
Will County Gazette

Saturday, February 22, 2025

City of Crest Hill City Council met Oct. 28

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Mayor Ray Soliman | City of Crest Hill

Mayor Ray Soliman | City of Crest Hill

City of Crest Hill City Council met Oct. 28.

Here is the agenda provided by the council:

The October 28, 2024, City Council work session was called to order by Mayor Raymond R. Soliman at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers, 20600 City Center Blvd. Crest Hill, Will County, Illinois.

The following Council members were present: Mayor Raymond Soliman, City Clerk Christine Vershay-Hall, City Treasurer Glen Conklin, Alderman Scott Dyke, Alderwoman Jennifer Methvin, Alderman Darrell Jefferson, Alderwoman Claudia Gazal, Alderperson Tina Oberlin, Alderman Mark Cipiti, Alderman Nate Albert, Alderman Joe Kubal.

Also Present were: Interim Administrator Tony Graff, City Attorney Mike Stiff

Absent were: Police Chief Ed Clark, Interim Finance Director Erica Waggoner, City Engineer Ron Wiedeman, Interim Public Works Director Mike Eulitz, Interim Employee Relations Dave Strahl, Interim Community Development Director Ron Mentzer, Building Commissioner Don Seeman.

TOPIC: Resolution Eliminating the Position of Public Works Administrative Assistant Previously held by Adalberta Martino

City Attorney Mike Stiff commented that at the last meeting there was a resolution in the packet with reference to the promotion of Adalberta to the newly created position, but we did not have the newly created position. Also, with that, there was a separate resolution needed to eliminate the old position and that would be an additional resolution that was not in the packet at the last meeting.

Before the Council is the resolution that was tabled last week and the other resolution eliminating the administrative position in Public Works, which is the only budgeted administrative position and language was added to state this does not affect any other administrative assistant position in any other department.

In this order at the next meeting there will be the creation of the new position and once approved you will then approve the promotion to the newly created position and then the third resolution would be the elimination of the Administrative Assistant position that was previously held by Adalberta Martino.

Mayor Soliman asked for an informal vote for the recommendation for the resolution.

AYES: Ald. Dyke, Methvin, Gazal, Oberlin, Kubal.

NAYES: Ald. Jefferson, Cipiti.

ABSTAIN: Ald. Albert.


Alderman Cipiti commented that he voted no because he feels the restructuring should not be taking place until we have a full-time permanent Public Works Director to have input on these changes.

Alderman Albert commented that he voted to abstain since he is not in support of eliminating an assistant position and down the road, we will need that and have to create it again. He also commented to have a budgeted position that is not filled for some time would be fine with him.

TOPIC: An Ordinance Repealing the Position of Assistant Director of Public Works as Codified in Sections 2.50.050 and 2.50.060 of Chapter 2.50(Director of Public Works; Public Works Department) of Title 2(Administration and Personnel) of the City of Crest Hill Code of Ordinance and Creating the Position of Assistant Director of Public Works to Replace Sections 2.50.050 and 2.50.060 and Amending Section 2.50.070 to Include the Newly Creating Position within the Supervision of the Director of Public Works

Attorney Stiff commented that this would repeal the Assistant Director of Public Works position and replace those sections that included that job description with Assistant to the Director of Public Works.

He then commented that you can simply amend the job description if needed rather than having everything in ordinance. The job description is whatever the job description is at the time and the salary will be amended as well and set by the Council. He then commented that he also changed and referenced section 2.50.070 regarding the supervision of employees, and it used to say in addition to the Public Works Department employees shall be supervised by the Director of Public Works and it listed the Building Commissioner and Building Inspector which is now under the Community Development Director instead of Public Works.

It was also mentioned that certain employees, like union employees, will need to be managed by the Director of Public Works, which is why the word management was added.

Attorney Stiff mentioned that we still have on the books the Director of City Services position and the Director of Water and Wastewater, which has been vacant for some time. He then asked the Council if they wanted to leave those positions on the books or eliminate them like they eliminated the administrative assistant position. There is no harm with the positions sitting there vacant, but it is the Council's wishes. He then commented that after talking with Interim Administrator Tony Graff and Interim Public Works Director Mike Eulitz it was best to leave it on the books since it was management positions, and they are not budgeted.

Alderwoman Gazal does not feel we should eliminate these positions and mentioned that we keep making changes without having department heads. She also stated that what we are doing right now is an emergency since Adalberta is doing the work of two people.

