
Will County Gazette

Saturday, May 4, 2024

Will County Board met Aug. 18

Will County Board met Aug. 18.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:


Executive Bertino-Tarrant called the meeting to order at 9:30 a.m.



Member Brooks led the invocation.


Sherry Newquist District 1 (D - Steger) Absent

Judy Ogalla District 1 (R - Monee) Present

Amanda Koch District 2 (D - Frankfort) Present

Jim Moustis District 2 (R - Frankfort) Present

Raquel M. Mitchell District 3 (R - Bolingbrook) Absent

Margaret Tyson District 3 (D - Bolingbrook) Present

Saud Gazanfer District 4 (D - Bolingbrook) Absent

Jacqueline Traynere District 4 (D - Bolingbrook) Present

Gretchen Fritz District 5 (R - Plainfield) Present

Meta Mueller District 5 (D - Aurora) Absent

Donald Gould District 6 (R - Shorewood) Present

Joe VanDuyne District 6 (D - Wilmington) Absent

Steve Balich District 7 (R - Homer Glen) Present

Mike Fricilone District 7 (R - Homer Glen) Present

Herbert Brooks Jr. District 8 (D - Joliet) Present

Denise E. Winfrey District 8 (D - Joliet) Absent

Annette Parker District 9 (R - Crest Hill) Present

Rachel Ventura District 9 (D - Joliet) Present

Natalie Coleman District 10 (D - Plainfield) Present

Tyler Marcum District 10 (D - Joliet) Present

Julie Berkowicz District 11 (R - Naperville) Present

Mimi Cowan Speaker, District 11 (D - Naperville) Present

Frankie Pretzel District 12 (R - New Lenox) Present

Tom Weigel District 12 (R - New Lenox) Present

Mica Freeman District 13 (D - Plainfield) Present

Debbie Kraulidis District 13 (R - Joliet) Present




MOVER: Tyler Marcum, District 10 (D - Joliet)

SECONDER: Mica Freeman, District 13 (D - Plainfield)

AYES: Ogalla, Koch, Moustis, Tyson, Traynere, Fritz, Gould, Balich, Fricilone, Brooks Jr., Parker, Ventura, Coleman, Marcum, Berkowicz, Cowan, Pretzel, Weigel, Freeman, Kraulidis

ABSENT: Newquist, Mitchell, Gazanfer, Mueller, VanDuyne, Winfrey


1. EXEC SESSION County Board Minutes June 16, 2022


MOVER: Mike Fricilone, District 7 (R - Homer Glen)

SECONDER: Margaret Tyson, District 3 (D - Bolingbrook)

AYES: Ogalla, Koch, Moustis, Tyson, Traynere, Fritz, Gould, Balich, Fricilone, Brooks Jr., Parker, Ventura, Coleman, Marcum, Berkowicz, Cowan, Pretzel, Weigel, Freeman, Kraulidis

ABSENT: Newquist, Mitchell, Gazanfer, Mueller, VanDuyne, Winfrey

2. Will County Board - Recessed Meeting - Jul 20, 2022 9:30 AM


MOVER: Amanda Koch, District 2 (D - Frankfort)

SECONDER: Jacqueline Traynere, District 4 (D - Bolingbrook)

AYES: Ogalla, Koch, Moustis, Tyson, Traynere, Fritz, Gould, Balich, Fricilone, Brooks Jr., Parker, Ventura, Coleman, Marcum, Berkowicz, Cowan, Pretzel, Weigel, Freeman, Kraulidis

ABSENT: Newquist, Mitchell, Gazanfer, Mueller, VanDuyne, Winfrey

VIII. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF ELECTED OFFICIALS AND MEDIA PRESENT County officials present: County Executive, Jennifer Bertino-Tarrant, County Clerk, Lauren Staley Ferry; Coroner, Laurie Summers; Treasurer, Tim Brophy, Chief Judge, Dan Kennedy; Illinois State Representative Jackie Haas; Illinois State Senator Meg Loughran Cappel; a representative from Mayor John Noak’s office and Superintendent of Schools, Shawn Walsh


1. Check Presentation to Redeemed Connection Ministries

Member Brooks stated ladies and gentlemen, I am so happy one more time to present this check for $3,000 to Redeemed Connection and Reverend Adrian Heath on behalf of the Will County Board, Executive Office and Waste Management, and my colleague, Member Winfrey who couldn’t be here today, we present to you for the work that you do, this check for $3,000.

Reverend Adrian Heath stated thank you very much Member Brooks and Will County Board, County Executive Bertino-Tarrant, and everyone. I just want to say briefly a little bit about Redeemed Connection Ministries. We help to make connections to our community and those in our community looking for hope and help. Through that we provide various opportunities. One of our programs is our job training program. We primarily work with students, high school and college age. This year we had four high school students. They couldn’t be with us today; I have a program from the graduation ceremony. I’ll leave one with Member Brooks and you can see a little bit about what we do. This donation will help us greatly to continue to do the work we do with them. It is an eight-week paid job program. Thank you so much.


