
Will County Gazette

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Village of Channahon Planning & Zoning Commission met Oct. 9

Village of Channahon Planning & Zoning Commission met Oct. 9.

Here are the minutes provided by the commission:

1. Call to Order

Meeting called to order at 6:00 p.m.

2. Pledge of Allegiance

3. Roll Call

Present: Commissioners Ciarlette, Weaver, Madding, Thurlby, Larson, Gregory, and Chairman Blackburn.

Others Present: Mike Petrick, Director of Community Development & Information Systems, Karen James, Planner and Mary Jane Larson, Inspections Coordinator

4. Public Comment


5. Approval of Minutes – September 11, 2023

Motion to approve the minutes of the September 11, 2023 meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission made by Commissioner Ciarlette. Seconded by Commissioner Larson. All Ayes, Thurlby abstained. Motion Carried.

6. Review and Recommendation – Final Plat of Subdivision: Creekside Estates Unit 2 filed by E.E.C IL, Inc.

Karen James presented the staff report.

Chairman Blackburn asked is the unit would connect to the water and sewer lines to Minooka. Petrick answered that the systems are separate and would not be connected to each other.

Motion to recommend the Village Board approve the Final Plat of Subdivision for Creekside Estates Unit 2 filed by E.E.C IL, Inc. made by Commissioner Madding. Seconded by Commissioner Thurlby. All Ayes, None Opposed, Motion Carried.

The recommendation would go before the Village Board for final consideration on Monday October 23, 2023.

7. Review and Comment – Concept Plan Review: QuikTrip filed by QuikTrip Corporation Karen James presented the staff report.

Skylar Evans from QuikTrip told the board the company opened in 1958 and is a privately held company.

Ciarlette asked if the trucks would be entering and exiting on the Frontage Road and whether the restaurant would have a drive-thru. Evans answered that the plan was deigned to have the truck access on the Frontage Road. HE stated that the company only does in-house kitchens and would not have outsource of restaurants, therefore they do not use a drive-thru.

Larson asked where the nearest QuikTrip was located. Evans stated Peru was the closest open facility.

Thurlby asked for clarification that the fueling canopies would have brick as one of the images in the packet did not. Evans stated yes it just didn’t make it into the rendering.

Thurlby asked if there would be charging stations for electric vehicles.

Evans said they do not plan to because of the amount of time it takes to charge a vehicle. They may reconsider in the future as the technology improves and demand increases. They are testing it out currently.

Larson asked how many employees work the night shift. Evans said 3 employees would work nights. They intend to have 20-20 total staff. Should an employee call in sick they would pull an employee from a different sight to cover that shift.

Blackburn asked if they would be requesting a taller sign. Evans said that they plan to follow the village sign code.

Blackburn asked if turn lanes for southbound trucks would need to be considered. He is concerned for the turning radii of the truck exit. James explained this is a concept plan and has not gone to engineering yet so this has not been addressed yet, but will be looked at closely.

Larson stated her concern for back up on the northbound Frontage Road and trucks blocking lanes when waiting to exit the site.

Ciarlette asked if overnight parking would be allowed and how it would be regulated. Evans said they do not provide showers or lounge areas for the truckers. Trucks are only allowed to park for 8 hours to comply with drive time regulations for trucks and not allowed to park overnight.

Ciarlette asked if there would be a truck scale on site. Evans said there will be a truck scale when he was asked.

Blackburn stated that the development would be a good distance to the residence to the south along Frontage Road.

Thurlby questioned how many semis could fit from the exit to the Route 6 light. Petrick said 3- 4 trucks could fit in the lane of traffic.

Ciarlette asked if a double right turn lane would be needed on the Frontage Road. Petrick stated IDOT has jurisdiction on the road design for access locations. Blackburn stated that IDOT may want additional signs to warn of trucks entering and existing.

8. Review and Recommendation – Site Plan: I&M Canal Gateway, 25450 W Eames Street filed by Village of Channahon

Mike Petrick presented the staff report.

Ciarlette asked if a wood fence would be the best material for the site. Petrick explained the landscape architect recommends a wood fence is better than a fence made with PVC material for this area.

Thurlby asked if the parking lot would have more lighting. Petrick said they could look into ground lighting or low bollards to be installed. This is being done in consideration of the residential properties near the project.

Larson is concerned kids would dash across Route 6 near the Subway to access the paved path next to the site and asked if there would be a crosswalk installed. Petrick stated that a mid-block crosswalk is typically not encouraged. Staff would see what IDOT would allow. Petrick thought exploring a sidewalk connection on the south side of Router 6 from Canal to the I&M might alleviate the issue.

Weaver asked if the village will be responsible for maintaining the property. Petrick said the village would maintain the property.

Thurlby asked if dog disposal bag stations would in included and what size of the parking spots would be. He feels it would be better to have 10x19 parking spaces making it easier to access bike racks on the roofs of their vehicles.

Madding stated it was a good use of the property. Weaver thought it was a goof fit.

Motion to recommend that the Village Board approve the Site Plan made by Commissioner Ciarlette. Seconded by Commissioner Madding. All Ayes, None Opposed, Motion Carried.

Blackburn stated this would go before the Village Board for final consideration on Monday October 16, 2023.

9. Other Business

James explained the draft Commission Procedures and Rules of Decorum left at the Commissioners chairs. She asked that they please review and provide comment. Staff would schedule the discussion for a future meeting.

Petrick said Tractor Supply is planning on a Halloween opening, Starbucks plans on opening the 1st week of November and Casey’s hopes to open the 1st week of October 2023.

Penske’s first building located at 23334 W. Frontage Road will be ready to open in a couple weeks. Dairy Queen is planning on a January 2024 opening date.


Motion to adjourn made by Commissioner Ciarlette. Seconded by Commissioner Larson. All Ayes, Motion Carried. 7:01 p.m.
