Minooka Community High School District 111 Board met Oct. 5.
Here is the minutes provided by the Board:
The regular meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by President Mike Brozovich. The meeting was held in the Career Center at Central Campus. A physical quorum was present with the following board members answering roll call: Larry Troutman, Mike Brozovich, Patti Ruettiger, Kristine Shipla, Cherie Barnes, and Wendi Arlis. Absent from the meeting was Lori Lakota. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Board members were pleased to recognize National Merit Scholarship Program Honorees: Semifinalist - Theo Benig;
Commended Students - Cailyn Bass, Faith Bonds, Jacquelyn Gesbocker, Isabelle Jasper, Daniel McMillin, Joseph Rhoades, Matthew Schofield, Bradley Schumacher, and Luke Van Drie.
There were no comments from the audience.
Administrative reports were provided to the board members in the packets. Assistant Superintendent John Troy added to his report informing the board that the investigation on the cafetorium leak has led to findings that flashing was missing in the original construction as well as installed improperly. He noted that the buildings and grounds committee should meet to discuss in anticipation that a Statement of Work could be approved at the next board meeting. Mr. Troy also reported that a new tax appeal has been filed and Troy School District has asked the high school to participate in getting an appraisal. It is anticipated to be recommended for approval at the next meeting as well. Lastly, Mr. Troy reported that Technology Director Jim Kelly has secured a recycler to purchase outdated technology equipment. It is anticipated that a recommendation for disposal of property will be presented at the next meeting for approval.
MOTION: by Arlis, seconded by Shipla, to approve the Open Session Minutes as presented:
1. September 18, 2017 – Committee Meetings
2. September 21, 2017 – Regular Meeting
Hearing no objections, the motion was approved. Time: 6:42 p.m.
Strategic Planning Update:
Dr. Lee reported that the second full-day meeting of the strategic planning team was held. The board was reminded that all information regarding the MCHS District #111 Strategic Plan is located in the About Us section of the MCHS website.
The next meeting will be November 1.
Educational Foundation Update:
Dr. Lee also informed the Board that he is still working to secure members of an initial Board of Directors for an educational foundation. If stakeholders are interested in becoming involved, they should contact him.
Student Policy Awareness and Consequences:
The topic of student policies and consequences was discussed and board members were asked to provide feedback on ways to improve awareness.
Interfund Loan Repayment:
Mr. Troy reported that an interfund loan from the O & M Fund to the Life Safety Fund in 2014 should have been repaid by
June 30, 2017. He added that steps have been taken to correct the issue and that it is anticipated that it will be presented for approval at the next meeting.
MOTION: by Arlis, seconded by Ruettiger, to approve the second reading and adoption of PRESS Pkt 95 recommendations as presented. Hearing no objections, the motion was approved. Time: 6:49 p.m.
MOTION: by Arlis, seconded by Ruettiger, to adjourn the meeting to executive session for the purpose of discussing matters related to minutes; the appointment, compensation, discipline, dismissal, employment and performance of specific employees of the District; student discipline, and negotiations. Voting Aye: Arlis, Troutman, Ruettiger, Barnes, Shipla, and Brozovich. Motion carried. Time: 6:50 p.m.
MOTION: by Troutman, seconded by Shipla, to return the meeting to open session. Hearing no objections, the motion was approved. Time: 7:49 p.m.
Dr. Lee informed the board that concerns have been brought to his attention regarding support from the administration for clubs and organizations. Discussion took place as to the procedure for clubs to get started going from a pilot program to probationary, etc. It was also noted that clubs do take minutes and provide them to the Activity Director.
Closed Session Minutes
MOTION: by Shipla, seconded by Arlis, to approve the closed session minutes from the September 18, 2017, Committee Meetings, and the September 21, 2017, Regular Meeting. Hearing no objections, the motion was approved. Time: 8:08 p.m.
MOTION: by Arlis, seconded by Shipla, to accept the following resignation(s) as presented:
1. Kenny, Sean Math Interventionist effective 9/21/17
2. Bahret, Danny Track—Asst. Boys effective 9/25/17
3. Hardie, Jackie Transportation Director effective 10/13/17
Hearing no objections, the motion was approved. Time: 8:09 p.m.
MOTION: by Shipla, seconded by Arlis, to approve the employment of the following support staff member(s) as presented and as at-will employees, pending proper paperwork and background check deemed favorable by the MCHS #111
1. Bahret, Danny – Math Interventionist - $16.89/hr.
2. Urguidi, Virgie – Bus Aide - $12.57/hr.
Voting Aye: Arlis, Troutman, Ruettiger, Barnes, Shipla, and Brozovich. Motion carried. Time: 8:09 p.m.
MOTION: by Arlis, seconded by Lakota, to approve the following extracurricular appointments for the 2017/18 school year as presented, pending proper paperwork and background check deemed favorable by the MCHS #111 Administration:
1. Dorenkamper, Kevin Track—Asst. Boys Group I/Step 1 ($4,746.20)
Voting Aye: Arlis, Troutman, Ruettiger, Barnes, Shipla, and Brozovich. Motion carried. Time: 8:10 p.m.
MOTION: by Arlis, seconded by Shipla, to adjourn the meeting. Voting Aye: Arlis, Troutman, Ruettiger, Barnes,
Shipla, and Brozovich. Motion carried. Time: 8:10 p.m.