MOVER: Herbert Brooks Jr., District 8 (D - Joliet)

SECONDER: Mica Freeman, District 13 (D - Plainfield)

AYES: Ogalla, Koch, Moustis, Tyson, Traynere, Fritz, Gould, Balich, Fricilone, Brooks Jr., Parker, Ventura, Coleman, Marcum, Berkowicz, Cowan, Pretzel, Weigel, Freeman, Kraulidis

ABSENT: Newquist, Mitchell, Gazanfer, Mueller, VanDuyne, Winfrey



Status of July 21, 2022 Resolutions/Ordinances


1. State of the County/Fiscal Year 2023 Budget Presentation


Open Public Hearing for all Land Use Cases


MOVER: Tyler Marcum, District 10 (D - Joliet)

SECONDER: Mica Freeman, District 13 (D - Plainfield)

AYES: Ogalla, Koch, Moustis, Tyson, Traynere, Fritz, Gould, Balich, Fricilone, Brooks Jr., Parker, Ventura, Coleman, Marcum, Berkowicz, Cowan, Pretzel, Weigel, Freeman, Kraulidis

ABSENT: Newquist, Mitchell, Gazanfer, Mueller, VanDuyne, Winfrey


Close Public Hearing for all Land Use Cases


MOVER: Tyler Marcum, District 10 (D - Joliet)

SECONDER: Judy Ogalla, District 1 (R - Monee)

AYES: Ogalla, Koch, Moustis, Tyson, Traynere, Fritz, Gould, Balich, Fricilone, Brooks Jr., Parker, Ventura, Coleman, Marcum, Berkowicz, Cowan, Pretzel, Weigel, Freeman, Kraulidis

ABSENT: Newquist, Mitchell, Gazanfer, Mueller, VanDuyne, Winfrey

1. Ordinance Amending the Will County, Illinois Zoning Ordinance Adopted and Approved September 9, 1947 as Amended for Zoning Case ZC-22-033, Superior Properties Blodgett Road, LLC, Owner of Record (Thomas Osterberger, 50% Interest; Rich Massey, 50% Interest), Thomas Osterberger, Agent, Nathaniel Washburn of KGG LLC, Attorney, Requesting: (M-22-011) Zoning Map Amendment from C-6 to A-1, (S-22-024) Special Use Permit for an Outdoor Storage Yard (Applies to Southern 4.99 Acres.), (S-22-032) Special Use Permit for Construction Sales and Service (Applies to the Southern 4.99 Acres) and (V-22- 064) Variance for Minimum Lot Area from 10 Acres to 9.945 Acres for PIN #03- 17-06-200-011-0000, in Wilmington Township, Commonly Known as 27940 Kelly Road, Wilmington, IL, County Board District #6


MOVER: Tyler Marcum, District 10 (D - Joliet)

SECONDER: Jacqueline Traynere, District 4 (D - Bolingbrook)

AYES: Ogalla, Koch, Moustis, Tyson, Traynere, Fritz, Gould, Balich, Fricilone, Brooks Jr., Parker, Ventura, Coleman, Marcum, Berkowicz, Cowan, Pretzel, Weigel, Freeman, Kraulidis

ABSENT: Newquist, Mitchell, Gazanfer, Mueller, VanDuyne, Winfrey

PZC: 5-0 Appr Map Amendment from C-6 to A-1

PZC: 5-0 Appr SUP for Outdoor Storage Yard (Applies to Southern 4.99 Acres) w/12 Conditions (Condition #3 Modified)

PZC: 5-0 Appr SUP for Construction Sales & Service (applies to Southern 4.99 Acres) w/12 Conditions

PZC: 5-0 Appr Var for Minimum Lot Area from 10 Acres to 9.945 Acres LUD: 6-0 Appr Map Amendment from C-6 to A-1


MOVER: Tyler Marcum, District 10 (D - Joliet)

SECONDER: Jacqueline Traynere, District 4 (D - Bolingbrook)

AYES: Ogalla, Koch, Moustis, Tyson, Traynere, Fritz, Gould, Balich, Fricilone, Brooks Jr., Parker, Ventura, Coleman, Marcum, Berkowicz, Cowan, Pretzel, Weigel, Freeman, Kraulidis

ABSENT: Newquist, Mitchell, Gazanfer, Mueller, VanDuyne, Winfrey

LUD: 6-0 Appr SUP for Outdoor Storage Yard (applies to Southern 4.99 Acres) w/12 Conditions


MOVER: Tyler Marcum, District 10 (D - Joliet)

SECONDER: Jacqueline Traynere, District 4 (D - Bolingbrook)

AYES: Ogalla, Koch, Moustis, Tyson, Traynere, Fritz, Gould, Balich, Fricilone, Brooks Jr., Parker, Ventura, Coleman, Marcum, Berkowicz, Cowan, Pretzel, Weigel,

Freeman, Kraulidis

ABSENT: Newquist, Mitchell, Gazanfer, Mueller, VanDuyne, Winfrey

LUD: 6-0 Appr SUP for Construction Sales & Service (applies to Southern 4.99 Acres) w/12 Conditions


MOVER: Tyler Marcum, District 10 (D - Joliet)

SECONDER: Jacqueline Traynere, District 4 (D - Bolingbrook)

AYES: Ogalla, Koch, Moustis, Tyson, Traynere, Fritz, Gould, Balich, Fricilone, Brooks Jr., Parker, Ventura, Coleman, Marcum, Berkowicz, Cowan, Pretzel, Weigel, Freeman, Kraulidis

