
Will County Gazette

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Village of Crete President and Board of Trustees met Oct. 28

Webp 2

Michael Einhorn, Village President | Village of Crete

Michael Einhorn, Village President | Village of Crete

Village of Crete President and Board of Trustees met Oct. 28.

Here is the agenda provided by the board:

Clerk Bachert opened the meeting on October 28, 2024 with the Roll Call at 7:04 p.m.

The following were present in the municipal building: Trustees Steve Bruns, Stephen Johnson, Holly Milburn, John Phelan, Katrina Seifert and Mark Wiater. President Michael Einhorn was absent. A quorum was present.

Also in attendance: Administrator Michael Smith, Police Chief Scott Pieritz, Planning and Zoning Chairperson Karen Tellef, Supt. of Public Works Justin Pancrazio and Videographer Nick Borrell.

A motion was made to appoint Mark Wiater as President Pro Tem for the board meeting.

Motion: Trustee Holly Milburn

Second: Trustee Stephen Johnson

Ayes (6) Trustees Bruns, Johnson, Milburn, Phelan, Seifert, Wiater

Nays (0) none

Absent (1) President Einhorn

Abstain (0) none

Motion declared carried.


President Pro Tem Mark Wiater called to order the regular board meeting of the President and the Board of Trustees of the Village of Crete on Monday, October 28, 2024, at 7:05 p.m. and led those assembled in the Village of Crete Municipal Building, 524 W. Exchange St, Crete, Illinois in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.


Visitors are always welcome to all public meetings of the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Crete. Interested parties wishing to speak should identify their intent to speak, they then may give their name and where they reside if they so choose and then make their comment. Persons may also provide their address privately to the Village Clerk if they so choose; persons are advised that addresses are considered private information under the Freedom of Information Act and thus are exempt from disclosure pursuant to any Freedom of Information Act request. However, to give proper consideration to all items on the agenda, the President has the authority to limit participants in debates and will close repetitive or abusive remarks. In addition, public comment rules are posted in the board room.

No remarks were made.

APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Special orders


All items on the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine in nature and will be enacted in one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a board member so requests, in which event, the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and will be considered separately.

Approval of Minutes: Regular Board Meeting - October 14, 2024 Approval of Bills October 14, 2024 thru October 25, 2024 Ratification of Payroll - Bi-weekly payroll ending October 16, 2024

A motion was made to move to the Consent Agenda New Business Item # 2: Resolution 2024-738: A Resolution authorizing the Village of Crete to hold their annual Christmas Parade on Illinois Route #1 on Saturday, December 7th, 2024 from 5:30 p.m. until 7:30 p.m.

Motion: Trustee John Phelan

Second: Trustee Holly Milburn

Ayes (6) Trustees Bruns, Johnson, Milburn, Phelan, Seifert, Wiater

Nays (0) none

Absent (1) President Einhorn

Abstain (0) none

Motion declared carried.

In accordance with an opinion from the Illinois Attorney General's Office, President Pro Tem Mark Wiater read aloud the items as listed for approval prior to action being taken on the Consent Agenda with brief explanations.

A motion was made to approve the Unanimous Consent Agenda with the addition of New Business Item #2, Resolution 2024-738: A Resolution authorizing the Village of Crete to hold their annual Christmas Parade on Illinois Route #1 on Saturday, December 7th, 2024 from 5:30 p.m. until 7:30 p.m.

Motion: Trustee Stephen Johnson


Second: Trustee Steve Bruns

Ayes (6) Trustees Bruns, Johnson, Milburn, Phelan, Seifert, Wiater

Nays (0) none

Absent (1) President Einhorn

Abstain (0) none

Motion declared carried


Public Health - Trustee Katrina Seifert – no report

Water Department - Trustee Stephen Johnson - no report

Road and Bridge - Trustee Steve Bruns - no report

Building and Grounds - Trustee John Phelan - no report

Finance, License and Ordinance - Trustee Mark Wiater - no report

Public Safety - Trustee Holly Milburn

Along with Trustee Wiater, Trustee Milburn attended a Traffic Incident Meeting which was a 4 hour class last week. Trustee Milburn commended Emergency Management for holding the class.

Police and Fire Commissioners will not be attending the annual seminar this year due to budget restraints.

Trustee Milburn attended an informational meeting for village residents regarding lead service line replacement. The Village received a grant to start replacing old lead service lines and work is scheduled to begin in the next few months. President Michael Einhorn - absent; no report


Village Administrator - Michael Smith

Reported attending a meeting with the Will County Center for Economic Development about the 1100 acre CSX property on the south end of town. They are vetting properties for possible mega site designation.

Attended an education summit with IRMA, the Village's risk management group. He will recommend department heads attend the class in the coming year.

