
Will County Gazette

Saturday, October 5, 2024

Village of Manhattan Board of Trustees met Aug. 27

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Village of Manhattan Officials | Facebook

Village of Manhattan Officials | Facebook

Village of Manhattan Board of Trustees met Aug. 27.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

A Regular Meeting of the Village of Manhattan President and Board of Trustees was held on Tuesday, August 27, 2024.


Mayor Adrieansen calls the Village of Manhattan Board meeting to order at 6:00 P.M.


Neighbors aye, Young absent, Dilling aye, Beemsterboer aye, Adamski aye, Doyle aye, Adrieansen aye (6 ayes, 0 nays, 1 absent). Also present are Lewis, Wold, Nelson, Gehrke, Gulli, Tyk, Pintar, and Attorney Taylor.


Mayor Adrieansen reads a Proclamation for Suicide Prevention Awareness Month for September 2024. Village Clerk Lewis thanked the board for their continued support of suicide prevention awareness in the Village of Manhattan every year.

Houseal Lavigne Associates presented a Community Engagement Summary on the Manhattan Comprehensive Plan that included feedback from the Issues and Opportunities Workshop, Key Stakeholder Interviews, Community Visioning Workshop, Online Outreach, and Key Outreach Takeaways. Next in the presentation was the Existing Conditions Memo that covered Planning Context, Demographic Profile, Relevant Past Plans, Studies and Reports, Existing Land Use and Development, Transportation, Community Facilities and Public Infrastructure, and Natural Areas. Houseal Lavigne wrapped up the presentation with a preliminary Vision Statement and Goals and discussed the next steps.



The Village Board took a recess from 7:08P.M. until 7:12 P.M.


Neighbors Motion to Approve the Consent Agenda which consists of the August 6, 2024, Village Board Meeting Minutes; August 6, 2024, Executive Session Meeting Minutes (Not for Release); and Approval of August 6, 2024, Bills List. Dilling Second. Roll Call: Neighbors aye, Young absent, Dilling aye, Beemsterboer aye, Adamski aye, Doyle aye (5 ayes, 0 nays, 1 absent, 0 abstain) Motion Carried.


Mayor Adrieansen informs the Board of Trustees that the first item on the agenda is an Ordinance Authorizing the Issuance of Not to Exceed $6,000,000 General Obligation Bonds, Series 2024, of the Village of Manhattan, Illinois. Rush Bonds, along with the 3.5-Million-dollar grant from Congressman

Rush, will fund the Radium Treatment Facility for Well #7. The IEPA loan is no longer an option so the bond financing will help fund this project.

Beemsterboer Motion to Approve an Ordinance Authorizing the Issuance of Not to Exceed $6,000,000 General Obligation Bonds, Series 2024, of the Village of Manhattan, Illinois. Adamski Second. Roll Call: Young absent, Dilling aye, Beemsterboer aye, Adamski aye, Doyle aye, Neighbors aye (5 ayes, 0 nays, 1 absent, 0 abstain) Motion Carried.

Mayor Adrieansen informs the Board of Trustees that the next item on the agenda is a Resolution Authorizing the Purchase of Two 2025 Agate Black Metallic Ford Police Interceptors and Outfitting for Patrol Operations. These two new Police Vehicles go along with the additional police officers we budgeted for this fiscal year. The cost for the vehicles is $97,802.06 and the outfitting costs $42,000.00.

Doyle Motion to Approve a Resolution Authorizing the Purchase of Two 2025 Agate Black Metallic Ford Police Interceptors from D’Orazio Ford in the Amount of $97,802.06 and Outfitting in the Amount of $42,000.00 to be Used for Patrol Operations. Neighbors Second. Roll Call: Beemsterboer aye, Adamski aye, Doyle aye, Neighbors aye, Young absent, Dilling aye (5 ayes, 0 nays, 1 absent, 0 abstain) Motion Carried.

Mayor Adrieansen informs the Board of Trustees that the next item on the agenda is an Ordinance Requiring the Placement of Stop Signs Within the Village of Manhattan, Will County, State of Illinois (Smith Road at Foxford Drive). These stop signs are necessary to control traffic at the entrance to the new Junior High School. As we discussed at the last Board meeting, the school requested these signs.

Dilling Motion to Approve an Ordinance Requiring the Placement of Stop Signs Within the Village of Manhattan, Will County, State of Illinois (Smith Road at Foxford Drive). Neighbors Second. Roll Call: Adamski aye, Doyle aye, Neighbors aye, Young absent, Dilling aye, Beemsterboer aye (5 ayes, 0 nays, 1 absent, 0 abstain) Motion Carried.

Mayor Adrieansen informs the Board of Trustees that the next item on the agenda is a Resolution Approving the Purchase of a Used Snowplow Truck. This snowplow adds to our fleet and goes towards our plan to have each of our public works crew members in their own snowplow. One additional plow is still on order and should be here next fiscal year. This is a used 2010 Freightliner from the Village of Flossmoor and costs $35,000.00.