ABSENT: Newquist, Mitchell, Gazanfer, Mueller, VanDuyne, Winfrey

2. Ordinance Amending the Will County, Illinois Zoning Ordinance Adopted and Approved September 9, 1947 as Amended for Zoning Case ZC-22-038, TTA Corp., Owner of Record (Tahir Gahfoor, 50% Interest; Naila Jabeen, 50% Interest), Jais Puthuserril Jose, Agent and Justin Kugler of Kugler Law, Ltd., Attorney, Requesting (S-22-026) Special Use Permit to Sell Package Liquor on Premises for PIN #30-07-13-308-031-0000, in Joliet Township, Commonly Known as 1601 New Lenox Road, Joliet, IL, County Board District #8


MOVER: Tyler Marcum, District 10 (D - Joliet)

SECONDER: Herbert Brooks Jr., District 8 (D - Joliet)

AYES: Ogalla, Koch, Moustis, Tyson, Traynere, Fritz, Gould, Balich, Fricilone, Brooks Jr., Parker, Ventura, Coleman, Marcum, Berkowicz, Cowan, Pretzel, Weigel, Freeman, Kraulidis

ABSENT: Newquist, Mitchell, Gazanfer, Mueller, VanDuyne, Winfrey

PZC: 5-0 Appr SUP to Sell Package Liquor on Premises w/3 Conditions

LUD: 6-0 Appr SUP to Sell Package Liquor on Premises w/3 Conditions

3. Ordinance Amending the Will County, Illinois Zoning Ordinance Adopted and Approved September 9, 1947 as Amended for Zoning Case ZC-22-040, Daniel A. Bonick, Owner of Record, Requesting (M-22-046) Zoning Map Amendment from A-1 to E-2, for PIN #20-21-07-400-017-0000, in Will Township, Commonly Known as V. (vacant) S. Ridgeland Ave., Peotone, IL, County Board District #1


AYES: Ogalla, Koch, Moustis, Tyson, Traynere, Fritz, Gould, Balich, Fricilone, Brooks Jr., Parker, Ventura, Coleman, Marcum, Berkowicz, Cowan, Pretzel, Weigel, Freeman, Kraulidis

ABSENT: Newquist, Mitchell, Gazanfer, Mueller, VanDuyne, Winfrey

PZC: 5-0 Appr Map Amendment from A-1 to E-2

LUD: 6-0 Appr Map Amendment from A-1 to E-2


1. 22-226 - Motion to Amend

Member Marcum stated yesterday everyone should have received an email that was forwarded from Ms. Beth Adams and also the letter attached that I received from the Will County Farm Bureau where they shared their concerns on a couple of items. Some of them were the battery storage facilities. That will be coming next month so those issues are separate. The main one that has to do with this is the requirement for companies to use an agricultural specialist when developing their solar plans. The issue that we ran into is that there is no such certification as an agricultural specialist, so we’ve been trying to find a way to help protect agricultural practices without solar farms having a negative impact. They have a couple of concerns with companies evaluating their own work. I think if it okay with everyone, they would like us to remand this back to committee, so I’ll wait until people have a chance to speak on it to make that motion. That’s were we are with that just so we’re on the same page.

Member Ventura stated I also spoke with Mr. Mark Schneidewind, and I do agree that there needs to be a third party to overlook this. I don’t think we need to remand it back to committee. I think just modifying the language to include where we had in written notice by third party and the rest of the language can be as it reads. Then it isn’t the person themself writing the plan. It has to be someone else who verifies it and signs off on it. I did speak with another member on Land Use, Member Traynere about it, so if everyone is in agreement, then we just add that independent language and move it forward.

Member Fricilone stated my caucus is for remanding it back. So, when it’s appropriate, we’re going to make the motion to remand it back and let Land Use clear it up.

Member Ventura stated line 175 states the facility owner shall demonstrate in writing that they have evaluated with a third party, the soils, plantings, drainage and the maintenance of the design of the solar farm in these compatible with agriculture uses. This information shall be submitted with the site development and/or building permit application.

Executive Bertino-Tarrant stated what is your motion?

Member Ventura stated after the word “evaluated” adding “with a third party.”

Member Cowan stated I just want to clarify. This is to amend what’s on our agenda. If we amend what’s on the agenda, and then make a motion to remand it back to committee, that amendment would stay?

Assistant State’s Attorney Tatroe stated I think it would be remanded back as amended. I guess I don’t know how that would work, because, quite frankly, usually you don’t amend until you’re ready to pass it. So, it’s a little bit unusual. The committee can’t overrule what happened at County Board. They could discuss it and bring forth recommendations as how to further amend it if they wanted to do something different.

Member Ogalla stated in addition to the Farm Bureau having these comments, the Will-Cook Soil and Water Resource Conservationist is attending the Land Use Council 16 for the Association of Illinois Soil and Water Districts today. That’s for Land Use Council 16 is northeastern Illinois. One of the topics up for discussion is the impact of solar farms on prime farmland concerning soil and water conservation districts and IEPA. They also would like some input into this. I am in support of remanding this back and letting them have some time to meet with the Land Use Department. Land Use will come forward with some conversation. They also can come to our meeting. That way we will be passing something that will be complete at that time, rather than amending it right now. So, I will be a “no” vote for this amendment. Thank you.

