
Will County Gazette

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Village of Manhattan President and Board of Trustees met Dec. 6

Village of Manhattan President and Board of Trustees met Dec. 6.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

A Regular Meeting of the Village of Manhattan President and Board of Trustees was held on Tuesday, December 6, 2022.


Mayor Adrieansen calls the Village of Manhattan Board meeting to order at 6:00 P.M. 


Beemsterboer aye, Young aye, McDonough aye, Naughton aye, Adamski aye, Dilling absent, Adrieansen aye (6 ayes, 0 nays, 1 absent). Also present is Lewis, Nelson, Tyk, Brooks, Gehrke, Wold, Doyle, and Taylor.


Naughton Motion to Open a Public Hearing for the Levy and Assessment of Taxes for the Village of Manhattan, Will County, Illinois for the Fiscal Year Beginning May 1, 2022, and Ending April 30, 2023. Beemsterboer Second. Roll Call: Roll Call: Beemsterboer aye, Young aye, McDonough aye, Naughton aye, Adamski aye, Dilling absent (5 ayes, 0 nays, 0 abstain, 1 absent). Motion Carried.

Finance Clerk Gehrke presents to the Village Board the three core principals of the tax levy being growth, pension, and inflation. For growth, the market value of properties was at approximately $36,000,000. Manhattan has become a desirable community with $19,000,000 in new construction value, and an estimated 300 new residents. Finance Director Gehrke continues to say that for the Pension Fund the Village must fulfill its responsibility to fully fund the Manhattan Police Pension with a Village contribution of $583,936. This amount represents a $34,000 increase. However, the pension fund is on target to be fully funded by 2042. Finance Director Gehrke states that the inflation rate is measured by Consumer Price Index. CPI has increased 3.63% rolling average over the last 12 months estimating an increase of $104,081. In 2021, the tax rate for the Village of Manhattan was 0.9940%. For 2022, the estimated tax rate is 0.9851%. The total of the 2022 tax levy is $3,195,552.

There is no public comments or questions for the Public Hearing.

Naughton Motion to Close a Public Hearing for the Levy and Assessment of Taxes for the Village of ood condition Manhattan, Will County, Illinois for the Fiscal Year Beginning May 1, 2022, and Ending April 30, 2023. Adamski Second. Roll Call: Roll Call: Young aye, McDonough aye, Naughton aye, Adamski aye, Dilling absent, Beemsterboer aye (5 ayes, 0 nays, 0 abstain, 1 absent). Motion Carried.

The Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning gives a presentation to the Village Board on the Pavement Management System Implementation. Joe Stefanksi is the presenter. Stefanski states that ARA is the vendor that was selected to implement the Pavement Management System software to improve the design and performance of roadway pavements for the Village of Manhattan. Stefanski provided data collected on the Village roads to assess pavement conditions and their rating. Overall the Village Roads are in good condition with about 25% of roads needing immediate attention. Stefanski also included in his presentation a budget allocation for 2023-2032 for pavement preservation, preventative maintenance, and major maintenance & repair. ARA recommendations are pavement preservation, update the Pavement Management System regularly, include structural analysis as part of the Pavement Management System, and perform routine pavement condition inspections every 3-5 years.


Stephanie Irvine would like to address the Village Board regarding Cherry Hill Road. She states that because the road is gravel, it is very dangerous in the winter months with ice and snow. In the spring there is flooding. Irvine wants to know where gravel roads fall into the budget.

Mayor Adrieansen informs Irvine that he will discuss with the Board what can be done and will follow up with Irvine.


Young Motion to Approve the Consent Agenda: November 15, 2022, Village Board Meeting Minutes, November 17, Village Board Special Meeting Minutes, November 17, 2022, Executive Session Minutes (Not for Release), and Approval of December 6, 2022, Bills List. Naughton Second. Roll Call: McDonough aye, Naughton aye, Adamski aye, Dilling absent, Beemsterboer aye, Young aye (5 ayes, 0 nays, 0 abstain, 1 absent). Motion Carried.


