City of Joliet Public Service Committee met Feb. 21.
Here are the minutes provided by the committee:
Allison Swisher - Public Utilities Director, Anthony Anczer - Deputy Director Engineering, Greg Ruddy - Public Works Director, and Sean Mikos - Deputy Director of Engineering
A motion was made by Councilwoman Bettye Gavin, seconded by Councilman Terry Morris, to approve the minutes of the February 6, 2023 Public Service Committee meeting. The motion carried by the following vote:
Aye: Councilman Hug, Councilwoman Gavin and Councilman Morris
February 6, 2023 Public Service Minutes TMP-5302
None at this time.
Award of Contract for the Refurbishment of the Well 30D Pump to Layne Christensen Company in the amount of $48,352.50 TMP-5257
Allison Swisher, Director of Public Utilities, discussed the refurbishment of Well 30D Pump, in the amount of $48,352.50, to Layne Christensen Company.
Award of Contract for the 2023 Public Works Landscape Restoration Program to Seasons Landscape in the amount of $58,401.00 TMP-5258
Greg Ruddy, Director of Public Works, discussed the 2023 Public Works Landscape Restoration Program, in the amount of $58,401.00, on behalf of Season Landscape.
Award of Contract for the Lead Service Line Replacement Phase 4 Contract to Stip Brothers Excavating, Inc. in the amount of $1,051,700.25 TMP-5175
Anthony Anczer, Deputy Director Engineering, discussed the Lead Service Line Replacement Phase 4, in the amount of $1,051,700.25, on behalf of Stip Bros Excavating, Inc.
Award of Professional Services Agreement for the Water Loss Control Program to M.E. Simpson Co. Inc. in the amount of $423,510.00 TMP-5259
Anthony Anczer discussed the Water Loss Control Program, in the amount of $423,510.00, on behalf of M.E. Simpson Co. Inc.
Award of Contract for the 2023 Tree Trimming Contract to Homer Tree Care Inc. in the amount of $129,500.00 TMP-5260
Greg Ruddy discussed the 2023 Tree Trimming Contract, in the amount of $129,500.00, on behalf of Homer Tree Care Inc.
Award of Contract for the 2023 Bulk Polymer purchase to Polydyne Inc. in the amount of $146,150.00 TMP-5261
Allison Swisher discussed the 2023 Bulk Polymer purchase, in the amount of $146,150.00, on behalf of Polydyne Inc.
A motion was made by Councilwoman Bettye Gavin, seconded by Councilman Terry Morris, to recommend TMP-5257, TMP-5258, TMP-5175, TMP-5259, TMP-5260, and TMP-5261for approval by the full Council. The motion carried by the following vote:
Aye: Councilman Hug, Councilwoman Gavin and Councilman Morris
Annual Software Payment for the Sensus Automatic Meter Reading System to Core & Main LP in the amount of $80,187.00 TMP-5262
Anthony Anczer discussed the Annual Software Program payment, in the amount of $80,187.00, on behalf of Core & Main LP.
Payment for the Cash Contribution balance of the Feasibility Cost Share Agreement (FCSA) to the Department of the Army in the amount of $31,188.00 TMP-5263
Sean Mikos, Deputy Director of Engineering, discussed the City's share of the Section 205 Feasibility Cost Share Agreement, in the amount of $31,188.00, for the Joliet Downtown Floodplain Levee/Floodwall project.
Amendment No. 1 for the Professional Services Agreement for the Lead Service Line Replacement Phase 4 project for Construction Engineering to Baxter & Woodman Inc. in the amount of $60,000.00 TMP-5265
Anthony Anczer discussed Amendment No. 1 to the Professional Services Agreement for the Lead Service Line Replacement Phase 4 for Construction Engineering Services, in the amount of $60,000.00, on behalf of Baxter & Woodman Inc.
Change Order No. 1 for the 2022 Sewer Cleaning and Inspection Program to National Power Rodding Corp. in the amount of ($7,773.67) and Final Payment in the amount of $53,079.21 TMP-5271
Anthony Anczer discussed Change Order No. 1 for the 2022 Sewer Cleaning and Inspection Program, in the amount of ($7,773.67), to National Power Rodding Corp. Also discussed was Payment No. 10 and final, in the amount of $53,079.21, on behalf of National Power Rodding Corp.
Change Order No. 2 for the Mason Avenue / Salem Drive Roadway Improvement Project - 2020 - MFT Sect. No. 20-00526-00-FP to P.T. Ferro Construction Co. in the amount of $1,200.00 and Payment Request No. 5 and Final in the amount of $1,200.00 TMP-5272
Greg Ruddy discussed Change Order No. 2 for the Mason Avenue / Salem Drive, in the amount of $1,200.00, to P.T. Ferro Construction Co.
Change Order No. 1 for the Well 22D Rehabilitation Project to Great Lakes Water Resources Group in the amount of $137,945.75 TMP-5273
Allison Swisher discussed Change Order No. 1, in the amount of $137,945.75, to Great Lakes Water Resources Group.
A motion was made by Councilwoman Bettye Gavin, seconded by Councilman Terry Morris, to recommend TMP-5262, TMP-5263, TMP-5265, TMP-5271, TMP-5272, and TMP-5273 for approval by the full Council. The motion carried by the following vote:
Aye: Councilman Hug, Councilwoman Gavin and Councilman Morris
No Ordinances or Resolutions on this Agenda
Alternative Water Source Program Update TMP-5303
Allison Swisher discussed the update of the Alternative Water Source Program - Commission formation.
None at this time.
A motion was made by Councilwoman Bettye Gavin, seconded by Councilman Terry Morris, to adjourn. The motion carried by the following vote:
Aye: Councilman Hug, Councilwoman Gavin and Councilman Morris