
Will County Gazette

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Crest Hill City Council met May 26

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City of Crest Hill City Council met May 26.

Here is the minutes provided by the council:

The City Council work session was called to order by Mayor Raymond R. Soliman at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers, 1610 Plainfield Road Crest Hill, Will County, Illinois. Mayor Soliman indicated that the tonight's work session will be via video conference with Council and Staff members attending from their homes.

The following Council members were present: Mayor Raymond Soliman, City Clerk Vicki Hackney, City Treasurer Glen Conklin, Alderman Scott Dyke, Alderman John Vershay, Alderwoman Barbara Sklare, Alderwoman Claudia Gazal, Alderwoman Tina Oberlin, Alderman Marco Coladipietro, Alderman Nate Albert, Alderman Joe Kubal.

Also present were: City Administrator Heather McGuire, Assistant City Administrator/HR Director Megan Fulara, Finance Supervisor Ashli Motyka, Public Works Director Tom Migatz, Police Chief Ed Clark

Absent were: Community Development Director Scott McMaster (arrived later in the meeting), Director of Water/Wastewater Mark Siefert.

Mayor Soliman asked to deviate from the agenda for discussion on the Plan Commission. David Izquierdo has tendered his resignation from the Plan Commission. Mayor Soliman is recommending Mr. Bill Thomas as his replacement. Mr. Thomas approached the Mayor roughly a year ago expressing interest in serving on a City board. The Mayor did a phone interview with Mr. Thomas and went over his background. Mr. Thomas gave a brief remote presentation to the Council. The Mayor recommends the appointment of Mr. Thomas on the Plan Commission with his term to expire on May 1, 2021.

Mayor Soliman asked for an informal vote. All members present were in agreement. Alderman Coladipietro asked why Mr. Izquierdo tendered his resignation. Discussion followed.

TOPIC: Computer Replacement Program. Mayor Soliman presented a request for the Computer Replacement Program per the memo dated May 22, 2020. Anthony and Alex from Virtek were in attendance virtually to answer any questions the Council may have. City Administrator Heather McGuire went over the breakdown of the cost and functions of the various laptops that are being requested. There are three different type of computers that are being considered. The first type of laptop is the basic model that would be the standard model the majority of the clerical staff would use. The second laptop has increased specification for employees such as the Police Department that need something with broader capabilities. The Police Department needs the capability of downloading large video files from security cameras and burning Blue Ray DVD's for evidence purposes. The third would be a cross between a tablet and a laptop. There are staff members that are continually on the go, utilize their laptops in cramped areas, and download manuals pertaining to work being performed. Anthony from Virtek gave a brief presentation on the warra capabilities of the three varieties of laptops. Alderwoman Oberlin asked if the docking stations would be compatible with other computers for the future. They would. Alderwoman Oberlin questioned the warranty and licensing. Anthony went over the specifications. Alderwoman Oberlin asked if updates during the life of the computer are covered. They are. Treasurer Conklin asked if the docking stations are necessary. Administrator McGuire explained why these are necessary. Anthony explained how the docking station would function with multiple computers. Alex and Anthony from Virtek gave a presentation on the laptop, docking station and monitor. Alderwoman Oberlin asked if an employee were to bring the laptop home, could they plug their monitor into it. Anthony explained that with modern monitors, it can be done. Adapters can be used to convert older monitors. Administrator McGuire explained that they do not want to downgrade the computers just to get a cheaper price. She explained the issues we had in the past before we started updating the equipment. Alderman Coladipietro asked what was included in the price of the laptops. Administrator McGuire went over what would be included. Alderman Coladipietro informed the Council that he went on the Lenovo website and found the equipment at a much lower price. Anthony explained the differences in the laptop on the website and the one being proposed to the Council. Alderman Coladipietro asked if we can purchase the equipment directly through Lenovo. Administrator McGuire said that we can look into doing direct purchasing but would like to make sure that we get the equipment that will benefit the staff. Finance Supervisor Motyka explained that we got a quote from state purchasing and it was the same as Virtek. Discussion followed. Treasurer Conklin asked if we could look into the price on the docking stations also. Administrator McGuire would work with the Finance Supervisor and Virtek to see what prices we can get from Lenovo. She would like to get approval to move forward with these budget items and begin the purchase process.

Mayor Soliman asked for an informal vote on the Computer Replacement Program. All members present were in agreement.

TOPIC: CPAT Replacement. Mayor Soliman present a request for CPAT Replacement per the memo dated May 22, 2020. Chief Clerk went over the CPAT program. The Officer that was in the position has been promoted to Sergeant. The Chief would like to send an Officer to the Cooperative Police Assistance Team. Chief Clark explained how the program works. He feels that this unit is a benefit to the City. Alderwoman Oberlin said she talked to the Officer that participated in the program from the City and he talked about how it benefitted him.

