
Will County Gazette

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Crest Hill City Council met Feb. 21

City of Crest Hill City Council met Feb. 21.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

The regular meeting of the City of Crest Hill was called to order by Mayor Raymond R. Soliman at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers, 1610 Plainfield Road Crest Hill, Will County, Illinois.

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited in unison. Mayor Soliman asked everyone to remain standing for a moment of silence to honor the victims of the earthquake in Turkey and Syria and to the three young lives taken at Michigan State University. We extend our condolences to all the families of the victims and to keep in our prayers the first responders, construction workers, nurses, doctors and everyone else helping.

Roll call indicated the following present: Mayor Raymond Soliman, City Clerk Christine Vershay-Hall, City Treasurer Glen Conklin, Alderman Scott Dyke, Alderman John Vershay, Alderwoman Claudia Gazal, Alderperson Tina Oberlin, Alderman Mark Cipiti, Alderman Joe Kubal.

Also present were: City Administrator Jim Marino, Director of Public Works Mark Siefert, Finance Director Lisa Banovetz, Deputy Chief Ryan Dobczyk, City Attorney Mike Stiff.

Absent were: Alderman Darrell Jefferson, Alderman Nate Albert, Police Chief Ed Clark, City Engineer Ron Wiedeman, Interim Planner Maura Rigoni.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Mayor Soliman presented the minutes from the regular meeting held on February 6, 2023 for Council approval.

(#1) Motion by Alderwoman Gazal, seconded by Alderman Dyke, to approve the minutes from the regular meeting held on February 6, 2023.

On roll call, the vote was:

AYES: Ald. Vershay, Gazal, Oberlin, Cipiti, Kubal, Dyke.

NAYES: None.

ABSENT: Ald. Jefferson, Albert.

There being six (6) affirmative votes, the MOTION CARRIED.

Mayor Soliman presented the minutes from the work session held on February 13, 2023 for Council approval.

(#2) Motion by Alderwoman Gazal, seconded by Alderman Vershay, to approve the minutes from the work session held on February 13, 2023.

On roll call, the vote was:

AYES: Ald. Dyke, Vershay, Gazal, Oberlin, Cipiti.

NAYES: None.

ABSENT: Ald. Jefferson, Albert.

ABSTAIN: Ald. Kubal.

There being five (5) affirmative votes, the MOTION CARRIED.

Mayor Soliman asked to deviate from the regular agenda to introduce a business promotion for Don White from White Smoke & Ash located at 2301 Plainfield Road in Crest Hill. Mr. White explained how the business started and how proud they are of the business. Mr. White stated this is more than a smoke shop and a cigar lounge, it is a melting pot of great people. Mr. White thanked the City of Crest Hill and law enforcement for the opportunity to have a successful business with diversity to the City of Crest Hill.

Many Council members thanked and congratulated Mr. White for running a good business and for investing in Crest Hill.

CITY ATTORNEY: City Attorney Mike Stiff requested approval for a Resolution Declaring Mechanical Concepts of Illinois, Inc. in default on its Contract with the City of Crest Hill for Mechanical Services, dated March 25, 2020 terminating the Contract, and authorizing the City Attorney to notify the Surety and make claim on the Performance Bond dated April 9, 2020 per the memo dated February 21, 2023. Attorney Stiff informed Council he sent a letter declaring a default on the contract and informing them we are considering termination. Attorney Stiff stated the letter was sent by certified mail to the attorney in New York and to Hudson Insurance, as well. Attorney Stiff stated the certified mail to the attorney in New York was returned undeliverable, but he is not concerned since Hudson Insurance package was delivered by FedEx.

(#3) Motion by Alderperson Oberlin, seconded by Alderman Cipiti, to approve a Resolution Declaring Mechanical Concepts of Illinois, Inc. in default on its Contract with the City of Crest Hill for Mechanical Services, dated March 25, 2020 terminating the Contract, and authorizing the City Attorney to notify the Surety and make claim on the Performance Bond dated April 9, 2020 per the memo dated February 21, 2023.

On roll call, the vote was:

AYES: Ald. Gazal, Oberlin, Cipiti, Kubal, Dyke, Vershay.

NAYES: None.

ABSENT: Ald. Jefferson, Albert.

There being six (6) affirmative votes, the MOTION CARRIED. Resolution #1165

CITY ADMINISTRATOR: City Administrator Jim Marino provided City Council members the option to vote for all twenty-two (22) change orders as one vote or separate votes and it was decided to have one vote for all twenty-two (22) change orders listed per the memo dated February 21, 2023.

1. Approve Change Order with CCI Flooring, Inc. for a credit in the amount of ($7,950.00) for the sealing of the concrete floor in the basement which was determined it was not necessary.

