
Will County Gazette

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Crest Hill City Council May 18

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City of Crest Hill City Council met June 18.

Here is the minutes provided by the council:

The regular meeting of the City of Crest Hill was called to order by Mayor Raymond R. Soliman at 7:20 p.m. in the Council Chambers, 1610 Plainfield Road Crest Hill, Will County, Illinois. Mayor Soliman indicated that the tonight's meeting will be via video conference with Council and Staff members attending from their homes.

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited in unison.

Roll call indicated the following present: Mayor Raymond Soliman, City Clerk Vicki Hackney, City Treasurer Glen Conklin, Alderman Scott Dyke, Alderman John Vershay, Alderwoman Barbara Sklare, Alderwoman Claudia Gazal, Alderwoman Tina Oberlin, Alderman Marco Coladipietro, Alderman Nate Albert, Alderman Joe Kubal.

Also present were: City Administrator Heather McGuire, Assistant City Administrator/HR Director Megan Fulara, Police Chief Ed Clark, Community Development Director Scott McMaster, Director of Water/Wastewater Mark Siefert, Public Works Director Tom Migatz, Finance Supervisor Ashli Motyka.

Absent were: Deputy City Clerk Janet Serdar.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Mayor Soliman presented the minutes from the regular meeting held on May 4, 2020 for Council approval.

(#1) Motion by Alderwoman Sklare, seconded by Alderman Coladipietro, to approve the minutes from the regular meeting held on May 4, 2020 as presented. On roll call, the vote was: AYES: Ald. Albert, Kubal, Dyke, Vershay, Gazal, Sklare, Oberlin, Coladipietro. NAYES: None. ABSENT: None. There being eight (8) affirmative votes, the MOTION CARRIED.

Mayor Soliman presented the minutes from the work session held on May 11, 2020 for Council approval.

(#2) Motion by Alderwoman Oberlin, seconded by, Alderwoman Gazal, to approve the minutes from the work session held on May 11, 2020 as presented. On roll call, the vote was: AYES: Ald. Sklare, Coladipietro, Oberlin, Albert, Vershay, Dyke, Gazal. NAYES: None. ABSENT: None. There being seven (7) affirmative votes, the MOTION CARRIED.  * Alderman Kubal lost the virtual connection and did not cast a vote.

CITY ADMINISTRATOR: City Administrator Heather McGuire presented A RESOLUTION APPROVING A MUNICIPAL MATERIALS MANAGEMENT AGREEMENT WITH ALLIED WASTE MANAGEMENT, INC. D/B/A REPUBLIC SERVICES OF JOLIET. Administrator McGuire went over the background of the resolution and the contract. Mayor Soliman gave a presentation on the garbage contract. One of the items that has been added to the contract is E-waste pickup, which would be for various types of electronics. Residents will still be able to put out large items for pick up, and the recycling schedule will remain the same. We will be adding a spring cleanup to the contract. The Mayor then went over the fee schedule for the duration of the 7-year contract. Administrator McGuire went over some of the points in the contract. Alderwoman Oberlin questioned the prior dispute we had with the contractor. This has been resolved as stated in the contract. Alderman Coladipietro questioned page 2 paragraph 7.3. Administrator McGuire explained that any changes would need Council approval. Alderwoman Gazal questioned the hazardous materials. Administrator McGuire explained that this is the same as the previous contract. Alderwoman Gazal asked that we put the updates to the contract on the website. Administrator McGuire explained that the garbage company will also send out updates to the residents twice a year. Treasurer Conklin questioned the invoicing on section 8.1. Administrator McGuire explained that we will be doing an annual audit on the house count and explained how it will be done.

(#3) Motion by Alderwoman Oberlin, seconded by Alderman Vershay, to approve A RESOLUTION APPROVING A MUNICIPAL MATERIALS MANAGEMENT AGREEMENT WITH ALLIED WASTE MANAGEMENT, INC. D/B/A REPUBLIC SERVICES OF JOLIET. On roll call, the vote was: AYES: Ald. Sklare, Gazal, Coladipietro, Oberlin, Albert, Kubal, Dyke, Vershay. NAYES: None. ABSENT: None. There being eight (8) affirmative votes, the MOTION CARRIED. 

