
Will County Gazette

Saturday, February 22, 2025

City of Wilmington Committee of the Whole met June 13

City of Wilmington Committee of the Whole met June 13.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

Call to Order

The Committee of the Whole meeting on June 13, 2023, was called to order at 5:30 p.m. by Mayor Dietz in the Council Chamber of Wilmington City Hall.

Roll Call

Upon Roll Call by the Clerk the following members of the corporate authorities answered “Here” or “Present”: Alderpersons Present Kirwin, Vice, Knight, Allred, Holmes, Smith

Alderpersons Absent Jeffries, Mietzner


There being a sufficient number of members of the corporate authorities in attendance to constitute a quorum, the meeting was declared in order.

Other Officials in Attendance

Also, in attendance were the City Administrator Jeannine Smith, Finance Director Nancy Gross, Chief of Police Adam Zink, Public Works Director James Gretencord, Building Inspector Jayson Walinski, ESDA Director Dennis Housman, Deputy City Clerk Joie Ziller

Approve Previous Meeting Minutes

Alderman Kirwin made a motion and Alderman Vice seconded to approve the May 9, 2023 meeting minutes and have them placed on file. Upon the voice vote, the motion carried.

Public Comment

No public comment was made.

Mayor’s Report

No report was given at this time.

Administrator’s Report

Intern Introductions

Administrator Smith welcomed Kinsey Roth. Kinsey will be the Economic Development Intern with the City over the summer. Kinsey introduced herself to the Committee members. Administrator Smith also welcomed Ella Swick. Ella is the Public Works Operations & Utilities Intern. Ella introduced herself to the Committee members.

Discussion Mohsen PUD

Administrator Smith updated the Committee on the Mohsen gas station, restaurant, and hotel on Lorenzo Road. The property owner is interested in annexing his property into the City.

Update – Downtown Wall Mural

Administrator Smith provided an update on the mural project. The memorandum of understanding with the Heritage Destinations CVB will come before Council for approval on June 20, 2023. The mural renditions provided in the packet were reviewed and a discussion was had to include both sides of N. Water Street. Administrator Smith will provide updated renditions for consideration to Committee.

Consideration to Approve the Completed Façade Improvement and Issue a Grant in an Exact Dollar Amount

Administrator Smith informed the Committee that the façade grant applicant has finished their project at 205-207 S. Water Street and is requesting the City issue the grant dollars. The Committee was in favor is issuing the grant in the amount of $5,000. Final approval will be made at the June 20, 2023 City Council meeting.

Catfish Day Committee

Chairperson Kirsten Van Duyne provided the Committee with an update of this year’s festival taking place July 20 thru 23.

Building Inspector’s Report

The monthly report included in the agenda packet was reviewed.

Police & ESDA

Co-Chairs Alderpersons Mietzner & Alderman Allred

Chief of Police Monthly Summary Report

Chief Zink briefed the Committee on the happenings within the department and addressed his report that was included with the agenda packet.

Consideration to Approve the Purchase of a Portable Storage Rack as Quote from Holohan Heating & Sheetmetal, Inc. in the amount not to exceed $3,000

The Committee reviewed the request to purchase the storage rack as requested by Chief Zink. The Committee was in favor of this purchase and agreed to move this to the June 20th Council agenda for full approval.

Director of ESDA Monthly Summary Report

The Committee reviewed the ESDA Report that Director Housman distributed at the meeting. No further discussion was had regarding the report.

Other Pertinent Information

No other pertinent information was discussed.

Ordinance & License Committee

Co-Chairs Alderpersons Kirwin & Alderman Knight

Discussion Regarding the Business License Program and Relevant Code Changes The Committee reviewed the memo provided in the agenda packet as prepared by Administrator Smith. After some discussion, the Committee provided that they were in favor of the changes and noted that the suggested fees outlined in the draft ordinance should mirror those in the letter that was sent to the business owners with their 2023 license renewal. A draft of the ordinance will be provided for review at the July 11th Committee of the Whole meeting.

Authorize an Exemption of City Code 150.89, Recreational Vehicles

707 S. Kankakee Street

The Committee reviewed the exemption with additional pictures from the resident listed above. After some discussion, the Committee has reservations about granting this request because the surface on which the trailer is being parked is not a hard surface such as gravel, asphalt, or concrete. The Committee was in favor of moving this item to the June 20th Council meeting for further discussion and voting to approve and/or deny the request.

Other Pertinent Information

No other pertinent information was discussed.

Buildings, Grounds, Parks, Health & Safety Committee

Co-Chairs Alderpersons Jeffries & Alderman Smith

Discussion Regarding Street Light Electrical Bids

The Committee reviewed the information proposal by NIMEC as presented in the agenda packet. The 3-year contract with AEP Energy, Inc. has been executed by Administrator Smith.

Other Pertinent Information

No other pertinent information was discussed.

Water, Sewer, Streets and Alleys Committee

Co-Chairs Alderpersons Vice & Alderman Holmes

Director of Public Works Monthly Summary Report

Director Gretencord briefed the Council on the monthly happenings within the department. This report was included in the agenda packet.

Discussion Regarding 2023 MFT Road Program Bid Results

The Committee reviewed the memo prepared by City Engineer McCollom regarding the FY 2023-2024 MFT Maintenance Project. The Committee agreed to move forward with accepting the bid from Gallagher Asphalt Corporation in the amount of $683,476 and move it to June 20, 2023, City Council agenda for full approval.

Consideration to Approve and Execute the Proposal for the Development of a Source Water Protection Plan from Chamlin and Associates in the amount not to exceed $10,000

The Committee reviewed the memo prepared by Director Gretencord. The Committee agreed to move forward with accepting the bid from Gallagher Asphalt Corporation in the amount of $683,476 and move it to June 20, 2023, City Council agenda for full approval.

Consideration to Approve the Quote to Rebuild the Stewart Street Lift Station Pump from Xylem in the amount of $5,714.75

The Committee reviewed the memo prepared by Director Gretencord. The Committee agreed to move forward with accepting the quote from Xylem to rebuild the failed Stewart Street lift station pump for a cost of $5,714.75 and move it to June 20, 2023, City Council agenda for full approval.

Consideration to Approve and Execute the Service Agreement from Cummins to Inspect and Service Five Emergency Generators in the amount of $6,404.51

The Committee reviewed the memo prepared by Director Gretencord. The Committee agreed to move forward with accepting the service agreement from Cummins for a cost of $6,405.51 and move it to June 20, 2023, City Council agenda for full approval.

Discussion Regarding Private Sewer Cleaning Practice

The Committee reviewed the memo prepared by Director Gretencord which was included with the agenda packet. After some discussion, the Committee agreed that the City should not be providing services on privately owned properties. The Committee directed staff to follow the current ordinance in place (52.21.1) which clearly states the property owners’ responsibilities.

Other Pertinent Information

No other pertinent information was discussed.

Personnel & Collective Bargaining Committee

Co-Chairs Alderpersons Mietzner & Alderman Holmes

Consideration to Appoint Justin Dole to the Deputy Chief of Police Position

The Committee reviewed Chief Zink’s memo regarding the appointment and promotion of current Sergeant Justin Dole to the Deputy Chief of Police position. The Committee was in agreement to move this to the June 20, 2023, City Council meeting for full Council approval.

Other Pertinent Information

No other pertinent information was discussed.


The motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Alderman Holmes and seconded by Alderman Allred. Upon the voice vote, the motion carried. The Committee of the Whole Meeting held on June 13, 2023, adjourned at 7:02 p.m.
