
Will County Gazette

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Village of Shorewood Planning and Zoning Commission met January 8

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Village of Shorewood Planning and Zoning Commission met Jan. 8.

Here is the minutes provided by the commission:

I. Call to Order

Chairman Brockman called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm.

A. Pledge to the Flag

B. Roll Call

Present: Chairman Stevan Brockman, Vice Chairman Dan Warren, Brad Brooks, David Goodale, Mike Kaminsky, Ellen Kijowski, Jim Relyea, Cheri Susner

Absent: Bruce Durham, Deb Olson

Staff: Kelley Chrisse, Economic Development Director

Natalie Engel, Village Planner

Jim Culotta, Village Administrator

Chris Drey, Public Works Supervisor

Aaron Klima, Police Chief

Others: Trustee Luciano

Alexander Di Gerlando

Mary Molencamp

II. Public Comments


III. Business Items

A. Approval of Minutes dated December 4, 2019

Motion by Commissioner Kaminsky, seconded by Commissioner Brooks to approve the minutes for the December 4, 2019 meeting conditional upon updating the draft to show that David Goodale was absent. All in favor, none opposed, minutes approved.

B. Public Hearing(s)

i. Petition #19-395

Alexander Di Gerlando is requesting a reduction in the corner side yard setback to 13.93-feet where 25-feet is required to construct a second story addition. The subject property is located at 700 Franklin Rd (PIN 05-06-16-219-001-0000). Alexander Di Gerlando is the property owner and petitioner.

Chairman Brockman opened the Public Hearing.

Natalie Engel, Village Planner, presented the staff report. Alexander Di Gerlando owns the home at 700 Franklin which was built in 1959. When the house was constructed, the Zoning Code required a 10-foot corner side yard setback. The house was set back 13.93 feet from the corner lot line (along Meyers) and met the code requirement. The Zoning Ordinance was changed in 1970 to require a setback of 25 feet from all streets. The house then became legally non-conforming with regard to corner side yard setback.

Mr. Di Gerlando would like to add a second story addition to his home. He has requested a Zoning Variance so that he can extend the wall straight up (13.93 feet from the corner side yard lot line.)

Mr. Di Gerlando introduced himself and his fiancée Mary Molenkamp. He said that he plans to make a $50,000 - $60,000 investment in his home. He will be the General Contractor. He plans to live in the home during and after construction, which he anticipates being completed in the fall.

The Planning and Zoning Commission discussed the existing garage on the site and the fact that it was in line with the house and not set back 25 feet from the corner side yard property line. The Commission clarified that they would like the garage setback included as part of the variance.

Motion by Goodale, seconded by Brooks to close the Public Hearing. The motion carried, 6 votes in favor, none opposed.

Motion by Susner, seconded by Goodale as follows:

I move that we (1) enter findings of fact that the standards set forth in Section 10-12-2(B)(1) of the Village Code have been met and (2) grant the subject property a variance for the corner side yard setback at 700 Franklin Road also including a variance for the current garage’s corner side yard setback.

Ayes: Susner, Goodale, Brooks, Kaminsky, Kijowski, Relyea 

Nays: None

The motion carried.

ii. Petition #19-394

The Village of Shorewood is requesting a Text Amendment to Title 10, Chapter 12 of the Shorewood Village Code to allow the Zoning Officer to initiate text amendments.

Chairman Brockman opened the Public Hearing.

Natalie Engel, Village Planner, presented the staff report. The Zoning Ordinance lays out the guidelines for the initiation of text amendments. Currently, text amendments to the Zoning Ordinance may be initiated by the Village Board or the Planning and Zoning Commission. Staff would like to be able to initiate text amendments so that they can respond more quickly to economic development opportunities and can propose amendments to address code deficiencies.

The proposed ordinance adds the Zoning Officer to the list of people who can initiate amendments to the text of the Zoning Ordinance.

The Planning and Zoning Commission discussed whether there were any negatives to allowing staff to initiate amendments. Giving staff permission would allow them to post public hearing notices and to schedule text amendments on the PZC Agenda. The PZC would continue to hold public hearings and the Village Board would retain approval authority.

The Commissioners asked how staff dealt with text amendments in the past. Staff would discuss issues with the PZC during a meeting and the PZC would initiate the amendment or the Village Board would initiate the amendment at one of their meetings.

The PZC asked who was designated as the Zoning Officer. The Economic Development Director is the Zoning Officer and the Village Planner is the designee. In the event that the positions were vacant, the Village Administrator would designate a Zoning Officer.

Motion by Goodale, seconded by Kaminsky to close the Public Hearing. The motion carried, 6 votes in favor, none opposed.

Motion by Susner, seconded by Kijowski as follows:

Based on the petition and the testimony presented, the proposed Text Amendment to the Zoning Ordinance regarding Staff-Initiated Text Amendments meets the standards of approval and is consistent with the Zoning Ordinance and Comprehensive Plan; and, therefore, I move that the Planning and Zoning Commission adopt the findings of fact included within the staff memo dated January 2, 2020 as the findings of the Planning and Zoning Commission, and recommend to the Village Board approval of Petition No. 19-394.

Ayes: Susner, Goodale, Brooks, Kaminsky, Kijowski, Relyea 

Nays: None

The motion carried.

C. Petition(s) - None

IV. Reports and Communications A. Staff Updates

i. Micro-learning Session – Conditional Uses

Economic Development Director, Kelley Chrisse, discussed conditional uses. They are certain uses which, because of their unique characteristics, cannot be properly classified in any particular district or districts without consideration, in each case, of the impact of those uses upon adjacent land and of the public need for the particular use in the particular location.

She provided example of conditional uses and described how a PUD is a unique type of conditional use with its own standards.

A public hearing is required prior to the approval of a conditional use. In order to obtain a conditional use, the applicant must prove that the request meets the standards listed in the zoning code.

Time limit may be instituted for conditions and restrictions to be completed. Those conditions and restrictions are in effect for the duration of the conditional use.

Conditional Uses are valid for 1 year from the date of the approval ordinance unless a building permit is obtained and construction begins. If the conditional use is not utilized for a continuous period of one year, it becomes void.

The Commission asked how long a building permit is valid. Typically, permits are valid for one year. Building permit extensions and projects with longer construction timeframes were discussed.

The group discussed some recent examples including an automotive use on Earl where the conditional use had expired and the property reverted back to the original zoning uses.

ii. Development Update

LaQuinta is moving along.

Aldi is in the permit review stage.

Marshall’s is in the permit review stage. They are going forward to the Village Board with a request for signage under the temporary use and structure regulations.

Commissioner Kijowski asked whether there had been any new development on Shoot Point Blank. There was an issue with venting. New material was installed to address the issue. The Village has not heard from the residents as to whether it helped with sound. Commissioner Relyea said that he checked it out one day when the range was full. There was some muffled noise that day that was not overly loud.

Commissioner Relyea asked about the property that had been rezoned for the church. The church had planned to raise funds first for the land and then for the building. There is a 2021 timeframe.

Commissioner Relyea asked whether the City of Joliet had bought a lot adjacent to I-55. Village Administrator, Jim Culotta, responded that Cullinan had bought it.

Commissioner Kijowski asked about the fence along Frontage Road. The area is Shorewood’s responsibility. The Village is working with SliBuy and Bob’s to address the issues.

iii. Other

Russ Frangela passed away. He had been on the Village Board for 20 years.

B. Commissioner Feedback V. Adjournment

Motion by Commissioner Kijowski, seconded by Commissioner Goodale to adjourn the meeting. All in favor, none opposed. The meeting was adjourned at 8:12 pm.