Alderwoman Gazal also commented that she heard from Interim Administrator Graff that Adalberta would like to take a water class and Alderwoman Gazal commented that we need to focus on the position she is getting, which is why we are giving the promotion since she is doing work, she inherited that she was not doing previously.

Alderperson Oberlin commented that she does not see anywhere in there that there is no overtime or compensation time, and the Council was specific about that. Attorney Stiff commented that in the ordinance on page two section 2.50.050 stated position of the Assistant to the Director of Public Works is created and shall be exempt and an at-will position and will be a salaried employee and not entitled to overtime or compensation time.

Alderperson Oberlin commented that she would like it in the job description and was told that the job description states it is an exempt position and the ordinance, which trumps the job description, states no overtime or compensation time. Attorney Stiff also commented that after talking to Interim Manager Dave Strahl regarding the job description it was stated that a job description should not be tinkered with. Alderperson Oberlin then commented that this should also be discussed with the person getting the position. Attorney Stiff commented that it needs to be made clear with the person taking the position. Alderwoman Gazal asked Interim Administrator Graff if it was discussed with Adalberta, and it was stated that it was discussed.

Interim Administrator Graff commented that in the employee handbook there is a definition of exempt employee, and it reiterates that exempt employees are salary and do not get overtime or compensation time. Alderperson Oberlin commented that there have been other exempt employees in the past that did receive overtime and/or compensation time and that is why she is trying to be crystal clear.

Alderwoman Gazal commented that for the record Adalberta will not be getting a car since it is not Blaine's position and it is a different position, correct? Interim Administrator Graff commented that he knows she does need to drive a car when she has to go places. Alderwoman Gazal commented that she understands that, but the car should not be taken home like Blaine did. Interim Administrator Graff commented that he did not talk to Interim Public Works Director Mike Eulitz about the car, but he will, and Alderwoman Gazal commented that Interim Public Works Director Mike Eulitz does not make decisions.

Attorney Stiff commented that they need to make sure that Interim Public Works Director Mike Eulitz has not discussed this issue with Adalberta or that she has not asked for it and if it has been discussed then she needs to understand that it is not going to be provided. Alderperson Oberlin commented that there should be no car with this position, and she cannot believe anyone would think they would get a car.

Alderman Jefferson asked if the new created position was posted for qualified applicants to apply for? Attorney Stiff commented that the position does not even exist yet. Alderman Jefferson commented that if we are creating a position, he has read that public positions using taxpayer dollars must be publicly advertised. He also commented that he sent an email to Springfield and is waiting on an answer because if that is true then we need to advertise the position. Interim Administrator Graff commented that he is not aware of that law and the Council is allowed to create positions and give promotions for new positions without advertising the position.

Alderman Dyke commented that in the past there was postings regarding positions and an employee from another department could apply for that position being posted. He also commented that where he works any job that becomes open is posted for anyone to apply for and he feels we should post this position. Interim Administrator Graff commented that he would agree but this is a promotion within the department. Alderman Jefferson commented that it is a creation and not a promotion, which is a big difference. Alderwoman Gazal commented that it is not a promotion, it is a creation.

Alderperson Oberlin commented that she believes it is legal to do but we still need to check the legality, and we have done it in the past. Alderman Jefferson commented that just because it was done in the past does not make it right and if it was done in the past then we need to go back and strip the person that received it in the past incorrectly. He then commented that there is a certain way you have to deal with things when it comes to taxpayer dollars, and he wants to make sure his name is not attached to anything that is wrong. Attorney Stiff commented that he will reach out to Attorney John Kelly and circulate a confidential email to the Council with Attorney John Kellys legal opinion.

Mayor Soliman asked for an informal vote repealing Assistant Director of Public Works.

AYES: Ald. Kubal, Oberlin, Gazal, Methvin.

NAYES: Ald. Cipiti, Jefferson, Dyke.

ABSTAIN: Ald. Albert.


Alderman Albert commented again that he does not agree with eliminating a position in case we need someone to step into the roll of Public Works Director and we should just have the position there and not budget for it. He then commented that we need an individual with the credentials to do the water testing and things that they are responsible for.

Mayor Soliman commented that he would vote yes with the recommendation of the City Attorney to keep this moving forward to the November 4, 2024, meeting.

