (COUNCIL DISTRICT #4). The motion carried by the following vote:

Aye: Hennessy, Nachtrieb, Bias, Roehr, Riggs and Radakovich






A motion was made by Ralph Bias, seconded by Debbie Radakovich, to approve adjournment. The motion carried by the following vote:

Aye: Hennessy, Nachtrieb, Bias, Roehr, Riggs and Radakovich