Resolution #1078

Administrator McGuire announced that there will be a work session on Tuesday May 26, 2020 for discussion on the potential water bill credit and computer replacement program. Alderwoman Gazal questioned when the full staff is going to be back into the building. Administrator McGuire anticipated June 1, 2020, but it is going to depend on what the Governor decides. This can be discussed at a work session prior to the building reopening to the public. Alderwoman Gazal asked if we can get all of our inspectors for the Building Department overlapping full and part time. Is there any additional space that could be used to accommodate them and still maintain distancing. Administrator McGuire explained that we are currently working on this. Discussion followed. Mayor Soliman commended City Staff for their hard work on the garbage contract.

PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT: Director of Water/Wastewater Mark Siefert presented a request for the Kelly Avenue Watermain Replacement Contract award per the memo dated May 14, 2020. Director Siefert is seeking approval to award the project to the low bidder, Austin Tyler Construction Co. at a cost of $1,194,879.45.

(#4) Motion by Alderman Vershay, seconded by Alderwoman Oberlin, to award the bid for the Kelly Avenue Watermain Replacement Contract to Austin Tyler Construction Co. at a cost of $1,194,879.45. On roll call, the vote was: AYES: Ald. Coladipietro, Albert, Kubal, Dyke, Vershay, Gazal, Sklare, Oberlin. NAYES: None. ABSENT: None. There being eight (8) affirmative votes, the MOTION CARRIED.

Director Siefert presented a request for the Kelly Avenue Watermain replacement Christopher Burke Engineering Service Agreement per the memo dated May 14, 2020. Director Siefert went over the background of the project.

(#5) Motion by Alderman Dyke, seconded by Alderwoman Oberlin, to approve the Kelly Avenue Watermain replacement-Christopher Burke Engineering Service Agreement per the memo dated May 14, 2020. On roll call, the vote was: AYES: Ald. Coladipietro, Kubal, Albert, Dyke, Vershay, Gazal, Sklare, Oberlin. NAYES: None. ABSENT: None. There being eight (8) affirmative votes, the MOTION CARRIED.

Director of Public Works Tom Migatz presented the Pioneer Road Resurfacing Contract Award per the memo dated May 15, 2020. Director Migatz is seeking approval to award the project to the low bidder PT Ferro Construction Company in the amount of $444,868.52. Alderman Albert asked if this would be for the entire length of Pioneer or just from Theodore Street to Bicentennial. This would be for the area from Theodore Street to Bicentennial.

(#6) Motion by Alderwoman Oberlin, seconded by Alderman Kubal, to award the Pioneer Road Resurfacing Contract to PT Ferro Construction Company in the amount of $444,868.52. On roll call, the vote was: AYES: Ald. Dyke, Vershay, Gazal, Sklare, Coladipietro, Oberlin, Albert, Kubal. NAYES: None. ABSENT: None. There being eight (8) affirmative votes, the MOTION CARRIED.

Director Migatz presented the Replacement Vehicle and Equipment Purchases for FY 2020/2021. Director Migatz went over the vehicles that would be replaced and explained that there are vehicles that could be resold as surplus before they begin to incur excessive repair costs. He went over the items to be purchased. Some of the equipment would be for the new Public Works facility. Alderman Vershay felt that we should hold off on these purchases for a year until we see what is going to happen with the pandemic. Mayor Soliman explained that we have had this program in place for roughly five years and it has saved the City money. Alderman Coladipietro asked if this request is approved, will the purchases be made right away. Administrator McGuire explained that they would. Alderman Coladipietro also feels that we should hold off on these purchases. Administrator McGuire explained without approval we could lose out on reduced pricing and some of the vehicles that we currently have are nearing the end of the warranties and any repairs would incur costs to the City Staff recommends the approval of the equipment purchase. Treasurer Conklin asked if some of the vehicles would be for the Police Department. They would. Alderman Albert feels that we should put these purchases off until the fall due to the current situation.