TOPIC: An Ordinance Amending Sections 2.40.010 (Reference; Duties Generally), 2.40.020 (Salary), 2.40.030(Office Created; Appointment), 2.40.040(Qualifications for Appointment), and 2.40.050(Duties) of Chapter 2.40(Building Commissioner; Zoning Officer) of Title 2(Administration and Personnel) of the City of Crest Hill Code of Ordinances

City Attorney Mike Stiff commented doing what we did in the Public Works side, where we have the ordinance that repeals the Assistant Director position and creates the Assistant to the Director position and clarifies who reports to who. After looking this over, Interim Community Development Director Ron Mentzer noticed that the Building Commissioner and Building Inspector are listed as reporting to Public Works.

Attorney Stiff then pointed out Interim Director Mentzer's recommendations for changes on pages 23 through 26. Interim Director Mentzer is recommending removing (c) Building Department under 2.50.020, and (H) and (I) in 2.50.030 under Director of Public Works, Duties. He then recommended removing the language of the Building Commissioner and Building Inspector under 2.50.070 Supervision of Employees and the Building Department in 2.50.090 under Director of City Services: Duties.

It was stated that these recommendations from Interim Director Mentzer were before the Council when he wanted to restructure the Economic and Community Development Department but was voted down.

Attorney Stiff commented that agenda items three and four are clean-up items and the Council does not have to approve these items and if you choose to discuss them more they can.

Mayor Soliman asked for an informal vote for Section 2.40 for the Building Commissioner and Zoning.

This vote will make all Interim Director Mentzer's changes that are redlined.

AYES: Ald. Gazal, Methvin, Dyke, Oberlin, Cipiti, Kubal.

NAYES: None.

ABSTAIN: Ald. Jefferson, Albert.


TOPIC: An Ordinance Amending Sections 2.50.010 (Department of Public Works; Created), 2.50.030 (Director of Public Works; Duties), and 2.50.090 (Director of City Services; Duties) of Chapter 2.50 (Director of Public Works; Public Works Department) of Title 2 (Administration and Personnel) of the City of Crest Hill Code of Ordinances

City Attorney Mike Stiff commented that he found some changes in Chapter 2.50.030 Director of Public Works; Duties letter (C) stating that the Director of Public Works shall be deemed the head of all subordinate departments but if you look at 2.50.090 Director of City Services; Duties states that the Director of City Services shall be the head of the Street Department. Attorney Stiff then asked if they want the Director of City Services to be the head of the Street Department or the Public Works Department to be the head of the Street Department?

He then asked if you look under 2.50.030 letter (F) it states the Public Works Director shall be making recommendations to the Council on matters pertaining to subdivision regulations and annexations and wondered if that is how the Council wants it to remain, and he flagged that for Interim Director Mentzer to answer, as well.

Letter (H) of the same section states that the Director of Public Works shall administer all citations relating to all violations as described in the city Code of Ordinances and the City Zoning Ordinance. Attorney Stiff then commented that Interim Director Mentzer's recommendations were to remove zoning from the Public Works Director since zoning is handled under Community & Economic Development/Building Department.

Letter (0) of the same section states the Director of Public Works shall direct budget preparation and expenditure of agency appropriations; making recommendations to the Director of Public Works and Attorney Stiff commented that he does not know why the Director of Public Works would be making recommendations to themself and feels it should be the City Administrator and it needs to be clarified who the Public Works Director is reporting to.

Alderperson Oberlin asked Treasurer Conklin when someone makes recommendations about changes in funding in human resources allocation would come through the Finance Department. Treasurer Conkin commented that normally the City Administrator would be involved, and suggestions would come from department heads.

Attorney Stiff commented that if we change Letter (0) to the City Administrator and put Public Works Director in charge of the Street Department, we should defer to Interim Director Mentzer regarding Letter (F) and Letter (H) to decide if we should strike them or leave them.

Mayor Soliman asked for an informal vote for ordinance amending 2.50.

This would be to make the changes recommended by Interim Director Mentzer on pages 23-25, the redlined version plus the amendments that were highlighted in yellow on pages 29-30.

AYES: Ald. Oberlin, Cipiti, Kubal, Methvin, Dyke.

NAYES: None.

ABSTAIN: Ald. Albert, Gazal, Jefferson.


Alderman Albert commented again that we are restructuring when we do not have a permanent Public Works Director, permanent Economic Development Director, permanent City Administrator, and redoing ordinance on how the city should be laid out and none of this makes sense, which is why he will continue to abstain.

