
Will County Gazette

Friday, January 31, 2025

Village of Homer Glen Parks & Recreation Committee met Sept. 18

Village of Homer Glen Parks & Recreation Committee met Sept. 18.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

1. Call to Order.

The meeting was called to order at 4:02 p.m. by Chairperson Rose Reynders.

2. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

3. Roll Call.

Present at 4:02 p.m. were Chair Trustee Reynders Members Dale Janssen, Bob Kman, Matt Hosteny, and Amy Blank.

Committee Members who arrived late: Nichole Laha Zwiercan 4:11 p.m.

Members Absent: Russell Knaack, Marcie Gorak, and Dan Kenney.

Also Present: Committee Secretary Ashley Kocolowski, Parks Coordinator Jennifer Vittori, and Interim Village Manager Joe Baber

Committee Members who left early: Nicole Laha Zwiercan 5:14p.m.

4. Approval of Amendments to the Agenda-

5. Approval of Minutes-


Member Kman Motioned to approve the minutes of August 21, 2023 Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting, seconded by Amy Blank

The motion passed.

Special Meeting Minutes 9.1.23

Member Kman motioned to approve minutes of September 1, 2023 Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting seconded by Amy Blank.

The motion passed.

6. Public Comment-

Frank Bujan would like a golf course in Heritage Park.

1. Reports from Chairs. –

Trustee Reynders said the parking for Heritage Park was approved last board meeting.

Amy Blank wanted to know what the final decision was for inner circle parking at Heritage Park.

Brett Westcott is now talking to HR Green.

Trustee Reynders had several conversations with trustees about amenities in the park. The board would like a detailed description of where everything will be in Heritage Park. Trustee Reynders said the Parks Committee needs to get this on paper and get this back to the board. Trustee Reynders also talked about the Veterans Memorial and that everything needs to go back out for bid and stressed on electric too. Member LaHa suggested to do a special meeting with Board and Parks and Recreation Committee.

2. Old Business

Additional meeting times added they will be the first Friday of the month at 9:30 a.m.

Playground for Villas of Old Oak - they will be giving us lump sum of money to design the park.

Workshop presented to the board on placement of the Veterans Memorial, the Board wants more input from the Veterans. Trustee Reynders said the board wants us to listen to what the Veterans have to say. Member Blank said she would write up a detailed description of the Veterans Memorial to bring to the next meeting along with additional Soccer Fields, Water feature, pavilions with bathrooms and amphitheater.

Joe Baber talked about Disk Golf. Dellwood would like to see hard surface tee boxes. Manager Baber told him to wait until parking project is complete. Parks Coordinator Vittori suggested cleaning up Disk Golf by adding gravel and numbers.

Park Update from Jennifer Vittori:

Stonebridge is getting posts soon and we should start seeing color on the tennis courts Parks Coordinator Vittori is watching tennis courts closely. Parks Coordinator Vittori would like to do grand opening sometime in October.

Evlyn's slide is ovaled. The contractors out there cold not get the new piece connected to the old piece. The peace ovaled. Parks Coordinator Vittori found the park negligent from the workers. The slide cost is approximately $16,000. Parks Coordinator Vittori would like to take this to the board for approval. She also suggested to take away the slide and add a panel for $1500. Parks Committee prefers to keep the slide and take it to the board.

The lead time is four months.

Parks Coordinator Vittori told parks committee the plaque on the park bench on the trails that went missing. A new plaque is ordered and will take approximately 4 months to get.

Parks Coordinator Vittori talked about Pavilion concrete cost for Evlyn's Gate, quotes are coming in around $18,000.

Parks Coordinator Vittori said they added 3 picnic tables to Evlyn's Gate Pavilion.

Parks Coordinator Vittori also told the Parks and Recreation Committee that Evlyn's Gate path will be getting sealcoated. Stonebridge's parking lot and the other part of the path totaling $7,000 will also be getting done.

Trustee Reynders talked about a list being put together of what each park needs. Parks Coordinator Vittori talked about the shape of the other parks and would like to start at the township acquired parks first (Yangas and Goreham)

Member Blank asked about moving the center tree she would hate to remove it and kill it. Parks Coordinator Vittori said the same and suggested to wait until the tree goes dormant then move it.

Parks Coordinator Vittori let the Parks Committee know that the trees around the ring-road are scheduled to be moved.

Trustee Reynders asked about sail shades. Parks Coordinator Vittori is looking into them but a 12X12 is approx. $6,000.

Member Blank talked about Lamers Park. A suggestion for a tree house. Trustee Steilen would like for us to look into it.

Legislative and Action Items:

Trustee Reynders motioned to remove Marcie Gorak from the Parks Committee Amy Blank so motioned and Member Kman second motion. The Motion passed

Trustee Reynders requested to get application out for new Parks and Recreation committee member.

3. New Business- Possible playground for Haas area. Interim Village Manager Baber is going to investigate and look into it.

4. Reports and Communications from Staff --none.

5. Committee Member Updates- none.

6. Adjournment. 5:18 p.m.
