
Will County Gazette

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Village of Romeoville Village Board met Feb. 16

Village of Romeoville Village Board met Feb. 16.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:


This meeting was called to order at 7:04 PM.

Roll Call

Present 7 - Trustee Jose Chavez, Trustee Linda Palmiter, Trustee Ken Griffin, Trustee Dave Richards, Trustee Brian A. Clancy Sr., Mayor John Noak, and Trustee Lourdes Aguirre



Resident Dave Wilkes explained that three weeks ago he received a letter from the Village Manager stating that CITGO is closing his street (High Road). He tried to get in contact with CITGO but they gave him the run around. Monday morning they shut down 127th Street and closed that entrance into High Road and put a sign on 135th and High Road stating "Access for local use" and the trucks that went through damaged the road.

Because of this damage, Mr. Wilkes called Public Works and they were out there for 6 hours trying to fix the road. CITGO should not have closed that road down and trucks should not have been permitted to travel down that road as it is for 10 tons only. Mr. Wilkes also commented that because his address is Lockport he has a hard time getting services through Romeoville even though he is a Romeoville resident. He also commented that there is a parcel of land that is trying to annex into Romeoville. He would like to be aware of it because there are only two houses on that road and Mobile and no one would like that other Trucking Company to come into the Village.


A motion was made by Trustee Griffin, seconded by Trustee Aguirre, to do a consent agenda. The motion carried by the following vote:

Aye: 6 - Trustee Chavez, Trustee Palmiter, Trustee Griffin, Trustee Richards, Trustee Clancy, and Trustee Aguirre

Non-voting: 1 - Mayor Noak

Approval of the Consent Agenda

A motion was made by Trustee Chavez, seconded by Trustee Palmiter, to approve the Consent Agenda. The motion carried by the following vote:

Aye: 6 - Trustee Chavez, Trustee Palmiter, Trustee Griffin, Trustee Richards, Trustee Clancy, and Trustee Aguirre

Non-voting: 1 - Mayor Noak

MIN22-0879 Approval of Minutes- Workshop Meeting February 2, 2022

This Minutes Workshop was Approved.

MIN22-0880 Approval of Minutes- Regular Meeting February 2, 2022

This Minutes Regular was Approved.

22-2959 Approval of Bills- Schedule A

This Approval Of Bills was Approved.

22-2960 Approval of Bills- Schedule B

This Approval Of Bills was Approved.

22-2961 Approval of Bills- Schedule C

This Approval Of Bills was Approved.

RES22-3287 A Resolution to Waive the Bid Requirements and Accept the Price Quote for the Britespan Fabric Covered Building from Freedom Buildings

This Resolution was Approved.

RES22-3289 A Resolution Establishing a Development Security for the Public, Stormwater and Erosion Control Improvements at the Freddy’s Restaurant located at 440 S. Weber Road (PZC#21-022). Romeoville, Illinois

This Resolution was Approved.

RES22-3290 A Resolution Authorizing the Execution of an Amendment to the Paymentus Agreement (Originally Passed RES15-1951)

This Resolution was Approved.

RES22-3291 A Resolution to Waive the Bidding Requirements and Accept the Price Quote for the Replacement of the Existing Sludge Storage Area Cover from Freedom Buildings

This Resolution was Approved.

RES22-3292 A Resolution Authorizing an Agreement with TBA LLC/The Brennan Agency LLC for Consulting and Management Services to Organize the Romeoville Romeofest Concert 2022.

This Resolution was Approved.

RES22-3293 A Resolution to Accept the Proposal from Dahme Mechanical Ind for Piping and Valve Replacement in the Lakewood North Lift Station Wet Well

This Resolution was Approved.

RES22-3294 A Resolution Approving an Addendum to a Service Agreement with Coverall North America, Inc. now doing business as “A to Z Cleaning Service”

This Resolution was Approved.

RES22-3295 A Resolution Accepting Public Improvements of B&W Trucking Romeoville, Illinois

This Resolution was Approved.


Thank you to everyone who has worked on this water issue. We have a lot more to do but we've spent a lot of time discussing. Price for our residents have always been the forefront of discussion and making sure this was as cost efficient as we possibly could. Congratulations to Patrick O'Connor on his upcoming Eagle Scout Honor this weekend! The Village will be closed Monday, February 21st in observation of President's Day. Bolingbrook is hosting their State of the Village next week. White Oak Library is celebrating their 100th year later this month. Be safe out there with the weather we are receiving. Thank you to our Public Works team for all their hard work this winter. For our guest, Zip Code designations are determined by the Regional Post Master.


