
Will County Gazette

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Village of New Lenox Village Board met Dec. 12

Village of New Lenox Village Board met Dec. 12.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:


The Regular Meeting of the New Lenox Village Board of Trustees was called to order at 7:01p.m. by Mayor Baldermann in the Council Chambers of the New Lenox Village Hall.



Upon Roll Call by the Clerk, the following members of the corporate authorities answered “Here” or “Present”:

Trustees Madsen, Christopherson, Butterfield, Finnegan and Mayor Baldermann Absent – Trustees Scalise and Smith


There being a sufficient number of members of the corporate authorities in attendance to constitute a quorum, the meeting was declared in order.


Also, in attendance were the Village Administrator Kurt Carroll, Village Clerk Laura Zilinskas, Assistant Village Administrator/Community Development Director Robin Ellis, Chief of Police Lou Alessandrini, Village Engineer Will Nash, Director of Finance Kim Auchstetter and Attorney Chris Spesia.

SWEARING IN - Police Sergeant - Brandon Tilton 

Mayor Baldermann swore in Brandon Tilton to the position of Police Sergeant.


Mayor Baldermann opened the public hearing at 7:08pm. At that time the Village Clerk provided proof of notice. There were no speakers to swear in.

Ms. Auchstetter announced the tax levy is $3,397,400. All the levy is covering mandated state costs. The tax rate is anticipated to go down but the levy did exceed 5% in total dollars because of inflation and growth. This was discussed at the November Village Board meeting and nothing has changed since then. After the public hearing is closed the ordinances are on the Consent Agenda.

No comments or questions from the Village Board.

Mayor Baldermann closed the public hearing at 7:09pm.


Motion to approve 12 items on the CONSENT AGENDA #22-33 was made by Trustee Madsen and seconded by Trustee Finnegan

A - Minutes of the Regular Meeting – November 14, 2022

B - Minutes of the Regular Meeting – November 28, 2022

C - Ordinance #3031 Amending a Special Use for a Final P.U.D. Plat – Prairie Ridge North – 2nd Read

D - Ordinance #3032 Abating Interest and Principal on GO Bond Series 2013A, GO Bond Series 2014A, GO Refunding Bond Series 2014B, GO Bonds Series 2016A, GO Refunding Bonds Series 2019A, GO Refunding Bonds Series 2019B, GO Bonds Series 2020 and GO Refunding Bond Series 2021 of the Village of New Lenox

E - Ordinance #3033 Adopting the 2022 Tax Levy

F - Ordinance #3034 Levying Taxes for Special Service Area 2008-1 – Central Road Detention Pond

G - Ordinance #3035 Levying Taxes for Special Service Area 2010-1 – Cedar and Laraway Road Water Main

H - Approval of Contract – Slip Lining – Public Works

I - Ordinance #3036 Authorizing the Release of Surplus Property Owned by the Village of New Lenox – Vehicles and Equipment – Public Works 

J - Acceptance of Easement – Gas N Wash Laraway Road

K - Raffle License for 2023 – American Legion Post 1977

L - Ordinance #3037 Amending Chapter 90 (Traffic and Vehicles) Article VI (Vehicle Equipment, Condition, Size, Weight and Load), Section 90-271 (Maximum Length) of the Village Code

Upon roll call, the vote was:

AYES: 5 Trustees Madsen, Christopherson, Butterfield, Finnegan and Mayor Baldermann


NAYS: 0 

ABSENT: 2 Trustees Scalise and Smith

The motion carried.


Consideration of an Ordinance Amending Chapter 78 of the Municipal Code – Fair Market Value and Other Fees – 1st Read 

Ms. Ellis reported in 2019 the Village Board engaged in an appraiser to help set the fair market values which was determined to be $80,000. At that time the direction of the Board was to eliminate the 50% reduction that had been in place for a number of years, but to put in place a 30% reduction that has been carried through but is set to expire December 31st of this year. Because of the increase of construction cost and the rising interest rates, this ordinances will maintain the 30% reduction for an additional year.