Member Berkowicz stated the Farm Bureau clearly indicates their concern with this and recommends that we do put in the specifications for a farm specialist. When you read the information they have submitted to us, they provide an implication that there are farm specialists that exist and are there and they’re able to work and be consulted with on these projects. So, I agree, I believe this needs to go back to the committee and they need to work with the Farm Bureau and the Water and Soil Conservation, so I will also be voting against this amendment. Thank you.

Member Koch stated we’ve talked about this for several months in Land Use and I think we’ve taken a lot of consideration from the Farm Bureau. I think that having a third party is a really great way to make sure that it’s not the company approving their own stuff. There’s nothing here saying that they wouldn’t contact the Soil and Water Conservation committee to talk to them about getting this third-party person. Just in the interest in the fact that this has been in committee for probably six months now, I would love to pass it today. I would hope that everybody would consider that as well. Thank you.

Member Ventura stated just some final thoughts. This has also gone to a public hearing and has been in committee for several months. In Land Use it was discussed that we do not have a certified farm specialist. The language provided here is to clean up exactly what it is we’re looking for, and the biggest issue the Farm Bureau had with this when I spoke with Mr. Mark Schneidewind is making sure those (inaudible) oversight. This amendment does fix that, and it is time to pass this through. There has been a lot of discussion with it, and I agree with Member Koch that it’s time to move this forward.

Member Marcum stated my concern is if we have third-party oversight, it doesn’t specify who it is, which is kind of the same issue we ran into with the farm specialist because, again, there is no such title as a Farm Specialist. We’re kind of in the same issue, so I think we need to send it back.


MOVER: Rachel Ventura, District 9 (D - Joliet)

SECONDER: Jacqueline Traynere, District 4 (D - Bolingbrook)

AYES: Koch, Traynere, Ventura, Cowan

NAYS: Ogalla, Moustis, Tyson, Fritz, Gould, Balich, Fricilone, Brooks Jr., Parker, Coleman, Marcum, Berkowicz, Pretzel, Weigel, Freeman, Kraulidis

ABSENT: Newquist, Mitchell, Gazanfer, Mueller, VanDuyne, Winfrey

2. 22-226 Amending Sections 155-7.30, 155-8.30, 155-9.245 and 155-16.40 of the Will County Zoning Ordinance, Allowed Uses, Public & Civic Use Category, Solar Farms & Special Use Permits - Attachment Added

RESULT: REMANDED [UNANIMOUS] Next: 9/13/2022 10:30 AM

TO: Will County Land Use & Development Committee

MOVER: Mike Fricilone, District 7 (R - Homer Glen)

SECONDER: Judy Ogalla, District 1 (R - Monee)

AYES: Ogalla, Koch, Moustis, Tyson, Traynere, Fritz, Gould, Balich, Fricilone, Brooks Jr., Parker, Ventura, Coleman, Marcum, Berkowicz, Cowan, Pretzel, Weigel, Freeman, Kraulidis

ABSENT: Newquist, Mitchell, Gazanfer, Mueller, VanDuyne, Winfrey

Next Land Use & Development Committee Meeting is Scheduled for September 13, 2022 @ 10:30 a.m.


1. Monthly Financial Reports to be Placed on File


MOVER: Jacqueline Traynere, District 4 (D - Bolingbrook)

SECONDER: Jim Moustis, District 2 (R - Frankfort)

AYES: Ogalla, Koch, Moustis, Tyson, Traynere, Fritz, Gould, Balich, Fricilone, Brooks Jr., Parker, Ventura, Coleman, Marcum, Berkowicz, Cowan, Pretzel, Weigel, Freeman, Kraulidis

ABSENT: Newquist, Mitchell, Gazanfer, Mueller, VanDuyne, Winfrey

2. 22-227 Authorizing Contribution to Heritage Corridor Convention & Visitors Bureau


MOVER: Jacqueline Traynere, District 4 (D - Bolingbrook)

SECONDER: Mike Fricilone, District 7 (R - Homer Glen)

AYES: Ogalla, Koch, Moustis, Tyson, Traynere, Fritz, Gould, Balich, Fricilone, Brooks Jr., Parker, Ventura, Coleman, Marcum, Berkowicz, Cowan, Pretzel, Weigel, Freeman, Kraulidis

ABSENT: Newquist, Mitchell, Gazanfer, Mueller, VanDuyne, Winfrey

3. 22-228 Appropriating Grant Funds in the Coroner's FY2022 Budget


MOVER: Jacqueline Traynere, District 4 (D - Bolingbrook)

SECONDER: Mica Freeman, District 13 (D - Plainfield)

AYES: Ogalla, Koch, Moustis, Tyson, Traynere, Fritz, Gould, Balich, Fricilone, Brooks Jr., Parker, Ventura, Coleman, Marcum, Berkowicz, Cowan, Pretzel, Weigel, Freeman, Kraulidis

ABSENT: Newquist, Mitchell, Gazanfer, Mueller, VanDuyne, Winfrey

4. 22-229 Transferring Appropriations within Various County Budgets


MOVER: Jacqueline Traynere, District 4 (D - Bolingbrook)

SECONDER: Amanda Koch, District 2 (D - Frankfort)

AYES: Ogalla, Koch, Moustis, Tyson, Traynere, Fritz, Gould, Balich, Fricilone, Brooks Jr., Parker, Ventura, Coleman, Marcum, Berkowicz, Cowan, Pretzel, Weigel, Freeman, Kraulidis

ABSENT: Newquist, Mitchell, Gazanfer, Mueller, VanDuyne, Winfrey

Next Finance Committee Meeting is Scheduled for September 6, 2022 @ 11:00 a.m.