Mayor Adrieansen informs the Board of Trustees that they have before them an Ordinance for the Levy and Assessment of Taxes for the Village of Manhattan, Will County, Illinois for the Fiscal Year Beginning May 1, 2022, and Ending April 30, 2023.

Beemsterboer Motion to Approve an Ordinance for the Levy and Assessment of Taxes for the Village of Manhattan, Will County, Illinois for the Fiscal Year Beginning May 1, 2022, and Ending April 30, 2023. McDonough Second. Roll Call: Naughton aye, Adamski aye, Dilling absent, Beemsterboer aye, Young aye McDonough aye (5 ayes, 0 nays, 0 abstain, 1 absent). Motion Carried.

Mayor Adrieansen informs the Board of Trustees that they have before them an Ordinance Abating the Tax Heretofore Levied for the Year 2022 to Pay the Interest and Principal on $3,690,000 General Obligation Bonds, Series 2016 of the Village of Manhattan, Will County, Illinois.

Naughton Motion to Approve an Ordinance Abating the Tax Heretofore Levied for the Year 2022 to Pay the Interest and Principal on $3,690,000 General Obligation Bonds, Series 2016 of the Village of Manhattan, Will County, Illinois. Adamski Second. Roll Call: Adamski aye, Dilling absent, Beemsterboer aye, Young aye McDonough aye, Naughton aye (5 ayes, 0 nays, 0 abstain, 1 absent). Motion Carried.

Mayor Adrieansen informs the Board of Trustees that they have before them an Ordinance Abating the Tax Heretofore Levied for the Year 2022 to Pay the Interest and Principal on $5,125,000 General Obligation Bonds, Series 2021 of the Village of Manhattan, Will County, Illinois.

McDonough Motion to Approve an Ordinance Abating the Tax Heretofore Levied for the Year 2022 to Pay the Interest and Principal on $5,125,000 General Obligation Bonds, Series 2021 of the Village of Manhattan, Will County, Illinois. Naughton Second. Roll Call: Dilling absent, Beemsterboer aye, Young aye McDonough aye, Naughton aye, Adamski aye (5 ayes, 0 nays, 0 abstain, 1 absent). Motion Carried.

Mayor Adrieansen informs the Board of Trustees that they have before them an Ordinance Abating a Portion of the Tax Heretofore Levied for the Year 2022 to Pay Interest and Principal on $7,500,000 Special Service Area No. 2004-1 Bonds, Series 2015 of the Village of Manhattan, Will County, Illinois.

Adamski Motion to Approve an Ordinance Abating a Portion of the Tax Heretofore Levied for the Year 2022 to Pay Interest and Principal on $7,500,000 Special Service Area No. 2004-1 Bonds, Series 2015 of the Village of Manhattan, Will County, Illinois. Young Second. Roll Call: Beemsterboer aye, Young aye McDonough aye, Naughton aye, Adamski aye, Dilling absent (5 ayes, 0 nays, 0 abstain, 1 absent). Motion Carried.

Mayor Adrieansen informs the Board of Trustees that they have before them an Ordinance Abating a Portion of the Tax Heretofore Levied for the Year 2022 to Pay Interest and Principal on $4,240,000 Special Service Area No. 2007-5 Bonds, of the Village of Manhattan, Will County, Illinois.

Beemsterboer Motion to Approve an Ordinance Abating a Portion of the Tax Heretofore Levied for the Year 2022 to Pay Interest and Principal on $4,240,000 Special Service Area No. 2007-5 Bonds, of the Village of Manhattan, Will County, Illinois. Naughton Second. Roll Call: Young aye, McDonough aye, Naughton aye, Adamski aye, Dilling absent, Beemsterboer aye (5 ayes, 0 nays, 0 abstain, 1 absent). Motion Carried.