(#7) Motion by Alderwoman Oberlin, seconded by Alderwoman Gazal, to approve the Replacement Vehicle and Equipment Purchases for FY 2020/2021 as presented. On roll call, the vote was: AYES: Ald. Sklare, Oberlin, Kubal, Gazal, Mayor Soliman. NAYES: Ald. Dyke, Vershay, Coladipietro, Albert. ABSENT: None. There being five (5) affirmative votes, the MOTION CARRIED.

Alderwoman Sklare thanked the Public Works Department for their quick response to a situation that occurred on Barthelone.

ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT: Community Development Director Scott McMaster had no agenda items for discussion. The report was on file. Director McMaster informed the Council that our Clerical is back in the office working half days during the week.

POLICE DEPARTMENT: Police Chief Ed Clark had no agenda items for discussion. The report was on file. Chief Clark updated the Council on a homicide that occurred last month. He thanked Will County for their assistance on the case.

MAYOR: Mayor Soliman had no agenda items for discussion. Mayor Soliman updated the Council on the large amount of rain that we received over the weekend. We also experienced a water main break during this time period. He commended the Public Works employees for their hard work. Mayor Soliman gave a presentation on the updates that have been done to the infrastructure. He reminded the residents that the City offers an overhead sewer program. The City would rebate the resident up to $4,000.00 of the cost. Anyone that is interested can contact the Water/Wastewater Department or Building Department. Administrator McGuire informed the public that information is available on the City website. Mayor Soliman announced that the Memorial Day ceremony has been cancelled. He thanked all of the Veterans for serving our country. Mayor Soliman reminded everyone to get their Census form filled out and mailed back in. This is very important to the City. Mayor Soliman commended all of the 2020 graduates and wished them success in the future.

CITY CLERK: City Clerk Vicki Hackney presented AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 5 OF THE CREST HILL MUNICIPAL CODE IN RELATION TO BUSINESS LICENSING. The current due date is June 30th of the calendar year. Clerk Hackney is requesting that the due date for all license issued through the Clerk's Office be changed to January 31st of the calendar year.

(#8) Motion by Alderwoman Oberlin, seconded by, Alderwoman Gazal, to approve AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 5 OF THE CREST HILL MUNICIPAL CODE IN RELATION TO BUSINESS LICENSING. On roll call, the vote was: AYES: Ald. Coladipietro, Albert, Kubal, Dyke, Vershay, Gazal, Sklare, Oberlin. NAYES: None. ABSENT: None. Ordinance #1839.

CITY TREASURER: City Treasurer Glen Conklin presented the regular and overtime payroll for the period of April 27, 2020 through May 10, 2020 in the amount of $227,790.48.

Treasurer Conklin presented the list of bills in the amount of $807,109.40 for Council approval.

(#9) Motion by Alderwoman Oberlin, seconded by Alderwoman Sklare, to approve the list of bills in the amount of $807,109.40 as presented. On roll call, the vote was: AYES: Ald. Albert, Kubal, Dyke, Vershay, Gazal, Sklare, Coladipietro, Oberlin. NAYES: None. ABSENT: None. There being eight (8) affirmative votes, the MOTION CARRIED.

UNFINISHED BUSINESS: There was no unfinished business.

NEW BUSINESS: Mayor Soliman presented a Plan Commission recommendation for Council approval. The first recommendation is case #SU-20-2-3-1 request of LandCraft Inc. For a B-3 special use to operate a fiberglass boat repair facility at 1604 Caton Farm Road. Community Development Director Scott McMaster thanked City Staff for all of their hard work getting the Plan Commission meeting together and having all of the nation ready for tonight's meeting. He also thanked the applicants for their patience and understanding. Mayor Soliman asked for comments or questions from the Council. There were none. Christine Lekberg representing the petitioner gave a brief presentation on the request via phone. Mayor Soliman asked Clerk Hackney if anyone wished to address the Council on this case. There were no citizens that have filed questions or comments with the City via mail or email per confirmation of the City Clerk.

