
Will County Gazette

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Crest Hill City Council met Sept. 18

City of Crest Hill City Council met Sept. 18.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

The regular meeting of the City of Crest Hill was called to order by Mayor Raymond R. Soliman at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers, 20600 City Center Boulevard, Crest Hill, Will County, Illinois.

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited in unison.

Roll call indicated the following present: Mayor Raymond Soliman, City Clerk Christine Vershay-Hall, City Treasurer Glen Conklin, Alderman Scott Dyke, Alderman John Vershay, Alderman Darrell Jefferson, Alderwoman Claudia Gazal, Alderperson Tina Oberlin, Alderman Mark Cipiti, Alderman Nate Albert, Alderman Joe Kubal.

Also present were: Consulting Manager Steve Gulden, Police Chief Ed Clark, Assistant Public Work Director Blaine Kline, City Engineer Ron Wiedeman, Finance Director Lisa Banovetz, Economic Development Director Ron Mentzer, City Attorney Mike Stiff, Deputy Clerk Karen Kozerka.

Absent were: Building Commissioner Don Seeman, Interim Planner Maura Rigoni.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Mayor Soliman presented the minutes from the Work Session meeting held on August 28, 2023 for Council approval per the memo dated September 18, 2023.

(#1) Motion by Alderman Vershay seconded by Alderman Jefferson, to approve the minutes from the Work Session meeting held on August 28, 2023 per the memo dated September 5, 2023.

Mayor Soliman asked if there were any questions or comments.

Alderperson Oberlin commented that there was confusion in the minutes on page ten and eleven regarding which room was insulated for sound and would like the minutes to reflect what transpired at the meeting. Her recollection of the discussion was that Alderman Cipiti was told that the room behind the Chambers wasn't done and the room 'down there' was done as a 'test' and that isn't what the minutes reflect. Mayor Soliman stated that the room right outside the door is still not finished. Alderman Cipiti stated that is not the comment the minutes are reflecting. The minutes were read stating that Mayor Soliman stated the executive session room, mayor's office and the administration office were completed, and he noticed a big difference. Alderman Cipiti commented that the executive session room is clearly the room right behind us and asks was it done or not done. Mayor Soliman asked if he would like an apology. Alderwoman Oberlin commented she is just asking for clarification of the minutes.

City Attorney Mike Stiff commented that he believes the mayor called the room at the end of the hall the executive session, but the tape will have to decide that. He commented that it is not out of line to correct the minutes if they are inaccurate, but we don't know whether they are inaccurate. Alderperson Oberlin asked if the room behind the wall, is the executive session room or not. Attorney Stiff commented he doesn't know whether the mayor used that term to describe the room next to his office and between the administrator's office when he made the comment during the meeting. He also stated that he doesn't know if that is technically an executive room or not, but the room here is a designated executive conference room. Alderman Cipiti commented that it would make sense that the room off the chambers is the executive session room.

Alderman Albert asked what the other conference room down the hall is called because that is what it needs to be defined as in the minutes. Management Consultant Steve Gulden stated that it should be called the administrative conference room. He also suggested that they table the minutes and pull the tape and make sure it is accurate and bring the minutes back in two weeks.

Alderman Cipiti commented that if the work was done, we should have receipts and dates of when it was completed.

Attorney Stiff commented that if the mayor misstated the room as the executive conference room in the minutes than that is what the minutes should reflect because that is what he said.

Steve stated that there are two issues which are what the minutes reflect and was the work done.

Mayor Soliman asked Alderman Vershay and Alderman Jefferson if they would like to rescind their motion to approve the minutes from work session meeting held on August 28, 2023.

Alderman Vershay stated he would rescind his motion. Alderman Jefferson stated he would rescind his motion.

Alderwoman Gazal commented that she has a correction on page nineteen of item two where it reads Alderwoman Gazal interrupted. She also commented that minutes are a legal document and interrupted is a personal opinion, subjective and not a fact and would like that word removed. She continued to give an example of if an alderperson sneezes that is not an interruption. Mayor Soliman commented that we are not on that item yet. We are still on the minutes from August 28, 2023.