1. 22-230 Improvement by County Under the IL Highway Code for the 191st Street (CH 84) from U.S. Route 45 east to 80th Avenue Resurfacing, Using Additional MFT Funds ($6,268.43), County Board Districts #2 and #12


MOVER: Mimi Cowan, Speaker, District 11 (D - Naperville)

SECONDER: Amanda Koch, District 2 (D - Frankfort)

AYES: Ogalla, Koch, Moustis, Tyson, Traynere, Fritz, Gould, Balich, Fricilone, Brooks Jr., Parker, Ventura, Coleman, Marcum, Berkowicz, Cowan, Pretzel, Weigel, Freeman, Kraulidis

ABSENT: Newquist, Mitchell, Gazanfer, Mueller, VanDuyne, Winfrey

2. 22-231 Extension of Agreement for Installation of Traffic Signal on Weber Road (CH 88), County Board Districts #3 and #13

Member Traynere stated can somebody tell me...I didn’t read this particular agenda item thoroughly, and we can always use more traffic signals for safety. This is on Weber Road, where? I know we’ve discussed this before about the one in front of the shopping plaza. That is a huge safety issue and I just want to make sure this isn’t that one.

Mr. Jeff Ronaldson stated it is the one north of 135th Street in front of the shopping center.

Member Traynere stated the one that we voted no on a couple of years ago?

Mr. Jeff Ronaldson stated the County Board voted to approve the variance to allow that in 2017.

Member Traynere stated it must be a different one then. This was one being asked for by the developer of the shopping mall.

Mr. Jeff Ronaldson stated correct.

Member Traynere stated, and this is that same thing again?

Mr. Jeff Ronaldson stated it is. The County Board approved the variance back then and gave them five years to complete it. It did not get done in five years so that’s what this extension request is for.

Member Traynere stated were there two signal lights talked about there then? There was one that they wanted to put in and there wasn’t enough space between the one before and that was going to cause a liability for the county for insurance because that’s our road. And this is it again?

Mr. Jeff Ronaldson stated yes.

Member Traynere stated this was approved at committee?

Mr. Jeff Ronaldson stated yes, for the extension of it, yes. An extension to allow them to do it. This is not a new signal light, it’s an extension of the existing variance. It did not meet the quarter mile spacing guidelines and it didn’t (inaudible) to actually put it in. The County Board gave a variance in 2017 to allow that to happen.

Member Berkowicz stated Mr. Jeff Ronaldson what is your recommendation? That this extension be granted?

Mr. Jeff Ronaldson stated it doesn’t meet the traffic signal warrants to go in, nor our (inaudible) spacings, but it was approved by County Board back then. They didn’t get it done in time because IDOT wouldn’t allow them to do it as part of the project, because of the signal warrants, and their own internal scheduling just didn’t get it done in time because our project started a year late. They couldn’t do it until our project was done. It is now done, so they can do it. If you approve it the conditions are the same as they were in 2017.

Member Berkowicz stated so what is your recommendation for a light going in? So, there aren’t any issues?

Mr. Jeff Ronaldson stated the County Board approved it before. Personally, it was not my recommendation, but the County Board chose another route, so that’s what they did. Since nothing has changed as far as conditions, the County Board can still grant that extension.

Member Fricilone stated we’re just giving them more time to do what we already approved. We are not reapproving what we approved.

Member Traynere stated I would just say this would give them an extension to do what was already approved by a prior County Board in 2017. Not everybody in this room was on the Board in 2017 and didn’t get to hear all of the discussion and comments that were made in that time. I don’t know what happened in committee and how deep the discussion was. I was there in 2017 and I remember it.

Member Moustis stated I was there in 2017 and it was quite a discussion. It was something we didn’t take lightly. We knew that this didn’t meet the distance standard between lights, but at the time there were a number of lights pointed out that were similar, not on our system necessarily, but on the state system that were allowed, basically, at the request of municipalities. The other point is, it was about the viability of the center from the owner’s perspective and for potential tenants. At the time they had some major tenants that wouldn’t go into the shopping mall without that light. I think the Board made a decision that we wanted that to be a viable shopping center. It kind of went into disrepair, there were no tenants. There was kind of a resurgence of the shopping center for that community. My recollection is that it had local support and the local governments also asked that we do a variance on our standard. That’s what that was about. The reason I’m bringing it up, it’s easy for you here, and I don’t know if Member Traynere had the same recollection, but for those who weren’t here, there were serious long discussions on this. It came down to economic development for that community. It appeared that it would not go forward, or a resurgence of that shopping center would have not gone forward without that light. I think the Board made an economic development decision that I think should be honored going forward. I assume the owner of the shopping center has probably put some substantial investment in there. If you want to cut this off, I think it would be wrong. I say give them the extension; the decision was made. If the current boards are going to look at past board’s decisions and reverse them when they don’t have all the information, I think is a pretty dangerous thing and inappropriate thing for our Board to do. I am going to support the extension, and that’s all this is, we’re voting on the extension.