2. Approve Change Order with Cosgrove Construction, Inc. for Construction Work at the City Center in the Amount of $3,891.00 for miscellaneous wall patching throughout the building.

3. Approve Change Order with Cosgrove Construction for Construction Work at the City Center in the Amount of $6,200.00 for work on door hardware, wi-fi locks, exchanging door hardware, and electric strikes.

4. Approve Change Order with Cosgrove Construction, Inc. for Construction Work at the City Center in the Amount of $7,250.00 for final touchup paint that was needed when repairs were done throughout the building.

5. Approve Change Order with Cosgrove Construction, Inc. for Construction Work at the City Center in the Amount of $3,500.00 for repainting the north wall only in the City Hall lobby.

6. Approve Change Order with Cosgrove Construction, Inc. for Construction Work at the City Center in the Amount of $33,491.00 for various repainting, dry wall patching, masonry patching, repairing of scuffs and metal finishes throughout the building.

7. Approve Change Order with D. Kersey Co. for Construction Work at the City Center in the Amount of $2,745.00 for providing wi-fi lock sets for doors.

8. Approve Change Order with Low Voltage Solutions, Inc. for Construction Work at the City Center in the Amount of $0.00 for them to take the microphone bases we are currently using at the dais and reuse them for the microphones at the dais in the new Council Chambers. This change order is just to acknowledge the moving of the microphones.

9. Approve Change Order with Low Voltage Solutions, Inc. for Construction Work at the City Center in the Amount of $5,042.50 for additional security camera location in the juvenile patrol area of the Police Department, and the wiring and swapping out of the existing cameras in the utility clerk area.

10. Approve Change Order with Low Voltage Solutions, Inc. for Construction Work at the City Center in the Amount of $3,450.00 for wiring and tagging of the card reader access doors in the Police Department and some areas of City Hall.

11. Approve Change Order with Low Voltage Solutions, Inc. for Construction Work at the City Center in the Amount of $3,285.00 for relocating a strobe light in the Police Department to another location to meet the requirements of the Fire Department.

12. Approve Change Order with Low Voltage Solutions, Inc. for Construction Work at the City Center in the Amount of $10,473.00 for cabling work in various rooms throughout City Hall and the Police Department.

13. Approve Change Order with Michael Hutchings, LLC for Construction Work at the City Center in the Amount of $7,640.00 for furnishing and installing the solid surface counter tops and the base cabinets in the Police Department and the City Clerk's Office.

14. Approve Change Order with Nu Veterans Construction Services for Construction Work at the City Center in the Amount of $35,600.00 to install rubber stair treads in the building.

15. Approve Change Order with Omega Plumbing for Construction Work at the City Center in the Amount of $3,836.00 for a water line needed in the Police Department.

16. Approve Change Order with Superior Labor Solutions for Construction Work at the City Center in the Amount of $2,750.00 to sweep and scrub the basement concrete floor.

17. Approve Change Order with Techlife for Construction Work at the City Center in the Amount of $9,475.00 to add card readers for the Police Department on specific doors and for software licenses for services and connections.

18. Approve Change Order with Techlife for Construction Work at the City Center in the Amount of $14,885.00 for access-controlled software licensing for door access control.

19. Approve Change Order with Timm Electric for Construction Work at the City Center in the Amount of $2,890.00 for furnishing and installing a new feed for electrical wiring on an outside light pole.

20. Approve Change Order with Weathershield, LLC for Construction Work at the City Center in the Amount of $1,765.00 to install caulk and joint filler expansion joints in the Sally Port in the Police Station.

21. Approve Change Order with Warehouse Direct for Construction Work at the City Center in the Amount of $6,315.00 for filing cabinets in the building department.

22. Approve Change Order with Warehouse Direct for Construction Work at the City Center in the Amount of $29,965.00 for signage on the inside of building.

Alderman Cipiti asked if there is a total of all the change orders listed tonight. Alderwoman Gazal stated it is in the memo and it is in the amount of $194,448.50. Alderman Cipiti asked how close does this bring us to our budget of $750,000.00. Administrator Marino answered approximately $700,000.00.

Alderwoman Gazal stated the Council Chambers is looking amazing and thanked Shawn Thompson from Harbour for fixing the cabinets paint color. Alderwoman Gazal stated no one is happy with all the change orders but it is something we can put behind us and she is happy to see the progress.

(#4) Motion by Alderwoman Gazal, seconded by Alderperson Oberlin, to approve the twenty-two (22) change orders for construction work at the City Center in the total amount of $194,448.50 as listed in the memo dated February 21, 2023.

On roll call, the vote was:

AYES: Ald. Cipiti, Kubal, Dyke, Vershay, Gazal, Oberlin.

NAYES: None.

ABSENT: Ald. Jefferson, Albert.