No comments or questions of the Village Board.

Consideration for Approval of a Waiver of Resolution #12-35 – Calistoga Unit 2 & 3 

Mr. Nash reported the developer of Calistoga Units 2 & 3 is requesting a waiver of Resolution #12-35, which requires all public improvements be installed for all lots included in the final plat before permits can be issued. Due to the weather and time of year, the developer will not be able to complete the public improvements for the entire subdivision before the end of the year, so they are requesting that permits be allowed for the lots for which the public improvements have been completed. Additionally due to supply chain issues, they are requesting a waiver to install street lights after building permits are issued.

No comments or questions from the Village Board.

Motion to approve the waiver was made by Trustee Finnegan and seconded by Trustee Butterfield.

Upon roll call, the vote was:

AYES: 5 Trustees Madsen, Christopherson, Butterfield, Finnegan and Mayor Baldermann


NAYS: 0 

ABSENT: 2 Trustees Scalise and Smith

The motion carried.

Consideration of an Ordinance Amending Section 90 of the Municipal Code (No Parking) – Daniel Lewis Drive – 1st Read 

Mr. Nash reported the New Lenox Park District was approached by residents that live near the Country View/Royal Meadows Skate Park site along Daniel Lewis Drive between Ginger Lane and Kingsway Avenue regarding concerns with people and small children crossing the street and having to dart between the parked cars on the east side of the street to get to the skate park. The Park District would like to have residents using the park site park along the west side of the street. Park District staff has been in contact with the residents in the area to ensure they are in agreement with restricting the parking in this area. PTAB reviewed this and the consensus from the committee was to restrict parking along the east side of Daniel Lewis Drive, opposite of the park. Please see Will’s memo in your packets further detailing this first read ordinance. Board comments or questions are requested at this time.

Mayor Baldermann asked if this will be year-round.

Mr. Nash stated yes.

This will come back to the Village Board for second read and adoption.


Mayor Baldermann reminded that the Property Tax Rebate forms are due back to the Village Hall on December 15th. The rebate is 100% of the Village Hall portion of the property tax bill.

Mayor Baldermann thanked Staff (Village Hall Staff, Public Works, Police Department, ESDA) and all of the Volunteers and CERT for doing such a great job with the Christmas in the Commons.

Mayor Baldermann wished Bill Walter a Happy 90th Birthday! Mr. Walter thanked the Mayor and Village Board.


No report.


No report.


Trustee Butterfield made the motion to approve our bi-monthly disbursements in the amount of $1,440,626.99. In addition to these disbursements, approval is needed for payroll in the amount of $4526,189.17 paid on December 2, 2022.

Trustee Madsen seconded the motion.

Upon roll call, the vote was:

AYES: 5 Trustees Madsen, Christopherson, Butterfield, Finnegan and Mayor Baldermann


NAYS: 0 

ABSENT: 2 Trustees Scalise and Smith The motion carried.

QUESTIONS AND/OR COMMENTS FROM THE FLOOR  No questions or comments from the audience.


Trustee Smith 


Trustee Butterfield 

Trustee Butterfield noted that when he moved to New Lenox an improved acre was about $22,000.

Wished Mr. Walter a Happy Birthday.

Trustee Madsen 

Trustee Madsen wished Mr. Walter a Happy Birthday.

Trustee Christopherson 

Trustee Christopherson wished Mr. Walter a Happy Birthday.

Trustee Christopherson commented on how beautiful the Christmas in the Commons is.

Trustee Scalise 


Trustee Finnegan  

Trustee Finnegan wished Mr. Walter a Happy Birthday.

Mayor Baldermann announced the next and last regular Village Board meeting will be on December 19th. 


No executive session.


Motion to adjourn the meeting made by Trustee Finnegan and seconded by Trustee Butterfield. Upon voice vote, the motion carried. The Regular Meeting of the Village of New Lenox Board of Trustees held on December 12, 2022 adjourned at 7:24pm.
