
Will County Gazette

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Crest Hill City Council Met Jan. 4

Webp meeting41

City of Crest Hill City Council Met Jan. 4.

Here is the minutes provided by the council:

The regular meeting of the City of Crest Hill was called to order by Mayor Raymond R. Soliman at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers, 1610 Plainfield Road Crest Hill, Will County, Illinois. Mayor Soliman indicated that tonight's meeting will be via video conference with Council and 

Staff members attending from their homes. 

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited in unison. 

Roll call indicated the following present via a video conference: Mayor Raymond Soliman, City Clerk Vicki Hackney, City Treasurer Glen Conklin, Alderman John Vershay, Alderman Scott Dyke, Alderwoman Barbara Sklare, Alderwoman Claudia Gazal, Alderwoman Tina Oberlin, Alderman Marco Coladipietro, Alderman Nate Albert, Alderman Joe Kubal. 

Also present were: City Administrator Heather McGuire, Deputy Police Chief Tony Rossetti, Interim Public Works Director Mark Siefert. 

Absent were: Deputy City Clerk Janet Serdar, Finance Supervisor Ashli Motyka, Police Chief Ed Clark, City Engineer Ron Weideman. 

Mayor Soliman announced that he is conducting the meeting remotely from the City Council Chambers. 

APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Mayor Soliman presented the minutes from the regular City Council meeting held on December 21, 2020 for Council approval. 

(#1) Motion by Alderman Albert, seconded by Alderwoman Sklare, to approve the minutes from the regular meeting held on December 21, 2020 as presented. On roll call, the vote was: 

AYES: Ald. Kubal, Dyke, Vershay, Sklare, Gazal, Oberlin, Coladipietro, Albert. 

NAYES: None. 

ABSENT: None. 

There being eight (8) affirmative votes, the MOTION CARRIED. 

CITY ADMINISTRATOR: City Administrator Heather McGuire had no agenda items for discussion. 

Administrator McGuire announced that there will be a work session on Monday January 11, 2021 for discussion on two proposed developments in the City, the City logo presentation, the revenue analysis, and other agenda items currently being worked on at this time. 

Administrator McGuire announced that we received four applications for the small business grant program and will reviewing them with the Council. 

Alderman Dyke asked if we could get an itemized bill from the Attorney's Office in regard to ordinance violations with addresses. Administrator McGuire would provide the Council with copies. 

Administrator McGuire wished everyone a Happy New Year. 

PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT: Interim Public Works Director Mark Siefert had no agenda items for discussion. 

Director Siefert thanked all of the residents who removed their vehicles from the roadways during the recent snowfall. Mayor Soliman thanked the Public Works Department for their hard work during the snowfall and recent water main breaks. Members of the Council also commended the Public Works Department for their hard work. 

COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPT: There were no agenda items for discussion. 

POLICE DEPARTMENT: Deputy Police Chief Tony Rossetti had no agenda items for discussion. The report was on file. Alderwoman Gazal asked that discussion on the proposed stop sign be placed on the next work session agenda. Members of the Council commended the Police Department for their hard work. 

MAYOR: Mayor Soliman had no agenda items for discussion. 

CITY CLERK: City Clerk Vicki Hackney had no agenda items for discussion. 

Clerk Hackney wished everyone a Happy New Year. 

CITY TREASURER: City Treasurer Glen Conklin presented the regular and overtime payroll for the period of December 7, 2020 through December 20, 2020 in the amount of $214,991.94. 

Treasurer Conklin presented the list of bills in the amount of $578,122.96 for Council approval. 

(#2) Motion by Alderwoman Oberlin, seconded by Alderwoman Sklare, to approve the list of bills in the amount of $578,122.96 as presented. On roll call, the vote was: 

AYES: Ald. Coladipietro, Albert, Kubal, Dyke, Vershay, Sklare, Gazal, Oberlin. 

NAYES: None. 

ABSENT: None. 

There being eight (8) affirmative votes, the MOTION CARRIED. 

City Treasurer Conklin wished everyone a Happy New Year. 

UNFINISHED BUSINESS: There was no unfinished business. 

NEW BUSINESS: There was no new business. 

COMMITTEE/LIAISON REPORTS: Alderwoman Oberlin announced that the prizes were delivered to the Holiday Lights contest winners. She thanked everyone who participated. 

Alderman Kubal announced that the fireworks on New Years Eve that were hosted by the Lockport Park District were beautiful. The Mayor announced that this was the park districts 75h anniversary. 

COUNCIL COMMENTS: Alderman Albert commended the park district on the fireworks display. The remainder of the City Council wished everyone a safe, healthy and Happy New Year. 

PUBLIC COMMENT: There were no citizens that have filed questions or comments with the City via mail or email per confirmation of the City Clerk. Mayor Soliman asked if anyone had joined the meeting remotely. No one had joined the meeting remotely. 

Mayor Soliman asked if there was a need for an executive session. Administrator McGuire announced there was no need for an executive session. 

There being no further business before the Council, a motion for adjournment was in order. 

(#3) Motion by Alderman Dyke, seconded by Alderman Vershay, to adjourn the January 4, 2021 City Council meeting. On roll call, the vote was: 

AYES: Ald. Sklare, Gazal, Oberlin, Coladipietro, Albert, Kubal, Dyke, Vershay. 

NAYES: None. 

ABSENT: None. 

There being eight (8) affirmative votes, the MOTION CARRIED. 

The meeting was adjourned at 7:16 p.m. 
