
Will County Gazette

Thursday, December 19, 2024

The Village of Elwood Board of Trustees met July 11

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The Village of Elwood Board of Trustees met July 11.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

Present: Village Board President Doug Jenco, Village Board Trustees: Don LaPaglia, Jasen Melahn, Darryl P. Lab, and Joe Berscheid

Also, Present: Village Clerk Julie Friebele, Police Chief Fred Hayes, Public Works Superintendent Larry Lohmar, Finance Director Robbie Day, and Attorney David J. Silverman

Not Present: Trustee Mary Matichak, and Village Administrator Marian T. Gibson

The meeting opened with the Pledge to the Flag.

Public Comments – Pertaining to Agenda Items

Members of the audience discussed the following topics:

• Ehler’s Presentation

• Finance Committee Meetings

Public Hearings

Open Public Hearing:

A motion was made by Trustee Melahn to open the public hearing to consider and hear testimony pertaining to:

1. A First Amendment to Annexation Agreement dated November 30, 1998, between The Village of Elwood and Elwood energy, LLC, governing the annexation and development of property commonly located at 24650 S. Brandon Road, Elwood, Illinois.

2. A First Amendment to Annexation Agreement dated November 30, 1998, between The Peoples Gas Light and Coke Company, governing the annexation and development of property commonly located at 24900 Noel Road, Elwood, Illinois.

Trustee Lab seconded the motion. A vote was called: Trustee LaPaglia – yes, Trustee Melahn – yes, Trustee Lab – yes,

Trustee Berscheid – yes. The motion carried.

Public Discussion:

The petitioner Elwood Expansion LLC, a Delaware Limited Liability Company, represented by George Mahoney, Attorney for J Power Group is proposing to construct, own and operate a combined cycle electric generating power plant on a portion of the site property commonly located at 24650 S. Brandon Road and 24900 Noel Road, within the municipal limits of Elwood. Jim Kiefer, Vice President of J-Power, reviewed the benefits of a combined cycle power plant. No testimony or evidence was presented by interested persons.

Close Public Hearing:

A motion was made by Trustee Melahn to close the public hearing to consider and hear testimony pertaining to:

1. A First Amendment to Annexation Agreement dated November 30, 1998, between The Village of Elwood and Elwood energy, LLC, governing the annexation and development of property commonly located at 24650 S. Brandon Road, Elwood, Illinois.

2. A First Amendment to Annexation Agreement dated November 30, 1998, between The Peoples Gas Light and Coke Company, governing the annexation and development of property commonly located at 24900 Noel Road, Elwood, Illinois.

Trustee Berscheid seconded the motion. A vote was called: Trustee LaPaglia – yes, Trustee Melahn – yes, Trustee Lab – yes, Trustee Berscheid – yes. The motion carried.

Consent Agenda

A motion was made by Trustee Berscheid to approve the Consent Agenda as follows:

6.1 Presentation of Minutes – June 6, 2018

6.2 Presentation of Closed Session Minutes – June 6, 2018 – Not For Release

6.3 Presentation of Bills – Paid Invoice Report June 7, 2018 through July 11, 2018, in the amount of $3,801,666.73.

6.4 Presentation of Bills – Unpaid Invoice Report in the amount of $201,064.35.

Trustee Lab seconded the motion. A vote was called: Village President Jenco – yes, Trustee LaPaglia – abstain, Trustee Melahn – yes, Trustee Berscheid – yes, Trustee Lab – yes. The motion carried.


Administration – Village Administrator Marian T. Gibson

Monthly Administration Report – Village Administrator Marian T. Gibson

The Administration Report listed several significant projects completed from June 1, 2018, through June 29, 2018.

May 2018 Financial Report

The May 2018 Financial Report prepared by Finance Director Robbie Day was presented and reviewed. The report represents the Village of Elwood’s year to date revenues, expenses, and end of the month fund cash balances.

A Resolution Authorizing an Intergovernmental Agreement Between the County of Will and the Village of Elwood Relating to Joliet Arsenal Enterprise Zone Purposes

The resolution is an intergovernmental agreement between the County of Will and Village of Elwood relating to the expansion of the Joliet Arsenal Enterprise Zone.

