
Will County Gazette

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Village of Manhattan Board of Trustees met Feb. 21

Village of Manhattan Board of Trustees met Feb. 21.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

A Regular Meeting of the Village of Manhattan President and Board of Trustees was held on Tuesday, February 21, 2023.


Mayor Adrieansen calls the Village of Manhattan Board meeting to order at 6:00 P.M.


Beemsterboer aye, Young aye, McDonough aye, Naughton aye, Adamski aye, Dilling aye, Adrieansen aye (7 ayes, 0 nays, 0 absent). Also present is Lewis, Palmer, Nelson, Tyk, Brooks, Gehrke, Wold, and Attorney Taylor.


Mayor Adrieansen presents STAR Awards to the Lincoln-Way West Varsity Competitive Cheer team for taking 2nd place overall at the IHSA State Finals in Bloomington, IL on February 3rd and 4th.


Erin Gallagher informs the Village Board that she is an ambassador for Manhattan Irish Fest. Gallagher states that there is an addition of a shuttle bus for Irish Fest this year. Stops will be throughout town as far north as Betsy’s all the way south to Roadhouse Restaurant & Pub making stops at the craft show at the Manhattan Junior High School and the kid’s activities at St. Joe’s School. No buttons are required to

ride the shuttle bus. A paid police officer will be on the bus for security. No alcohol is allowed on the bus. The bus will run from 12:00 P.M. – 10:00 P.M. Gallagher continues to inform the Village Board that there will be an addition of an Irish Breakfast at Roadhouse Restaurant on Saturday and Sunday morning. Village Realty will be open prior to the parade and up until the main tent opens. Gallagher states that Irish Fest is looking for volunteers.


Young Motion to Approve the Consent Agenda: February 7, 2023, Village Board Meeting Minutes, Approval of February 21, 2023, Bills List, and a Request to Use Foxford Drive/US Route 52 Intersection for Annual DAD’s Day (Dollars Against Diabetes) Fundraiser on Saturday, June 17, 2023. Dilling Second. Roll Call: Beemsterboer aye, Young aye, McDonough aye, Naughton aye, Adamski aye, Dilling aye (6 ayes, 0 nays, 0 abstain, 0 absent). Motion Carried.


Mayor Adrieansen informs the Board of Trustees that they have before them an Authorization to Purchase a Portable Message Board Sign. This is to be used by Public Works, Police, EMA and any special events like Irish Fest, car shows, parades, etc.

Adamski asks if the plan is to have a message board at each end of the town.

Public Works Superintendent, Tyk, informs the Village Board that they can be structured to use at each end of town, for notification of events, and can be moved around to different subdivision entrances to help notify residents of what is going on around town to promote events.

McDonough Motion to Approve the Purchase of a Wanco Full Matrix Message Board from Traffic Control Company in the Amount of $19,550.00. Naughton Second. Roll Call: Young aye, McDonough aye, Naughton aye, Adamski aye, Dilling aye, Beemsterboer aye (6 ayes, 0 nays, 0 abstain, 0 absent). Motion Carried.

Mayor Adrieansen informs the Board of Trustees that the next item on the agenda is an Ordinance Amending Title 10 (Motor Vehicles and Traffic), Chapter 1 (General Traffic Regulations), Section 10-1-9 (Vehicle Load Weights; Exceptions; Permits) of the Manhattan Village Code of Ordinances. This is to amend the weight limit on Eastern Ave from East North to Smith Road from 8-ton to 5-ton. After having the culverts inspected on Eastern Ave, HR Green has recommended the change.

Public Works Superintendent, Tyk informs the Board of Trustees that a school bus, garbage truck, and firetruck will no longer be able to travel over those culverts. The Village will be reaching out to the school to inform them of this change.

Young wants to know how this will effect the fire district with the discussion of an expansion to Eastern Ave.

Public Works Superintendent Tyk states that another option is to replace the culverts at a cost of around $600,000.00.

Young states that school buses drive on it now. Young asks if it is dangerous for the school buses to drive on it now.

