
Will County Gazette

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Will County Public Health & Safety Committee met April 6.

Will County Public Health & Safety Committee met April 6.

Here is the minutes provided by the Committee:

I. Call to Order / Roll Call

Chair Judy Ogalla called the meeting to order at 9:05 am

Attendee Name; Title; Status; Arrived:

Judy Ogalla; Chair; Present;

Donald Gould; Vice Chair; Present;

Gloria Dollinger; Member; Present;

Mark Ferry; Member; Present;

Beth Rice; Member; Present;

Laurie Summers; Member; Present;

Also Present: H. Brooks and M. Johannsen.

Present from State's Attorney Office: K. Meyers.

II. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag

Mrs. Summers led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

III. Approval of Minutes

1. WC Public Health & Safety Committee - Regular Meeting - Mar 2, 2017 9:00 AM

Result: Approved [Unanimous]

Mover: Laurie Summers, Member

Seconder: Mark Ferry, Member

Ayes: Ogalla, Gould, Dollinger, Ferry, Rice, Summers

IV. Miscellaneous Reports

1. Sunny Hill Nursing Home Updates - March 2017

(Sunny Hill Nursing Home Updates - March 2017)

2. BOH Meeting Minutes February 15, 2017

(Susan Olenek)

V. Old Business

The items under Old Business were discussed later in the meeting.

1. Presentation on Narcan

(Deputy Jeff Jerz)

Sheriff Kelley advised we have 2 separate individual officers assigned to 2 separate DEA task force that are strictly heroin driven. Lt. Borz who is in charge of our Gang and Drug Unit is here to provide some numbers on the heroin that we have. They made a stop yesterday in Frankfort and seized 2 kilos of heroin. In the last 2 years a deputy is assigned to an FBI Task Force. Part of their task is the heroin epidemic and we have recently assigned a deputy to the MANNS unit because it was empty for a long time. They concentrate on Will County and have requested a person be assigned. I am excited about this Will County coalition that we have made up for the last year to apply for a drug free community grant. They send a survey to all the local Will County high schools asking students to tell them what they have been doing and how you started to do it. Their main focus is if we are successful in getting this grant it will be for 5 years. Our main focus is supposed to be marijuana and alcohol because that seems what the high school kids are doing but we can also include some of the heroin off that grant. There is an in plain sight trailer where we have taken it and turned it into a kid's bedroom. We are hoping to have it ready by early May. Grundy County has one so if you want to see it come out to the Heroes Help forum. We have been hitting this very hard over the last few years and have been pretty successful with the taking drugs off the street and putting people in jail. Deputy Jerz is my 2016 deputy of the year and has been very instrumental in training officers in the county on Narcan. I'll be presenting lifesaving awards for about 12-15 persons over the past year for Narcan.

Deputy Jerz stated the Illinois Heroin Crisis Act passed on May 5, 2015 requiring police officers to be trained in delivering Narcan to people that are experiencing an opioid overdose.

Deputy Jerz reviewed the power point presentation at this time. Every 15-17 months we are spending approximately $15,150.00 to keep our Narcan doses up to date.

Mr. Brooks asked what the Sheriff does with the expired kits.

Deputy Jerz replied I have spoken with the drug company that provides our Narcan and once I have all the expired kits turned in, I will call them and make a list of everything that is expired and return all the expired kits to them for proper disposal. There is no cost to us.

Mrs. Rice asked if there was any tracking of someone whose life was saved by Narcan.

Deputy Jerz stated other than the fact that Narcan has been used and that the person lived or died, I keep track of that. Aside from what happens to them once they have gone to the hospital, I have no way to track that.

Sheriff Kelley advised the hospital may have that but it may be unavailable because of HIPPA. They will have a social worker who will talk to the person and provide them with resources of where to go and how to get help.

Dr. Burke stated one of the items with the grant is working on those background services. We are working with the hospitals to have social work and support in the emergency room and then the transition into treatment. Part of the problem is there are no treatment beds. The ideal is that they leave with a Narcan kit from the emergency room so if an overdose occurs in the future and they choose not to have treatment they are also protected.

Dr. Burke explained in Will County for Medicaid or indigent populations who do not have insurance, there are very few open beds. We have beds but they are full.

Dr. Burke advised Narcan is 24 months but as Deputy Jerz stated we don't always receive it until there is only 18 months left.

