
Will County Gazette

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Beecher Community Unit School District 200U Board of Education met August 12

Webp meeting 11

Beecher Community Unit School District 200U Board of Education met Aug. 12.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

President Larry Hermen called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Roll Call: J. Karla Wcisel, Liz Dousias, Juan Hernandez, Julie Papas, Ronald S. Mazurek, Paul Goldrick, and Larry Hermen were present.

Also present: Brad Cox, Marla Heldt, Jack Gaham, Mike Meyer, Nicole Black, Reatha Owens; IASB, Ed Palmisano, Shane & Kacey Malecha, Julie Cleary, Janet Paulmeier, Adrianna Diachenko, Brandon Stadt, Debbie Hermanson, Jennifer Bunte, and Kendra Hewitt

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. A motion was made by Paul Goldrick and seconded by Liz Dousias to approve the Regular Meeting Minutes of July 8, 2019, Negotiations Committee Minutes of July 10, 2019, Negotiations Committee Meeting Minutes of July 16, 2019, Personnel Committee Meeting Minutes of August 1, 2019, and Finance Committee Meeting Minutes of August 1, 2019, Personnel Committee Meeting Minutes of August 5, 2019, and Special Board Meeting Minutes of August 5, 2019, as presented. Roll Call: Wcisel, Dousias, Hernandez, Papas, Mazurek, Goldrick and Hermen voted yes, motion carried.

A motion was made by Dousias and seconded by Goldrick to approve the Executive Session Meeting Minutes of July 8, 2019, and Executive Session Meeting Minutes of August 5, 2019, as presented. Roll Call: Dousias, Hernandez, Papas, Mazurek, Goldrick, Hermen, and Wcisel voted yes, motion carried.

A motion was made by Hernandez and seconded by Papas to approve the August 2019 expenses as presented. Roll Call: Hernandez, Papas, Mazurek, Goldrick, Hermen, Wcisel, and Dousias voted yes, motion carried. Treasurer, Michael Peters gave the Treasurer’s Report. The balance of all funds for July 31, 2019, was $14,972,511.78, which includes a $5,000.00 balance for Imprest Fund (revolving fund). The balance in First Community Bank and Trust Super Now Account was $754,465.48, with outstanding checks in the amount of ($11,823.81). Fund balances included the following: Education, $8,020,917.48; Building, $1,681,607.41; Bond & Interest, $945,060.19; Transportation, $1,459,638.64; IMRF/FICA, $22,455.01; Working Cash, $2,393,936.11; Tort Fund, $176,475.78; and Life Safety $272,421.16. July 2019 receipts totaled $294,269.98. July 2019 disbursements totaled $4,794,396.66. Additional investment information was provided.

A motion was made by Dousias and seconded by Wcisel to approve the Treasurer’s Report as presented. Roll Call: Papas, Mazurek, Goldrick, Hermen, Wcisel, Dousias, and Hernandez voted yes, motion carried.

There was no public comment. Reatha Owens, Senior Director of Field Services was present to provide helpful information to the Board members relative to the Illinois Association of School Boards.

The administrators provided oral reports for each of their buildings. During Old Business, a motion was made by Mazurek and seconded by Papas to approve Board Policies 2:230 and 4:60 as presented with an addition to policy 4:60 including the submission of certified payroll documentation. Roll Call: Mazurek, Goldrick, Hermen, Wcisel, Dousias, Hernandez, and Papas voted yes, motion carried.

An update was given by Superintendent Cox. The administration continues to consider options to implement a junior high school soccer program. Dialogue will continue and the Board will be kept informed.

During New Business, a motion was made by Papas and seconded by Goldrick to accept the resignation of Amy Irwin as high school Assistant Volleyball Coach. Roll Call: Wcisel, Dousias, Hernandez, Papas, Mazurek, Goldrick, and Hermen voted yes, motion carried.

A motion was made by Goldrick and seconded by Wcisel to approve the employment of Nikolas Jacobs as High School Special Education teacher for the 2019-2020 school year. Roll Call: Dousias, Hernandez, Papas, Mazurek, Goldrick, Hermen, and Wcisel voted yes, motion carried.

A motion was made by Papas and seconded by Wcisel to approve the employment of Elizabeth Formell as High School Special Education teacher for the 2019-2020 school year. Roll Call: Mazurek, Goldrick, Hermen, Wcisel, Dousias, Hernandez, and Papas, motion carried.

A motion was made by Dousias and seconded by Goldrick to approve the employment of Kathleen DiGiovanni as high school Paraprofessional/Teacher Aide for the 2019-2020 school year. Roll Call: Hernandez, Papas, Mazurek, Goldrick, Hermen, Wcisel, and Dousias voted yes, motion carried.

A motion was made by Papas and seconded by Dousias to approve the employment of Laura Conversa- Wail as part-time bus driver. Roll Call: Papas, Mazurek, Goldrick, Hermen, Wcisel, Dousias, and Hernandez voted yes, motion carried.

A motion was made by Dousias and seconded by Papas to approve the employment of Jamie Parise as elementary teacher for the 2019-2020 school year. Roll Call: Papas, Mazurek, Goldrick, Hermen, Wcisel, Dousias, and Hernandez voted yes, motion carried.

A motion was made by Mazurek and seconded by Goldrick to approve the employment of Andy Smado as full-time custodian. Roll Call: Mazurek, Goldrick, Hermen, Wcisel, Dousias, Hernandez, and Papas voted yes, motion carried.

Superintendent Cox provided a review and recap of the FY2019 budget revenues and expenditures. He also provided a listing of projected expenditures and revenues summarizing the FY2020 School Budget.

A motion was made Goldrick and seconded by Dousias to approve the Tentative FY2020 School Budget as presented. Roll Call: Goldrick, Hermen, Wcisel, Dousias, Hernandez, Papas, and Mazurek voted yes, motion carried. Item under New Business, C. was tabled.

Discussion took place relative to the Ten-Year Life Safety requirements for all three buildings in the school district.

A motion was made by Wcisel and seconded by Dousias to approve the Ten-Year Life Safety quote from BLDD Architects in the amount of $28,000.00. Roll Call: Hermen, Wcisel, Dousias, Hernandez, Papas, Mazurek, and Goldrick voted yes.

Superintendent Cox addressed the Board regarding the CSS Matrix. A brief discussion took place. A motion was made by Mazurek and seconded by Papas to approve tiers for personal and vacation days for classified employees. Roll Call: Dousias, Hernandez, Papas, Mazurek, Goldrick, Hermen, and Wcisel voted yes, motion carried.

Under Other Business, an inquiry for an updated budget before actual adoption. Also a question regarding the possibility of matching funds opportunities was discussed. Superintendent Cox will keep the Board informed.

There were no items mentioned for the September 9, 2019, Board meeting. Upcoming dates were announced. A motion was made by Mazurek and seconded by Hermen to adjourn the meeting. All voiced yes, motion carried. (8:03 pm)

Meeting adjourned.
