
Will County Gazette

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Village of Romeoville Board met April 5

Village of Romeoville

Village of Romeoville Board met Wednesday, April 5.

The village of Romeoville is at 1050 W. Romeo Road, Romeoville.

Regular Meeting


Roll Call

Present 7 - Trustee Jose Chavez, Trustee Linda Palmiter, Trustee Ken Griffin, Trustee Dave Richards, Trustee Brian A. Clancy Sr., Mayor John Noak, and Trustee Lourdes Aguirre





A motion was made by Trustee Griffin, seconded by Trustee Richards, to do a consent agenda. The motion carried by the following vote: 

Aye: 6 - Trustee Chavez, Trustee Palmiter, Trustee Griffin, Trustee Richards, Trustee Clancy, and Trustee Aguirre 

Non-voting: 1 - Mayor Noak 

Approval of the Consent Agenda

A motion was made by Trustee Griffin, seconded by Trustee Clancy, to approve the Consent Agenda. The motion carried by the following vote: 

Aye: 6 - Trustee Chavez, Trustee Palmiter, Trustee Griffin, Trustee Richards, Trustee Clancy, and Trustee Aguirre  

Non-voting: 1 - Mayor Noak 

MIN17-0667 Approval of Minutes-March 1, 2017 Workshop Meeting

This Minutes Workshop was Approved.

MIN17-0668 Approval of Minutes-March 1, 2017 Regular Meeting

This Minutes Regular was Approved.

17-2336 Approval of Bills-Schedule A

This Approval Of Bills was Approved.

17-2337 Approval of Bills-Schedule B

This Approval Of Bills was Approved.

17-2338 Approval of Bills-Schedule C

This Approval Of Bills was Approved.

17-2339 Approval of Bills-Schedule D

This Approval Of Bills was Approved.

17-2340 Approval of Bills-Schedule E

This Approval Of Bills was Approved.

17-2344 Approval of Bills-Schedule F

This Approval Of Bills was Approved.

17-2345 Approval of Bills-Schedule G

This Approval Of Bills was Approved.

17-2346 Approval of Bills-Schedule H

This Approval Of Bills was Approved.

17-2347 Approval of Bills-Schedule I

This Approval Of Bills was Approved.

ORD17-1357 An Ordinance Approving the Official Zoning Map - 2017

This Ordinance was Approved.

RES17-2268 A Resolution Approving a Plat of Vacation of Easements Hillwood 

This Resolution was Approved.

RES17-2269 A Resolution Approving a Final Plat of Subdivision Romeoville Industrial Center (Hillwood) 

This Resolution was Approved.

RES17-2270 Resolution for the use of MFT funds to fund the Village's portion of the Belmont Drive between 135th and IL 53 (Section 15-00061-00-RS) project. 

This Resolution was Approved.

RES17-2271 Resolution for the use of MFT funds to fund the Village's portion of the Crossroads Parkway between North Center Boulevard and Veterans Parkway (Section 15-00062-00-RS) project. 

This Resolution was Approved.

RES17-2272 Resolution for the use of MFT funds to fund the Village's portion of the Grand Boulevard between Weber Road and Anna Lane (Section 16-00065-00-RS) project. 

This Resolution was Approved.

RES17-2274 Approving a Sign License Agreement With BMO Harris Bank

This Resolution was Approved.

RES17-2275 A Resolution Declaring Surplus Property and Authorizing the Disposition of Surplus Property (Dumbell Weights) 

This Resolution was Approved.

RES17-2276 A Resolution Authorizing the Execution of an Easement Agreement (Recreational Pathway—Budler Road) 

This Resolution was Approved.

RES17-2284 Resolution Awarding of the Contract for the 2017/2018 Street Lighting Maintenance Program 

This Resolution was Approved.

RES17-2286 Resolution for the use of MFT funds to maintain the streets of the Village of Romeoville for the Fiscal Year 2018 (May 1, 2017 thru April 30, 2018). 