Discussion was held regarding the Narcan kits, their location and their security.

Deputy Jerz gave a short demonstration on administering Narcan. This now carries 4 milligrams per dose.

Sheriff Kelley introduced Lt. Borz who is in charge of the Gang and Drug Unit. In the small municipalities around Will County when you see them make an arrest on a search warrant for heroin 9 out 10 times our gang and drug unit are helping them. We loan these officers out constantly.

Lt. Borz stated we had a traffic stop yesterday in Mokena with a gentleman out of Chicago who had 2 kilos of heroin. This is 2 brick shaped items and was destined for our streets in Will County. That case is still ongoing. Heroin is our number one priority.

Lt. Borz reviewed a case regarding stopping someone along with the rest of the people involved on how and where the heroin was being distributed. We work with every municipality. The trends haven't changed, it is still coming out of the south and west sides of Chicago. It comes out I-57 which is an easy place for people to get to. We have to determine whether a person will not use the heroin and use him as an informant or is he better going to jail.

Sheriff Kelley advised Lt. Borz works with the deputies in the DA task force and the FBI, etc. sharing information so everyone is aware of what it going on in Will County and we know we are targeting the right people. Deputy Chief Buddy who is in charge of our patrol division is currently trying to recruit some new, young deputies to send to interdiction classes so the patrol guys know what to look for. We are considering on trying to get a handful of guys for an interdiction team from the Sheriff's Department especially with I-57, I-80 and I-55. I may buy two more canine dogs in the future and train guys on that. We have had good success with the canine we currently have. Almost everything we do drug related comes from Drug Seizure Fund which are funds we are seizing from dealers. The dogs will be bought with that money and Narcan is bought with that money. The state has passed legislation saying we can use some state fund for education also. We can use some of that money for education with our trailer we can show parents where to look if their kids have drugs.

Narcan Program Powerpoint by Will Co Sheriff-Deputy Jerz:

(Power Point Presentation)

2. Presentation Re: Hero Helps Community Forum

(Anastasia Tuskey)

This item was discussed prior to the 1st item under Old Business-Narcan Presentation by Lt. Borz.

Mrs. Anastasia Tuskey advised April 21st is our 5th annual Hero Helps Community Forum. It will be in Romeoville, the Edward Hospital Athletic and Event Center from 7:30 to 11:30. This year the focus is going to be a grant that the county has been named a recipient. There will be 4 counties in our forum discussing innovative strategies that they have to combat the heroin and opioid crisis. We will have representatives from DuPage, Lake and Cook County.

Dr. Burke stated the grant we received from the Department of Human Services through SAMHSA which has funded her position. The grants purpose is harm reduction; to minimize the number of deaths that we are seeing in our county because of heroin and opioids, both prescription and illegal opioids. My efforts are focused upon training more people with Narcan, Naloxone, the antidote to an opioid. Over the past 3 years we have trained our first responders. Now because of the changes in the law from HB1 we are able to train bystanders and medical people. Bystanders are family members and people who are involved with someone who may have an opioid addiction and other agencies. I have some of the housing agencies who have called and want their social workers and their case managers trained because their clients often have addiction issues. We will also be training our coroner's office and I have spoken with Sue Olenek of the Health Department. We would like to see a sticker in every building that has Naloxone. Part of the grant is to do that in the other counties, Lake County, DuPage County and the City of Chicago and Grundy. They will be approaching their programs in different ways which is what we will be hearing about at the Hero Helps Forum.

Dr. Burke stated Kim Fanero is in charge of the program statewide. The good news is she used to be in a separate department and they have now combined both prevention, harm reduction and treatment into one department for the state. DASA is now in charge of everything when it comes to substance abuse. She will be presenting the over wide state program that we are putting together. Having this grant is also being part of this state wide task force where we are putting together a long range strategic plan to identify the strategies for the whole state to reduce the heroin and opioid addiction as well as prevent deaths.

Handout from Anastasia Tuskey at Public Health & Safety Committee:


VI. Other Old Business


VII. New Business

1. 2017 TB Clinic Annual Report

(Pamela Boucher)

This was the first item discussed under New Business prior to any items under Old Business.