MOVER: Mimi Cowan, Speaker, District 11 (D - Naperville)

SECONDER: Mica Freeman, District 13 (D - Plainfield)

AYES: Ogalla, Moustis, Tyson, Fritz, Gould, Balich, Fricilone, Brooks Jr., Parker, Coleman, Marcum, Berkowicz, Cowan, Pretzel, Weigel, Freeman, Kraulidis

NAYS: Koch, Traynere, Ventura

ABSENT: Newquist, Mitchell, Gazanfer, Mueller, VanDuyne, Winfrey

3. 22-232 Granting Ingress and Egress for a New Home on Manhattan Arsenal Road (CH 17), County Board District #6


MOVER: Mimi Cowan, Speaker, District 11 (D - Naperville)

SECONDER: Donald Gould, District 6 (R - Shorewood)

AYES: Ogalla, Koch, Moustis, Tyson, Traynere, Fritz, Gould, Balich, Fricilone, Brooks Jr., Parker, Ventura, Coleman, Marcum, Berkowicz, Cowan, Pretzel, Weigel, Freeman, Kraulidis

ABSENT: Newquist, Mitchell, Gazanfer, Mueller, VanDuyne, Winfrey

4. 22-233 Authorizing the County Executive to Execute an Intergovernmental Agreement Between the County of Will and The Village of Monee for Construction of Appurtenance Work Within County Right-of Way


MOVER: Mimi Cowan, Speaker, District 11 (D - Naperville)

SECONDER: Judy Ogalla, District 1 (R - Monee)

AYES: Ogalla, Koch, Moustis, Tyson, Traynere, Fritz, Gould, Balich, Fricilone, Brooks Jr., Parker, Ventura, Coleman, Marcum, Berkowicz, Cowan, Pretzel, Weigel, Freeman, Kraulidis

ABSENT: Newquist, Mitchell, Gazanfer, Mueller, VanDuyne, Winfrey

5. 22-234 Authorizing the Will County's State's Attorney's Office to Proceed with Condemnation Cases regarding the County's Improvements of Bell Road (CH 16) from 151st Street north to Martingale Lane, County Board District #7


MOVER: Mimi Cowan, Speaker, District 11 (D - Naperville)

SECONDER: Mike Fricilone, District 7 (R - Homer Glen)

AYES: Ogalla, Koch, Moustis, Tyson, Traynere, Fritz, Gould, Balich, Fricilone, Brooks Jr., Parker, Ventura, Coleman, Marcum, Berkowicz, Cowan, Pretzel, Weigel, Freeman, Kraulidis

ABSENT: Newquist, Mitchell, Gazanfer, Mueller, VanDuyne, Winfrey

6. 22-235 Authorizing Approval of the Establishment of Altered Speed Zones 601- 606


MOVER: Mimi Cowan, Speaker, District 11 (D - Naperville)

SECONDER: Tom Weigel, District 12 (R - New Lenox)

AYES: Ogalla, Koch, Moustis, Tyson, Traynere, Fritz, Gould, Balich, Fricilone, Brooks Jr., Parker, Ventura, Coleman, Marcum, Berkowicz, Cowan, Pretzel, Weigel, Freeman, Kraulidis

ABSENT: Newquist, Mitchell, Gazanfer, Mueller, VanDuyne, Winfrey

Next Public Works & Transportation Committee Meeting is Scheduled for September 6, 2022 @ 9:00 a.m.


Next Diversity & Inclusion Committee Meeting is Scheduled for September 7, 2022 @ 10:00 a.m.


1. Report to be Placed on File


MOVER: Rachel Ventura, District 9 (D - Joliet)

SECONDER: Amanda Koch, District 2 (D - Frankfort)

AYES: Ogalla, Koch, Moustis, Tyson, Traynere, Fritz, Gould, Balich, Fricilone, Brooks Jr., Parker, Ventura, Coleman, Marcum, Berkowicz, Cowan, Pretzel, Weigel, Freeman, Kraulidis

ABSENT: Newquist, Mitchell, Gazanfer, Mueller, VanDuyne, Winfrey

Member Ventura stated we have 42 inspected schools, 84 programs of professional development offered, with 707 educators that attended. We had 1,077 professional educator licenses sent out, 211 substitutes, 95 paraprofessionals, and 200 endorsements issued with 795 bus drivers.

Next Public Health & Safety Committee Meeting is Scheduled for September 6, 2022 @ 1:00 p.m.


Next Legislative & Judicial Committee Meeting is Scheduled for September 13, 2022 @ 9:00 a.m.


1. Update on Capital Improvements Projects

Next Capital Improvements Committee Meeting is Scheduled for September 6, 2022 @ 10:00 a.m.