A motion was made by Trustee Melahn to pass and adopt a Resolution authorizing an Intergovernmental Agreement between the County of Will and the Village of Elwood. Trustee Lab seconded the motion. A vote was called: Trustee LaPaglia – yes, Trustee Melahn – yes, Trustee Berscheid – yes, Trustee Lab – yes. The motion carried.

An Intergovernmental Cooperation Agreement Between the Village of Elwood and the County of Will Relating to Joliet Arsenal Enterprise Zone Purposes

The intergovernmental cooperation agreement between the County of Will and Village of Elwood is to amend the Joliet Arsenal Enterprise Zone to include the modification area within the Joliet Enterprise Zone.

A motion was made by Trustee Berscheid to pass and approve the Intergovernmental Cooperation Agreement between the Village of Elwood and the County of Will. Trustee Melahn seconded the motion. A vote was called: Trustee LaPaglia – yes, Trustee Melahn – yes, Trustee Berscheid – yes, Trustee Lab – yes. The motion carried.

An Ordinance Authorizing an Application for Boundary Amendments to the Joliet Arsenal Enterprise Zone

On September 19, 2002, the County Board of the County of Will adopted Ordinance No. 02-431 designating a portion of the former Joliet Army Ammunition Plant consisting of approximately 1,791 acres as an enterprise zone, pursuant to the provisions of the Illinois Enterprise Zone Act. The Act provides that the boundaries of an enterprise zone may be amended to include additional territory and remove existing territory. The Village seeks to expand the existing boundaries of the enterprise zone to include additional territory within the Village, as well as de-certify certain property currently within the Enterprise Zone. A motion was made by Trustee Melahn to forego the final reading and to pass and adopt an Ordinance Authorizing an Application for Boundary Amendments to the Joliet Arsenal Enterprise Zone. Trustee Lab seconded the motion. A vote was called: Trustee LaPaglia – yes, Trustee Melahn – yes, Trustee Berscheid – yes, Trustee Lab – yes. The motion carried.

J Power Site Plan

At the Planning and Zoning Commission meeting held on June 26, 2018, the commission reviewed the J Power site plan.

The recommendation made by the Planning and Zoning Commission to the Village Board of Trustees, with a roll count vote of four (4) ayes, (0) nays, to approve the preliminary site plan titled Jackson Generation LLC Combined Cycle Plant J Power Preliminary General Arrangement Site Plan by Sargent & Lundy, Drawing Number MSK-EL-001C, latest revision dated 6-11-2018, subject to the following conditions:

1. That the project meets all final engineering and building code related items including adequate water;

2. That air, water, light and noise pollution standards and hazardous materials standards are met per regulations of the Village of Elwood and the State of Illinois.  and recommend LLC Combined Cycle Plant Conceptual Landscape Plan by Sargent & Lundy, Drawing Number CSK-EL-002,

latest revision dated 6-11-2018 subject to the following conditions:

1. That the plan is amended to show trees and shrubs in all yards and open spaces surrounding buildings, parking lots, access drives and streets;

2. That the plan is amended to show 2 ½ inch caliper shade trees with an average spacing of every 30 feet along the Brandon Road frontage;

3. That a landscape berm be added along Brandon Road.


recommend to the Village Board of Trustees to approve the Elevations titled Jackson Generation LLC Combined Cycle

Plant J Power Preliminary Section View A-A by Sargent & Lundy, Drawing Number MSK-EL-002, latest revision dated 6-11- 2018.


All changes must be made prior to the Board meeting.