This Resolution was Approved.

RES17-2287 Approving a License Agreement - Monument Sign - Romeoville Dental This Resolution was Approved. 


Congratulations to all of the election winners. 

Condolences to Carol Penning on the loss of her mother. 

Attended the SRA vs Officials game, it was a great time as always. 

Congratulations to the Northern Will County SRA who held a ribbon cutting for their office at 10 Montrose. 

Midwest Compassion Center will be holding their ribbon cutting tomorrow at 1:00. 

Congratulations to David Livingston who will be sworn in as Lewis University’s new President on Friday.

Join us for Pizza with Peter Rabbit on Friday. 

Lewis University will be hosting a Community Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday from 9:00-11:00.

17-2341 Proclamation -Child Abuse Prevention Month 

Chief Turvey informed the residents about the Village's effort to raise donations for the Guardian Angel Home. Anyone who donates will receive a pinwheel to put in the front of the Police Department. A motion was made by Trustee Griffin, seconded by Trustee Richards, that this Proclamation be Accepted. The motion carried by the following vote: 

Aye: 6 - Trustee Chavez, Trustee Palmiter, Trustee Griffin, Trustee Richards, Trustee Clancy, and Trustee Aguirre 

Non-voting: 1 - Mayor Noak 

17-2342 Proclamation - Telecommunicators Week 

Alex Szalinski thanked the Mayor and Board for this proclamation. He stated that by the end of this year we will no longer employ dispatchers in Romeoville because of the consolidation mandate. On top of their stressful job, our dispatchers have the added burden of not knowing how their careers will be affected by this consolidation. It has been made very clear to us that the Village's focus is to do right by the dispatchers and that is a big reason why our 16 dispatchers are still here. They make a difference and some times that difference is between life and death.

Mayor Noak added that the consolidation is a mandate by the State of Illinois. Unfortunately, this is out of our hands. 

A motion was made by Trustee Griffin, seconded by Trustee Clancy, that this Proclamation be Accepted. The motion carried by the following vote: 

Aye: 6 - Trustee Chavez, Trustee Palmiter, Trustee Griffin, Trustee Richards, Trustee Clancy, and Trustee Aguirre 

Non-voting: 1 - Mayor Noak 

17-2343 Proclamation-Occupational Therapy Month 

Theresa Capone thanked the Village for this proclamation. Occupational Therapy is celebrating 100 years this year. This is the most misunderstood health care profession. Basically, it is helping people to live their life to the fullest and she is proud to be a part of this profession as she has for the past 40 years. 

A motion was made by Trustee Griffin, seconded by Trustee Richards, that this Proclamation be Accepted. The motion carried by the following vote: 

Aye: 6 - Trustee Chavez, Trustee Palmiter, Trustee Griffin, Trustee Richards, Trustee Clancy, and Trustee Aguirre 

Non-voting: 1 - Mayor Noak 

PH17-2243 A Public Hearing Regarding Designation of A Proposed Redevelopment Project Area, Approval of A Redevelopment Plan and Project, and The Adoption Of Tax Increment Allocation Financing “North Upper Tax Increment Finance District" 

Mr Rockwell introduced Robert Rychlicki from Kane McKenna who gave a brief presentation on this TIF. The presentation is atached. 

A motion was made by Trustee Griffin, seconded by Trustee Richards, that this Public Hearing be opened. The motion carried by the following vote: 

Aye: 6 - Trustee Chavez, Trustee Palmiter, Trustee Griffin, Trustee Richards, Trustee Clancy, and Trustee Aguirre 

Non-voting: 1 -Mayor Noak 

A motion was made by Trustee Clancy, seconded by Trustee Griffin,to close the public hearing. The motion carried by the following vote: 

Aye: 6 - Trustee Chavez, Trustee Palmiter, Trustee Griffin, Trustee Richards, Trustee Clancy, and Trustee Aguirre 

Non-voting: 1 - Mayor Noak 

PH17-2244 A Public Hearing Regarding Designation of A Proposed Redevelopment Project Area, Approval of A Redevelopment Plan and Project, and The Adoption Of Tax Increment Allocation Financing “South Lower Tax Increment Finance District” 

Robert Rychlicki from Kane McKenna gave a brief presentation on this TIF. The presentation is atached.

