
Will County Gazette

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Will County Executive Committee will meet February 1.

Webp meetingroom01

Will County Executive Committee will meet Feb. 1.

Here is the agenda provided by the Committee:

I. Call To Order/ Roll Call

Ii. Pledge Of Allegiance To The Flag

Iii. Approval Of Minutes

Iv. Old Business

V. New Business

1. Presentation Re: United Way Programs

(Mike Hennessy)

2. Authorizing Contribution to United Way

(Melissa Johannsen)

3. Replacement Hire Pre-posting for Land Use Department

(Brian Radner)

Vi. Other New Business

Vii. Committee Assignment Requests

A. Land Use & Development Committee

T. Weigel, Chair

1. Preauthorization to Foreclosure-Highland Ridge South PUD

(Jim Song)

B. Finance Committee

M. Fricilone, Chair

1. Appropriating Adult Redeploy Illinois Program Grant Funds in the State's Attorney's Drug Court FY2018 Budget

(Juliet McCabe-Sterr)

2. Transferring and Increasing Appropriations in Various County Budgets to Fund Year End Shortfalls

(ReShawn Howard)

3. Authorizing County Executive to Execute Necessary Documents for Delinquent Tax Program

(Julie Shetina, Deputy Treasurer)

C. Public Works & Transportation Committee

D. Gould, Chair

1. Confirming Award of Contract to Preform Traffic Control Systems, Ltd. ($1,055,248.40) Let on January 17, 2018 for the County Wide Striping, All County Board Districts

(Jeff Ronaldson)

2. Resolution for Improvement by County under the IL Highway Code for the Countywide Striping, All County Board Districts, using MFT Funds ($1,200,000.00)

(Jeff Ronaldson)

3. Improvement by County under the IL Highway Code for 95th Street (CH 89) at its intersection with Plainfield-Naperville Road (CH 14), County Board District #11, using County Motor Fuel Tax Funds ($600,000.00)

(Jeff Ronaldson)

4. Supplemental Resolution for Improvement by County under the IL Highway Code for Crete-Monee Road (CH 21) from Old Monee Road (CH 48) to IL Route 1, using Additional Motor Fuel Tax Funds ($105,182.33), County Board District #1

(Jeff Ronaldson)

5. Authorizing an Agreement Between the County of Will and BP Pipeline (North America) Inc. for Reimbursement for Relocating Facilities Along 135th Street (CH 35) from Smith Road to Emily Lane, County Board District #7

(Jeff Ronaldson)

6. Authorizing Approval of an IDOT - County Joint Agreement for Improvements on Weber Road (CH 88) from 135th Street to Normantown Road, County Board Districts #3 and #13

(Jeff Ronaldson)

7. Authorizing Approval of the Expenditure of County Motor Fuel Tax Funds ($18,000,000.00) for the Improvements on Weber Road (CH 88) from 135th Street to Normantown Road, County Board Districts #3 and #13 (Jeff Ronaldson) 8. New Ordinance Regulating Will County Division of Transportation Oversize-Overweight Truck Permit Procedures

(Jeff Ronaldson)

9. Authorizing an Agreement between the County of Will and Oxcart Permit Systems, LLC for providing an Online Internet Application for Accepting and Processing Oversize-Overweight Truck Permits under Will County Division of Transportation Jurisdiction

(Jeff Ronaldson)

D. Judicial Committee

D. Bennefield, Chair

E. Public Health & Safety Committee

J. Ogalla, Chair

F. Legislative & Policy Committee

S. Hart, Chair

G. Capital Improvements Committee

R. Tuminello, Chair

H. Executive Committee

J. Moustis, Chair

1. Declaring Various Equipment Surplus and Authorizing Disposal

(Rita Weiss)

2. Declaring Sheriff's Seized Vehicles Surplus & Authorizing Disposal

(Rita Weiss)

3. Awarding Bid for Electronics Recycling Collection - One-Day Events

(Rita Weiss)

4. Authorizing the County Executive to Execute an Intergovernmental Agreement with the City of Naperville for the Operation of a Household Hazardous Waste Collection Facility

(Dean Olson)

5. Authorizing the County Executive to Execute an Intergovernmental Agreement between Frankfort Township and the County of Will, Illinois for Electronics Recycling

(Marta Keane)

6. Authorizing the Will County Executive to Execute and Intergovernmental Agreement with the South Suburban Land Bank and Development Authority

(Ron Pullman and Kathy Pecora)

Viii. Request For State's Attorney's Opinion

Ix. Accept Committee Assignment Requests

X. Public Comments

Xi. Chairman's Report/Announcements

Xii. Executive Session

Xiii. Adjournment