Dilling Motion to Approve a Resolution Approving the Purchase of a 2010 Freightliner Snowplow Truck from the Village of Flossmoor in the Amount of $35,000.00. Beemsterboer Second. Roll Call: Doyle aye, Neighbors aye, Young absent, Dilling aye, Beemsterboer aye, Adamski aye (5 ayes, 0 nays, 1 absent, 0 abstain) Motion Carried.

Mayor Adrieansen informs the Board of Trustees that the next item on the agenda is a Resolution Authorizing a Memorandum of Understanding Increasing the Salary for the Crew Leader Position By and Between the International Union of Operating Engineers Local 150 and the Village of Manhattan. This

MOU adjusts the crew leader wage scale to attract a qualified candidate and to make the salary competitive with other public works crew leader positions.

Beemsterboer Motion to Approve a Resolution Authorizing a Memorandum of Understanding Increasing the Salary for the Crew Leader Position By and Between the International Union of Operating Engineers Local 150 and the Village of Manhattan. Dilling Second. Roll Call: Neighbors aye, Young absent, Dilling aye, Beemsterboer aye, Adamski aye, Doyle aye (5 ayes, 0 nays, 1 absent, 0 abstain) Motion Carried.

Mayor Adrieansen informs the Board of Trustees that the next item on the agenda is the Promotion of Jim Bennett to Crew Leader in Public Works. Jim is going on 9 years with the Village and has proven to be an asset to the Village with his many skills. This position is in our Local 150 Collective Bargaining Agreement, and we are at a time in which we need to fill that position.

Dilling Motion to Approve the Promotion of Jim Bennett to Crew Leader in Public Works at a Rate of $37.00 per Hour. Doyle Second. Roll Call: Young absent, Dilling aye, Beemsterboer aye, Adamski aye, Doyle aye, Neighbors aye (5 ayes, 0 nays, 1 absent, 0 abstain) Motion Carried.

Mayor Adrieansen informs the Board of Trustees that the next item on the agenda is the Authorization to Hire Temporary Election Clerks for Early Voting in the 2024 General Election. To better serve the voting public, the Village is teaming up with the Manhattan Township to hire temporary election clerks to staff early voting at Village Hall. This will make things more efficient for both our staff and the early voters. With this year’s presidential election, we are anticipating a large voter turnout. The cost will be split equally between Manhattan Township and The Village.

Beemsterboer Motion to Approve the Authorization to Hire Temporary Election Clerks: Linda Barten, Rebecca Bouck, Gwen Petrella, Norma Shutts, and Raymond Wertelka for the Period of Two Weeks, October 21, 2024, through November 1, 2024, at a Rate of $20.00 Per Hour, Doyle Second. Roll Call: Beemsterboer aye, Adamski aye, Doyle aye, Neighbors aye, Young absent, Dilling aye (5 ayes, 0 nays, 1 absent, 0 abstain) Motion Carried.

Mayor Adrieansen informs the Board of Trustees that the next item on the agenda is an Ordinance Increasing the Maximum Number of Video Gaming Licenses to be in Effect at Any One Time Pursuant to Section 9-3-11(E)(7) of the Village of Manhattan Code of Ordinances (Arrowhead Smoke Works). If this ordinance passes, it will allow Arrowhead Smoke Works to install three (3) video gaming machines in the new restaurant.

Adamski Motion to Approve an Ordinance Increasing the Maximum Number of Video Gaming Licenses to be in Effect at Any One Time Pursuant to Section 9-3-11(E)(7) of the Village of Manhattan Code of Ordinances (Arrowhead Smoke Works). Neighbors Second. Roll Call: Adamski aye, Doyle aye, Neighbors aye, Young absent, Dilling aye, Beemsterboer aye (5 ayes, 0 nays, 1 absent, 0 abstain) Motion Carried.

Mayor Adrieansen informs the Board of Trustees that the next item on the agenda is an Ordinance Creating a New Section 1-8-14 (Prohibition of Elected Officials) Within Title 1 (Administrative), Chapter 8 (Village Officers and Employees; General Provisions) of the Manhattan Village Code of Ordinances. This is a new ordinance for Manhattan, if approved, it would prevent all elected officials from serving as paid employees of the Village, other than their official duties as elected officials.

Beemsterboer Motion to Approve an Ordinance Creating a New Section 1-8-14 (Prohibition of Elected Officials) Within Title 1 (Administrative), Chapter 8 (Village Officers and Employees; General Provisions) of the Manhattan Village Code of Ordinances. Neighbors Second. Roll Call: Doyle aye, Neighbors aye, Young absent, Dilling aye, Beemsterboer aye, Adamski aye (5 ayes, 0 nays, 1 absent, 0 abstain) Motion Carried.