1. 22-236 Amending Liquor Control Ordinance, Chapter 110 Code of Ordinances


MOVER: Mimi Cowan, Speaker, District 11 (D - Naperville)

SECONDER: Judy Ogalla, District 1 (R - Monee)

AYES: Ogalla, Koch, Moustis, Tyson, Traynere, Fritz, Gould, Balich, Fricilone, Brooks Jr., Parker, Ventura, Coleman, Marcum, Berkowicz, Cowan, Pretzel, Weigel, Freeman, Kraulidis

ABSENT: Newquist, Mitchell, Gazanfer, Mueller, VanDuyne, Winfrey

2. 22-237 Authorizing the Obligation and Expenditure of ARPA Funds for the Unmet Needs Pillar - Resolution Added


MOVER: Mimi Cowan, Speaker, District 11 (D - Naperville)

SECONDER: Herbert Brooks Jr., District 8 (D - Joliet)

AYES: Ogalla, Koch, Moustis, Tyson, Traynere, Fritz, Gould, Balich, Fricilone, Brooks Jr., Parker, Ventura, Coleman, Marcum, Berkowicz, Cowan, Pretzel, Weigel, Freeman, Kraulidis

ABSENT: Newquist, Mitchell, Gazanfer, Mueller, VanDuyne, Winfrey

3. 22-238 Allocating ARPA Funds for Anser Advisory - Resolution Added

Member Cowan stated I would like to remove this from the agenda. We are going to have further discussion on this and bring it up at Executive Committee next month.


MOVER: Mimi Cowan, Speaker, District 11 (D - Naperville)

SECONDER: Judy Ogalla, District 1 (R - Monee)

AYES: Ogalla, Koch, Moustis, Tyson, Traynere, Fritz, Gould, Balich, Fricilone, Brooks Jr., Parker, Ventura, Coleman, Marcum, Berkowicz, Cowan, Pretzel, Weigel, Freeman, Kraulidis

ABSENT: Newquist, Mitchell, Gazanfer, Mueller, VanDuyne, Winfrey

22-239 - Motion to Amend


MOVER: Mike Fricilone, District 7 (R - Homer Glen)

SECONDER: Judy Ogalla, District 1 (R - Monee)

AYES: Ogalla, Moustis, Tyson, Fritz, Gould, Balich, Fricilone, Brooks Jr., Parker, Coleman, Marcum, Berkowicz, Cowan, Pretzel, Weigel, Freeman, Kraulidis

NAYS: Koch, Traynere, Ventura

ABSENT: Newquist, Mitchell, Gazanfer, Mueller, VanDuyne, Winfrey

4. 22-239 Authorizing the County Executive to Execute a Contract with Amplifund for Grant Management Software - Resolution Amended

Member Fricilone stated I would like to offer an amendment to this. There are two spots where it says the monies are to be funded from the county revenue replacement pillar. I would like to replace county board replacement to “to be determined.” Next month’s meeting as we’re setting up, as some of you know, we are going to set up an administrative line in our ARPA funds and the money will come out of that since we didn’t set that up. We will determine that at our next monthly meeting. So, the amendment is to take two spots where it says, “County revenue replacement pillar” and put “Funding to be determined.”

Member Ventura stated so this removes it from the ARPA account altogether and it will be some other amount that pays for that?

Member Fricilone stated no it’s going to be in ARPA, but we talked about in Executive establishing an administrative pillar that has all the administrative costs in it. This will come out of that once we establish that, which we’ll talk about at Executive. It’s still going to come out of ARPA, just not the county revenue replacement ARPA.

Member Ventura stated so the bills from the 4th are going to be paid by ARPA funds?

Member Fricilone stated that’s what would come out of the administrative funds of ARPA.

Member Ventura stated I’m still not comfortable with that.

Member Fricilone stated we can talk about that portion.

Member Ventura stated so this amendment would include both? Member Fricilone stated no, just about the software.

Member Ventura stated I’ll still be a no vote on it because I think those dollars should be coming out of ARPA, but I understand what you’re doing.

Member Koch stated I’m thinking maybe this one should go back to committee and come back when we know the funding source. That would make me more comfortable voting on this.

Member Cowan stated I think both caucuses discussed this extensively last night that there is a need for this grant management software. I think the bulk of us were convinced by that; there were lots of details. If you weren’t at the caucus last night, I am happy to fill you in later. Those of us who were there were definitely convinced of the need for this software. Part of that is that we need to get it in place so that it can be used to allocate our ARPA funds, and we decided it would be best, those who were there, to move forward with this so Executive Bertino-Tarrant can get this technology in place to be able to use it, to facilitate the distribution of ARPA funds and grants. It’s much more complicated than what we did with the CARES funds. There’s more back and forth so we need software to track that rather than just (inaudible) the back of a napkin or Excel. We need a professional grant management software to do that. There are also long-term uses for this grant management software that I’d be happy to go into later. We discussed that it would really be in the best interest of allocating the ARPA funds to prove executing this contract so Executive Bertino-Tarrant’s office can get this technology in, get used to it, and facilitate ARPA allocations. Leadership agreed that we could determine at the next Executive Committee meeting where exactly the funding was coming from while still allowing it to move forward with the contract execution.

