
Will County Gazette

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Will County Capital Improvements Committee met June 5.

Webp meeting 06

Will County Capital Improvements Committee met June 5.

Here is the minutes provided by the Committee:

I. Call To Order / Roll Call

Chair Ray Tuminello called the meeting to order at 11:00 am

Attendee Name; Title; Status; Arrived:

Ray Tuminello Chair Present

Mike Fricilone Vice Chair Present

Gloria Dollinger Member Present

Gretchen Fritz Member Present

Charles E. Maher Member Absent

Donald A. Moran Member Present

Annette Parker Member Present

Beth Rice Member Present

Denise E. Winfrey Member Present

Also Present: J. Moustis, H. Brooks, R. Freitag and M. Johannsen.

Present from State's Attorney's Office: M. Tatroe.

II. Pledge Of Allegiance To The Flag

Mr. Kendall Jackson led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

III. Approval Of Minutes

1. WC Capital Improvements Committee - Regular Meeting - May 15, 2018 9:30 am

Result: Approved [Unanimous]

Mover: Denise E. Winfrey, Member

Seconder: Donald A. Moran, Member

Ayes: Tuminello, Fricilone, Dollinger, Fritz, Moran, Parker, Rice, Winfrey

Absent: Maher

2. Capital Improvements Executive Session Minutes May 15, 2018


Result: Approved [Unanimous]

Mover: Mike Fricilone, Vice Chair

Seconder: Denise E. Winfrey, Member

Ayes: Tuminello, Fricilone, Dollinger, Fritz, Moran, Parker, Rice, Winfrey

Absent: Maher

IV. Old Business

1. Update from Courthouse Delivery Teams (Wight, Gilbane & Farnsworth)


Mr. Lesniak reviewed the attached Gilbane Project Status sheet for June 5, 2018.

Mr. Tuminello asked are we still on track for maximum height in November?

Mr. Lesniak replied yes, if we do not lose a lot of weather days, we should be able to beat that date.

Mr. Dwyer stated we continue to track with submittals and RFIs. Our weekly meetings are going well, to make sure we are staying on top of any issues.

Mr. Fricilone asked how did we miss with the flooring that we are 100% over the estimate?

Mr. Lesniak replied the bids came in a lot higher than we expected. Also, our quantities were lower than the bidders. It was purely what the market was bearing at that point.

Mr. Tkac added is this is a specialized trade and we had only two bidders.

Mr. Moran asked is it a plumbed floor with return air?

Mr. Lesniak responded it is not a plumbed floor. Most of the raised flooring is in the courtrooms and a very small area in the basement area.

Mr. Quick stated we continue to review submittals and drawings in parallel with Wight. We are finalizing and updating the commissioning plan. We are working with Gilbane on the comprehensive quality plan with the subs and how we will implement commissioning through the construction process. We are preparing for the testing for the first on-site mockup of the exterior envelop scheduled for July.

Mr. Lesniak added the mockup is scheduled for the end of June through July 25th.

Mr. Moran asked for clarification on ladders.

Mr. Lesniak explained we have permits we are issuing if we need ladders.

Mr. Moran stated I am asking about the general trades.

Mr. Lesniak stated what is in our plan and what was in the contract, it is required we use platform ladders. We have not had any sub at this point tell us they do not want to use them.

Mr. Moran asked are all the trades aware of the requirement?

Mr. Lesniak replied yes, it is in our safety plan and it was part of the contract review.

Mr. Moran asked are the balancing contractors aware they will have to use platforms instead of step ladders? I foresee the balancing contractors having issues setting up the planform when he needs to make a one second adjustment to a damper adjustment, then take readings using a platform instead of a ladder, with carpeting in the room.

Mr. Quick indicated he would check and report back.

Mr. Lesniak stated unlike the issues we ran through with the steel, this was very clear cut; it was not vague; the subs have to use platforms.

Mr. Moran asked is this something Gilbane has been doing for a period of time?

Mr. Lesniak answered yes.

Mr. Moran asked was this a requirement on the JJC project?

Mr. Lesniak indicated he was unable to answer because he was not involved in the project.

