
Will County Gazette

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Will County Board member criticizes 'sanctuary state' legislation

Legislativesession 1280

A Will County Board member said in light of the recent acquittal of an immigrant in the country illegally, Gov. Bruce Rauner making Illinois a "sanctuary state" is wrong.

In response to the recent acquittal of murder charges of Jose Ines Garcia Zarate in the death of Kate Steinle in San Francisco in 2015, Steve Balich told the Will County Gazette that hard-working taxpayers are left to support all the social programs for non-citizens after Rauner signed legislation that would make Illinois a sanctuary state.

“The logic is completely gone,” Balich, a retired 30-year teamster running again for a four-year term, said. “Rauner has a new spending problem with just a stroke of the pen.”

Balich, who is seeking the 7th District seat, specifically replied to an article from The Hill, reporting The Make America Great Again Political Action Committee (PAC), backing President Donald Trump for re-election called for an immediate end to sanctuary cities after the acquittal of Garcia Zarate.

“The Steinle verdict was against all reason,” Balich said, adding the decision now makes such immigrants a protected group. “Illegals get free medical, housing, and food. I would not doubt they get some spending money.”

The candidate, who calls himself a conservative Republican, said the reason Rauner signed the legislation is so the Democrats can get more votes to swing elections and progressives can finish the job of President Barack Obama in transforming America.

“Felons can leave a sanctuary state murder someone, or commit a crime, then return to the sanctuary state,” Balich said. “It sure is not fair to allow those sneaking into our country a path to citizenship when those following the law have to wait and follow the rules.”

He said Rauner making Illinois a sanctuary for immigrants in the country illegally is costing citizens their livelihood.

“Our youth will find it harder and harder to make a living in Illinois if taxes, regulations, and illegal immigration continues,” Balich said. “Older people who actually have good jobs will be threatened by the abundant number of people trying to get their positions at a lower wage.”

And it is not just citizens who will suffer, but the state as well, Balich said.

“Remember Illinois is broke,” Balich said. “People are leaving as soon as they can find a way out, and (the) majority of the people leaving are the workers who pay for everything with their taxes. Soon most of those left will be the government workers and people on the receiving end.”

Balich believes Rauner’s legislation will backfire.

“Even the illegals will eventually not find Illinois to be a paradise,” Balich said. “The way we do things in Illinois has no thought of the consequence and little conception of logic.”