
Will County Gazette

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Crete Park District Board of Commissioners met February 21.

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Crete Park District Board of Commissioners met February 21.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

Pledge of Allegiance

Roll Call: Carrie Sharma, Linda Johnson and Laura Stawicki

Others Present: Director Patricia Polzin, Secretary/Treasurer/Finance & Marketing Supt. Therese Hale, Maintenance Supt Andy Biesterfeld, Rec Supt Janel Geary and Rec Super Eric Schad

Recognition of Visitors:

Stawicki moved and Sharma seconded a motion to approve the Minutes from Jan 17, 2018. All Commissioners present voted aye.

Sharma moved and Stawicki seconded a motion to approve the Accounts Payable and Payroll and Additional Bills as presented. Questions were answered and on a roll call vote, all Commissioners present voted aye.

Secretary’s Report: Hale reminded everyone the next meeting is March 21 at 6 PM to review next year’s budget. Also, she will put together the Meeting Ordinance for next year. President Johnson asked that the Volunteer of the year and Park Tour be added to the calendar.

Recreation Report: Geary reported we are getting ready for Egg Hunt. The Boy Scouts are currently finishing the eggs. We are also working on programs for the summer brochure. Her and Eric Schad will be going to the CMMS Career Day and to the Elementary schools for the year end awards events.

Maintenance Report: Biesterfeld is still working on the DECO grants. Sharma would like to see the cost break out.

Long Range Report: Sharma reported she attended the Strategic Plan meeting with the staff. She sees already space is an issue which everyone on the board already knows. This will reinforce our decision as a board and encourage us to continue with the Bank purchase. Polzin explained the Strategic Planning process and will share results next month.

Personnel/Finance: We have rewritten the Office Manager job description, and created two part time positions. We hired Patty Wiater as a part time Finance Assistant. She is a past Commissioner of the District and has a degree in Finance. We also hired Patti Foster who previously worked for our Preschool.

Directors Report: Polzin reported no movement on the 690 building. Mr. Slade wants the road build before any programming takes places at that location. The Crete Township is looking to invest in a new building and there is a possibility of pooling funds to benefit everyone. Polzin sent information to Attorney Lulich to investigate an intergovernmental agreement. The estimated cost to put in the road on the Sangamon Street property is $180,000. Tech 3 doesn’t feel the need to do soil borings. He feels the majority of the property is buildable. Director Polzin, President Johnson and M Smith met and discussed the financing for the project. Polzin said WWPC is blocked off from programs and rentals from Aug 10-19 for construction. Sharma suggested we scale some of our projects back at WWPC, tackle the necessity then others in years to come so the money was freed up for the road.

Presidents Report: President Johnson thanked everyone for their hard work.

Stawicki moved and Sharma seconded a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:00 pm. All Commissioners present voted aye.