Mayor Adrieansen informs the Board of Trustees that they have before them an Ordinance Abating a Portion of the Tax Heretofore Levied for the Year 2022 to Pay Interest and Principal on $21,235,000 Special Service Area No. 2007-6 Bonds, of the Village of Manhattan, Will County, Illinois.

McDonough Motion to Approve an Ordinance Abating a Portion of the Tax Heretofore Levied for the Year 2022 to Pay Interest and Principal on $21,235,000 Special Service Area No. 2007-6 Bonds, of the Village of Manhattan, Will County, Illinois. Adamski Second. Roll Call: McDonough aye, Naughton aye, Adamski aye, Dilling absent, Beemsterboer aye, Young aye (5 ayes, 0 nays, 0 abstain, 1 absent). Motion Carried.

Mayor Adrieansen informs the Board of Trustees that they have before them a Resolution Authorizing the Execution of the Pace Para Transit Local Share Agreement Between the Regional Transportation Authority and the Village of Manhattan.

Naughton Motion to Approve a Resolution Authorizing the Execution of the Pace Para Transit Local Share Agreement Between the Regional Transportation Authority and the Village of Manhattan. Young Second. Roll Call: Naughton aye, Adamski aye, Dilling absent, Beemsterboer aye, Young aye, McDonough aye (5 ayes, 0 nays, 0 abstain, 1 absent). Motion Carried.

Mayor Adrieansen informs the Board of Trustees that they have before them an Ordinance Amending Title 9, Chapter 3, Section 9-3-11 (Gambling) of the Manhattan Village Code of Ordinances. The Village previously passed on ordinance requiring a $1,000 fee per video gaming terminal provided that the terminal operator pays the fee. Mayor Adrieansen goes on to explain that new State legislation allows for the terminal operators to split the cost with the local establishments. It was not the intent to place the terminal fee on the local establishments. This proposed ordinance amends video gaming regulations to eliminate the terminal fee. Any establishment that operates a video gaming terminal must apply for a license with an annual cost of $150.

Naughton Motion to Approve an Ordinance Amending Title 9, Chapter 3, Section 9-3-11 (Gambling) of the Manhattan Village Code of Ordinances. McDonough Second. Roll Call: Adamski aye, Dilling absent, Beemsterboer aye, Young aye, McDonough aye, Naughton aye (5 ayes, 0 nays, 0 abstain, 1 absent). Motion Carried.


Mayor Adrieansen would like to thank everyone involved with Christmas on State. Thank you to Art Kraus for allowing the Village to use his property for the tree lighting. Thank you to Lenice Bradley for donating the tree. Thank you to Jimmy Walsh and JB Baltas for erecting the tree and decorating it. Thank you to EMA, Police, and Public Works for all their hard work. Thank you to Kristen Reinke for her help organizing the parade and before parade activities. Congratulations to Mia Bernardy who was the lucky winner to light the Christmas tree.

Mayor Adrieansen would like to inform the Board of Trustees that McDonald’s has officially applied for their building permit. Construction should begin in the spring.

Mayor Adrieansen would like to recognize Officer Apollo in assisting with a felony arrest in News Lenox.

Mayor Adrieansen announces that the new audio/video equipment will be installed and ready to use by the end of the year. This will give the ability to video record our meetings and have them accessible from the Village website.

All the Board of Trustees want to thank everyone for all the work done for Christmas on State.

Trustee Beemsterboer would like to thank Brett Reiter for his craftsmanship building the Christmas displays around town.

Trustee Naughton informs the Mayor and the Board of Trustees that he will not be filing his petition to seek election as Village Trustee.

Village Clerk informs the Village Board that the Senior Holiday Luncheon is Wednesday, December 7th at 11:00 A.M. Thank you to staff and board members that gave up their seats for residents to attend. The luncheon is at maximum capacity. The Manhattan Jr. High School Madrigals will be performing at 11:30 A.M. and the Manhattan Township Historical Society will be presenting trivia about Manhattan.

Village Clerk Lewis announces that the filing period for nominating petitions is Monday, December 12th through Monday, December 19th (M-F) 8:30 A.M. – 4:30 P.M. at Village Hall.