The Community Service Council met last night. Bob Kalnicky and Carol Penning both returned after their illnesses. The Valley View Educational Enrichment Foundation is still in preparations for the March annual dinner.

We are still looking for donations for the event so please contact me or Trustee Griffin if you have any raffle donations. Thank you to Chris and the entire team who performed the comprehensive study to find the future water source. The entire administration and board should be commended on their foresight.


Trustee Aguirre: Police and Fire Commission

Their next meeting will be Tuesday, March 4th at 6:30 PM.

Trustee Richards: Planning and Zoning

No Report

Trustee Clancy: Parks & Rec

The return of the annual Bunny Bash will be Friday, April 8th from 6-8PM at the Romeoville Rec Center. Register by Sunday, March 20th to secure your spot. The Athletic Center is looking for basketball trainers! Contact them for more information.

Trustee Griffin: Veteran's Commission

No Report

Trustee Palmiter: Special Events

No Report

Trustee Chavez: VOR TV

No Report


No Report


22-2958 A Motion to accept the Village of Romeoville's Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) for the Fiscal Year Ended April 30, 2021.

A motion was made by Trustee Griffin, seconded by Trustee Aguirre, that this Motion be Approved. The motion carried by the following vote:

Aye: 6 - Trustee Chavez, Trustee Palmiter, Trustee Griffin, Trustee Richards, Trustee Clancy, and Trustee Aguirre

Non-voting: 1 - Mayor Noak

RES22-3296 A Resolution Approving a Preliminary Agreement Regarding Formation of a Regional Water Commission, Making Preliminary Declarations of Future Lake Michigan Water Needs and Other Related Matters

A motion was made by Trustee Chavez, seconded by Trustee Clancy, that this Resolution be Approved. The motion carried by the following vote:

Aye: 6 - Trustee Chavez, Trustee Palmiter, Trustee Griffin, Trustee Richards, Trustee Clancy, and Trustee Aguirre

Non-voting: 1 - Mayor Noak

RES22-3297 A Resolution Approving a Memorandum of Understanding with the City of Joliet

A motion was made by Trustee Griffin, seconded by Trustee Aguirre, that this Resolution be Approved. The motion carried by the following vote:

Aye: 6 - Trustee Chavez, Trustee Palmiter, Trustee Griffin, Trustee Richards, Trustee Clancy, and Trustee Aguirre

Non-voting: 1 - Mayor Noak


Trustee Chavez- We are making our moves in this water business and have a long way to go. I want to wish everyone involved nothing but success. The comprehensive financial report is great to see. The report is important because it is completed by a separate entity and it is a great checks and balances. Many thanks to everyone in the finance department.

The Police Department continues to engage with our youth. Their next event is "To Nerf and Protect" for ages 11-14. I'm glad to see our police department doing this type of work. There is a limit of 60 kids so sign up early if you're interested. I'm looking forward to seeing what else the police department will do next.

Trustee Palmiter- Thank you to Christi our Finance Director for a wonderful report we have and all the work she put into it. The water commission is incredible. Residents turn on their tap and think it just appears and don't understand the amount of work it takes to make that happen for everyone!

Trustee Griffin- I am reminded of the iceberg story with both the audit and water presentation. All we saw was the top 10% of the work that was done and the bottom 90% is all the hard work we didn't see. There wont be school tomorrow so all you kids find a senior or a neighbor near by and help them shovel their sidewalk. Congratulations to Clerk Holloway for the lovely story the village posted about their family.

Trustee Richards- There is no school tomorrow but be aware of the ice and snow coming so be safe! Thank you in advanced to the Public Works Department for keeping our streets clear.

Trustee Clancy- Keep the garbage cans out of the street when it snows so that the plows can keep the street as clear as possible. Thanks to Dawn and the Water Department for putting together such a tremendous program. Great job on the financial report. Congratulations to Bernice on the wonderful recognition.

Trustee Aguirre- Congratulations to Bernice and her husband for the recognition. Thank you to Christi for providing the great financial report.

Long ago when little tribes ran out of water they would move on. We cannot do that so thank you to everyone for being proactive and making sure we have water for the future. Water is our lifeline. Without it we cannot exist.

The Mayor commented that we are fortunate to have the multitude of choices as most of the world does not. Lake Michigan is one of the most sought after water sources for public consumption. Having it at such close proximity is a rarity.

11. EXECUTIVE SESSION- Personnel-- 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1)


A motion was made by Trustee Griffin, seconded by Trustee Aguirre, that this Meeting be Adjourned at 7:29 PM. The motion carried by a unanimous vote.