Announcements from Mayor Adrieansen:

➢ The September 3rd Village Board meeting is cancelled. The next meeting is September 17th.

➢ The annual Labor Day Party is scheduled for Sunday, September 1st at the Round Barn from 3:00 P.M. – 8:00 P.M. followed by fireworks.

➢ The Labor Day parade will take place on Monday, September 2nd at 11:00 A.M. and will start on Route 52 by Anna McDonald School heading north and turn east onto North Street. There are 36 entries.

➢ Mayor Adrieansen has a meeting scheduled with the Manhattan School District next Thursday to address concerns on sidewalks and signage.

➢ Mayor Adrieansen has a meeting with Joliet Mayor Darcy and the Village Administrator at the end of September to discuss Manhattan Comprehensive Plan.

➢ Mayor Adrieansen will be meeting with Jeff Ronaldson from the Will County Department of Transportation.

➢ Mayor Adrieansen would like the Village Board to share with him their thoughts and concerns on solar farms. Adrieansen would like to create a map of locations & guidelines that the board can agree upon for these solar farms and get on the same page with the Fire Protection District and Manhattan Township.

Beemsterboer inquires if the Village can create a zoning class for Solar Farms.

Attorney Taylor states that he will investigate it.

Dilling asks for an update on the handicapped parking around town.

Community Development Director Nelson states that letters went out about a month and a half ago. Now that a code enforcement officer is in place, he will have him follow up.

Dilling wants to thank the police department for all the traffic stops to slow traffic down. Beemsterboer would like to welcome Jim Bennett in Public Works to management. Adamski would like to mention the Pet Station that will be at the Labor Day Party.

Doyle congratulates Jim Bennett on his promotion. Doyle hopes everyone can make it out to the festivities this weekend.

Village Clerk Lewis congratulates Jim Bennett on a well-deserved promotion.

Village Clerk Lewis Announcements:

➢ The last Cruise Night of the summer is September 11th from 4:30 P.M. – 7:30 P.M.

➢ Community Wide Garage Sale is Sept. 13-14 from 8:00 A.M. – 3:00 P.M. Registrations are due Sept. 6th.

➢ Scarecrows on Parade registration is open now until October 11th. Registration forms are online and at Village Hall. Frames can be picked up at Village Hall.

➢ Good luck to all Manhattan School District 114 kids in the 2024-2025 school year.


Monthly Reports for July 2024 in the Board Packet are presented to the Village Board for Police, EMA, Public Works, Village Engineer, and Building and Development.

Village Administrator Wold informs the Village Board that the Electric Aggregation program with MC2 will end in September. Residents have started to receive letters notifying them that the rate for electricity will revert to ComEd. The Village will not be renewing this program.

Community Development Director Nelson informs the Village Board that once the consultant provides the updated PowerPoint presentation on the Comp Plan he will send that out to the board.

Public Works Superintendent Tyk would like to congratulate Jim Bennett on his new position. He looks forward to having Bennett as his Crew Leader and to assisting him with his workload. Superintendent Tyk informs the Village Board that the Village has received a $25,000 grant from the County to put toward the Trask Street Drainage project.

Village Engineer Pintar informs the Village Board that the road closure signs for Baker Road need to be in place two weeks prior to closure. The MFT project is underway. Watermain projects will be brought to the Board for approval within the next month.

Finance Director Gehrke informs the Village Board that the new ERP system has been implemented. There have been some challenges but wants to thank the employees for being patient. Finance Director Gehrke wants to thank the residents for their patience with the new billing format.

Police Chief Gulli informs the Village Board of the Cops & Bobbers event is Saturday, August 31, 2024, and there are currently 67 entries. Police Chief Gulli states that they are also planning a Glow Ride Bicycle ride on Friday, September 13th at 7:00 P.M. at the Manhattan Intermediate School parking lot. Police Chief Gulli thanks the Village Board for the support in getting the department new vehicles.


Dilling Motion to Enter into Executive Session for the Appointment, Employment, Compensation, Discipline, Performance, or Dismissal of Specific: Employees, Appointed, or Elected Officials; and Collective Bargaining; and Probable, Imminent, and Pending Litigation at 7:47 P.M. Adamski Second. Roll

Call: Neighbors aye, Young absent, Dilling aye, Beemsterboer aye, Adamski aye, Doyle aye (5 ayes, 0 nays, 1 absent, 0 abstain) Motion Carried.

Dilling Motion to Reopen Regular Session at 9:47 P.M. Adamski Second. Roll Call: Adamski aye, Doyle aye, Neighbors aye, Young absent, Dilling aye, Beemsterboer aye (5 ayes, 0 nays, 1 absent, 0 abstain) Motion Carried.




Neighbors Motion to Adjourn. Doyle Second. All are in Favor. Motion Carried. Meeting Adjourned at 9:48 P.M.




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