
Will County Gazette

Thursday, March 6, 2025

City of Lockport Committee of the Whole will meet January 3.

Webp meeting 11

City of Lockport Committee of the Whole will meet Jan. 3.

Here is the agenda provided by the Committee:

A. Pledge Of Allegiance:

B. Roll Call:

C. Introduction Or Proclamation (Requiring No Formal Action Or Approval):

D. Shop Lockport - Business Spotlight:

E. Mayor’s Report:

1. M-1 Liaisons Report - Verbal

f. Items Recommended To Be Placed On The Agenda For Consent Or Action At The Next Regularly Scheduled City Council Meeting:

1. City Administrator:

1. CA-1 B. Benson Memo 12/26/17 - City Facilities Assessment Survey

B. Benson Memo 12/26/17 Paperclip Icon


1. PZ-1 P. Hirth Memo 12/27/17 - Rezoning from O-1 Limited Office to C-4 Downtown Commercial/201 E. 9th Street

P. Hirth Memo 12/27/17 Paperclip icon

3. Finance Department:

1. FD-1 L. Heglund Memo 12/26/17 - Electric Bill Presentment

L. Heglund Memo 12/26/17 Paperclip icon

4. Director Of Public Works:

1. PW-1 J. Findlay Memo 12/26/17 - Sludge Contract Renewal/Land Application/Resolution No. 18-002

J. Findlay Memo 12/26/17 Paperclip icon

2. PW-2 B. Cann, B. Benson Memo 12/27/17 - Farrell/Division Pedestrian Paths

B. Cann, B. Benson Memo 12/27/17 Paperclip icon

g. New Business - Miscellaneous:

h. Open Floor For Comments: (Comments will be heard on items that do not appear on the Agenda. The Public Comment portion of the Agenda shall be subject to a twenty (20) minute limitation. A time limit of five (5) minutes shall be imposed on each Speaker. The purpose of having Public Comments as an Agenda item is to allow any person to make his/her views known to the City Council upon any subject of general or public interest. The Council recognizes that Public Comments are for the purpose of legitimate inquiries and discussion by the Public, and not for the purpose of advancing arguments or repetitious questions concerning matters which the Council believes to be closed or not of general public concern. The Council shall have the right during this period to decline to hear any person or subject matter upon proper motion and majority vote by the Council. Each person wishing to speak during the Public Comment portion of the Agenda must fill out a Public Comment Speaker Card stating name, and the topic about which he/she wishes to speak as well as a Sign-In Sheet, and give to the City Clerk at the Meeting itself. The purpose of the Cards is to obtain the spelling of the name of the Speaker, and provide for efficient meeting administration. The order of speaking shall be based upon the order of Sign-In with first person signing-in speaking first and so forth. If the twenty (20) minutes has elapsed before all Speakers who have signed up are allowed to speak, the City Council may elect to continue the time period. However, if the City Council elects not to extend the time period those Speakers who signed up but did not speak may if they so choose to be placed on the next Agenda under the Public Comments Section and shall be placed at the top of the Sign-In Sheet in the same order they were in from the previous Sign-In Sheet. All Speakers shall comply with these rules which shall be posted at the Speaker Sign-in desk and rulings of the City Clerk.)

i. Adjournment