Pam Boucher, Administrator of the Tuberculosis Clinic stated in your packet is the 2016 statics as well as the 2017 TB Annual Clinic Report. In reviewing the packet it states our counts were down this year compared to 2015. We have an intergovernmental agreement with Grundy County and we do charge them for medical services. They take care of all the nursing services as well as all the labs, x- rays and medications for their residents. We screen individuals who come into the country through the immigration process. If they are seen at customs coming into the country, they have a normal chest x-ray. We are screening them in our clinic and fortunately we have not found any new active cases with people coming into the country.

Mrs. Boucher continued reviewing the 2017 TB Annual Clinic Report. I thank you all for the support because we don't have any directive therapy grants coming in through the federal government or the State of Illinois now. We are doing all home visits now.

Mr. Fricilone asked regarding the new cases if there was an age demographic.

Mrs. Boucher replied we are seeing an older population now. Our home visits are now in the 55 and older community. We currently have one case per month so we are at 3 cases, one being Grundy County.

Mr. Fricilone inquired about comparatives, where are we per capita relative to the collar counties.

Mrs. Boucher stated we are low compared to the collar counties. DuPage runs about 30-50 cases. They have a higher influx of foreign born.

Mr. Balich asked if the patients who are covered are under the affordable care act.

Mrs. Boucher replied at the Tuberculosis Clinic, under state statute, we don't charge anyone who are residents in Will County for tuberculosis care treatment. If they go into the hospital, their insurance would pay first and then we would take the cost of anything they couldn't pay. We are responsible for caring for anyone with tuberculosis in Will County regardless of economic status.

2. MAPP Overview

(Sue Olenek)

Mrs. Olenek stated on of the 38 programs that we do at the Health Department is the MAPP collaborative. The MAPP process is strategic planning for the entire Will County community. There is a method that we use to determine what the public health issues are, identify the resources and define these strategic issues to address the community. MAPP means Mobilizing for Action through Planning and Partnerships. All local health departments are required to provide an I-plan or strategic plan for their community every 5 years. Hospitals are required to provide a community needs assessment and plan every 3 years. Several years ago we decided to pull our resources and work together to come up with a process that would do this all as one. That is how MAPP was born.

Mrs. Olenek reviewed the power point presentation included in the agenda packet.

Mrs. Olenek stated there are 4 assessments. I provided 2 assessments that we did earlier in the year. Today I have the other 2 assessments and they will also be available on our website. We have a link on the willcountyhealth.org website where you can link to MAPP. These assessments provide all types of information.

Mrs. Olenek continued reviewing the power point presentation.

Mrs. Olenek advised our collaborative is entering in the last phase of this cycle and that will take place this Friday, April 7th at Presence Hospital. This phase will take all of these 4 assessments, all this data, all this information and all this feedback and decide through this next cycle what our strategic issues are going to be. I think one of the items will be health equity. You may have programs in your community that are there but if someone can't access those programs for whatever reason, is it really there for them.

Mrs. Ogalla announced that the Executive Committee was being relocated to the County Board Room.

Mr. Gould, Mr. Brooks, Mrs. Staley-Ferry and Mrs. Parker left the meeting at this time.

Mrs. Olenek advised you need to register to attend the MAPP meeting. If you go to www.willcountyhealth.org there should be a MAPP link where you can register.

Mrs. Olenek stated this year we are in the process of doing our inaugural strategic planning. The Health Department has never done this and I have chosen to do this because it is an additional opportunity for the community to benefit from our expertise. My goal is that we get more done because MAPP is working on this plan and the Health Department is working on something else.

Mrs. Rice stated sometimes the issue in getting their health care is because they are finding it too complicated. When talking about health equity are you including the ease of assessing it for the person; not getting yourself there but understanding how to navigate it?

Mrs. Olenek replied yes, it is one of the issues that we have to look at.

Dr. Burke stated because of MAPP we can successfully do the work for the grant. The data they have already put together is phenomenal because it is making us able to identify where the gaps are in substance abuse.

Mrs. Olenek advised we have 3 outreach specialists whose job is to get people signed up on the market place or ACA or insurance. They helped 230 people and signed up 77 in the market place last month.

Mrs. Olenek stated in May we will talk about Teen Pregnancy Prevention Program.

Mrs. Ogalla advised she has asked Mrs. Olenek to bring programs forward so we can understand what programs we have at the Health Department, how many do they serve, etc. so when we make decisions at the county board level we have a good idea why we need to support the Health Department.

