
Will County Gazette

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Crete Park District Board of Commissioners met March 21.

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Crete Park District Board of Commissioners met March 21.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

Meeting was called to order by President Johnson at 6:01 pm.

Pledge of Allegiance

Roll Call: Carrie Sharma, Linda Johnson, Jen Smith and Laura Stawicki

Others Present: Director Patricia Polzin, Secretary/Treasurer/Finance & Marketing Supt. Therese Hale, Maintenance Supt Andy Biesterfeld, Rec Supt Janel Geary (6-6:30 pm)

Stawicki moved and J. Smith seconded a motion to approve the Minutes from Feb 21, 2018. All Commissioners present voted aye.

J. Smith moved and Sharma seconded a motion to approve the Accounts Payable and Payroll and Additional Bills as presented. Questions were answered and on a roll call vote, all Commissioners present voted aye.

Secretary’s Report: Hale reminded everyone the next meeting is April 18 at 7 pm and reminded the board to complete the Economic Interest Statements

J Smith moved and Stawicki seconded a motion to approve Ordinance 17-18-6, the Public Notice of Regular Meetings of the Crete Park District Board of Commissioners. All Commissioners present voted aye.

Stawicki moved and Sharma seconded a motion to set the Public Hearing for the Budget and Appropriation Ordinance for April 18 at 7 pm. All Commissioners present voted aye. Hale will get the notices in the newspaper as required by law.

Director Polzin presented the 2018-2019 budget. Commissioners discussed the trees and the change in donation income. They also discussed the preschool income and the programs registration. The indoor swimming line includes the summer classes. All swimming will now be held in the evenings at Governor State University. The change in the Rec Assistant moves it to a salaried position. We are moving from Call One phone system to a Verizon voip. This will save us approximately $172 per month. Staff discussed the Heritage Park Concession stand face lift and future rentals.

President Johnson asked for an updated Long-Range Plan list. Polzin discussed the Strategic Planning changes that dictate our priority. We are currently holding Vision 2020 Committee meetings to update things the District needs.

Recreation Report: The Egg Hunt will be held this weekend.

Recognition of Visitors: Mark Baxter from Relay for Life brought fliers. They will be having a car show June 2nd at Park-A-Palooza. (7 pm) He will meet with Therese Hale for details.

Maintenance Report: Biesterfeld is getting equipment ready for summer and working on the lighting grants. M Smith received a phone complaint about the sidewalks at Heritage Park. Biesterfeld said there is a drainage issue there and the sidewalk has sunk. He will look into having it fixed.

Attorney Report: Polzin discussed the bank property and an intergovernmental agreement with the Township. She will be attending a meeting there next week. The bank has asked that we do no major programming in the building until a road has been built.

Long Range Report:

J Smith moved and Sharma seconded a motion to move into Executive Session at 7:10 pm regarding Section 2©(5), The purchase or lease of real property for the use of the public body, including meetings held for the purpose of discussing whether a particular parcel should be acquired. All Commissioners present voted aye.

J. Smith moved and Stawicki seconded a motion to return to regular session at 7:35 pm. All Commissioners present voted aye.

Sharma motioned to have Director Polzin begin conversations regarding the Farm field just south of the 690 Exchange building and get a Letter of Intent from the bank for purchase of the building at 690 Exchange. Stawicki seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, all Commissioners voted aye.

Directors Report: Three new computers were purchased and will be delivered this Friday. We will be hosting a Country Christmas meeting at the Willard Wood Park center in April.

Presidents Report: President Johnson thanked everyone for their hard work. There will be a Social Committee meeting on March 28 at 3 pm.

Stawicki moved and Sharma seconded a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:20 pm. All Commissioners present voted aye.
