The village of Tinley Park Branding Leadership Committee met Monday to review assigned action plans.
Here is the meeting's agenda, as provided by the committee:
Branding Leadership Committee March 6, 2017
Community Outreach Sub-Committee
Official Meeting Notice
Monday, March 6, 2017 5:00 pm
Village of Tinley Park – Kallsen Center - C
Regular Meeting Called to Order
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll Call
Approval of Minutes: None
1. Discuss the COTF Scope: Briefly review and discuss the COTF mission statement to level-set the team's purpose and objectives. Confirm the team's understanding of the actions and tasks it will undertake.
Community Outreach Task Force:
Mission is to bring the brand to the community and make efforts to engage them. Tasks will include taking the message to community leadership, having a presence at local events and finding creative ways to engage the public in delivering the brand.
2. Time-Sensitive Priority Items: Review the preliminary list of key Village events/activities. Develop plans and staffing for upcoming Village events which require timely action/decisions:
a. Discover Tinley Expo;
b. Other upcoming activities.
3. Review Assigned Action Plans: Briefly review the action plans assigned to the community outreach task force and discuss the following:
a. Whether they are appropriately assigned and understood;
b. Whether the preliminary timing is practical and achievable;
c. Whether there are other BLT action plans, or elements of other plans, that should be assigned to the COTF;
d. Other relevant aspects of the assigned COTF action plans as appropriate.
4. Community Outreach Targets & Strategy: Review the preliminary list of targets for community outreach efforts and potential strategies for engaging them. Refine the categories and list items as needed. Discuss options and develop a prioritized approach for engaging the community.
5. Brainstorming: Discuss additional activities & tasks, not explicitly identified in the original 55 Branding Action Plans, that the COTF should consider undertaking, including purpose, scope, timing, and priority relative to assigned action plans. Develop a running list to be reviewed and updated periodically.
6. Project Management & Reporting: Discuss and agree upon the project management approach, method, and frequency of reporting on COTF activities.
7. Recruiting: Discuss the approach and protocols for recruiting additional community volunteers to assist with COTF and BLT activities.
8. Next Steps/Meetings: Confirm the assignments, deliverables, and deadlines for the COTF. Set the next COTF meeting date, regular meeting schedule, location, and frequency.
Public Comment
Adjourn the Meeting