A motion was made by Trustee Griffin, seconded by Trustee Richards, that this Public Hearing be opened. The motion carried by the following vote: 

Aye: 6 - Trustee Chavez, Trustee Palmiter, Trustee Griffin, Trustee Richards, Trustee Clancy, and Trustee Aguirre 

Non-voting: 1 -Mayor Noak 

A motion was made by Trustee Palmiter, seconded by Trustee Griffin, to close the public hearing. The motion carried by the following vote: 

Aye: 6 - Trustee Chavez, Trustee Palmiter, Trustee Griffin, Trustee Richards, Trustee Clancy, and Trustee Aguirre 

Non-voting: 1 -Mayor Noak 

PH17-2246 A Public Hearing on a Proposed Annexation Agreement for the Natural Gas Pipeline Company of America, LLC (Kinder Morgan) 

Mr Vogel reported that the Natural Gas Pipeline has some right of way property that we are working to annex into the Village. This will benefit the Village as this is the location for a future bike path and this will also lay the foundation for some roadway crossings over the rights of way. The annexation agreement will be presented at the next meeting. 

A motion was made by Trustee Griffin, seconded by Trustee Richards, that this Public Hearing be opened. The motion carried by the following vote: 

Aye: 6 - Trustee Chavez, Trustee Palmiter, Trustee Griffin, Trustee Richards, Trustee Clancy, and Trustee Aguirre 

Non-voting: 1 -Mayor Noak 

A motion was made by Trustee Richards, seconded by Trustee Palmiter, to close the public hearing. The motion carried by the following vote: 

Aye: 6 -Trustee Chavez, Trustee Palmiter, Trustee Griffin, Trustee Richards, Trustee Clancy, and Trustee Aguirre

Non-voting: 1 -Mayor Noak 

ORD17-1360 An Ordinance Amending Chapter 112 (Alcoholic Beverages) of the Village of Romeoville Code of Ordinances

A motion was made by Trustee Richards, seconded by Trustee Griffin, that this Ordinance be Approved. The motion carried by the following vote: 

Aye: 6 - Trustee Chavez, Trustee Palmiter, Trustee Griffin, Trustee Richards, Trustee Clancy, and Trustee Aguirre 

Non-voting: 1 -Mayor Noak  


Thanks to all who attended the Valley View Enrichment Foundation dinner and special thanks to those who donated. 

The Community Service Council is hosting a series of informational sessions regarding Money Smart Week the week of April 24th. They are joining with First Midwest Bank for these sessions. 

Thanks to all of the Telecommunicators for your service. Condolences to Carol Penning. Thanks to all who came out to vote on Tuesday. 




Mr Gulden congratulated the Mayor, Trustees and Clerk on their election victory.


A motion was made by Trustee Griffin, seconded by Trustee Richards, to do a consent agenda. The motion carried by the following vote: 

Aye: 6 - Trustee Chavez, Trustee Palmiter, Trustee Griffin, Trustee Richards, Trustee Clancy, and Trustee Aguirre 

Non-voting: 1 - Mayor Noak 

Approval of the Consent Agenda

A motion was made by Trustee Clancy, seconded by Trustee Griffin, to approve the Consent Agenda. The motion carried by the following vote: 

Aye: 6 - Trustee Chavez, Trustee Palmiter, Trustee Griffin, Trustee Richards, Trustee Clancy, and Trustee Aguirre 

Non-voting: 1 -Mayor Noak 

ORD17-1356 An Ordinance Amending Chapter 43 of the Village Code of Ordinances (Fee Schedule)-Fire Department Fees This Ordinance was Approved.