(#1) Motion by Alderperson Oberlin seconded by Alderman Cipiti, to table the minutes from the Work Session meeting held on August 28, 2023.

On roll call, the vote was:

AYES: Ald. Dyke, Vershay, Jefferson, Gazal, Oberlin, Cipiti, Albert, Kubal.

NAYES: None.


There being eight (8) affirmative votes, the MOTION CARRIED.

Mayor Soliman presented the minutes from the regular meeting held on September 5, 2023 for Council approval per the memo dated September 18, 2023.

(#2) Motion by Alderman Jefferson seconded by Alderperson Oberlin, to approve the minutes with corrections from the regular meeting held on September 5, 2023

Mayor Soliman asked if there are any questions or comments.

Alderwoman Gazal commented that she has a correction on page nineteen of the regular meeting minutes where it reads Alderwoman Gazal interrupted. She also commented that minutes are a legal document and interrupted is a personal opinion, subjective and not a fact and would like that word removed. She continued to give an example of if an alderperson sneezes that is not an interruption.

Alderman Vershay commented that when the minutes are typed out, they only type what they hear. Alderwoman Gazal asked if she said the word interrupted, and she did not say the word interrupted. She also commented if we are going to pick and chose what we add to the minutes then let's look at page thirteen item number two and add my comment that the first three words of the constitution, then add 'We the People'.

Steve commented that we make a motion as amended by Alderwoman Gazal and vote on the minutes as amended and remove the word interrupted.

(#2) Motion by Alderman Jefferson seconded by Alderperson Oberlin, to approve the amended minutes, by Alderwoman Gazal, from the regular meeting held on September 5, 2023.

Alderwoman Gazal asked City Clerk Christine Vershay-Hall if there is a reason why we are not getting the minutes from the last work session. City Clerk Vershay-Hall commented that the employee that types the minutes was on jury duty and had time off. Alderwoman Gazal stated that it was her understanding from some staff that heard we were watching the meeting and making fun of some Council and she feels the minutes are more important than watching the meeting on city time and making fun of her and Alderman Cipiti.

City Clerk Vershay-Hall reminded the Council that a roll call is needed.

On roll call, the vote was:

AYES: Ald. Vershay, Jefferson, Gazal, Oberlin, Cipiti, Albert, Kubal, Dyke.

NAYES: None.


There being eight (8) affirmative votes, the MOTION CARRIED

CITY ATTORNEY: There were no agenda items for discussion.

CITY ADMINISTRATOR: Interim Management Consultant Steve Gulden commented that as discussed at the work session we have the new revised dress code policy with the language and grammatical changes that were discussed.

Alderwoman Gazal asked if we could have a section under enforcement that reads that the City Administrator, or Consultant is responsible to enforce the dress code policy with all departments.

Attorney Stiff commented that the policy already states the City Administrator or designee will determine what is appropriate. Steve commented that he feels that is sufficient where the City Administrator has the right to turn around to the Department Head and say this is wrong. Steve also commented that he is unsure if the City Administrator has any authority over the treasurer staff or the clerk staff.

Attorney Stiff commented that if you are going to give the City Administrator the authority to oversee just this policy then he would suggest adding it to the administrative ordinance like when you removed the Finance Director from the list of responsibilities of the City Administrator.

Alderwoman Gazal also noticed that we don't have anything regarding if staff does not follow the policy. Steve commented that typical disciplinary would be the first couple of weeks a warning, then sent home to change without pay, then a written with suspension and eventually termination. Alderman Cipiti stated that should be written out in the policy. Steve commented that it is in the handbook.

Steve asked Attorney Stiff when we say city staff does that include Treasury Department and Clerk Department and have it in the policy. Attorney Stiff commented that it has that in there and you may need to change the administrative ordinance soon, as well.

Steve would like the policy amended to reflect that the City Administrator has the right to enforce the policy including the treasury staff and clerk staff.

Attorney Stiff commented that the administration ordinance needs revised anyways since we now have a Budget Officer and states the administrator prepares the budget which is now the Finance Director Lisa Banovetz.