A motion was made by Trustee Lab to pass and approve the preliminary site plan titled Jackson Generation LLC Combined

Cycle Plant J Power Preliminary General Arrangement Site Plan by Sargent & Lundy, Drawing Number MSK-EL-001C, latest revision dated 6-11-2018, subject to the conditions recommended by the Planning and Zoning Commission as follows:

1. That the project meets all final engineering and building code related items including adequate water;

2. That air, water, light and noise pollution standards and hazardous materials standards are met per regulations of the Village of Elwood and the State of Illinois.


approve the LLC Combined Cycle Plant Conceptual Landscape Plan by Sargent & Lundy, Drawing Number CSK-EL-002, latest revision dated 6-11-2018 subject to the following conditions:

1. That the plan is amended to show trees and shrubs in all yards and open spaces surrounding buildings, parking lots, access drives and streets;

2. That the plan is amended to show 2 ½ inch caliper shade trees with an average spacing of every 30 feet along the Brandon Road frontage;

3. That a landscape berm be added along Brandon Road.


approve the Elevations titled Jackson Generation LLC Combined Cycle Plant J Power Preliminary Section View A-A by Sargent & Lundy, Drawing Number MSK-EL-002, latest revision dated 6-11-2018.

Trustee Melahn seconded the motion. A vote was called: Trustee LaPaglia – yes, Trustee Melahn – yes, Trustee Berscheid – yes, Trustee Lab – yes. The motion carried.

An Ordinance Adopting the Combined First Amendment to the Annexation Agreement Dated November 30, 1998 between the Village of Elwood, an Illinois Home Rule Municipal corporation and Elwood Energy LLC and Development Agreement among Village of Elwood, Elwood Energy LLC, Elwood Expansion LLC and Jackson Generation, LLC

The draft dated June 28, 2018 of an Ordinance Adopting the Combined First Amendment to the Annexation Agreement Dated November 30, 1998 between the Village of Elwood, an Illinois Home Rule Municipal corporation and Elwood

Energy LLC and Development Agreement among Village of Elwood, Elwood Energy LLC, Elwood Expansion LLC and Jackson Generation, LLC was presented.

No action was taken.

Extension of the Will County Electric Aggregation Group Intergovernmental Agreement

The Village of Elwood has participated in the Will County Electric Aggregation Group since 2012. This program has saved money for the Village of Elwood residents each year with the exception of one year. The contract will expire in July of 2018 and will be rebid soon. In order for the Village to continue participation in the program, it is necessary to approve the extension of the intergovernmental agreement. A motion was made by Trustee Berscheid to pass and approve the extension of the Will County Electric Aggregation Group Intergovernmental Agreement for a period not to exceed three (3) years. Trustee Melahn seconded the motion. A vote was called: Trustee LaPaglia – yes, Trustee Melahn – yes, Trustee Berscheid – yes, Trustee Lab – yes. The motion carried.

An Ordinance Authorizing and Granting A Franchise to Northern Illinois Gas Company (D/B/A Nicor Gas Company) Its

Successors and Assigns, to Construct, Operate and Maintain A Natural Gas Distributing System in and Through the Village of Elwood

This agenda item is pending, no action was taken.

Intergovernmental Cooperative Agreement with the Elwood Fire Department

Due to the Village of Elwood’s adoption of the 2018 International Building Code it is necessary to have an intergovernmental agreement with the Elwood fire Protection District to review and inspect fire related issues. The Village and the Fire District shall coordinate their enforcement activities as they relate to matters concerning the construction, alteration, addition, repair, removal, demolition, use, location, occupancy and maintenance of all buildings and structures within the Village and shall apply these efforts to existing or proposed buildings and structures. A motion was made by Trustee Lab to pass and approve an Intergovernmental Cooperative Agreement between the Village of Elwood and the Elwood Fire Protection District. Trustee Berscheid seconded the motion. A vote was called: Village President Jenco – yes, Trustee LaPaglia – yes, Trustee Melahn – abstain, Trustee Berscheid – yes, Trustee Lab – yes. The motion carried.

Ehlers Proposal for a Water/Sewer Rate Study

The Village requested a proposal from Ehlers to prepare a user rate study for its water and sanitary sewer utilities. Ehlers representative Maureen Barry, Senior Municipal Advisor presented the proposal to the Village Board. A motion was made by Trustee Melahn to table the Ehlers proposal for a water/sewer rate study. Trustee Berscheid seconded the motion. A vote was called: Trustee LaPaglia – yes, Trustee Melahn – yes, Trustee Berscheid – yes, Trustee Lab – yes. The motion carried.