Mr. Moran clarified a mechanical contractor doing trim work, putting in a register and making a flex connection at the diffuser will need a platform.

Mr. Lesniak stated the subcontractors on site already are using platform ladders.

Mr. Moran continued I don’t see it as a problem for running the main duct lines because they will use a lift for that; when it gets down to the trim work, that is when I see it being a problem. It is a concern for me.

Mr. Lesniak stated the platform ladders that exist and those on the site right now, are virtually no different than a step ladder. They have a small platform on the top of them. When you fold it up, you move it no differently than a step ladder. They can stand on the top because there are rails around it.

Gilbane Project Status June 5, 2018


2. Discussion Re: Animal Control Facility and EMA Building


Mr. Dwyer stated the last time we talked we had just gotten a good rundown from EMA trying to get the project accelerated and on track with Animal Control to get the two project going out together. We are making good headway with that. There have been additional follow up meetings with EMA to organize and get approval on floor plan layouts and we are in good shape. Our schedule remains the same; late July or early August to have documents wrapped up. We will be going in earlier for permit submittals to get that out of the way before we go out to bid. We will keep working on the bidding timeframe with Ms. Weiss. You are still working on the CM selection for the project, but we are in good shape to be ready for a September or October construction start, pending the bidding process and your CM selection. We believe we may be ahead of the schedule with the documents.

Mr. Tuminello asked Mr. Tkac for an update on the CM RFQ.

Mr. Tkac replied the submittals for Animal Control and EMA are due today. They will be distributed to the evaluation committee, then to the subcommittee and they will come forward for a recommendation.

Mr. Tuminello asked when will the RFQ go out for the solar?

Mr. Tkac replied as soon as the State’s Attorney’s review is complete.

Mr. Moustis stated our intent was not specific to this job, but to get smaller contractors to qualify for projects at $5 million and under and create a list of qualified CMs. From that list we will select someone for the Animal Control and EMA project. My hope is by lowering that for smaller projects we will get additional minority companies; as they tend to be smaller contractors.

Mr. Tkac stated we won’t know until the responses are submitted, but I believe there is interest from the smaller companies.

Mr. Moustis stated we will take the recommendations from the Executive’s Office, do interviews and develop a list quickly.

Mr. Van Essen stated our next EMA meeting is Friday and we hope to finalize the layout and get a budget back to you.

Mr. Tuminello asked are you working with Mr. Creech on the waterlines?

Mr. Van Essen replied yes.

3. Update from Health Department Team (Kluber)


Mr. Hanson stated we have concluded the schematic design internal meetings with staff to further refine the floor plans. Thursday we will have our team meeting and review the initial plans for the layout of the buildings. Previously, you saw individual components areas of the buildings as part of our discussion group. Thursday we will be presenting a combined floor plan for the two floors and begin to talk about some of the exterior massing of the building and the exterior materials of the building. We are beginning to look at and develop engineering concepts for the building. Now that we are fine tuning a floor plan we are discussing HVAC, electrical, fire suppression and plumbing systems for the building and the access points for those utility to service the building. The site development topographical survey has been completed. It was delayed slightly by weather. We understand HR Green will have that to us this week. We are waiting on the soil borings to be finalized in the report; because they will lock in the actual soil boring depths from actual topographic points on the site. That means we will have more accurate data on what we need to do on the soils at the very specific points on the project site. The initial soil borings came back with fairly good soils; minimum undercuts needed at a few areas of the site, primarily existing parking lot areas. We are waiting on the construction debris and disposal report as part of that report to determine whether there is anything special we need to do with the soils coming off the site. The soil borings, at this time, look decent for the proposed areas where the building will be constructed. We had a kick off meeting this morning. Leopardo is now a part of our team and they will begin to join us every other Thursday at our meetings.

Mr. Tkac stated we have not completed our negotiations with Leopardo, but they have agreed to start early. A Resolution was approved to allow us to negotiate, they have been completed and the official Resolution will be forthcoming.

Mr. Tuminello asked for an update regarding the asbestos.