ORD17-1358 An Ordinance Approving a Variance to the Stormwater Ordinance (Chapter 160) for the Spangler Property (Pizzuti) This Ordinance was Approved.

RES17-2273 A Resolution Approving an Office License Agreement with the Senior Services Center of Will County Inc. This Resolution was Approved.

RES17-2277 A Resolution Authorizing the Execution of a Lease Amendment with PDV Midwest Refining LLC (Temporary Construction Easements/Grading) This Resolution was Approved.

RES17-2278 A Resolution Authorizing an Amendment to an Intergovernmental Agreement with the Villages of Bolingbrook and Plainfield (Engineering Cost Sharing for Phase I Engineering for I-55 Interchanges at Illinois Route 126 and Airport Road) This Resolution was Approved.

RES17-2279 A Resolution Authorizing the Execution of an Intergovernmental Agreement with the Illinois Department of Transportation 60X10 (I-55/Weber Road Project) This Resolution was Approved.

RES17-2280 A Resolution Authorizing the Execution of an Intergovernmental Agreement with Will County for the Costs of Improvements to Weber Road from 119th Street to Normantown Road This Resolution was Approved.

RES17-2281 A Resolution Authorizing the Execution of an Intergovernmental Agreement with Will County for the Costs of Improvements to Weber Road from South of 135th Street/Romeo Road Extending to South of Normantown Road This Resolution was Approved.

RES17-2282 A Resolution Authorizing a Development Agreement with DCT 5 Greenwood, LLC (Development of Property at 5 Greenwood Avenue, Romeoville, Illinois) This Resolution was Approved.

RES17-2283 A Resolution to Waive the Bid Process and Accept the Price Quote for the Purchase of a Road Hog Cold Asphalt Planer This Resolution was Approved.

RES17-2285 A Resolution to Waive the Bid Process and Accept the Price Quote for the Installation of Security Gates at the Public Works Facility This Resolution was Approved. 


Trustee Chavez-

Thanks to all who voted in this past election. Congratulations to all of the Romeoville residents who won their election. 

Thanks to all who came out for the Trivia Challenge. 

Congratulations to the Knights of Columbus, they had a record setting attendance. 

Congratulations to the Romeoville Christian Academy girls basketball players who won state. 

Congratulations to the St Andrew's boys basketball players who won the Joliet Diocese tournament.

Trustee Palmiter-

Condolences to Carol Penning. Congratulations to her fellow trustees and to all who won their election. 

The impact of the consolidation will be felt by all residents.

Trustee Griffin- 

Condolences to Carol Penning. 

Thanks to all who came out to vote. It is a privilege to be able to cast a vote, it is too bad that more people did not exercise that right.

Trustee Clancy-

Condolences to Carol Penning. 

Thanks to all who voted. 

The SRA basketball game was quite a game. 

The Knight's of Columbus Dinner was awesome. It was the biggest turn out yet. A Recreation update was given.

Trustee Richards -

Condolences to Carol Penning. 

Thanks to all who voted. 

Congratulations to all who won, especially the Romeoville residents who won. 

The Will County Recycling event was great. There were 1,100 vehicles that participated. 

If you can donate for Child Abuse Prevention Month please do so. 

The SRA basketball game was great. 

REMA held a weather spotting class on April 1st. It is great that they get out in the community to prepare residents during severe weather events. 

The Mobile Emergency Command Center is ready to go. 

The April 11th Planning and Zoning meeting has been cancelled. 

Thanks to our Telecommunicators.

Trustee Aguirre- 

Thanks to all who came out to vote and congratulations to our Mayor, Trustees and Clerk. 

Condolences to Carol Penning.




A motion was made by Trustee Clancy, seconded by Trustee Chavez, that this Meeting be Adjourned at 7:55 p.m.




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