Alderman Vershay asked if this policy is for the elected officials as well. Attorney Stiff commented that it is for employees only and not intended for the Elected Officials.

(#3) Motion by Alderwoman Gazal seconded by Alderwoman Oberlin, to Approve the Revised Dress Code Policy for Employee Handbook as amended per the memo dated September 18, 2023.

On roll call, the vote was:

AYES: Ald. Jefferson, Gazal, Oberlin, Cipiti, Albert, Kubal, Dyke.

NAYES: None.

ABSTAIN: Ald. Vershay,


There being seven (7) affirmative votes, the MOTION CARRIED

Steve commented that there is a pen and notepad on the dais for the Council to review for the giveaway at the open house. The notepad will have the City of Crest Hill logo and the pen will say City Center Grand Opening. He commented that the notepads you can only buy 500 quantity and the pens can be ordered in 250 quantity and were very affordable and can be used. We can order more pens if Council would like to.

Steve stated he received a call from the contractor for the cornerstone plaque informing him the company had tripled the charge for a rush order. It was going to be $2,000.00- $2,500.00 and now for a rush order it will be $6,000.00. The recommendation is to either pay for it or have a replica and have it placed on the spot and then when the new one comes in, we can install it, and this would save approximately $3,000.00.

Treasurer Glen Conklin stated that if he can have them send over the artwork, he will donate a sign to utilize until the new one comes in.

Steve thanked Public Works Assistant Director Blaine Kline for all their hard work with some very challenging watermain breaks. He also thanked the Police Department for keeping everyone informed and policing in the last couple of days with the unfortunate incidents that happened. He then thanked the Finance Department for doing a great job with the Property Tax Rebate Program and being well prepared and ready.

Alderman Dyke commented that him and Don Seeman the Building Commissioner have been running into problem with residents parking trailers and cars in their backyards and there is nothing in our ordinance prohibiting that. He asked if they could investigate reviewing and adding language to our ordinance. Steve commented that currently you can park a car in a backyard if you are parked on a hard surface, and he feels it needs to be reviewed as well. He also mentioned that recreational vehicles are allowed to be parked on a hard surface but only one recreational vehicle not two or more and thinks we possibly could add a time frame to allow them parked on that hard surface. Lastly, he commented that we need to limit how many vehicles can be registered to the home.

Alderman Vershay asked what if a household has a husband, wife and three children who drive: that's five cars. Steve commented that the Council can limit however many vehicles they wish and feels this type of ordinance can limit potential issues we don't want to go on at houses.

Alderman Cipiti asked if this could be placed on a work session. Steve commented that he would have it at the second meeting in October.

Alderman Vershay commented he had a company car that was registered to New Jersey plus his own vehicle. Steve commented that he would in that case let the Police Department know.

Alderwoman Gazal asked to put an executive session regarding staff meetings at the September 25, 2023 meeting.

PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT: Assistant Public Works Director Blaine Kline requested to Approve Pay Request #13 from Williams Brother construction Inc. with Direction to Send it to the IEPA for Approval and Disbursement for Total Amount of $390,233.79 per the memo dated September 18, 2023.

(#4) Motion by Alderperson Oberlin seconded by Alderman Dyke, to Approve Pay Request #13 from Williams Brother Construction Inc. with Direction to Send it to the IEPA for Approval and Disbursement for Total Amount of $390,233.79 per the memo dated September 18, 2023.

On roll call, the vote was:

AYES: Ald. Gazal, Oberlin, Cipiti, Albert, Kubal, Dyke, Vershay, Jefferson.

NAYES: None.


There being eight (8) affirmative votes, the MOTION CARRIED

Assistant Public Works Director Blaine Kline requested to Approve Pay Request #8 from Vissering Construction Inc. with Direction to Send it to the IEPA for Approval and Disbursement for a Total Amount of $1,624,790.35 per the memo dated September 18, 2023.