Mrs. Dollinger thanked Mrs. Olenek and Steve Brandy for the extensive tour yesterday in order to understand what goes on there. I recommend everyone on this committee visit the Health Department. We are going to be making some big decisions about some of the things that will be going on there. We need to understand what we have to make right decisions for our community.

Mrs. Olenek advised it is National Public Health Week and there are a lot of things going on out there.

3. Renewing Contracts for Housekeeping Supplies for Sunny Hill Nursing Home

(Rita Weiss)

Mrs. Weiss introduced Kevin Lynn, her new purchasing assistant.

Mrs. Weiss advised this is a bid renewal for housekeeping supplies. There are only 9 items and is for May 1st, 2017 through April 30th, 2018. It is split between 4 different vendors and this is by choice of Sunny Hill staff. It is the second year of the contract.

Result: Moved Forward [Unanimous]

To: Will County Board

Mover: Gloria Dollinger, Member

Seconder: Laurie Summers, Member

Ayes: Ogalla, Gould, Dollinger, Ferry, Rice, Summers

4. Renewing Contracts for Dietary & Nursing Products for Sunny Hill Nursing Home

(Rita Weiss)

Mrs. Weiss advised this is for dietary and nursing products. It is a total of 85 items and it was split between 2 vendors. It is May 1st, 2017 through April 30, 2018. These are all with Mrs. Sorbero's approval.

Result: Moved Forward [Unanimous]

Mover: Mark Ferry, Member

Seconder: Laurie Summers, Member

Ayes: Ogalla, Gould, Dollinger, Ferry, Rice, Summers

VIII. Other New Business

Mrs. Rice thanked Mrs. Ogalla for taking the time to teach more about public health. I have such an appreciation that we are not just voting on things. We are coming to understand things that are coming about our future capital plans and needs. A specific problem I had a question on was the dental health van. I received an email that it was going to be at a place in Romeoville. I shared that on my community page. I received a question of would it be smarter to go to this community dental van or because they had a high deductible where they were receiving dental services. Since it was the next day it was going to be in Romeoville, I tried to navigate the public health website and didn't understand what the exact arrangements were for the dental van so I was unable to answer their question.

Mrs. Rice requested when we receive some of the information such as the services that are provided, if we could see where you access the resources.

Mrs. Ogalla agreed and advised a presentation would be scheduled.

Mrs. Dollinger stated I know they are updating the website and those are user questions. That is an immediate user question and those are things that should be on the home page. Those are items we can guide them to.

Mr. Ferry stated he attended a pipeline seminar that was at the hotel on Larkin. 134,000 miles of pipelines run through the State of Illinois and a lot of those miles are in Will County. Before you dig you should call Julie. We should have those people from the safety of the pipeline come in and talk to our committee. There are certain items everyone should know in regards to safety since Will County has so many pipelines. There are so many common things to know about pipelines we should have that presentation here so we can make it part of our program also, pipeline safety.

Mrs. Ogalla agreed so people in the community can know through Grant Spooner's taping and the minutes of the committee.

IX. Public Comment


X. Chairman's Report / Announcements

Mrs. Ogalla stated we would like to have our Public Health & Safety Committee meeting next month on Wednesday after Forest Preserve so we can go to Sunny Hill and have a tour. This will be tentative since I haven't spoken with Mr. Moustis. Next month after our Forest Preserve meeting you stay longer for a tour of the Sunny Hill Nursing Home and then have lunch.

Mrs. Ogalla advised we will do a tour and lunch with a presentation by Administrator Mrs. Sorbero. This is her last month with the county as she is retiring.

Staff confirmed the tour and lunch would be on Wednesday, May 3, 2017 after Forest Preserve meetings and the regular Public Health & Safety Committee meeting would be on Thursday, May 4, 2017 at 9:00 a.m.

Mrs. Sorbero stated Pam Boucher is also retiring.

Mrs. Ogalla advised the entire county board will be informed of the tour so make sure that you let the office know you can attend so they know how many will be there for lunch.

XI. Executive Session


XII. Adjournment

1. Motion to adjourn at 10:30 am

Result: Approved [Unanimous]

Mover: Gloria Dollinger, Member

Seconder: Mark Ferry, Member

Ayes: Ogalla, Gould, Dollinger, Ferry, Rice, Summers




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