
Will County Gazette

Saturday, February 22, 2025

City of Joliet City Council met June 5

City of Joliet City Council met June 5.

Here is the agenda provided by the council:

Pre-Council Meeting



Joliet City Square Public Survey by Eva-Marie Tropper, Director of Community Development


Proclamation Recognizing Payton Fraser



This section is for anyone wanting to speak regarding agenda items and are allowed a maximum of 4 minutes. It is not a question and answer period and staff, and the City Council do not generally respond to public comments. The City Clerk has a copy of the public speaking procedures; please note, speakers who engage in conduct injurious to the harmony of the Council shall be called to order by the Presiding Officer and may forfeit the opportunity to speak.


Reappointments to the Joliet Fire Pension Board

Appointment to the Plan Commission

COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: Diversity & Community Relations


Public Safety

Public Service



Approval of Minutes:

Pre-Council Meeting - April 17, 2023

Council Meeting - May 2, 2023

Pre-Council Meeting - May 15, 2023

Council Meeting - May 16, 2023

2022 Annual Treasurer’s Report

Award of Contract to Videotec for Physical Security Project in the Amount of $105,478

Award of Contract for the 2023 Sidewalk / Curb Replacement Project - Contract B to Davis Concrete Construction Co. in the amount of $281,725.00

Award of Contract for the 2023 Sidewalk / Curb Replacement Project - Contract C to J & J Newell Concrete Contractors in the amount of $251,300.00

Award of Contract for the Cora Street (Frank Avenue - Russell Street) Roadway Improvement Project - 2023 MFT Sect. No. 23-00555-00-FP to Austin Tyler Construction Inc. in the amount of $253,325.81

Purchase of a Personal Accountability System for the Joliet Fire Department's Emergency Radios

Professional Services Agreement for Geotechnical Services for the 2024 Water Main Rehabilitation Program to Seeco Consultants, Inc. in the amount of $65,902.00

Change Order No. 1 for the Black Road Lift Station Modifications Project to Williams Brothers Construction, Inc. in the amount of $142,064.95

Change Order No. 2 for the Houbolt Road / Hollywood Road (US Route 6 - I-80) Roadway Reconstruction Project - MFT Sect. No. 16-00503-00-PV to D Construction Inc. in the amount of $10,082.66


Award of Contract for the Combined Sewer Overflow Long Term Control Plan Phase IV - Eastside and Westside combined Sewer Overflow Regulators to D Construction Inc. in the amount of $12,628,985.00

Request to Purchase Eleven (11) Navistar Large Dump Trucks under the State of Illinois Purchasing Agreement for $2,433,910.82


Application for a Drive Thru Permit for a Starbucks Restaurant at 1900 Essington Road


All evidence and testimony will be presented under oath. The petitioner will be allowed to present first. After the petitioner is completed, interested parties will be allowed to present evidence and/or cross examine the petitioner. As this hearing is legislative in nature and not administrative, an interested party shall be defined as someone who either owns property within 600 feet of the proposed development site, or a member or official representative of an affected governmental body; the remainder of those who wish to be heard shall be classified as public speakers. Interested parties will present second. Once the interested parties have completed, public speakers will be heard. These individuals are public speakers, so the applicable public speaking rules shall be in effect: Speakers should try to address all comments to the council as a whole and not to any individual member, repetitive comments are discouraged, total comment time for any one person is 4 minutes, no speaker shall engage in a debate or make direct threats or personal attacks or be uncivil or abusive, disruptive behavior by the members of the public will not be tolerated, and the presiding officer may limit irrelevant, immaterial, or inappropriate comments or statements.

Public Hearing for Resolution Approving the 1st Amendment to the Annexation Agreement for 620 Sandall Place and 800 Richards Street (A-9-2022) TO BE TABLED



Ordinance Approving a Special Use Permit to Allow an Adult-use Cannabis Dispensing Organization, Located at 2211 W. Jefferson Street (ZBA 2022-41)

Ordinance Amending the 2023 Annual Budget for the City of Joliet (Quarterly Newsletters).

Ordinance Approving a Record Plat of Ashford Place PUD Unit Two-B

Ordinance Approving a Record Plat of Whisper Glen PUD Unit Two-A

Ordinance Approving a Special Use Permit to Allow a Temporary Staffing Agency, Located at 235 Collins Street (ZBA 2023-13)

Ordinance Amending Chapter 2, Article IX, Division 8 - The Foreign Fire Insurance Companies Boar


Resolution Approving and Authorizing the Execution of Sub-recipient Award Agreement for a Community Paramedicine Program

Resolution Relating to Participation by Elected Officials in the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund

Resolution Authorizing Execution of a Lease Amendment Regarding 1599 John Paige Drive (Cell Phone Tower)

Resolution Appropriating Motor Fuel Tax Funding for the Cora Street (Frank Avenue - Russell Street) Roadway Improvement Project - 2023 MFT Section No. 23-00555-00-FP



This section is for anyone wanting to speak regarding non-agenda items and are allowed a maximum of 4 minutes. It is not a question and answer period and staff, and the City Council do not generally respond to public comments. The City Clerk has a copy of the public speaking procedures; please note, speakers who engage in conduct injurious to the harmony of the Council shall be called to order by the Presiding Officer and may forfeit the opportunity to speak.

CLOSED SESSION to discuss the following subjects:

PERSONNEL: The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance or dismissal of specific City employees (5 ILCS 5/120/2(c)(1)).

COLLECTIVE BARGAINING: Collective negotiating matters and salary schedules for one or more classes of City employees (5 ILCS 5/120/2(c)(2)).

LAND ACQUISITION or CONVEYANCE: The purchase or lease of real property for the use of the City, including whether a particular parcel should be acquired, or the setting of a price for the sale or lease of property owned by the City (5ILCS 5/120/2(c)(5,6)).

PENDING or THREATENED LITIGATION: A pending legal action against, affecting or on behalf of the City or a similar legal action that is probable or imminent (5 ILCS 5/120/2(c)(11)).

