The Lemont Village Board Committee of the Whole met Feb. 27 to schedule budget hearings.
Here are the meeting's minutes, as provided by the committee:
Call to order
Mayor Pro Tem Paul Chialdikas called the COW meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Roll call
Present were trustees, Blatzer, Chialdikas, Miklos, Stapleton and Sniegowski. Virgilio absent. Also present, Chris Smith, Mark LaChappell, Marc Maton, Linda Molitor, Ralph Pakula, Jeff Stein and Heather Valone.
A. Proposed fiscal year 2018 annual operating budget discussion
Finance director, Chris Smith, presented the proposed fiscal year 2018 annual operating budget. Detailed budget information was included with the online posted agenda packet.
1. Budget approach
i. A conservative revenue projection is being done again this year due to the uncertainty of the State of Illinois.
ii. Core programs/ service/ event were budgeted in accordance with the strategic plan.
iii. Economic development initiatives were taken into consideration as well.
2. Revenue assumptions
u, There is an overall increase of 2% in revenues over FY17 amended.
3. Expenditures
i. The expenditures were reviewed and the amount of revenue going to expenditures including detailed review of the general fund.
4. Department highlights
i. Detailed highlights of specific areas within departments affecting the budget were reviewed for fiscal year 2017-2018
5. Next steps
i. Budget public hearings will be held on March 13 and 27. The budget item will be up for adoption on the April 11 village board meeting.
Unfinished - business - none
New business
A. Glens of Connemara discussion - Trustee Chialdikas led a brief conversation regarding the Glens of Monnemara HOA issues and related signage improvements for the subdivision. Village administrator Schafer will reach out to a member of the HOA board to discuss resolution.
B. Amato Property lease - Mr. Schafer gave a brief overview of the canal lease situation for Mr. Amato. Rent will be required for last year and the village will entertain lease options for the property going forward.
Audience participation
Adjourn at 8:40 p.m.