Mayor Soliman asked for an informal vote on the CPAT Replacement. All members present were in agreement.

TOPIC: Community Service Officer Replacement. Mayor Soliman presented a request for a Community Service Officer Replacement per the memo dated May 21, 2020. Chief Clark informed the Council that Officer Lanzisero resigned on May 17, 2020. This is a part time position.

Mayor Soliman asked for an informal vote on Community Service Officer Replacement.

All members present were in agreement.

TOPIC: Potential Water Bill Credit. Mayor Soliman presented the Potential Water Bill Credit per the memo dated May 26, 2020. Administrator McGuire presented a memo that was compiled by Supervisor Motyka for a $50.00 rebate per residential property. Administrator McGuire went over the report. Alderwoman Oberlin asked where the privately owned townhomes or condos would fall into place. They would be considered residential. The only thing that would not be included would be complexes larger than 7 units. Supervisor Motyka explained that we will be losing $18,500.00 per billing cycle in penalties since we are currently waiving them. Alderwoman Oberlin explained that she would rather see the $50.00 rebate rather than waiving the penalties since it is usually the same residents who are delinquent every time. Administrator McGuire explained that the Village of Shorewood had residents fill out a form in order to get a break on their bills. That way the residents that need it the most would benefit. Alderwoman Gazal said that there is no way that we can prove who needs it and who does not. Alderman Coladipietro feels that we should credit the residents the $50.00. Supervisor Motyka questioned the residents who only pay for garbage, would they get the rebate. Alderwoman Sklare asked when the rebate would be applied to the accounts. Supervisor Motyka said that it depends on how long it takes to apply the rebate to the accounts. It may have to be done one by one. We will have to contact the software company. Alderwoman Oberlin asked if we could include a voucher with the next bill and use that to apply the credit to the account. Discussion followed on how the process would work for the rebate with our new software. Alderwoman Sklare expressed concern over the residents who need to get their bills paid in June. Alderwoman Gazal asked how other communities are handling this situation. Discussion followed. Romeoville will be issuing their rebate in June. Residents were notified in March. Mayor Soliman asked if we can hold off on the rebate until we see what we get from sales tax and any grants we have applied for. This way if we want to do a larger rebate, we can. Alderwoman Gazal said Montgomery gave their residents a $100.00 rebate. Alderman Albert said that when we first approached the idea of a rebate it was to do something right away. He did not realize that it was going to be time consuming. He asked if the way Shorewood is doing their rebate would be any less time consuming. It would not be. Administrator McGuire said that if you have residents fill out forms to get the rebate, a lot of people who are still working may not request the rebate because they may not need it. You can also give residents the option of when they would like the credit to be applied to their account within a reasonable time frame. We would not put any type of parameters on the request and could potentially give residents until the end of the year or end of the fiscal year to apply for it. Supervisor Motyka reminded the Council that the annual city audit begins in June and does take up a considerable amount of staff time. Alderman Coladipietro would like to see the qualifying residential customers receive the rebate and forego the form. Alderwoman Sklare asked if there is any way we can put in the next water bill that a resident can pay $50.00 less than the bill indicates. Discussion followed on placing a voucher with the bill. Administrator McGuire explained that this would end up going to all of the water customers and could become confusing. The Mayor asked the Council if they are in favor of a form being filled out or a $50.00 to all qualifying residential properties. The Council was in favor of the $50.00 credit to all qualifying residential without the form. Alderwoman Gazal asked if these funds would come from the sales tax rebate that was not distributed to the residents. Discussion followed on the funds.

TOPIC: Staffing June 1. Mayor Soliman presented the request for Staffing June 1, 2020. Administrator McGuire gave the Council an update on the Governors stay at home order. Staff has been working from home and in the office on a rotating basis. Other Municipalities are going back to full staffing, but with limited public access. Her recommendation is to go back to full staffing on June 1, 2020 but with no public access to the building. The public would still have full access to services. This would be the safest route for our employees. Alderwoman Oberlin agreed. The employees all have masks and hand sanitizer. The building is being cleaned every day. Clerk Hackney said she has not received any complaints with water bills being left in the drop box. She is concerned about residents accessing the building and disinfecting the counters after each customer. Clerk Hackney explained that she is afraid once businesses and activities start up again, we are going to see an increase in people contracting the virus because they are no longer social distancing. As far as the office, she suggested alternating staff every two days. Alderwoman Gazal agrees with the idea of not letting the residents access the building. She feels that we should have the employees back in the facility and see what happens from there.