Safebuilt Planner Services Proposal

The Safebuilt proposal for planning services to assist the Village staff with development requests. Safebuilt would review and prepare staff reports and present these cases to the Planning and Zoning Commission and the Village Board. The costs for these services would be passed through to the applicants via our professional fee agreement. A motion was made by Trustee Lab to approve the Safebuilt Planner Services Proposal. Trustee Berscheid seconded the motion. A vote was called: Village President Jenco – no, Trustee LaPaglia – yes, Trustee Melahn – no, Trustee Berscheid – yes, Trustee Lab – yes. The motion failed.

An Ordinance Providing for the Regulation of and Application for Small Wireless Facilities and Repealing Ordinance No. 1069

The ordinance provides for the fees and procedures a small wireless facility owner must follow as stated in Public Act 100-0585. Additionally, it repeals Ordinance No. 1069 Small Cell Antenna/Tower Right-of-Way Ordinance adopted May 17, 2017. A motion was made by Trustee Berscheid to forego the final reading and to pass and adopt an Ordinance Providing for the Regulation of and Application for Small Wireless Facilities and Repealing Ordinance No. 1069. Trustee LaPaglia seconded the motion. A vote was called: Trustee LaPaglia – yes, Trustee Melahn – yes, Trustee Berscheid – yes, Trustee Lab – yes. The motion carried.

Police Department – Chief Fred Hayes

The police department posted 200 “Drive Like Your Kids Live Here” signs. The signs help to remind motorists to be more careful.

During the month of May 2018, the Elwood Police Department responded to 538 calls for service.

To see additional details about the types of calls residents can visit the Village of Elwood website.

Police officers issued a total of 415 citations for the month of May 2018:

• Local Citations (O.V.) 7

• State Citations 408

• Overweight Violations (2)

Arrest Report Summary for the month of May 2018:

• Traffic Arrests 14

• Warrant Arrests 4

• Criminal 1

An Ordinance Amending the Village of Elwood Code of Ordinances with Respect to Alcohol and Liquor Control Regulations

A motion was made by Trustee Melahn to forego the final reading and to pass and adopt an Ordinance amending the Village of Elwood Code of Ordinances with respect to alcohol and liquor control regulations. Trustee LaPaglia seconded the motion. A vote was called: Trustee LaPaglia – yes, Trustee Melahn – yes, Trustee Berscheid – yes, Trustee Lab – yes. The motion carried.

Public Works – Superintendent Larry Lohmar

• Grounds maintenance: Repairs were made to our case tractor and woods bush mower along with on riding mower during the heavy grass growing time.

• Truck Repair of the 1-ton truck: Rebuilt the transmission along with a new radiator and is now back in service.

• Parks: The parks are doing well and there has not been a vandalism issue in the park bathrooms so far this year.

• Well 9 the cost of repairs is completed and ready for presentation.

• Basement bathrooms at Village Hall are under construction: The rough plumbing is in, drywall and sprinkler heads installed. Next steps are to install the ceiling and lighting.

Well 9 Emergency Repair

On May 2, 2018, the Village experienced a failure of Well 9, leaving the Village with only 1 well in service. It was important that repairs were made immediately as an emergency, therefore, the repairs did not go out for bid. At the board meeting held on June 6, 2018 the Trustees approved the emergency repair to remove the pump to inspect for the cause of failure at a cost not to exceed $19,000.00. Said cost also included a down hole television survey to look at the wells physical condition. The 13-stage pump has three (3) intermediate bowl cases and bearings that are bad along with the impellers and the shaft wear requires the shaft be replaced. The 350-horse power pump was seized up which usually is caused by the armature being bad. The proposal from Layne Christensen Company to replace the existing Well 9 equipment with new equipment is in the amount of $334,023.00. A motion was made by Trustee Melahn to waive public bid and approve the proposal from Layen Christensen Co. to replace the existing Well 9 equipment with new 13 stage bowl pump assembly, Byron Jackson/Flowserve Motor assembly, and wire electric cable for a cost not to exceed $334,023.00. Trustee Lab seconded the motion. A vote was called: Trustee LaPaglia – yes, Trustee Melahn – yes, Trustee Berscheid – yes, Trustee Lab – yes. The motion carried.