TOPIC: An Ordinance Amending Section 2.72.040(Membership, Compensation) of Chapter 2.72 (Civil Service Commission) of Title 2 (Administration and Personnel) of the City of Crest Hill Code of Ordinances

Attorney Mike Stiff commented that he made the changes requested of him, which are in the packet pages 32 through 34 and he did get rules of the Civil Service Commission from Attorney John Kelly.

The ordinance before the Council increases the pay to the amount the Plan Commission commissioners receive and they would receive a certain number of excused absences for which you would be paid and since the Civil Service Commission has less meetings than the Plan Commission they are allowed one absence, which was the consensus of the Council. It was stated that the Chairperson would get $60.00 per meeting that is attended, and Commissioners would receive $50.00 per meeting that is attended. Attorney Stiff asked if the Council would like to add the language stating removal could be considered if there is a certain number of absences in a calendar year.

It was then told that the Council is free to set any compensation whether it be an amount you would like to set per meeting or annual salary, and this was confirmed by Attorney John Kelly.

Alderman Cipiti asked to clarify if a per meeting attended basis would change the existing format where they are paid monthly regardless of if there is a meeting or not. Attorney Stiff commented on accounting purposes it may be better to issue a check every month or bi- monthly if they attend the meeting.

Alderman Cipiti commented that he had requested information that would be very enlightening to the Council, and he started with 2021. He also commented that the record keeping was very poor and there are missing minutes and typos throughout and inconsistencies with posting agendas.

He then said in 2021 all six meetings were canceled but they did however have four special meetings, and the commissioners were paid sixteen times that year for only attending four special meetings. He then broke down compensation and meetings, which were:

Commissioner #1 attended three of the four meetings and was compensated $560.00 that year.

Commissioner #2 attended two meetings that year and was compensated $520.00 that year.

Commissioner #3 attended three meetings that year and was compensated $700.00 that year.

He then commented that one of the meetings lasted five minutes and the other meeting that had minutes lasted twenty-two minutes. He also commented that the total amount of minutes for the year 2021 was less than one hour.

In 2022 all six Civil Service meetings were cancelled but they did have five special meetings.

Commissioner #1 attended three meetings and was compensated $600.00 that year.

Commissioner #2 attended three meetings and was compensated $600.00 that year.

Commissioner #3 attended four meetings and was compensated $800.00 that year.

In 2023 four of the six regular meetings were conducted and four special meetings; this is uncertain how many meetings were attended since minutes are missing.

Commissioner #1 was compensated for a total of $560.00 that year. Commissioner #2 was compensated for a total of $560.00 that year. Commissioner #3 was compensated for a total of $700.00 that year.

In 2024 five regular meetings were canceled and they had two special meetings. The special meetings were in the same month as the regular meetings that were canceled.

Commissioner #1 attended two meetings and was compensated $440.00 this year.

Commissioner #2 attended two meetings and was compensated $440.00 this year.

Commissioner #3 attended two meetings and was compensated $570.00 this year.

Alderman Cipiti commented that the two meetings in 2024 lasted a total of twenty-nine minutes which one of those meetings lasted eight minutes. He then asked the Council to think about all this when they move forward with the Civil Service discussion.

Alderperson Oberlin thanked Alderman Cipiti for all his research and commented when the Council meeting gets canceled, they do not get paid, so she does not understand paying people for not showing up.

Treasurer Conklin commented that they should be doing what the Council does and have a sign-in sheet that they would need to sign at each meeting to get paid and this sheet should be turned into the Clerk's Office.

Alderman Jefferson commented that there is a provision in the law that is called double dipping, and this is provision of this and can be a felony for anything over $500.00 which needs to be pursued with law enforcement. He also suggested that we need to look into a new audit firm since none of this has ever been caught and addressed.

Alderman Cipiti commented that as a Council we had no idea to know how the Civil Service Commission was being paid and managed but there are people at City Hall who do know that is the way it was being done.

Clerk Vershay-Hall commented that she does have a sign-in sheet for Civil Service Members and will be attending the meeting tomorrow morning to inform them that they will now need to sign in just like the Council does.

Alderman Albert commented that he thought the ordinance read that they technically get paid monthly. Attorney Stiff commented that the ordinance is written that they get paid monthly based on six meetings a year, which means if you have zero meetings a year, you will still get paid monthly. Alderman Albert commented then address the revision we have here tonight to change that.