There being six (6) affirmative votes, the MOTION CARRIED.

Administrator Marino requested to approve a Resolution authorizing the participation in the Northern Illinois Municipal Electric Collaborative (NIMEC) and authorizing the Mayor or his designee to approve a contract with the lowest cost electricity provider for a period up to 36 months per the memo dated February 21, 2023. Administrator Marino explained our current contract expires in May 2023 and the new contract bid day is March 2nd. In order to approve the bid, we would need to pass a resolution. Administrator Marino introduced Adam Hoover from NIMEC to answer any questions regarding the bidding process. Adam explained group bidding is where they pull all municipality contracts together and purchase energy in a bulk purchasing system which allows lower rates for everyone involved. Adam also explained the downside to the bidding is the rate is only good for one day, which is March 2nd at 5pm and in order to accept the quoted rates from the low bidder the City Council needs to approve a contract with the lowest bidder and designate someone to have signing authority. The current commercial rate for ComEd is 9.665 cents and the rate for Constellation is currently at 4.316 cents and NIMEC is expecting more favorable rates with Constellation than with ComEd.

(#5) Motion by Alderperson Oberlin and seconded by Alderwoman Gazal to approve a Resolution authorizing the participation in the Northern Illinois Municipal Electric Collaborative (NIMEC) and authorizing the Mayor or his designee to approve a contract with the lowest cost electricity provider for a period up to 36 months per the memo dated February 21, 2023.

On roll call, the vote was:

AYES: Ald. Kubal, Dyke, Vershay, Gazal, Oberlin, Cipiti.

NAYES: None.

ABSENT: Ald. Jefferson, Albert.

There being six (6) affirmative votes, the MOTION CARRIED. Resolution #1166

PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT: Public Works Director Mark Siefert requested approval of pay request #1 from Vissering Construction Inc. with direction to send it to the IEPA for approval and disbursement per the memo dated February 21, 2023. Director Siefert explained this pay request in the amount of $1,135,992.60 will be submitted to IEPA and once we receive the check we will then cut the check for Vissering Construction Inc.

(#6) Motion by Alderperson Oberlin and seconded by Alderman Dyke to approve a pay request from #1 Vissering Construction Inc. with direction to send it to the IEPA for approval and disbursement per the memo dated February 21, 2023.

On roll call, the vote was:

AYES: Ald. Vershay, Gazal, Oberlin, Cipiti, Kubal, Dyke.

NAYES: None.

ABSENT: Ald. Jefferson, Albert.

There being six (6) affirmative votes, the MOTION CARRIED.

CITY ENGINEER: Director of Public Works Mark Siefert requested approval, on behalf of City Engineer Ron Wiedeman, for approval of a contract with Christopher Burke to do design engineering services on the water main replacement and roadway rehabilitation for Parkrose from Gaylord to Sweetbrier Street. Director Siefert stated this was presented at the January 23, 2023 work session for a total amount of $79,955.00; in which $32,500.00 would be paid from the 2023 fiscal year budget and the difference would come from the 2024 fiscal year budget.

(#7) Motion by Alderperson Oberlin and seconded by Alderwoman Gazal for the approval of Parkrose from Gaylord to Sweetbrier Street water main replacement and roadway rehabilitation project-design engineering services in the amount of $79,955.00 per the memo dated February 21, 2023.

On roll call, the vote was:

AYES: Ald. Dyke, Vershay, Gazal, Oberlin, Cipiti, Kubal.

NAYES: None.

ABSENT: Ald. Jefferson, Albert.

There being six (6) affirmative votes, the MOTION CARRIED.

Alderwoman Gazal stated residents are asking for a light at the entrance of Willow Falls and after discussing with City Engineer Ron Wiedeman it was said that ComEd would charge the City of Crest Hill $20,000.00 to $25,000.00 to install a light pole at the entrance and pay for the cost of the electricity supplied. Alderwoman Gazal asked what would the City's liability be if the City would choose not to install a light pole and does the City need to have a policy for guidelines on installations of such? City Attorney Mike Stiff responded stating there is an Illinois Tort Immunity Act with a host of immunities in which the City would be immune from lawsuits against certain claims. Attorney Stiff explained the City is not required to put a light pole up every time a resident requests one or if it presents a potential danger; you can't do everything every person asks. Attorney Stiff stated his initial thought is there would be very little to no liability for the City but would like to research this item.

ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT: There were no agenda items for discussion. The reports were on file.

