
Will County Gazette

Thursday, September 19, 2024

City of Wilmington Committee of the Whole met Aug. 13

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Wilmington Mayor Ben Dietz | City of Wilmington

Wilmington Mayor Ben Dietz | City of Wilmington

City of Wilmington Committee of the Whole met Aug. 13.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

Call to Order

The Committee of the Whole meeting on August 13, 2024, was called to order at 5:30 p.m. by Mayor Dietz in the Council Chamber of Wilmington City Hall.

Roll Call

Upon Roll Call by the Clerk the following members of the corporate authorities answered “Here” or “Present”: Alderpersons Present Kirwin, Jeffries, Vice, Knight, Mietzner, Smith

Alderperson(s) Absent Allred, Holmes


There were sufficient members of the corporate authorities in attendance to constitute a quorum, so the meeting was declared in order.

Other Officials in Attendance

Also, in attendance were the City Administrator Jeannine Smith, Finance Director Nancy Gross, Kyle Davis representing Public Works, Deputy Chief of Police Justin Dole, and Deputy City Clerk Joie Ziller

Approve Previous Meeting Minutes

Alderperson Mietzner made a motion and Alderperson Kirwin seconded to approve the July 9, 2024 meeting minutes and have them placed on file. Upon the voice vote, 6 yes. The motion carried.

Public Comment

No comments were made

Mayor’s Report

Mayor Dietz provided an update on the MFT Local Roads Construction project, stated that IDOT will be starting construction on Baltimore Street from Water Street to Kankakee Street, and mentioned that he has recently accepted the nomination to sit on the Joliet Area Historical Museum’s Board of Directors.

Administrator’s Report

Economic Development Internship Reflection

The Committee reviewed Bridget Knowles's Internship Reflection memo.

June Status Report

City Administrator Smith reviewed her status report with the Committee.

July 2024 Building Department Report

The Committee reviewed the July 2024 Building Department Report as provided in the agenda packet.

July 2024 Code Enforcement Report

The Committee reviewed the July 2024 Building Department Report as provided in the agenda packet.

Wilmington Fire Protection District Building Permit Fees

City Administrator Smith provided a summary of her memo related to this request. After some discussion, the Committee agreed and authorized the waiving of certain fees. This will be placed on the August 20, 2024 Council agenda for full approval.

Discussion – Hands of Hope Firewall

City Administrator Smith stated that she will be scheduling a meeting with the representatives from Hands of Hope as well Chief Zlomie and the Building Inspector to discuss the firewall.

Other Pertinent Information


Police & ESDA

Co-Chairs Alderpersons Mietzner & Allred

Chief of Police Monthly Summary Report

Chief Zink briefed the Committee on the happenings within the department and addressed his report as included with the agenda packet.

Recognition for DUI Enforcement

Officer Sean Liaromatis and Officer Jacob Jasnosz received Certificates of Appreciation in recognition of their life-saving efforts on behalf of the Alliance Against Intoxicated Motorists.

Will County Auxiliary Request for Donation

The Committee agreed to discuss this request with Chief Zink at the August 20th Finance meeting.

Disposal of Squad Card

The Committee agreed to dispose of the squad card that is no longer useful to the department. As directed, this will be placed on the August 20, 2024, City Council consent agenda.

Disposal of Radar Trailer

The Committee agreed to dispose of the radar trailer that is no longer useful to the department. As directed, this will be placed on the August 20, 2024, City Council consent agenda.

Director of ESDA Monthly Summary Report

The Committee reviewed the report as provided in the agenda packet.

Other Pertinent Information

No other pertinent information was discussed.

Ordinance & License Committee

Co-Chairs Alderpersons Kirwin & Knight

Discussion – B-Box Single Structure with Multi-Separate Users

This topic is to be discussed at a future meeting

First Amendment to IGA Cooperation Agreement for Improvements to N. Water Street and N. Kankakee Street Between the Illinois Department of Transportation and City

This is on hold until further direction

Consider the $250 Mobile Food Vendor Fee Exemption Request by the Chamber of Commerce The Committee reviewed the request submitted by Chamber President Steve Evans and agreed not to waive the fee.

Other Pertinent Information

No other pertinent information was discussed.

Buildings, Grounds, Parks, Health & Safety Committee

Co-Chairs Alderpersons Jeffries & Smith

Consideration to Approve the Invoices Relating to the State of Emergency

The Committee reviewed the invoices and agreed to place this on the August 20th City Councill agenda for full approval.

Consideration to Approve the proposals from Seconds Matter Safety Solutions to make needed upgrades to the Water Reclamation and Public Works Garage Fire Alarm Systems for a total of $23,465 The Committee reviewed the proposals associated with the upgrade and agreed to place this on the August 20th City Councill agenda for full approval.

Other Pertinent Information

No other pertinent information was discussed.

Water, Sewer, Streets and Alleys Committee

Co-Chairs Alderpersons Vice & Holmes

Director of Public Works Monthly Summary Report

The Committee reviewed Director Gretencord’s monthly report included in the agenda packet.

Consideration to Approve the Quote from Kankakee Truck and Equipment to replace the existing dump body on Equipment #37 with a stainless-steel dump body with spill shields for a price of $38,094 The Committee reviewed the quote and agreed to place this on the August 20th City Councill agenda for full approval.

Consideration to Approve the purchase of a Cub Cadet 38.5 HP 60” Zero Turn from Sistek Sales Inc for a total cost of $12,154

The Committee reviewed the quote and agreed to place this on the August 20th City Councill agenda for full approval.

Consideration to Approve the Purchase and Installation of a New Pump for the High-Service Gould Pump for a total of $23,070

The Committee reviewed the quote and agreed to place this on the August 20th City Councill agenda for full approval.

Consideration to Approve the Quote for Annual Lime Sludge Removal

The Committee reviewed the quote and agreed to place this on the August 20th City Councill agenda for full approval.

Consideration to Approve the Quote from Clennon Electric to place the electrical control boxes for a price of $18,050

The Committee reviewed the quote and agreed to place this on the August 20th City Councill agenda for full approval.

Other Pertinent Information

No other pertinent information was discussed.

Personnel & Collective Bargaining Committee

Co-Chairs Alderpersons Mietzner & Holmes

Other Pertinent Information

No other pertinent information was discussed.


The motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Alderperson Knight and seconded by Alderperson Mietzner. Upon the voice vote, the motion carried. The Committee of the Whole Meeting held on August 13, 2024, adjourned at 6:39 p.m.
