
Will County Gazette

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Mokena Community Park District- Board of Commissioners met April 30.

Webp meetingroom05

Mokena Community Park District- Board of Commissioners met April 30.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

1. Call To Order

2. Pledge Of Allegiance

3. Roll Call

4. Additions, Corrections Or Deletions To Agenda

5. Communications, Presentations & Declarations

A. Public Comments – None.

6. Consent Agenda

President Graser Asked, “Does anyone have an item that you wish to remove from the Consent Agenda?” There were no replies.

A. Approval of the March 27, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Minutes

B. Approval of the April 10, 2018 Board Workshop Meeting Minutes

C. Approval of the March 31, 2018 Financial Report

D. Approval of Payment of Bills Including Travel Reimbursement

Motion: Commissioner Lindbloom made a motion to approve Consent Agenda Items A, B, C, and D; Commissioner ________ seconded the motion.

President Graser: We have a motion and a second. Is there any discussion? None.

Recording Secretary, can we please have a roll call vote?

Ayes: (5) Lindbloom, Apel, Brogan, Bagdon, Graser

Nays: (0)

Abstain: (0)

Absent: (2) Olivieri, McJimpsey

By a vote of 5 to 0 the motion passed.

7. Staff Reports

A. Executive Director - Mike Selep: On April 26th, Jim Van Gennep, Mary Beth Windberg, Nick Mazzuca and I met with several different park districts in the area (Frankfort, Frankfort Square, New Lenox, Manhattan and LWSRA) at the Lincoln Way North High School to discuss a possible shared use of an aquatic center. We will be meeting on a regular basis to discuss the same.

B. Supt. of Parks/Facilities - Jim Van Gennep: We did finish the community gardens before the deadline which is tomorrow. Our full-time staff will be starting next week.

C. Supt. of Recreation - Mary Beth Windberg: A map of the gardens were shown to the Board Members. We had an informational meeting last Thursday night. Twenty-seven of the gardeners came and found their plots. Everyone seems excited. Also, we have an intern starting a week from today, Angela Czub, and she will be with us for the entire summer. She is already a recreation supervisor with the Midlothian Park District.

D. Supt. of Finance/Human Resources - Patti Parli: We are getting close to our year end already. Only 2 more months left. The auditor came in and discussed some of the audit things this year. They will be in July 25th to go over preliminary and the field work will not be until October.

E. Facility Manager - None.

8. Attorney’s Report – None.

9. Committee Reports

A. Finance Committee – Mike Selep: We had a meeting on April 16th. We discussed the bank selection by going with Old Plank Community Bank. We signed an agreement and they already waived all fees, increased interest rate and gave us a $5,000 sponsorship to the district for different events. They also helped out with our golf outing by having 2 - foursomes and sponsoring a dinner. We also had discussions with PMA investments as well as two other proposals from Ehlers and Park District Liquid Asset Fund. We believe that PMA Investments should be utilized in securing investments for the District. Commissioner Apel: We spoke with other Park Districts and they confirm the same. Mike Selep: Also, we discussed the updated investment policy that will be voted upon today. The Auditor recommends transitioning from cash basis to modified accrual basis, combining several smaller funds for auditing purposes to streamline process and transferring funds for capital projects from Corporate and Recreation Funds to area allocated for current and future capital projects.

B. Personnel Committee - Mike Selep: We met on April 18th and spoke about salary adjustments. Based on the feedback we received, we did some adjustments to make sure salaries were in range. We also spoke about potential changes to employee health coverage while lowering costs to the District with an HMO health coverage. A consultant will provide a complimentary HR audit of the Park District on May 4th. We will meet again on June 20th to complete further research on insurance coverage.

10. Board Business

A. Old Business

1. Revisions to Board Policy Manual - Mike Selep: I have not heard back from any Commissioners regarding their suggestions or comments to the Policy Manual. Please review the same and get back to Dawn or myself by a week before the next meeting on May 22.

2. Approval of Contract with Design Perspectives to Complete a Mokena Community Park District Master Plan in the Amount of $50,000.

Motion: Commissioner Apel made a motion to approve a Contract with Design Perspectives to Complete a Mokena Community Park District Master Plan in the amount of $50,000.00; Commissioner Bagdon seconded the motion.

President Graser: We have a motion and a second. Is there any discussion?

Commissioner Lindbloom: The contract states add services or extra costs as needed?

Mike Selep: There will not be any extra costs. It was just put in there in case there is something else we needed to do later. They can start as early as next week.

Recording Secretary, can we please have a roll call vote?

Ayes: (6) Apel, Bagdon, Lindbloom, Brogan, McJimpsey, Graser

Nays: (0)

Abstain: (0)

Absent: (1) Olivieri

By a vote of 6 to 0 the motion passed.

B. New Business

1. Approval of Investment Policy

Motion: Commissioner Lindbloom made a motion to approve the Investment Policy; Commissioner McJimpsey seconded the motion.

President Graser: We have a motion and a second. Is there any discussion? None.

Recording Secretary, can we please have a roll call vote?

Ayes: (6) Lindbloom, McJimpsey, Apel, Bagdon, Brogan, Graser

Nays: (0)

Abstain: (0)

Absent: (1) Olivieri

By a vote of 6 to 0 the motion passed.

2. Approval to Resolution 18-2: Utilizing PMA Investment Network Inc. and PMA Securities Inc. in Securing Investments for the Mokena Community Park District

Motion: Commissioner Brogan made a motion to approve Resolution 18-2: Utilizing PMA Investment Network Inc. and PMA Securities Inc. in Securing Investments for the Mokena Community Park District; Commissioner Bagdon seconded the motion.

President Graser: We have a motion and a second. Is there any discussion? None.

Recording Secretary, can we please have a roll call vote?

Ayes: (6) Brogan, Bagdon, Apel, Lindbloom, McJimpsey, Graser

Nays: (0)

Abstain: (0)

Absent: (1) Olivieri

By a vote of 6 to 0 the motion passed.

11. For The Board’s Information – None.

12. Commissioners’ Comments

Commissioner McJimpsey - The park district is looking good. Great job Jim.

Commissioner Lindbloom - Thank you to the staff for all of their hard work. I am looking forward to my garden plot.

Commissioner Brogan - No comments.

Commissioner Bagdon - Do not forget the 5k run on the 12th. I would like to give my sympathies to Mary Ann and her family. She was an administrative assistant for a long time. Her mom passed away.

Commissioner Apel - No comments.

President Graser - The conference in Springfield was awesome. We always learn new things. I encourage the Board to attend because things change by the day and you can never stop learning.

We are voting for officers in May. Thank you to the staff for doing an awesome job

13. Executive Session Pursuant To 5 ILCS 120/2 (C) For The Purposes Of:

A. Potential Claims and/or Litigation (11)

B. Real Property (5-6)

C. Personnel (1)

D. Approval or Semi-Annual Review of Closed Meeting Minutes (21)

(No Executive Session)

14. Action Of Items Discussed In Executive Session (if necessary)

15. Adjournment

Motion: Commissioner Apel made a motion to adjourn (6:37 p.m.); Commissioner Bagdon seconded the motion.

President Graser: We have a motion and a second. Is there any discussion? None.

Recording Secretary, can we please have a roll call vote?

Ayes: (6) All in Favor; Aye

Nays: (0)

Abstain: (0)

Absent: (0) Olivieri

By a vote of 6 to 0 the motion passed.