Mr. Hanson stated the asbestos testing is on-going; they are there today and tomorrow to continue the sampling in those areas. We received a preliminary report on other items such as light fixtures, ballast, lamps and lead paint. We will have more information in a few weeks. Our next steps are to complete the SD programming package. Thursday’s highlights will be are we going in the right direction? Is this what we want for a building? Are the layouts going to work the way the department wishes? Once completed, our next internal team meeting on June 21st is where we will look at a more refined plan based on the comments from this Thursday’s meeting. We would then like to turn the package over to Leopardo for them to begin looking at the development of the costs for the actual proposed designed. Everything is moving along according to the current schedule. The user have been very good about making time available to answer our questions.

Mr. Tuminello stated we will continue to have the Health Department updates monthly until the ground breaking and then twice a month until the end of the project.

V. Other Old Business

VI. New Business

1.Discussion Re: Chicago Street/City Square Concept Plan & Gateway Transportation Center

(Kendall Jackson, Community Development, City of Joliet)

Mr. Kendall Jackson, Director of Community Development, City of Joliet reviewed the attached presentation.

Committee members were given the opportunity to ask questions for clarification.

Mr. Moustis and Ms. Winfrey left at this juncture.

Mr. Brooks asked at your meeting on Monday, will you be discussing funding sources? Have you identified any private partners?

Mr. Jackson replied no funding sources have been identified at this point. We do have an estimate of probable cost. The plaza between $4 and $7 million, depending on the finishes. The 11 block improvement; around $11 million for the improvements. The next level of discussion with the City Council will be how to fund this. On Monday the City Council will be shown the plans and an acceptance of the concept plan. In the future we will discuss funding and phasing. We are working with Pace for possible funding of the bus station. We hope to move forward with that soon.

Mr. Fricilone asked if you found the funding, how ready are you to move forward?

Mr. Jackson responded the plaza is not shovel ready, we need to go to the next step of taking the concept into reality with phase 1 and 2 engineering, that will take six or seven months. We are ready to reopen Chicago Street and that will happen in 2019.

City of Joliet Presentation Chicago Street/City Square Concept Plan & Joliet Gateway Transportation Center


2. Awarding Contract to Regency Tile Inc. for the Tile Package at the Will County Courthouse


Result: Approved [Unanimous]

Mover: Donald A. Moran, Member

Seconder: Gloria Dollinger, Member

Ayes: Tuminello, Fricilone, Dollinger, Fritz, Moran, Parker, Rice

Absent: Maher

Left Meeting: Winfrey

3. Awarding Contract to Custom Sign Consultants Inc. for Signage at the Will County Courthouse


Result: Approved [Unanimous]

Mover: Mike Fricilone, Vice Chair

Seconder: Annette Parker, Member

Ayes: Tuminello, Fricilone, Dollinger, Fritz, Moran, Parker, Rice

Absent: Maher

Left Meeting: Winfrey

4. Awarding Contract to RG Construction Services Inc. for Access Flooring at the Will County Courthouse


Result: Approved [Unanimous]

Mover: Mike Fricilone, Vice Chair

Seconder: Gloria Dollinger, Member

Ayes: Tuminello, Fricilone, Dollinger, Fritz, Moran, Parker, Rice

Absent: Maher

Left Meeting: Winfrey

VII. Other New Business

Mr. Tuminello announced Ms. Ann Schneider just notified us that Will County received the Illinois Competitive Freight Grant for the I-80 and Route 30 interchange reconstruction. It was a joint application with IDOT and the Feds. This is a $43 million project; $34 million from the Feds and IDOT the remainder. Six months ago we asked for this to be put on the list of intersections to be looked at and the Feds agreed to reconstruction of I-80 and Route 30.

VIII. Public Comment

IX. Chairman's Report / Announcements

X. Executive Session

XI. Adjournment

1. Motion to Adjourn at 11:54 am

Result: Approved [Unanimous]

Mover: Annette Parker, Member

Seconder: Donald A. Moran, Member

Ayes: Tuminello, Fricilone, Dollinger, Fritz, Moran, Parker, Rice

Absent: Maher

Left Meeting: Winfrey

Next Meeting - June 19, 2018