Mayor Soliman asked for an informal vote on Staffing June 1 with employees returning on June 1, 2020 with the building being closed to the public until further notice Alderwoman Oberlin asked that we make sure that all employees practice social distancing in the offices. All members present were in agreement. Administrator McGuire informed the Council that we can discuss this in two weeks at the work session and decide from there. Everyone has to remember what they do impacts everyone. You could be a carrier of the virus and not be aware of it.

TOPIC: Commission Re-appointment. Mayor Soliman presented a request for Commission Re-appointments per the memo dated May 21, 2020. The Police Pension Board was not included in the re-appointments until the State decides what it is going to do. Jason Opiola has stepped down from his position on the board. There are two Commissioners whose terms expire on May 1, 2020. Nick Weiss was appointed the Civil Service on April 2, 2018. The Mayor is asking for concurrence from the Council to re-appoint Nick Weiss for a term to expire May 2, 2023.

Mayor Soliman asked for an informal vote on the re-appointment of Nick Weiss to the Civil Service Commission. All members present were in agreement.

Mayor Soliman announced that Jan Plettau was appointed in January 2016 to the Plan Commissioner. The Mayor is seeking concurrence for the re-appointment of Jan Plettau for a term to expire on May 1, 2023. Mr. Plettau was recently appointed to the position of Chairman of the Plan Commission.

Mayor Soliman asked for an informal vote on the re-appointment of Jan Plettau to the Plan Commission. All members present were in agreement.

Mayor Soliman announced William O'Connor will be tendering his resignation after June as he is relocating to a different city.

Mayor Soliman is recommending the appointment of Bill Thomas to the Plan Commission to fulfill the term of David Izquierdo which will expire on May 1, 2021.

Mayor Soliman asked for an informal vote on appointment of Bill Thomas to the Plan Commission. All members present were in agreement.

PUBLIC COMMENTS: There were no citizens that have filed questions or comments with the City via mail or email per confirmation of the City Clerk. Alderwoman Oberlin commended Mark Siefert for his efforts during the recent storm. Clerk Hackney agreed with Alderwoman Oberlin. She witnessed Mark's efforts during the storm, and he did an amazing job. Alderwoman Sklare also thanked Director Siefert and Administrator McGuire.

MAYORS UPDATES: Mayor Soliman updated the Council on the re-opening of certain businesses in the City. All of the liquor holders have been contacted in regard to the Governors decision to allow outdoor seating. Six taverns are interested in the outdoor eating facility, one restaurant has expressed interest, and the clubs were not interested in outdoor seating. The Mayor also contacted several of the restaurants that do not have liquor license and one was interested. There is a form that needs to be completed and returned to the City in order for them to receive a permit. The Council will be voting on the ordinance that pertains to this at the meeting on Monday night. Alderwoman Ga asked if we are making this too complicated for the business owners since it is going to be temporary. Discussion followed on the wording of the agreement. Alderwoman Gazal questioned the need for a security person and the cost to the business owner. Mayor Soliman explained that it would need to be someone who is a manager or owner of the business. They do not have to hire outside security. Alderwoman Gazal wants to make sure that we are helping our businesses during this difficult time, not make it more difficult for them. Mayor Soliman then discussed the insurance rider and the hold harmless agreement. The Mayor reminded the Council that we have to abide by what rules the Governor is going to put in place or changes. Alderwoman Oberlin questioned the small fee that is stated in the agreement. Administrator McGuire explained that this is a formality. Alderwoman Oberlin questioned temporary signage and would it be allowed. The Mayor said that none of the businesses that he spoke with inquired about signage, but it may come up in the future. Alderwoman Oberlin asked if all of the businesses that this pertains to were contacted. They were. Alderman Albert expressed concern for the establishments that will have outdoor dining in the residential neighborhoods and how it will affect the residents. The Mayor explained that some of the establishments wanted to have TV's and Bluetooth outside, but this will not be allowed. If we encounter problems, then we will have to re-evaluate their hours. They will also have to follow all of the health department rules. Alderman Albert asked what the six taverns would be. The Mayor read the list. All of them serve some type of food. Per the Governor, they do not have to serve any kind of food to open up to outdoor seating

Mayor Soliman asked for an informal vote on allowing the outdoor seating. Seven Council members were in agreement. Alderman Albert was unsure.

COMMITTEE/LIAISON UPDATES: There were no committee/liaison updates.

Clerk Hackney informed the Council that we have received numerous inquiries regarding garage sales. Several other communities are not allowing them at this time, and we will not be issuing any permits. If a resident chooses to hold one it is at their own risk.

CITY ADMINISTRATOR UPDATES: Administrator McGuire went over the Governors guidelines for re-opening. Because gatherings of more than 10 are not allowed we will have to continue to conduct our Council meetings virtually. She suggests going forward with the budget and explained how this would be done. Alderman Albert feels that we need to keep the virtual meetings brief due to the internet connection issues that some have experienced.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:04 p.m. Approved