Police Department - Chief Scott Pieritz - Report Submitted

Training: Sgt. Young is attending Northwestern Police Staff and Command (10) week training program, hosted by Dyer Indiana Police Department. The School of Police Staff & Command (SPSC) is an intensive leadership and management education program that helps prepare experienced law enforcement professionals for success in senior command positions. It is the only program of its kind offered by a Top Ten-ranked university. Sgt. Young's schedule rotates from (2) weeks in class, to (2) weeks back on street, until completion of the class. The police department attempts to send all sergeants to this training program. Officer Stokes will complete STEP 2 of Field Training in the next week, and enter (4) weeks of STEP 3 training. He is doing very well. Officer Niemeyer is about half way through his (16) week police academy training, and doing well.

Projects: The police department has some building projects in the near future. Plans are: replacing the force room carpet, with padded matting; replacing the stair floor/covering to the back staircase inside building; replacing the front door concrete stairs and ramp leading up to the PD building.

Traffic Enforcement: Traffic enforcement is a priority of the department. In addition, Deputy Chief Groszek and Chief Pieritz are personally conducting traffic enforcement in specific resident complaint areas.

Fallen State Trooper: The Crete Police Department offers condolences and support to the family and friends of Illinois State Trooper Corey S. Thompsen Badge #7081 who was killed in the line of duty after being involved in a car accident while on patrol. Our police department sent an officer to pay respects at the service on Saturday October 26th, 2024.

Chief's report continued:

Facebook Posts:

Failed SAFE-T-ACT: (See Facebook Post from "McHenry County State's Attorney Office'- in reference to SAFE-T-ACT) recent relative information on the fallout from the poorly crafted and implemented Safe-T-Act, concerning the cashless bond system. Chief Pieritz feels this is just the beginning of the negative impact this will have on Illinois residents. The Crete Police Department (and the residents of Crete) are being impacted by this law. CPD routinely arrest and issue NTA's (notice to appear) to felons committing crimes in our jurisdiction. This includes repeat offenders of vehicle pursuits, stolen vehicles, burglaries to vehicles, businesses, and residential homes, possession of controlled substances WITH intent to deliver (meaning selling to your kids) Not only is this a "catch and release" process that puts them back on the street, when they don't show up to court, warrants are not automatically being issued. This law empowers criminals and creates safety and security issues to the public. Chief doesn't care what side of the political spectrum you are on, this provision of the Safe-T-Act is dangerous and a problem for all citizens of Illinois. Encourages everyone to voice their concerns to their legislatures and support repealing or amending this portion of the law.

Big thanks to Barb Dorman on donation of candy for our Halloween community events and shampoo, conditioner, and lotion for officers on the department.

Police Community Event: Coffee with a Cop at The Mixing Bowl (1375 Benton St.) From 8:00 am to 10:00 am on Tuesday October 29th.

The police department participated in the Crete Park District's Trick or Treat Trail on Saturday October 26th at Heritage Park

Trick or Treat Hours in Village on October 31 from 3pm to 7pm

Fire Department - Administrator Neal Haemker - absent; no report

Superintendent of Public Works - Justin Pancrazio - Report submitted

Building Department - Building Inspector Mike Smith - Report submitted

Code Enforcement - Code Enforcement Supervisor Ryan Allison - absent; no report

Fire & Police Commission - Jim McPhee - absent; no report

EMA - Ryan Allison - absent; no report

Animal Control/Code Enforcement Officer - Katelyn Tieri - absent; no report

Planning Commission - Karen Tellef - absent; no report

Heritage & Architecture Commission - Phyllis Monks - absent; no report

Media Consultant - Nick Borrell

Will attend the Mixing Bowl Coffee with a cop event.

Will be taking videos/pictures of the various trick or treat events in the Village.

Mentioned a video highlighting a cookie contest with Village Department heads. The cookie bake off contest will begin November 1st with the Mixing Bowl Bakery sponsoring the event. Departments competing are Police, Fire, EMA and Public Works.



A thank you note was received from the Peterson family for the floral plant sent to them at the time of Steger Village President Ken Peterson's passing.


1. Ordinance No. 2024-22: HonoraryStreetNamingOrinance.doc to be voted upon to establish program. Board action may be taken.

Trustee Phelan suggested the street naming program for the Village. Fees charged per sign will offset the costs. The ordinance has been submitted to compare to Waukegan, Illinois policy.

A motion was made to authorize the establishment of an Honorary Street Naming Ordinance allowing for three street sign designations per calendar year as set by the Village Staff.

Motion: Trustee Katrina Seifert


Second: Trustee Steve Bruns

Ayes (6) Trustees Bruns, Johnson, Milburn, Phelan, Seifert, Wiater

Nays (0) none

Absent (1) President Einhorn

Abstain (0) none

Motion declared carried

2. Consideration/discussion for the HonoraryStreetNamingApplication.pdf - Exhibit A for the ordinance listed above. Board action may be taken.

