
Will County Gazette

Saturday, February 22, 2025

City of Lockport Committee of the Whole met Aug. 21

Webp 10

Ben Benson, City Administrator | City of Lockport

Ben Benson, City Administrator | City of Lockport

City of Lockport Committee of the Whole met Aug. 21.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

REGULAR MEETING of the Committee of the Whole of the City of Lockport, Illinois was held on Wednesday, August 21, 2024 in the Board Room, 3rd Floor, of the Central Square Building, 222 E. Ninth Street, Lockport, Illinois. Mayor Steve Streit called the Meeting to order at 7:18 pm.


PRESENT: Mayor, Steve Streit

Alderwoman, Renee Saban

Alderwoman, Joann Bartelsen

Alderman, Darren Deskin

Alderwoman, Christine Bergbower

Alderman, JR Gillogly

Alderman, Patrick McDonald

Alderman, Jonathan Pugh

Alderwoman, Susan King


ALSO PRESENT: City Clerk, Kathleen Gentile

City Administrator, Ben Benson

City Attorney, Sonni Choi Williams

Finance Director, Lisa Heglund

Chief of Police, Richard Harang

Director of Public Works and Engineering, Brian Lovering

PRESS: Cathy Wilker, LCTV


CA-1. License Agreement for Nicola's Heavenly Cucina, a Bakery, for Use of a Portion of the Lockport Train Station

City Administrator, Ben Benson, presented the Staff report. Applicant, Nicole Pavlini, was present to answer questions. The Business hours are expected to start at 5 am on weekdays, open on Saturdays. Discussion among the Council about options for signage and outdoor seating.

DIRECTION: Add to the Consent Agenda for the September 4, 2024 City Council Meeting

AT-1. Right of Way Dedication of a Portion of 930 Lincoln St. at the Alley Intersection with Lincoln St., Lockport, IL

City Attorney, Sonni Choi Williams, presented the Staff report. The property is paved and already used as an alley. The property owner does not want the property and will be compensated for the property that the City will be retaining. The assessed value of the property is less than $1,000.

DIRECTION: Add to the Consent Agenda for the September 4, 2024 City Council Meeting

AT-2. Right of Way Dedication of a Portion of 14817 S. Gougar Rd., Lockport, IL to the City of Lockport

City Attorney, Sonni Choi Williams, presented the Staff report.

DIRECTION: Add to the Consent Agenda for the September 4, 2024 City Council Meeting


1. Deskin – proposal to update the façade grant program. The Historic downtown has limitations and restrictions to any façade improvements. Raised concern about complying with the appropriate guidelines. The City has evolved beyond the original intent of the façade grant program, which was intended for painting, awnings and other minor improvements.

a. Update from Lance Thies, that the City does abide by guidelines including the Ball State Center for Historic Renovations. The H&A has aspirational goals to improve facades to their original state. The City is willing to make the case for projects that exceed the façade grant amounts. In 2020, the City did extend the façade grant program to areas outside of the historic downtown.

b. Per City Administrator Ben Benson, the City does set aside funds for the façade grants, and the Council can vote to modify or extend limits for grants, if there is a project that requires it. The Council has the ability to modify the application process and the façade grant amounts.

2. Mayor Streit – the mayor recommended to address tobacco shop and what the requirements are for a tobacco shop. If the business sells tobacco and cigars, a license is required. There are restrictions regarding location of tobacco and smoke shops, based on the City’s code for land use. City Attorney, Sonni Choi Williams, will be presenting a draft of an Ordinance for the Council to review.


Motion By Bartelsen, Seconded By McDonald To Adjourn The City Council Meeting At 7:59 Pm. Voice Vote On The Motion.

Ayes – Saban, Bartelsen, Bergbower, Deskin, Gillogly, McDonald, Pugh, King

Nay - None

Absent – None

Abstain – None

8 Ayes, 0 Nay, 0 Absent, 0 Abstain – Motion Carried
