
Will County Gazette

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Village of Channahon Planning & Zoning Commission met June 12

Village of Channahon Planning & Zoning Commission met June 12.

Here are the minutes provided by the commission:

1. Call to Order

Meeting called to order at 6:00 p.m.

2. Pledge of Allegiance

3. Roll Call

Present: Commissioners Ciarlette, Thurlby, Weaver, and Chairman Blackburn. Absent Commissioners Gregory, Larson and Madding.

Others Present: Mike Petrick, Director of Community Development & Information Systems and Mary Jane Larson, Inspections Coordinator

4. Public Comment


5. Approval of Minutes – April 10, 2023

Motion to approve the minutes of the April 10, 2023 meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission made by Commissioner Ciarlette. Seconded by Commissioner Thurlby. All Ayes, Motion Carried.

6. Public Hearing – Application for a Variation to reduce parking by up to 20% for an O’Reilly Auto Parts retail store: 27101 W Eames Street filed by O’Reilly Auto Enterprises, LLC.

Motion to open the public hearing made by Commissioner Thurlby. Seconded by Commissioner Ciarlette. All Ayes, Motion Carried.

Mike Petrick presented the staff report.

Chairman Blackburn asked about the parking spaces.

Bobby Dietz, BFW Engineering, representing O’Reilly Auto Enterprises, LLC said the 32 parking spaces will never be used at the same time. Auto part customers are normally in and out of the store quickly so parking should not be an issue.

Commissioner Weaver asked if they know who will be the general contractor yet.

Dietz stated O’Reilly Auto Parts typically use one of 3 general contactors for their locations. The subcontractors would be hired locally.

Thurlby asked about the deliveries.

Dietz said all deliveries are after hours. The deliveries are only made by O’Reilly Auto truck driver employees and he feels they are more conscientious when delivering.

The commissioners all agreed the style of the building will fit in well with nearby buildings.

Motion to close the public hearing made by Commissioner Ciarlette. Seconded by Commissioner Thurlby. All Ayes, Motion Carried.

7. Consideration of Approval – Variation to reduce parking by up to 20% for an O’Reilly Auto Parts retail store: 27101 W Eames Street filed by O’Reilly Auto Enterprises, LLC.

Motion to enter the Findings of Fact that the standards set forth in the Municipal Code section 156.197(C) have been met and approve the Variation to reduce the parking from 37 to 32 spaces, subject to approval of the Final Site Plan made by Commissioner Ciarlette. Seconded by Commissioner Thurlby. All Ayes, None Opposed, Motion Carried.

8. Review and Recommendation – Site Plan: O’Reilly Auto Parts, 27101 W Eames Street/Southern Crossing Outlot 3 filed by O’Reilly Auto Enterprises, LLC.

Motion to recommend the Site Plan subject to staff review and approval of final engineering made by Commissioner Ciarlette. Seconded by Commissioner Thurlby. All Ayes, None Opposed, Motion Carried.

Petrick told Dietz the recommendation will go before the Village Board for final approval on Monday June 19th, 2023.

9. Review and Recommendation – Official Zoning Map 2023: Annual Adoption Petrick presented the staff report.

Motion to approve the Official Zoning Map 2023: Annual Adoption made by Commissioner Ciarlette. Seconded by Commissioner Thurlby. All Ayes, None Opposed, Motion Carried.

10. Other Business

Petrick told the commissioners the Rush project will not be proceeding with the village. They are going through Grundy County Land Use Department for the project.


Motion to adjourn made by Commissioner Weaver. Seconded by Commissioner Thurlby. All Ayes, Motion Carried. 6:40 p.m.