(#5) Motion by Alderwoman Gazal seconded by Alderperson Oberlin, to Approve Pay Request #8 from Vissering Construction Inc. with Direction to Send it to the IEPA for Approval and Disbursement for a Total Amount of $1,624,790.35 per the memo dated September 18, 2023.

On roll call, the vote was:

AYES: Ald. Cipiti, Albert, Kubal, Dyke, Vershay, Jefferson, Gazal, Oberlin.

NAYES: None.


There being eight (8) affirmative votes, the MOTION CARRIED.

Assistant Public Works Director Blaine Kline commented that because of the IEPA annual audit they are four months/two payments behind on releasing the payments to us to release the payments to Vissering Construction for the West Plant Project.

Assistant Public Works Director Blaine Kline requested to Approve Pay Requests #5 and #6 with Vissering construction Inc. Prior to Receiving Payment from the IEPA in the Amount of $2,534,602.17 per the memo dated September 18, 2023.

Alderwoman Gazal asked how the progress is moving along. Assistant Director Kline said it is on schedule and going very well.

(#6) Motion by Alderwoman Gazal seconded by Alderperson Oberlin, to Approve Pay Requests #5 and #6 with Vissering Construction Inc. Prior to Receiving Payment from the IEPA in the Amount of $2,534,602.17 per the memo dated September 18, 2023.

On roll call, the vote was:

AYES: Ald. Albert, Kubal, Dyke, Vershay, Jefferson, Gazal, Oberlin, Cipiti. NAYES: None.


There being eight (8) affirmative votes, the MOTION CARRIED.

Alderperson Oberlin thanked Assistant Director Kline for doing a great job with the watermain break.

CITY ENGINEER: City Engineer Ron Wiedeman requested to Execute a Professional Service Agreement with Christopher B. Burke Engineering, Ltd. to Perform Design Engineering Services for the Borio Dr, Waterford and Gaylord 2024 Roadway Rehabilitation Projects not to Exceed Amount of $39,965.00 per the memo dated September 18, 2023.

Alderwoman Gazal asked when this project will start. Engineer Wiedeman commented that this project will start summer of 2024. There is a resurfacing project starting on Borio on Randich going north. Alderwoman Gazal asked how many weeks this project will take. Engineer Wiedeman commented it would take about four weeks.

(#7) Motion by Alderwoman Gazal seconded by Alderperson Oberlin, to Execute a Professional Service Agreement with Christopher B. Burke Engineering, Ltd. to Perform Design Engineering Services for the Borio Dr, Waterford and Gaylord 2024 Roadway Rehabilitation Projects not to Exceed and Amount of $39,965.00 per the memo dated September 18, 2023.

On roll call, the vote was:

AYES: Ald. Kubal, Dyke, Vershay, Jefferson, Gazal, Oberlin, Cipiti, Albert.

NAYES: None.


There being eight (8) affirmative votes, the MOTION CARRIED.

City Engineer Ron Wiedeman requested to Execute a Professional Services Agreement with Spaceco Inc. to Perform Design Engineering Services an Bid Document Preparation for City Cener Park not to Exceed an Amount of $26,800.00 per the memo dated September 18, 2023.

(#8) Motion by Alderman Albert seconded by Alderman Dyke, to Execute a Professional Services Agreement with Spaceco Inc. to Perform Design Engineering Services an Bid Document Preparation for City Cener Park not to Exceed an Amount of $26,800.00 per the memo dated September 18, 2023.

On roll call, the vote was:

AYES: Ald. Oberlin, Cipiti, Albert, Kubal, Dyke, Vershay, Jefferson, Gazal.

NAYES: None.


There being eight (8) affirmative votes, the MOTION CARRIED.

City Engineer Ron Wiedeman requested to Execute a Proposal with Carefree Systems to Design the New Irrigation System for City Center Park not to Exceed an Amount of $3,500.00 per the memo dated September 18, 2023.

(#9) Motion by Alderman Albert seconded by Alderman Jefferson, to Execute a Proposal with Carefree Systems to Design the New Irrigation System for City Center Park not to Exceed an Amount of $3,500.00 per the memo dated September 18, 2023.