Alderman Albert asked who is responsible for calling these meetings and Attorney Stiff asked if there is any reason as to why every meeting was canceled and special meetings set?

Treasurer Conklin commented that if they are paid monthly and that is their salary, then it is what it is, and they will get paid for a special meeting too. He then commented that when a special meeting is called, he believes there are instances when it is a matter of approving a list or a list creation because there is a certain timeframe when the list is created and when it goes stale.

It was then asked again who calls the meetings. Interim Administrator Graff commented that Human Resources usually calls meetings when they are forming a list and working with department heads, and they need to have these lists for the employees. These lists are good for two years and then they expire. He also commented that Civil Service also manages the interviews when the list is created, and the last list is thirty candidates. The Civil Service even reviews the test results of the candidates.

Alderwoman Gazal asked who controls all this on who passed the test because this could be why there are so many family members working here. Interim Administrator Graff commented that the tests are given, and the results are calculated in an open meeting. He then commented that the chairperson can appoint an examiner who is acting as a secretary/ex-officio. Currently, the examiner is Interim Human Resources Manger Dave

Strahl. Treasurer Conklin commented that the tests are taken at an independent facility like Joliet Junior College. He then commented that when the question is asked why many people are related, that is generally because when someone likes their job, it is a good job that person tends to tell their friends and family. Alderwoman Gazal asked why some people get to the top of the list.

Alderperson Oberlin commented that she thought we passed an ordinance about anti- nepotism. Attorney Stiff commented that he believes it is in the manual. Alderwoman Gazal then asked if we have anti-nepotism then how did we just hire another family member last week. Attorney Stiff commented that he is not aware of that. Alderperson Oberlin commented that someone here keeps doing it. Alderman Albert asked if this person was hired from the list, and he was told they were not on the list. Alderwoman Gazal was asked who she was talking about, and she commented that it is the new part-time person. She then mentioned the name and the relationship in the city. Alderwoman Gazal then commented that she found out that Tony Halaska is her boss, and she was unaware that Tony is a supervisor now. Interim Administrator Graff commented that he is not her boss, and he is just providing directions, and her boss is the Public Works Director.

Attorney Stiff then commented that there is also no direct supervision of related people. Alderwoman Gazal then commented that we are now going to give a management position to someone, and they are going to supervise two of her family members.

Treasurer Conklin commented that he will have Interim Administrator Graff find out if there is any family relation and he would suggest that they call the meeting to order and get back on track which is setting the wage for Civil Service.

Alderman Jefferson asked if a municipality law can supersede a state statute? Attorney Stiff commented that in a non-home rule community they can only do what legislature specifically allows them. Alderman Jefferson would like the ordinance looked at because it seems to be written like it supersedes the law.

Mayor Soliman commented that the Civil Service always moves down the list with number one and then moves to number two unless there is a reason why they cannot be chosen. He then suggested that we bring in the Police Chief since they deal more frequently with the Civil Service and bring in the Human Resource Manager as well.

Mayor Soliman then commented that we need to be considerate of the members of the board and if there is no pay involved then it will be very difficult to fill those positions.

Treasurer Conklin commented that the Civil Service will be here until we reach 25,000 in population or pass a referendum.

Alderman Cipiti asked who would be the one to decide if a commissioner misses too many meetings and will be removed. It was stated that it would be the mayor, and he would bring it to the Council or put the commissioner on probation, but it should come before the Council.

Alderman Albert asked what happens when there are only three commissioners and two are not there. It was then stated that there is no quorum, and the meeting is not held.

Alderperson Oberlin asked if anyone had a problem with allowing three absences and there were no objections. She then commented that they will only get paid for meetings they attend.

Mayor Soliman asked for an informal vote for three absences per year and they only receive compensation for the meetings they attend. It was clarified that the commissioners would be allowed one absence in a calendar year to still get paid but if they have three absences in a calendar year, they are subject to be removed from the commission.

City Clerk Christine Vershay-Hall was asked if the Clerk's Office attends the meetings or does the minutes, and it was stated that they do not. They are only given the minutes if someone from the Civil Service sends them the minutes. Clerk Vershay-Hall then commented that if they would like the Clerk to attend the meetings and record the meetings, she can do that so there is a better handle with what is going on.