POLICE DEPARTMENT: Deputy Chief Ryan Dobczyk stated he has no agenda items for discussion but would like to report some good news. Deputy Chief Dobczyk informed Council he recently had the privilege to attend the Law Enforcement Torch Run Conference for Illinois in Bloomington, Illinois. Deputy Chief Dobczyk stated at the conference they celebrated the athletes of the Special Olympics and recognized many departments statewide for their fundraising efforts throughout the year. Deputy Chief Dobczyk announced that our previous high fundraising total was $5,900.00 and in 2022 our new high fundraising total is $10,693.50 for Special Olympics. Deputy Chief Dobczyk thanked the Mayor, Council, Elected Officials, City employees, members of the Police Department and residents for their joint partnership and generosity. Deputy Chief Dobczyk announced the Polar Plunge is coming up and if you would like to be a part of that contact Officer Outlaw or himself and we also have apparel for sale and all purchases go towards Special Olympics. The reports were on file.

Several members of the City Council and the Mayor thanked all involved with the fundraising for all their hard work and dedication that goes into this great cause.

MAYOR: Mayor Raymond Soliman requested to approve the appointment of the Finance Director Lisa Banovetz to the office and position of Budget Officer per the memo dated February 21, 2023.

(#8) Motion by Alderwoman Gazal and seconded by Alderperson Oberlin to approve the appointment of the Finance Director Lisa Banovetz to the office and position of Budget Officer per the memo dated February 21, 2023.

On roll call, the vote was:

AYES: Ald. Cipiti, Kubal, Dyke, Vershay, Gazal, Oberlin.

NAYES: None.

ABSENT: Ald. Jefferson, Albert.

There being six (6) affirmative votes, the MOTION CARRIED.

Mayor Soliman announced the Veterans and Police Memorial Committee would like to have a meeting Tuesday, February 28, 2023 at 11:00a.m. in the Council Chambers for the rededication of the new Police and Veterans Memorial Garden which is now located at the new City Center.

CITY CLERK: City Clerk Christine Vershay-Hall had no agenda items for discussion.

CITY TREASURER: City Treasurer Glen Conklin requested to adopt the 50th percentile proposed salary range from the GovHR Compensation Study and adopt the proposed Open Range Merit Plan, as presented per the memo dated February 21, 2023.

(#9) Motion by Alderperson Oberlin and seconded by Alderman Dyke to adopt the 50th percentile proposed salary range from the GovHR Compensation Study and adopt the proposed Open Range Merit Plan, as presented per the memo dated February 21, 2023. On roll call, the vote was:

AYES: Ald. Gazal, Oberlin, Cipiti, Kubal, Dyke, Vershay.

NAYES: None.

ABSENT: Ald. Jefferson, Albert.

There being six (6) affirmative votes, the MOTION CARRIED

City Treasurer Glen Conklin presented the list of bills through February 21, 2023 in the amount of $2,324,962.16 for Council approval per the memo dated February 21, 2023.

(#10) Motion by Alderperson Oberlin and seconded by Alderman Cipiti to approve the List of Bills through February 21, 2023 in the amount of $2,324,962.16 per the memo dated February 21, 2023.

On roll call, the vote was:

AYES: Ald. Kubal, Dyke, Vershay, Gazal, Oberlin, Cipiti.

NAYES: None.

ABSENT: Ald. Jefferson, Albert.

There being six (6) affirmative votes, the MOTION CARRIED

City Treasurer Glen Conklin presented the regular and overtime payroll from January 30, 2023 through February 12, 2023 in the amount of $241,379.23.

Alderwoman Gazal asked when are we planning on meeting for the salary proposed budget for some of the department staff who qualify for a higher increase? City Administrator Marino stated he would have to look at the policy and it would be a matter of following through and recommending an appropriate compensation in that range and then bring to Council to consider.

UNFINISHED BUSINESS: There was no unfinished business.

NEW BUSINESS: There was no new business.

COMMITTEE/LIAISON REPORTS: Alderperson Oberlin announced The Lidice Memorial ceremony is scheduled for Sunday, June 11, 2023 at 11:00am at the Lidice Memorial Garden.

COUNCIL COMMENTS: Alderperson Oberlin congratulated the business White Smoke & Ash again on doing a great job and to the Police Department for all their hard work and dedication and also to Director of Finance Lisa Banovetz for her appointment to Budget Officer.

Alderwoman Gazal wanted to take a moment again to reflect on all the lives lost and displaced from the earthquake in Turkey and Syria and realize how blessed we are in our Country.

PUBLIC COMMENT: There were no public comments.

There being no further business before the Council, and no action needed from the executive session a motion for adjournment was in order.

(#11) Motion by Alderman Dyke and seconded by Alderman Vershay to adjourn the February 21, 2023 Council meeting.

On roll call, the vote was:

AYES: Ald. Oberlin, Cipiti, Kubal, Dyke, Vershay, Gazal. NAYES: None.

ABSENT: Ald. Jefferson, Albert.

There being six (6) affirmative votes, the MOTION CARRIED.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:56 p.m.