On roll call, the vote was:

AYES: Ald. Vershay, Jefferson, Gazal, Oberlin, Cipiti, Albert, Kubal, Dyke.

NAYES: None.


There being eight (8) affirmative votes, the MOTION CARRIED.

Engineer Wiedeman informed the Council that two construction projects started which is the city-wide concrete flatwork of sidewalks and driveways which will go through the middle to the end of October. He also commented that he is meeting with contractor who will be doing the maintenance of traffic signals at Theodore and Gaylord and adding the left-hand turn signal and some concrete work happening as well.

Alderwoman Gazal asked if the Gas and Wash construction is on time. Engineer Wiedeman commented that Gas and Wash has a goal to open before Christmas.

ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT: Interim Economic Development Director commented that he has nothing to report and has no agenda items for discussion but wanted to comment that he is impressed by Crest Hill's staff and how they are committed to the future of the community. He has been spending most of his time reviewing ordinances, codes, and policies of the community. He also commented that he had met with the Public Works Department and discussed a development guide to be provided to the public and developers to be a roadmap of the city's rules and regulations and that is a great initiative.

POLICE DEPARTMENT: Police Chief Ed Clark announced that from October 25, 2023 through November 27, 2023 they will be conducting training which will be conducted on the drive behind the Police Department. The road will be blocked off and the public will be notified.

Alderwoman Gazal asked to put the stop signs on a work session agenda so the Council can discuss this. Alderwoman Gazal stated that she thinks when something is developed in the city and whoever is in charge needs to notify the developer that stop signs need to be placed. She stated safety comes first.

MAYOR: Mayor Raymond Soliman commented that water bills will be received the last week of September. He commented that you receive them on the odd months and your payment is due on the even months. Mayor Soliman announced that the Property Tax Rebate form for 2023 will be in September's water bill and you have until December 1, 2023 to fill out the form and return to City Hall at the Treasurer's Office. The rebate form is also on the website, and you must include a copy of your 2022 Tax Bill. The rebate check will be distributed around St. Patrick's Day in March of 2024. This is for the property taxes you paid in 2022.

Also in the water bill will be the fall newsletter. There is a lot of information for the upcoming winter season from many of the departments within the city.

Mayor Soliman announced there will be an Open House for our new facility on October 21, 2023 from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. The ribbon cutting ceremony will be at 10:00 a.m. and tours of the Police Department and City Hall will follow the ribbon cutting ceremony. There will be refreshments and gifts.

Alderperson Oberlin asked who prints the newsletter. Mayor Soliman commented that he believes it is the Third Millennium. Alderperson Oberlin asked who does the type setting.

Mayor Soliman stated that he collects the information from each department head and Marybel lays it out and sends it to Glen Conklin and he finalizes the newsletter and then sends it to Third Millennium for the folding and stuffing.

Alderperson Oberlin stated that she wants people to understand just how much Mr. Conklin donates to the City of Crest Hill and thanked Glen Conklin for donating work and getting nothing in return for being a dedicated human being.

CITY CLERK: There were no agenda items for discussion.

CITY TREASURER: Finance Director Lisa Banovetz requested to Approve a One-Time Payment to the City of Cret Hill's Police Pension Fund in the Amount of $897,704.00 per the memo dated September 18, 2023. This was discussed at the September 11, 2023 meeting. She commented that Treasurer Conklin and herself have met with the Police Pension Board and discussed how we will levy going forward. Treasurer Conklin and herself will make sure there is an agreement with the Pension Board about what will be levied.

(#10) Motion by Alderperson Oberlin seconded by Alderman Jefferson, to Approve a One- Time Payment to the City of Cret Hill's Police Pension Fund in the Amount of $897,704.00 per the memo dated September 18, 2023.

On roll call, the vote was:

AYES: Ald. Gazal, Oberlin, Cipiti, Albert, Kubal, Dyke, Vershay, Jefferson.

NAYES: None.


There being eight (8) affirmative votes, the MOTION CARRIED.