Public Works Superintendent Tyk states that there is some deterioration but with only one vehicle crossing at a time, it is ok to drive over. The Village is just using caution and listening to the recommendation of the engineer until these culverts can get replaced. Once Eastern Avenue gets redone all three culverts will be replaced at that time. Superintendent Tyk states that they will keep monitoring the culverts and get them reinspected in another six months.

Young Motion to Approve an Ordinance Amending Title 10 (Motor Vehicles and Traffic), Chapter 1 (General Traffic Regulations), Section 10-1-9 (Vehicle Load Weights; Exceptions; Permits) of the Manhattan Village Code of Ordinances. Naughton Second. Roll Call: McDonough aye, Naughton aye, Adamski aye, Dilling aye, Beemsterboer aye, Young aye (6 ayes, 0 nays, 0 abstain, 0 absent). Motion Carried.

Mayor Adrieansen informs the Board of Trustees that the next item on the agenda is the Authorization to Approve an Engineering Agreement with Robinson Engineering (Baker Road Engineering Design).

Beemsterboer Motion to Approve an Engineering Agreement with Robinson Engineering (Baker Road Engineering Design). McDonough Second. Roll Call: Naughton aye, Adamski aye, Dilling aye, Beemsterboer aye, Young aye, McDonough aye (6 ayes, 0 nays, 0 abstain, 0 absent). Motion Carried.

Mayor Adrieansen informs the Board of Trustees that the next item on the agenda is a Resolution Authorizing Participation in the Will County Comeback American Rescue Plan Act Grant Program (Manhattan Road Watermain Improvements).

Naughton Motion to Approve a Resolution Authorizing Participation in the Will County Comeback American Rescue Plan Act Grant Program (Manhattan Road Watermain Improvements). Adamski Second. Roll Call: Adamski aye, Dilling aye, Beemsterboer aye, Young aye, McDonough aye, Naughton aye (6 ayes, 0 nays, 0 abstain, 0 absent). Motion Carried.

Mayor Adrieansen informs the Board of Trustees that the next item on the agenda is a Resolution Authorizing Participation in the Will County Comeback American Rescue Plan Act Grant Program (Front Street Watermain Improvements).

Beemsterboer Motion to Approve a Resolution Authorizing Participation in the Will County Comeback American Rescue Plan Act Grant Program (Front Street Watermain Improvements). McDonough Second. Roll Call: Dilling aye, Beemsterboer aye, Young aye, McDonough aye, Naughton aye, Adamski aye (6 ayes, 0 nays, 0 abstain, 0 absent). Motion Carried.

Mayor Adrieansen informs the Board of Trustees that the next item on the agenda is a Resolution Authorizing Participation in the Will County Comeback American Rescue Plan Act Grant Program (Gougar Road Watermain Improvements).

McDonough Motion to Approve a Resolution Authorizing Participation in the Will County Comeback American Rescue Plan Act Grant Program (Gougar Road Watermain Improvements). Adamski Second. Roll Call: Beemsterboer aye, Young aye, McDonough aye, Naughton aye, Adamski aye, Dilling aye (6 ayes, 0 nays, 0 abstain, 0 absent). Motion Carried.

Mayor Adrieansen informs the Board of Trustees that the next item on the agenda is an Ordinance Authorizing the Publication of the Official Zoning Map. Each year this map needs to be published by March 31st.

Naughton Motion to Approve an Ordinance Authorizing the Publication of the Official Zoning Map. Dilling Second. Roll Call: Young aye, McDonough aye, Naughton aye, Adamski aye, Dilling aye, Beemsterboer aye (6 ayes, 0 nays, 0 abstain, 0 absent). Motion Carried.

Mayor Adrieansen informs the Board of Trustees that the next item on the agenda is a Resolution Authorizing the Participation in the Northern Illinois Municipal Electric Collaborative (NIMEC) and Authorizing the Village Administrator to Approve a Contract with the Lowest Cost Electricity Provider for a Period up to thirty-six months. This is for the Village electricity only not the residents.