(#10) Motion by Alderman Albert, seconded by Alderman Vershay, to approve AN ORDINANCE GRANTING A SPECIAL USE PERMIT TO THE CITY OF CREST HILL ZONING ORDINANCE WITH RESPECT TO CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY (PETITION OF LANDCRAFT, INC.) On roll call, the vote was: AYES: Ald. Gazal, Sklare, Oberlin, Coladipietro, Albert, Kubal, Dyke, Vershay. NAYES: None. ABSENT: None. There being eight (8) affirmative votes, the MOTION CARRIED. 

Ordinance #1840

Mayor Soliman presented a Plan Commissioner recommendation for Council approval, which is case #SU-20-4-5-1 request of Zabor Automotive for a B-3 special use to operate an automotive repair facility at 2209 Theodore Street. Director McMaster gave a presentation on the request. The Plan Commission requested that a fence be placed along the south property line to separate this property from the existing residential. Director McMaster is asking for a time frame for the placement of the fence of 18 months. Alderwoman Oberlin would like to see the petitioner follow the ordinance that is in place for business properties. Discussion followed. Administrator McGuire explained that this is spelled out in the ordinance for the rezoning of this property. Mayor Soliman asked for comments or questions from the Council. There were none. Stephen Zaborsky the petitioner addressed the Council via video conferencing. Mr. Zaborsky explained that he requested an extension on the placement of the fence due to the expenses incurred filing the petition, the cost of the fence and the fact that there has been no one in the building for roughly 3 months with income being generated. Also, he has owned the property in a separate name since 2015 under a private loan. He feels that this property should have been grandfathered in because the purchase was prior to 2018. Administrator McGuire explained that Mr. Zaborsky will take title to the property when the contract is fulfilled. The current property owner signed off on the zoning change. Mayor Soliman asked Clerk Hackney if anyone wished to address the Council on this case. There were no citizens that have filed questions or comments with the City via mail or email per confirmation of the City Clerk.

(#11) Motion by Ald. Oberlin, seconded by Alderman Coladipietro, to approve AN ORDINANCE GRANTING A B-3 SPECIAL USE FOR AN AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR BUSINESS ON THE REAL PROPERTY LOCATED AT 2209 THEIDORE STREET IN THE CITY OF CREST HILL (SU-20-4-5) with an 18 month extension for the placement of the 8' fence on the south side of the property from the date of ordinance signing. On roll call, the vote was: AYES: Ald. Albert, Kubal, Dyke, Vershay, Gazal, Sklare, Oberlin, Coladipietro. NAYES: None. ABSENT: None. There being eight (8) affirmative votes, the MOTION CARRIED. 

Ordinance #1841

COMMITTEE/LIAISON REPORTS: Mayor Soliman reminded everyone that the annual Memorial Day ceremony has been cancelled. We will be showing the program from 2017 on the local cable channel.

COUNCIL COMMENTS: Alderman Albert welcome the new businesses to the City and commended Public Works for their hard work during the heavy rainfall. He encouraged the residents to take advantage of the overhead sewer program. Alderwoman Oberlin welcomed the new businesses, wished everyone a happy Memorial Day, and congratulated the 2020 graduates. She also encouraged everyone to reach out to anyone you know that might be alone. Alderwoman Gazal wished the residents a happy Memorial Day. On behalf of herself and Alderwoman Sklare, she would like to thank the two young men who cleaned up in Ward II. They tried to reward them, but the young men asked that they forward any gift to others who might be in need. Alderwoman Sklare also thanked the two young gentlemen. She also congratulated the 2020 graduates. Alderman Vershay welcomed the new business to the City. He also said that we need to address the water problem that we are experiencing in Ward 1. Alderman Dyke concurred with the previous comments and also thanked our Veterans.

PUBLIC COMMENT: There were no citizens that have filed questions or comments with the City via mail or email per confirmation of the City Clerk.

There being no further business before the Council, a motion for adjournment was in order.

(#12) Motion by Alderman Dyke, seconded by Alderman Vershay, to adjourn the May 18, 2020 City Council meeting. On roll call, the vote was: AYES: Ald. Gazal, Sklare, Oberlin, Coladipietro, Albert, Kubal, Dyke, Vershay. NAYES: None. ABSENT: None. There being eight (8) affirmative votes, the MOTION CARRIED.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:45