Alderperson Oberlin commented that she thought the Clerk's Office was the keeper of records and they should have these minutes. Clerk Vershay-Hall commented that it is correct, but we cannot store the records if we are not given them.

It was discussed that Human Resources was always managing the Civil Service duties, such as agendas and minutes. Alderman Cipiti commented that he talked to Interim Human Resource Manager Dave Strahl, and he was told that Interim Manager Strahl was not really given direction on what he was to do or not do.

Mayor Soliman asked for an informal vote for agenda item #5, as presented.

Alderman Cipiti asked if the Council could be notified when a Commissioner reaches the third absence of the calendar year. Attorney Stiff commented that we can put that language in the ordinance but who is going to tell the Council that information? Alderwoman Gazal commented that the information can go to the Clerk's Office and the Clerk's Office can notify the Council. Attorney Stiff then asked who are you putting this on and who are we putting in the ordinance to report to the Council because if no one is listed to report, then no one will report since they do not know they are to report to the Council.

Interim City Administrator Graff commented that Civil Service Act covers all of these questions, and they are separate governing bodies, and they must keep all records. If a FOIA comes in it will go to the Civil Service since they are a keeper of all their records. The person that Civil Service has, which is the Secretary/Ex-Officio, will take the minutes which Interim Manager Strahl has been doing.

Alderperson Oberlin commented that she understands what the interim administrator is saying but the City of Crest Hill's Clerk is the keeper of all records. Attorney Stiff commented that it is not necessarily true with Civil Service, but the Act itself states the Civil Service Commission is responsible for keeping their own minutes and records separate and apart from the Clerk. It does not mean that the Clerk cannot have copies but the Act states that the Civil Service Commission records are kept by the Ex-Officio Officer who apparently is Interim Manager Strahl. If a FOIA comes for Civil Service, it is to go to Interim Manager Strahl and not the Clerk's Office.

Treasurer Conklin commented that the Police Pension Board is a separate entity, and they post their agenda and the Clerk's Office is not expected or required to attend and they keep their own minutes. Alderperson Oberlin asked if the Clerk receives copies of their minutes. Treasurer Conklin commented that it is not required.

Alderwoman Gazal commented that the Clerk's Office attends the Plan Commission, what is the difference? Interim Administrator Graff commented that the Plan Commission is not a separate entity, they are advisory to the City Council.

Treasurer Conklin commented that the Plan Commission is of the city and the Police Pension Board, and the Civil Service Commission is outside the city.

Alderperson Oberlin then asked if we could put the Ex-Officio in the ordinance to come to the Council when a commissioner has missed three meetings in a calendar year.

It was discussed that payroll should report to the Council when a commissioner has three missed meetings in a calendar year, with the Clerk's Office as backup.

Clerk Vershay-Hall asked if they would like to have the attendance sheet of the Civil Service meetings turned into the Clerk's Office and then we forward it to payroll just as we do for the Council regular and work session meetings. It was decided that it would be the easiest solution.

Mayor Soliman asked again for the informal vote.

AYES: Ald. Cipiti, Albert, Dyke, Methvin, Jefferson, Gazal, Oberlin.

NAYES: None.

ABSTAIN: Ald. Kubal


Alderwoman Gazal commented for the record that she was not aware of everything that Alderman Cipiti brought forward tonight and does not want to be held accountable for any legal issues since she was not aware of anything until tonight.

Treasurer Conklin commented for the record that the Civil Service Commissioners had a salary in which they were paid, and they were compensated for special meetings they attended.


There were no public comments.


Mayor Soliman announced that he was informed by the Police Chief that there will be two liquor licenses coming before the Council once it goes through the process. One will be the Shell Gas Station on the corner of Renwick and Weber Road, which was sold to another entity. The other liquor license is for a Latin Bar and Dance Club in the old Subway on the corner of Route 53 and Stern Avenue. He did inform the Council that it has come in as a tavern license with a dance club and it will need to be voted on by the City Council and

they were advised that we do not have any tavern licenses available at the time they started their liquor license.

Alderwoman Methvin commented not in her backyard. Alderperson Oberlin commented that that little space is too small for a club. Mayor Soliman commented that it would need to be voted on by the Council.

COMMITTEE/LIAISON UPDATES: There were no committee/liaison updates.

CITY ADMINISTRATOR UPDATES: There were no city administrator updates.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:56 pm.
