
Will County Gazette

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Village of Homer Glen Emergency Management Agency met Dec. 1

Village of Homer Glen Emergency Management Agency met Dec. 1.

Here is the agenda provided by the agency:

1. Call to Order.

The meeting was called to order at 1900 by Deputy Director Jim Riley

2. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

3. Roll Call.

Regular Members present: Adrienne Byrne, David Krivickas, Jim Riley, Jim Sullivan, Sam Scapaletto, Jeffrey Rodrigues

4. Minutes

A) The minutes of the November meeting was voted to approve by Director Kus and seconded by Deputy Director Riley. All voted to approve.

5. Public Comment: None, one member of the public, Mark Spoo was present 

6. Reports and Communications from Staff.

A) Coordinator. The old 4187 light truck has been sold

B) Training Officer. None

C) Facility. Fire inspection passed

D) Equipment. None

E) Communications. None

F) Vehicles. Continue work on 4185, including adding of radios, and other electronic items

7. Old Business.

A) Previous Events.

1. Deputy Director Riley, Sgt. Krivickas and Officer Sullivan assisted Mokena with their Festival of Lights parade and tree lighting on Nov. 19

2. Director Kus assisted New Lenox with a VFW memorial detail on Nov. 19

B) Callouts.

1. Director Kus and Sgt. Krivickas assisted NWH Fire with a 2-11 Structure fire on 136th St. 4185 command bus was used by MABAS div 15 Fire investigators on November 20-21.

8. New Business.

A) Upcoming Events.

1. Homer for the Holidays, December 4, 1130-2030

9. Adjournment: 1929