Monthly Reports for November 2022 are presented to the Village Board for Finance, Police, EMA, Public Works, Village Engineer, and Building and Development.

Community Development Director Nelson informs the Village Board that the McDonald’s Special Use Permit and Site Plan will go before the Planning & Zoning Committee at the end of December and then to the Village Board on January 17th for approval.

Mayor Adrieansen asks the Board of Trustees if they are ok with canceling the January 3rd Board Meeting since it is right after the New Year holiday. All Trustees are ok with that. The Board will formally approve the cancelation at the next Board meeting, December 20th.


Mayor Adrieansen informs the Board of Trustees that there is Executive Session and there will be action afterwards.

Young Motion to Enter Executive Session for the Appointment, Employment, Compensation, Discipline, Performance, or Dismissal of Specific: Employees, Appointed, or Elected Officials; and Collective Bargaining (5ILCS120/2(c)1-3); and Consideration to Purchase, or Lease Specific Real Estate (5ILCS120/2(c)5). Adamski Second. Roll Call: Dilling absent, Beemsterboer aye, Young aye, McDonough aye, Naughton aye, Adamski aye (5 ayes, 0 nays, 0 abstain, 1 absent). Motion Carried.

The Village Board enters Executive Session at 6:40 P.M.

McDonough Motion to Reopen Regular Session. Young Second. Roll Call: McDonough aye, Naughton aye, Adamski aye, Dilling absent, Beemsterboer aye, Young aye (5 ayes, 0 nays, 0 abstain, 1 absent). Motion Carried.

Regular Session is reopened at 7:30 P.M.


Mayor Adrieansen informs the Board of Trustees that they have before them an Ordinance Ratifying and Authorizing the Purchase of Certain Property Within the Village of Manhattan, Will County, Illinois (415 S. State Street, Manhattan). Mayor Adrieansen states that this is a vacant property on Route 52 next to the Insurance agency and will tie in to the whole downtown redevelopment plan that the Village is working on.

Naughton states that it is important to understand that this is not being purchased from tax dollars. This money is coming from Enbridge when they annexed into the Village years ago. The Village extracted several millions of dollars from the annexation with the purpose of helping Manhattan’s economic development.

Naughton Motion to Approve an Ordinance Ratifying and Authorizing the Purchase of Certain Property Within the Village of Manhattan, Will County, Illinois (415 S. State Street, Manhattan). Adamski Second. Roll Call: Naughton aye, Adamski aye, Dilling absent, Beemsterboer aye, Young aye, McDonough aye (5 ayes, 0 nays, 0 abstain, 1 absent). Motion Carried.

Mayor Adrieansen informs the Board of Trustees that they have before them a Resolution Appointing the Village Administrator and Authorizing an Employment Agreement Between the Village Administrator and the Village of Manhattan, Will County, Illinois. In this resolution it states that Marc Nelson, as interim Village Administrator, will receive a stipend that ends in April. The Resolution will be amended to keep the stipend permanently, as a pay increase for Marc Nelson for all his hard work.

The Board of Trustees thank Marc Nelson for the work he has done as Interim Village Administrator.

Beemsterboer Motion to Approve a Resolution Appointing the Village Administrator and Authorizing an Employment Agreement Between the Village Administrator and the Village of Manhattan, Will County, Illinois with an Amendment to keep Marc Nelson’s Stipend in Place Permanently as a Pay Increase. McDonough Second. Roll Call: Adamski aye, Dilling absent, Beemsterboer aye, Young aye, McDonough aye, Naughton aye (5 ayes, 0 nays, 0 abstain, 1 absent). Motion Carried.

The Board of Trustees congratulate and welcome Nick Palmer on his appointment to Village Administrator for the Village of Manhattan.


McDonough Motion to Adjourn. Beemsterboer Second. All are in Favor. Motion Carried. Meeting Adjourned at 7:16 P.M.
