
Will County Gazette

Monday, March 3, 2025

City of Braidwood City Council met Sept. 24

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Braidwood City Hall | City of Braidwood

Braidwood City Hall | City of Braidwood

City of Braidwood City Council met Sept. 24.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

Call to Order: The Regular Meeting of the Braidwood City Council on September 24, 2024 was called to order at 7:00 p.m., by Mayor Hart in the Council Chambers of the Braidwood City Hall.

Pledge of Allegiance: Mayor Hart requested all rise for the Pledge of Allegiance.

Roll Call: Upon Roll Call by the Clerk, the following members of the corporate authorities answered "Here" or "Present";

Elected Officials;

Present: Commissioner Earling, Commissioner Wietting, Commissioner Walsh, Commissioner Wilczak and Mayor Hart


Appointed Officials:

Present: City Clerk Weaver, City Administrator Altiery, Chief Goodwin and City Attorney Wellner

Absent: City Engineer Sean Kelly

Quorum: There being sufficient members of the corporate authorities in attendance to constitute a quorum, the meeting was declared in order.

Public Comment: Mayor Hart read rules on comments that can and cannot be made during public comment.

Jim Vehrs; 167 S. Cook: Jim and Mary Tryner wanted to thank Commissioner Walsh with the help with the telephone line situation for Mary. It is very important for her to reach 9-1-1 because her stuff is hooked with the telephone line. Mary wanted everyone to know that she did sell the farm to Ensure Properties. Also stated that he does not have any interest or is a silent partner with the property.

Nicole Shore; 976 N. English St: Stated how it was wrong what happened at the last meeting at not being able to speak at public comment and if it happened again, she will get a lawyer. Said how wrong it was on how a public official commented to others on social media and that it is not ok that a commissioner addressed me in a long comment on Facebook. Asks that all of council work with integrity and hold accountability. Commented on how her First Amendment rights were taken away and view point discrimination had also taken place. The council is wrong and what happened with IDOT was wrong.

Kyle Shores; 976 N. English St: Spoke on the rules Mayor recited at the beginning however what council did was completely different from what is written. Was not present at the last meeting but did see the video online. The conversation at public comment did not start when it was shut down and they did not know what was about to be brought up at the last council meeting. What he will stand up for is the First Amendment right to protest and petition your government. We have the right to question the Code of Conduct of an appointed official who is addressing down the constituency in which the council pretends to represent. There has been no infrastructure or town updates, and there have been no independent audits. Where is the proof of our town doing better? The residents want the small town and feels this council should be dissolved and our town be unincorporated than have it be misrepresented by our elected officials. Commented on how others come up here and you allow them to make vague statements as long as it fits the narrative but if it doesn't then it gets shut down.

Approval of Minutes: Commissioner Wilczak made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Walsh, to approve meeting minutes from the September 10, 2024 Regular Council Meeting. Motion carried with 5 ayes: 0 nays; 0 Abstain (Earling, Wietting, Walsh, Wilczak and Hart)

Mayor's Report: Hart: Requested a motion to approve Ordinance 24-38 Approving and Authorizing the Execution of a Collective Bargaining Agreement between the City of Braidwood and the International Brotherhood of Teamster, Local 179 to be effective through April 30, 2027. Mayor commented that this is for the clerical staff at City Hall. Commissioner Wilczak made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Wietting. Motion carried with 5 ayes: 0 nays; 0 Abstain (Earling, Wietting, Walsh, Wilczak and Hart)

Administrator Report: Altiery: Announced that Trick or Treat will take place on Halloween from 5 - 8pm. There will also be a Scarecrow Contest where the residents will vote for the month of October on Facebook.

Thank you to Surf for the donation of $1,500 to our beautification committee to help with the flower pots up town.

Meet the week of August 7 with the school district for the water main preconstruction for their new addition.

Working with Josh and the Park District to put in a Dog Park on Center and Third. The city will put it in place and then the Park District will maintain it after that.

City Clerk Report: Weaver: Requested a motion to approve The Salvation Army to conduct their annual Red Kettle Campaign from November 1- December 24, 2024 (Monday - Saturday) Commissioner Wilczak made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Wietting. Motion carried with 5 ayes: 0 nays; 0 Abstain (Earling, Wietting, Walsh, Wilczak and Hart)

Also, gave a FOIA report for the last two weeks from September 10 - 23, 2024 of 20 FOIA's.

The Braidwood Area Healthy Community Coalition will be taking part in the annual DEA National Drug Take Back Event here at City Hall on Saturday October 26, 2024 from 10am - 2pm

Engineer Report: Absent

City Attorney Report: Wellner: Spoke about the First Amendment Right of Freedom of Speech and what can be limited at local government levels that was posted in the October issue of IML. Comm. Earling spoke up on how she is being sued by a public comment and the decision is up to the judge.

Accounts & Finance Report: Commissioner Earling made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Wietting, to approve the Payment of Bills, in the amount of $114,666.39 as identified in the Accounts Payable General Ledger dated September 24, 2024. Motion carried with 5 ayes: 0 nays. (Earling, Wietting, Walsh, Wilczak and Hart)

Commissioner Earling then made a Motion, seconded by Commissioner Wilczak, to Approve Payroll Expenses, in the amount of $100,005.66 as identified in the Payroll General Ledger dated September 13, 2024. Motion carried with 5 ayes; 0 nays. (Earling, Wietting, Walsh, Wilczak and Hart).

Streets & Public Improvement Report: Walsh: We had a bid opening for our streets where we will be work done widening N. English and some work on S. Division withing the next 4-6 weeks.

Then read a letter from Robinson Engineering about a flooding issue as 285 E. First St.

Gave thanks to Diane Bergman for re-painting Braidwood on a Welcome to Braidwood sign that was hard to read over on Kennedy Rd.

Our next Town Hall meeting will be October 8, 2024 at 6:00pm.

Public Property Report: Wietting: There is a lead-line survey mandate from the EPA about the lines from the B-box to the meter and if there is a water softener that we will need the residents to fill out and return.

Public Health & Safety Report: Wilczak: Braidwood Police Press Release from September 10-23, 2024. Total number of calls for service 243, case reports 20, total subjects arrested 2, total arrest charges 2, total number of traffic stops 55, citations 10, written warnings 32, semi-truck violations 4, total number of P-tickets 5.

Spoke on the recent activities in our town and thanked all who are involved to make these good things happen in our town. Thanked the rest of the city workers that all work together to keep our city running in an orderly fashion.

Planning & Zoning Report: The next Planning and Zoning meeting will be October 7, 2024 at 7:00pm.

Old Business: Altiery: Thank all the ladies that are volunteering for Beautification Committee and how they will be working on changing out the flowers in our new pots uptown seasonally.

New Business: None

Adjournment: Commissioner Wilczak made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Wietting, to adjourn the September 24, 2024 regular meeting of the Braidwood City Council. Motion carried with 5 ayes: 0 nays. (Earling, Wietting, Walsh, Wilczak and Hart)
