
Will County Gazette

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Village of Frankfort Plan Commission / Zoning Board of Appeals met May 11

Village of Frankfort Plan Commission / Zoning Board of Appeals met May 11.

Here is the agenda provided by the commission and the board:

1. Call to Order

2. Roll Call

3. Approval of Minutes of April 27, 2023

4. Public Hearing: 99 N. White Street – Quinlan/Aarts Residence (Ref #106)

Requests: Variation to permit the use of non-masonry siding on the first floor of a single-family home (Zoning Ordinance, Article 6, Section B); Variation to reduce the minimum lot area for a property zoned R 2 District from 15,000 square feet to 13,439 square feet (Zoning Ordinance, Article 6, Section B, Part 1); Variation from Section 9.5-1 of the Village of Frankfort Land Subdivision Regulations to approve a Plat of Subdivision with a lot size which does not conform to the requirements of the Village of Frankfort Zoning Ordinance. Other: Preliminary and Final Plat of Subdivision to establish a lot of record and dedicate public right-of-way (PIN: 19-09-22-304-019-0000).

5. Public Hearing: 8563 Stone Creek – Maida Residence (Ref #107)

Request: Variation to permit a 5’ tall fence in the required front yard, whereas the maximum height is 4’ (Zoning Ordinance Article 7, Section F), (PIN: 19-09-35-308-011-0000).

6. Public Hearing: 7654 W. Lincoln Highway - Circle K Redevelopment (Ref #108)

Request: Zoning Map Amendment (Rezoning) from the default ER Estate Residential District to the B-2 Community Business District (currently Will County C-2 Local Commercial District and C-3 General Commercial District) upon annexation; Special Use Permits for (1) an automobile fueling station, (2) accessory liquor sales, and (3) extended hours of operation (24 hours, 7 days per week); and requests for variations related to the front and rear building setbacks, depth of a landscape transition yard (along Route 30), quantity of plant materials in the landscape transition yard (along Route 30), signage, and cross-access (PINS: 19-09-24-101-029).

7. Workshop: 742 Franklin Avenue – Raimondi Residence Corner Side Yard Variation Future Public Hearing

Request: Variation to reduce the minimum required corner side yard from 30 feet to 14 feet for a proposed in-ground pool in the R-2 Single-Family Residential District (PIN 19-09-21-303-001- 0000).

8. Public Comments

9. Village Board & Committee Updates

10. Other Business

11. Attendance Confirmation (May 25, 2023)

12. Adjournment