Finance Director Lisa Banovetz requested to Approve an Ordinance Supplementing the Budget Ordinance for the Fiscal Year Beginning May 1, 2023 and Ending April 30, 2024 for the City of Crest Hill, Will County, Illinois per the memo dated September 18, 2023.

Director Banovetz commented that the budget will be amended to show the $897,704.00 and there was Well #14 where will have to take an additional $268,000.00. She commented that Engineer Wiedeman had found savings in the Michigan Allocation and the water replacement, and the projected offset is $813,000.00. The net savings verse what must be paid is an additional $268,000.00.

She also commented that we had budgeted positions to be filled with employees and now we are using more contracted services so we will be swapping between line items and find savings in other areas, as well.

Alderwoman Gazal thanked Director Banovetz, Engineer Wiedeman, and Assistant Director Kline for working so well together moving the city forward.

Alderperson Oberlin thanked Director Banovetz, Engineer Wiedeman, and Assistant Director Kline for all their dedication and stated that it is very much appreciated.

(#11) Motion by Alderperson Oberlin seconded Alderman Cipiti, to Approve an Ordinance Supplementing the Budget Ordinance for the Fiscal Year Beginning May 1, 2023 and Ending April 30, 2024 for the City of Cret Hill, Will County, Illinois per the memo dated September 18, 2023.

On roll call, the vote was:

AYES: Ald. Jefferson, Gazal, Oberlin, Cipiti, Albert, Kubal, Dyke, Vershay.

NAYES: None.


There being eight (8) affirmative votes, the MOTION CARRIED.

Ordinance #1960

City Treasurer Glen Conklin presented the list of bills through September 19, 2023 in the amount of $2,772,987.28 for Council approval per the memo dated September 18, 2023.

(#12) Motion by Alderperson Oberlin seconded by Alderman Jefferson, to Approve the List of Bills through September 19, 2023 in the Amount of $2,772,987.28 for Council Approval per the memo dated September 18, 2023.

On roll call, the vote was:

AYES: Ald. Cipiti, Albert, Kubal, Dyke, Vershay, Jefferson, Gazal, Oberlin.

NAYES: None.


There being eight (8) affirmative votes, the MOTION CARRIED.

City Treasurer Glen Conklin presented the regular and overtime payroll from August 28, 2023 through September 10, 2023 in the amount of $242,486.21 per the memo dated September 18, 2023.

City Treasurer Glen Conklin informed the Council that on the dais is a travel and expense report. He commented that they are granted a $100.00 per diem and no alcohol is reimbursed. Travel to and from city events is covered and there is a policy if you need to review it.

Treasurer Conklin requested Consideration of Employee Transfer Policy per the memo dated September 18, 2023. He stated that this is in an event that an employee transfers to a less paying position and changes their job, the new placement would be at their seniority but at the position they are taking. In the event if someone has already made that movement there will not be a claw-back but there will be an adjustment and the individual will be allowed the individual would be allowed to reconsider their past position that is higher paid.

Treasurer Conklin stated that this was recommended by our Interim HR Director and is seeking approval.

(#13) Motion by Alderperson Oberlin seconded by Alderman Dyke, to Approve the Employee Transfer Policy effective October 1, 2023 per the memo dated September 18, 2023.

On roll call, the vote was:

AYES: Ald. Kubal, Dyke, Vershay, Jefferson, Gazal, Oberlin, Cipiti.

NAYES: Ald. Albert.


There being seven (7) affirmative votes, the MOTION CARRIED.

Alderwoman Gazal thanked Steve Gulden for catching this and working with HR regarding this.

Attorney Stiff asked if this is going into the handbook and if so then we need to have a section designated. He commented that if you approve the policy as written he would need to be given the ability to give it a section number and put it in the appropriate location in the handbook.

Alderman Cipiti asked if there is anything in our current policy regarding this and needs removed.

Treasurer Conklin stated there is an absence of this addressed currently and this will be additional language to clarify the transfer policy.

Alderwoman Gazal asked if the Treasurer Office is prepared for the Property Tax Rebate forms. Director Banovetz commented that they are prepared to accept the forms and start the process. She commented that they get a file from the County and start from there with parcel numbers and this is something we are ready to do for the residents.

