
Will County Gazette

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Village of Frankfort Plan Commission / Zoning Board of Appeals met April 13

Village of Frankfort Plan Commission / Zoning Board of Appeals met April 13.

Here is the agenda provided by the Commission and the Board:

1. Call to Order 

2. Roll Call 

3. Approval of Minutes of February 23, 2023 

4. Plat of Resubdivision and Minor Change to a PUD: Resubdivision of Lots 26-1 and 26-2 in the 1st Resubdivision of Lighthouse Pointe Phase 3. 

Request: Plat of Resubdivision and Minor Change to a PUD to allow a resubdivision of Lots 26-1 and 26- 2 in the 1st Resubdivision of Lighthouse Pointe Phase 3, located on the west side of Pfeiffer Road at the terminus of Buffington Breakwater Drive. (PINs: 19-09-15-401-140-0000, 19-09-15-401-141-0000). 

5. Public Hearing: 7 N. White Street – Integrus Development Multi-Tenant Commercial Building (Ref. #107) 

Request: Major Change to a Planned Unit Development, a variation to waive all required on-site parking and Special Use Permits for a full-service restaurant in a 2,800 square foot space (Senso Sushi), a carryout restaurant for a 1,900 square foot tenant space (Rustic Knead), a carry-out restaurant for a 1,100 square foot tenant space (Nautical Bowls) and outdoor seating associated with a permitted restaurant, for the property located at 7 N. White Street (PIN: 19-09-22-305-035-0000). Other Requests: Preliminary and Final Plat of Subdivision to subdivide the overall property into two (2) lots, including a dedication of 33’ of right-of-way along White Street. 

6. Workshop: 20855 S. La Grange Road - Edge Music Academy 

Request: Special Use Permit for Indoor Entertainment to operate a music school (Edge Music Academy) at 20855 S. La Grange Road, Suite 100 (PIN: 19-09-22-100-051-0000). 

7. Workshop: 99 N. White Street – Quinlan/Aarts Residence 

Request: Preliminary and Final Plat of Subdivision to establish a lot of record and dedicate public right-ofway; Variation to permit the use of non-masonry siding on the first floor of a single-family home; Variation to reduce the minimum lot area for a property zoned R-2 District from 15,000 square feet to 13,439 square feet (PIN: 19-09-22-304-019-0000) 

8. Public Comments 

9. Village Board & Committee Updates 

10. Other Business 2022 Year End Review 

11. Attendance Confirmation (April 27, 2023) 

12. Adjournment ______________________ 