Baxter & Woodman Master Engineering Agreement

This agenda item is pending.

Village Clerk – Julie Friebele

Disc Golf Proposal

This agenda item is pending.

Reinstate the Finance Committee Meetings

Recently requests were made to reinstate the Finance Committee meetings to review the financial reports prior to the meeting of the Village Board of Trustees and hold the meetings on the last Tuesday of the month at 4:00 PM. A motion was made by Trustee Melahn to reinstate the Finance Committee meetings and to approve the amended 2018 Village of Elwood meeting schedule to include the Finance Committee meetings. Trustee Lab seconded the motion. A vote was called: Trustee LaPaglia – yes, Trustee Melahn – yes, Trustee Berscheid – yes, Trustee Lab – yes. The motion carried.

Reduce or Waive the Park Rental Fee for Elwood Community Church

Elwood Community Church would like to reserve O’Connor Park on August 12, 2018 for church service and a picnic and are requesting a reduced park rental fee. A motion was made by Trustee Melahn to waive the park rental fees but to collect the $200 security deposit from the Elwood Community Church for church service and a picnic at O’Connor Park on August 12, 2018. Trustee Lab seconded the motion. A vote was called: Trustee LaPaglia – yes, Trustee Melahn – yes, Trustee Berscheid – yes, Trustee Lab – yes. The motion carried.

Fire District Invitation for Shred Event

The Elwood Fire District Trustees invited the Township and the Village of Elwood to jointly host a shred event for our citizens. The cost per each organization would be $135.00. A motion was made by Trustee LaPaglia to approve and jointly host the shred event at a cost not to exceed $135.00. Trustee Lab seconded the motion. A vote was called: Trustee LaPaglia – yes, Trustee Melahn – yes, Trustee Berscheid – yes, Trustee Lab – yes. The motion carried.

Village President – Doug Jenco

Village President, Doug Jenco appointed Ray Galuszka to the Office of Planning & Zoning Commissioner for a two (2) year term

A motion was made by Trustee LaPaglia for approval and confirmation of Ray Galuszka to serve as a Planning & Zoning Commissioner on the Village of Elwood Planning and Zoning Board for a two (2) year term. Trustee Melahn seconded the motion. A vote was called: Trustee LaPaglia – yes, Trustee Melahn – yes, Trustee Berscheid – yes, Trustee Lab – yes. The motion carried.

Mr. Ray Galuszka took an Oath of Office as a Planning & Zoning Commissioner.

Other Business

Village President Doug Jenco announced that the Village is looking for a replacement Village Administrator and also a replacement to fill the vacant Trustee’s seat.

President Jenco thanked the police, public works, and administrative staff for their continued efforts.

Public Comments

Members of the audience did not provide comments.

Closed Session

A motion was made by Trustee Melahn to go into Closed Session to consider:

• The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance or dismissal of specific employee(s), appointment of Village Official;

• Collective Bargaining

• The probable or imminent and pending litigation.

Trustee LaPaglia seconded the motion. A vote was called: Trustee LaPaglia – yes, Trustee Melahn – yes, Trustee Berscheid – yes, Trustee Lab – yes. The motion carried.

Reconvene Open Session

A motion was made by Trustee LaPaglia to reconvene open session. Trustee Berscheid seconded the motion. A vote was called: Trustee LaPaglia – yes, Trustee Melahn – yes, Trustee Berscheid – yes, Trustee Lab – yes. The motion carried.

Actions to be Taken Following the Closed Session Meeting

No actions were taken.


A motion was made by Trustee Berscheid to adjourn the meeting. Trustee LaPaglia seconded the motion. All the Village Board Trustees present voted in favor of the motion. The motion carried.