Alderwoman Gazal asked if we could post the Property Tax Rebate Program on Facebook, city website and the television scroll. Steve stated that he will contact Marybel regarding posting this information.

UNFINISHED BUSINESS: There was no unfinished business.

NEW BUSINESS: There was no new business.

COMMITTEE/LIAISON REPORTS: There were no committee/liaison reports.

COUNCIL COMMENTS: Alderperson Oberlin wished Quinn a Happy Birthday.

PUBLIC COMMENT: Bill King, a resident and former employee of the City of Crest Hill, approached the podium and asked if we are still planning on going through Lake Michigan water. Mayor Soliman commented that we are, and we are three years into the process. Bill asked why we are going through Lake Michigan water. Mayor Soliman explained that this is a public comment session to make comments but if you wanted more in-depth information, he would gladly sit down with him and discuss this. Bill asked why he can't discuss the matter now and wants to hear the answer. Mayor Soliman commented that we are committed to Lake Michigan water and are three years into the process and this is the most feasible way to have sustainable amount of water for the next 100 years for this city to come and it was voted on by the City Council three years ago and everyone agreed with five other communities. Bill commented that he talked to the US Geological Survey of Illinois, and they did not do any studies in Crest Hill, they did in Joliet but not Crest Hill and I am wondering why. He stated that he also submitted a FOIA to the Water Department. He asked how we know what our water table is when we do not take drawdowns which tell you what the water table is.

Mayor Soliman reminded Bill that it is a public comment session that he can make comments but if you are liking answers, they are more than happy to sit down with him and discuss this.

Bill also commented that he submitted other FOIA's because the city is going through a lot of money in the sewer treatment plant and submitted the FOIA for the last six months of records. He commented that they are not doing much maintenance and you are throwing a lot of money away. According to the records you guys are not maintaining them.

Mayor Soliman explained to Bill that he is entitled to his opinion, but he feels we have a very professional staff that takes care of our water treatment plant and our wells. Billy commented that why we have gone through so many department heads in the last five years.

Mayor Soliman asked if anyone else would like to address City Council.

Linda Dyke, a resident, stated she understands that the eviction notice was served and wondered how long the notice is for. Police Chief Ed Clark commented that he contacted the Sargeant over evictions and is hoping to get a call back and the eviction will be served soon.

Linda also asked if a trailer with lawnmowing equipment on it can be parked on the road without being hooked up to a vehicle. She commented that there is a trailer on the 1900 block of Kelly parked in the street and is there every night.

Mayor Soliman informed the Council that there was a need for an executive session on 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(5) and 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1).

(#14) Motion by Alderperson Oberlin seconded by Alderman Jefferson to go into executive session on 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(5) and 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1).

On roll call, the vote was:

AYES: Ald. Dyke, Vershay, Jefferson, Gazal, Oberlin, Cipiti, Albert, Kubal.

NAYES: None.


There being eight (8) affirmative votes, the MOTION CARRIED.

Executive Session 8:08 p.m.

(#15) Motion by Alderperson Oberlin seconded by Alderwoman Gazal, to reconvene from the executive session on 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(5) and 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1).

On roll call, the vote was:

AYES: Ald. Kubal, Dyke, Vershay, Jefferson, Gazal, Oberlin, Cipiti, Albert.

NAYES: None.


There being eight (8) affirmative votes, the MOTION CARRIED.

Reconvened 9:20 p.m.

Mayor Soliman commented on public record that during the executive session at about 8:30 p.m. that Ron Romero was called home for a family emergency. There is no live television going forward.

There being no further business before the Council, and no action needed from the executive sessions, a motion for adjournment was in order.

(#16) Motion by Alderman Dyke seconded by Alderman Vershay, to adjourn the September 18 2023 Council meeting.

On roll call, the vote was:

AYES: Ald. Jefferson, Gazal, Oberlin, Cipiti, Albert, Kubal, Dyke, Vershay.

NAYES: None.


There being eight (8) affirmative votes, the MOTION CARRIED.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:21p.m.