No action taken at this time.

3. Consideration/discussion for the HonoraryStreetNaming Policy.doc - information to add to the website if approved. Board action may be taken.

No action taken at this time.

4. Consideration/discussion on an OrdinanceUpdateShed.pdf - Materials in last board packet on the possible shed policy update to be reviewed before sending to zoning board. Board action may be taken.

Trustees remanded a possible zoning change of accessory buildings to planning and zoning. They will provide recommendations back to the Village Board in the coming weeks.

A motion was made to remand the discussion on the ordinance to Planning and Zoning Commission. Motion: Trustee Katrina Seifert

Second: Trustee Steve Bruns

Ayes (6) Trustees Bruns, Johnson, Milburn, Phelan, Seifert, Wiater

Nays (0) none

Absent (1) President Einhorn

Abstain (0) none

Motion declared carried.


1. Consideration/discussion to change the regularly scheduled board meeting date of November 11th, 2024 due to National observance of Veterans' Day. Board action may be taken.

After discussion and consideration of dates available, Trustees decided to keep the next regularly scheduled Board meeting on Monday, November 11th, 2024 as publicized.

2. Resolution 2024-738: A Resolution authorizing the Village of Crete to hold their annual Christmas Parade on Illinois Route #1 on Saturday, December 7th, 2024 from 5:30 p.m. until 7:30 p.m. Board action may be taken.

Was moved to Consent Agenda.

3. Resolution No. 2024-739: A Resolution Authorizing the sale of certain Village-owned property in the Village of Crete, Will County (Vacant land on Wood Street and W. Burville Road, Crete, Illinois 60417, bearing PIN 23-15-16-121-067-0000). Board action may be taken.

Administrator Smith explained the reasoning to allow this small parcel of vacant land to be sold.

A motion to adopt Resolution 2024-739: A Resolution Authorizing the sale of certain Village-owned property in the Village of Crete, Will County (Vacant land on Wood Street and W. Burville Road, Crete, Illinois 60417, bearing PIN 23-15-16-121-067-0000) was made.

Motion: Trustee Stephen Johnson

Second: Trustee Holly Milburn

Ayes (6) Trustees Bruns, Johnson, Milburn, Phelan, Seifert, Wiater

Nays (0) none

Absent (1) President Einhorn

Abstain (0) none

Motion declared carried.

4. Resolution No. 2024-740: Resolution Approving an Intergovernmental Agreement for the Creation and Distribution of a Quarterly Community Newsletter". Board action may be taken.

After discussion on the newsletter which will be 16 pages in length and produced quarterly with a cost of approximately $2500.00 to the Village annually, it was decided to go forward with the IGA. Trustee Bruns did not agree with spending tax payer dollars on this type of advertising.

A motion was made to approve an Intergovernmental Agreement for the Creation and Distribution of a Quarterly Newsletter.

Motion: Trustee Stephen Johnson

Ayes (5), Johnson, Milburn, Phelan, Seifert, Wiater

Nays (1) Trustee Bruns

Absent (1) President Einhorn

Abstain (0) none

Motion declared carried.

Second: Trustee Holly Milburn

5. Ordinance No. 2024-23: An Ordinance authorizing the sale of surplus property, to wit:

1981 John Deere 2155 Tractor w/175 loader, VIN# 102155g707260; Hours - 5800 and 96" Alamo Flail Mower. Board action may be taken.

A motion was made to authorize the sale of surplus property, to wit: 1981 John Deere 2155 Tractor w/175 loader, VIN# 102155g707260; Hours - 5800 and 96” Alamo Flail Mower.

Motion: Trustee Stephen Johnson

Second: Trustee Katrina Seifert

Ayes (6) Trustees Bruns, Johnson, Milburn, Phelan, Seifert, Wiater

Nays (0) none

Absent (1) President Einhorn

Abstain (0) none

Motion declared carried.

6. Trustee Phelan inquired if the Village has an itemized list of their assets, including property owned.

7. Trustee Wiater mentioned the Village may be purchasing 17 lots currently owned by the Crete Historical Society. He will work with the Village attorney on this process. The lots would be purchased for $750.00 per lot.

8. Per Administrator Michael Smith, the extension of the Benton Street 6" water main process will begin in full swing on November 4th. No road extension of Benton Street from Division to Herman is planned at this time. It is currently only the water main being extended.

EXECUTIVE SESSION: No session was held.


As there was no further business to come before the board, a motion was made to declare the meeting adjourned at 8:46 p.m.

Motion: Trustee Holly Milburn

Second: Trustee Steve Bruns

Ayes (6) Trustees Bruns, Johnson, Milburn, Phelan, Seifert, Wiater

Nays (0) none

Absent (1) President Einhorn

Abstain (0) none

Motion declared carried.
