
Will County Gazette

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Village of Shorewood Planning and Zoning Commission Met June 3

Webp meeting 06

Village of Shorewood Planning and Zoning Commission met June 3.

Here is the minutes provided by the commission:

I. Call to Order

Chairman Brockman called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm.

He asked Kelley Chrisse to review the Virtual Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting procedures. Ms. Chrisse explained that, due to the COVID 19 Pandemic, the meeting was being held virtually via the Webex forum. The PZC, staff, applicants, and public were invited to join via the internet or telephone. She discussed how to participate in the meeting, how to make comments, and how the Webex Platform works.

A. Pledge to the Flag

B. Roll Call

Present:    Chairman Stevan Brockman, Vice Chairman Dan Warren, Brad Brooks, Bruce Durham, Mike                        Kaminsky, Ellen Kijowski, Deb Olson, Jim Relyea, Cheri Susner

Absent:     David Goodale

Staff: Kelley Chrisse, Economic Development Director 

Natalie Engel, Village Planner 

Jim Culotta, Village Administrator

Aaron Klima, Police Chief

Jim Parthun, Public Works Foreman

Others:    Frank Cortina - Cortina-Mueller

David Anderson

Dan Anderson

II. Public Comments


III. Business Items

A. Approval of Minutes dated May 6, 2020.

Motion by Kaminsky, seconded by Kijowski to approve the minutes dated June 3, 2020.

Upon roll call vote, the motion carried unanimously. 7 votes in favor, none opposed.

Ayes: Brooks, Kijowski, Olson, Relyea, Susner, Durham, Kaminsky

Nays: None

B. Public Hearing

i. Petition #19-392 (Continued from May 6, 2020)

Onsite Truck and Trailer Repair has requested a Conditional Use for a Truck and Trailer Repair Facility at 301 Amendodge Dr. (PIN 050616407011).

Chairman Brockman opened the continued public hearing. Natalie Engel, Village Planner, presented the updated staff report. She described the petition for a conditional use permit from Onsite Truck and Trailer Repair. Since the last meeting, the applicants have made significant progress in bringing the lot into compliance with Village Regulations. Staff recommends continuing the public hearing for a month to give the chance to get the property into full compliance.

Attorney Frank Cortina, representing the property owner for 301 Amendodge, addressed the PZC. He said that he had been brought in to assist Onsite as there had been issues with communication. He said that Onsite had filed an application for their use, that the previous property owner had stepped in, and that Onsite assumed that all requirements had been satisfied. He believes that Onsite will be a good neighbor.

75% of the materials left by the previous owner have been removed. The [cargo] container has been sold and will be removed within a week. They will be applying for a permit for an 8-foot slatted fence to screen semis parked in the side yard.

Mr. Cortina said that the applicant would like to do minor repairs, such as air filter replacements, outdoors behind the building.

The renters in the building on the rear of the property will be evicted as soon as the restrictions due to COVID 19 are lifted. He believes that there may be an illegal residence in the rear building and that the renters are using parking spaces that they are not entitled to use.

Jim Relyea noted their efforts and asked about the installation of the fence. The fence installation has been delayed due to the fence company having been deemed non- essential.

Commissioner Olson noted that there has been progress but that there were still some semis in front and a big flatbed full of lumber.

Commissioner Kijowski asked what would be parked on the side of the building. Mr. Cortina said that it would be truck tractors or trailers, depending on what comes in.

Commissioner Durham asked for clarification regarding the work outside. Mr. Cortina said that it would be minor repairs that did not involve fluids. Nothing would be repaired in front of the building.

Commissioner Brooks indicated that he was concerned about how long the process was taking and how long it would take to get the situation resolved. Chairman Brockman said that he would normally agree but felt that there were unusual circumstances with this case. Economic Development Director Kelley Chrisse indicated that it was important to make sure a business could meet zoning requirements before issuing a Conditional Use.

Motion by Brooks, seconded by Olson to continue the public hearing until the July 1, 2020 Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting

The motion carried unanimously. 7 votes in favor, none opposed.

Ayes: Brooks, Kijowski, Olson, Relyea, Susner, Durham, Kaminsky 

Nays: None

ii. Petition #20-404

David Anderson has requested a Planned Unit Development Amendment for Anderson’s Crossroads at the northwest corner of Brook Forest Avenue and Jefferson Street. (PIN 0506094090460000)

Chairman Brockman opened the public hearing.

Natalie Engel, the Village Planner, presented the staff report. She described the ongoing plan for the site which includes 2 buildings that are already constructed and a 3rd that will be constructed in the future. The proposed amendment addresses some site plan changes, approves the basic architecture of Building 3, approves a more flexible signage plan, approves a landscape plan, eliminates a previous requirement for tree donations, and provides flexibility for staff-level approvals should there be minor changes or changes that result from IDOT infrastructure projects.

Commissioner Relyea said that he liked pulling everything together into the amendment and was looking forward to the third building.

Chairman Brockman said that he thought that the tree donation requirement may have dated back to when there was a home on the property but he did not think that it made sense at this time.

Motion by Kijowski, seconded by Kaminsky to close the public hearing. The motion carried unanimously. 7 votes in favor, none opposed.

Ayes: Brooks, Kijowski, Olson, Relyea, Susner, Durham, Kaminsky 

Nays: None

Motion by Susner, seconded by Durham as follows:

I move that based upon the Staff report and other evidence presented we (1) enter findings of fact that the standards set forth in Sections 10-11-7 of the Village Code have been met and (2) recommend that the Village Board grant the subject property an amendment to the conditional use permit for a planned unit development with the condition that the property be developed, utilized, and all businesses operated in conformance with the Zoning Ordinance, all other applicable ordinances and regulations of the Village.

The motion carried unanimously. 7 votes in favor, none opposed.

Ayes: Susner, Durham, Relyea, Kaminsky, Brooks, Kijowski, Olson Nays: None

IV. Reports and Communications A. Staff Updates

i. Development Update

Ms. Chrisse told the commissioners that she had been on WJOL at 9am talking about development projects.

LaQuinta and Rhino Baseball are nearing completion; Aldi’s is under construction; Marshall’s, Hand and Stone and Crew Cuts will be opening soon; Red Wing is now open; and, there is a new owner that will be reopening Cookie Jar.

Relative to the COVID 19 pandemic, we have been working with restaurants to open outdoor dining areas and have suspended some temporary sign regulations through Labor Day.

ii. Commissioner Feedback

Commissioner Kijowski and Commissioner Kaminsky passed on their thanks to the Police Department.

Commissioner Warren congratulated the reappointed commissioners.

Commissioner Brockman thanked the staff including Jim Parthun who was operating the AV equipment for the meeting.


Motion by Commissioner Olson, seconded by Commissioner Susner to adjourn the meeting. The motion carried unanimously. 7 votes in favor, none opposed.

Ayes: Susner, Durham, Relyea, Kaminsky, Brooks, Kijowski, Olson

Nays: None

The meeting was adjourned at 8:00 PM.