Village Administrator Palmer explains that the bid will take place March 1st. There is no cost to participate in the bidding process. The goal is to save the Village of Manhattan on electricity costs for the operation of our six facilities.

Naughton Motion to Approve a Resolution Authorizing the Participation in the Northern Illinois Municipal Electric Collaborative (NIMEC) and Authorizing the Village Administrator to Approve a Contract with the Lowest Cost Electricity Provider for a Period up to thirty-six months. Adamski Second. Roll Call: McDonough aye, Naughton aye, Adamski aye, Dilling aye, Beemsterboer aye, Young aye (6 ayes, 0 nays, 0 abstain, 0 absent). Motion Carried.


Mayor Adrieansen states that the addition of the shuttle bus is a great idea. The Irish Fest Parade is on March 4th and starts at 11:00 A.M. Hopefully the weather is good.

Dilling informs the Village Board that he has been presented with an idea from a resident of a Golf Cart Rally, similar to Cruise Nights, in either the Wabash parking lot or the Park Road parking lot on June 10th. The resident is already lining up sponsors and a band. Dilling asks what the board thinks about it.

All Trustees and the Mayor think it’s a good idea and like the fact that it will bring another event to town.

Village Clerk Lewis informs Trustee Dilling that the resident organizing the event must apply for a Special Event Permit.

Dilling states that he will communicate that to the resident.

Adamski wants to inform the Village Board that the Vietnam Moving Wall planning is in process. There is a lot of coordination behind the scenes with the Legion and the Village.

Young wants to know if the portable signs can be used on main roads to tell drivers to slow down. Police Chief Wold says that if the sign is located on Village Roads, they can do that. Young wants to thank the Mayor and Erin Gallagher for making the shuttle bus happen for Irish Fest.

Village Clerk Lewis reminds the Village Board that they should have by now received an email from the Will County Clerk’s Office informing them that they have to file their Statement of Economic Interest before May 1st.


Monthly Reports for January 2023 are presented to the Village Board for Finance, Police, EMA, Public Works, Village Engineer, and Building and Development.

Village Administrator Palmer updates the Village Board on the proposed dog park at the Metra lot. Palmer has been in discussions with Metra, and it sounds like Metra will consider an amendment to the agreement for the Village Board to consider making the dog park happen. It is currently in review. The Mayor is working on getting outside funding to minimize the use of village funds.

Village Administrator Palmer informs the Village Board that in addition to the 3 grants for the watermain repairs, the Manhattan Fire Protection District will be applying for an ARPA grant to run sewer and water to their proposed facility at Eastern and Smith and are looking for a letter of support from the Village for that grant.

Village Administrator wants to thank everyone for their participation and input in the downtown plan. There are meetings scheduled with the Park District and Library to get their input and the goal is to bring back a revised plan for review so the Village can schedule a public meeting.

Community Development Director Nelson informs the Village Board that the Village is working with the property owner of the Quonset huts on Front Street to bring them up to compliance. Community

Development Director Nelson states that they will be doing a Special Use Permit for storage on that site at the next Board Meeting.


McDonough Motion to Enter Executive Session at 6:45 P.M. for the Consideration to Purchase, or Lease Specific Real Estate (5ILCS120/2(c)5). Adamski Second. Roll Call: Naughton aye, Adamski aye, Dilling aye, Beemsterboer aye, Young aye, McDonough aye (6 ayes, 0 nays, 0 abstain, 0 absent). Motion Carried.

Young Motion to Reopen Regular Session at 7:09 P.M. Adamski Second. Roll Call: Beemsterboer aye, Young aye, McDonough aye, Naughton aye, Adamski aye, Dilling aye (6 ayes, 0 nays, 0 abstain, 0 absent). Motion Carried.

Mayor Adrieansen states that there is no action as a result of Executive Session. ADJOURNMENT

McDonough Motion to Adjourn. Naughton Second. All are in Favor. Motion Carried. Meeting Adjourned at 7:10 P.M.