Member Ogalla stated as Chair of the Ad-hoc IT Committee and my vice-chair as well, we would like the presentation of this to come to our Ad-hoc IT Committee so we can have a better understanding of it and discuss certain things like interfaces and stuff like that. We support the project, but we would like to have that next month.


MOVER: Mimi Cowan, Speaker, District 11 (D - Naperville)

SECONDER: Mike Fricilone, District 7 (R - Homer Glen)

AYES: Ogalla, Moustis, Tyson, Fritz, Gould, Balich, Fricilone, Brooks Jr., Parker, Coleman, Marcum, Berkowicz, Cowan, Pretzel, Weigel, Freeman, Kraulidis

NAYS: Koch, Traynere, Ventura

ABSENT: Newquist, Mitchell, Gazanfer, Mueller, VanDuyne, Winfrey

5. 22-240 Ratifying Lease Amendment with Bays Glenwood, LLC for Office Space at 2400 Glenwood Avenue, Suite 110, in Joliet, IL, for use by the Will County Veterans Assistance Commission

Member Traynere stated I was a no on this in committee. I know not everybody hears on the Executive Committee. I am going to continue to be a no. I was just dismayed that this went forward and got signed and never came in front of the County Board. As Chair of the Finance Committee, we should have seen this on our agenda. It’s definitely a change from our normal process of purchasing and signing contracts. I am going to continue to be a no.

Member Ventura stated I also spoke about this in committee. I, too, will be a no. In committee it sounded like we might be under a possible lawsuit if we…if we have to ratify this contract, because it was already approved, but it wasn’t approved by this Board. I think the rent price on this is extremely high. There was discussion about moving the VAC, and we never moved them, so there were some big implications. I understand there was some misunderstanding; they thought they had the authority to move forward, but it took almost a year to come before us. Since it’s going to pass anyway, I am going to be a no on this, but I obviously don’t want to see the county get sued. This is not the process of checks and balances we should all be concerned with.

Mr. Mitch Schaben stated just to clarify a few things, we do have an inquiry with the State’s Attorney’s office regarding generally about how we handle lease agreements. The county’s code regarding purchasing is not really clear about how we handle lease agreements. You can ask the question is the definition of a contract (inaudible)? If it does, it sets out a certain path for how these types of things are handled. If it is a contract, this originally should have been bid out. It never was bid out. If that’s the case, the underlying agreement was done in error. These are just general questions we put before the State’s Attorney’s office. Again, we signed this lease extension with the understanding that we were interpreting the county’s Code of Ordinance in one way that may have differed from what the past practice was. Again, our intention is to follow the county’s Code of Ordinances and that’s why we’re seeking clarification about how the ordinance, as it is written today, applies to our ordinance. Also, to clarify, the funds for the VAC lease is to be approved the in the current fiscal year budget, so we weren’t coming to the Board to seek additional funds. That money was already put in. The county does have a legal obligation to provide VAC space under state statute.

Member Moustis stated even though this may have deviated from our past practice, I don’t think there was any malice here. It’s an extension of a lease that we’ve already approved and signed off on the extension without coming to the Board. What are you going to do? Throw the VAC out onto the street? It’s their space. If we didn’t approve the lease, you can say I’m not voting for it because you think it’s going to get passed anyway, but what if it didn’t? The VAC is, as Mr. Mitch Schaben pointed out, we’re obligated to give them space by state statute. You can vote no because of a misunderstanding we had, but remember, the primary purpose here is to give the VAC space to operate with them, not whether there was a disagreement on how the lease option was signed. Let’s just keep in mind what the purpose is, and that’s to keep the VAC operating in a suitable space.

Member Traynere stated I didn’t like the fairly large increase in the cost. I feel like this should have been looked at for the large increase that it was going to be. I also just noticed something that I never saw before, and maybe the State’s Attorney can answer this. Is it pretty consistent in our contracts that we make payments quarterly?

Assistant State’s Attorney Tatroe stated it’s not unusual in lease-type situations that we make quarterly payments.

Member Traynere stated it just seems like a lot of money that we’re forking out not getting interest on. If we’re paying quarterly in arrears, I’m cool with that. But if we’re paying upfront, that’s money out of our pocket that we’re not getting any interest on.

Assistant State’s Attorney Tatroe stated there was no increase in the rent.

Member Traynere stated I thought it was $7300 and some change a month? I’m looking at it here and when we first signed the contract it was only $6655 a month.

Executive Bertino-Tarrant stated you had another contract prior to us coming in that was signed.

Member Traynere stated there’s 417 pages to my agenda. The one that I’m looking at says $6655. Why was that one even in here from 2015?

Assistant State’s Attorney Tatroe stated to show the whole history of this particular lease of property.

Member Traynere stated even from 2015 to now, that’s a pretty significant increase. I wish I had gotten pay raises like that over the time. I’ve gotten zero, so thank you.

Member Ventura stated I just want to be clear that this isn’t just some small glitch about how the lease got signed. This is a bigger pattern of lack of communication. While this particular item might have gone off the radar, there’s a bigger conversation that we continue to have month after month that being proactive in communication, saying “Hey, this thing is coming up, just letting you know this is happening.” This particular one ruffles my feathers because of the Copperfield building. The fact that we spent more than we agreed on, and then didn’t have the funds to fix it up, didn’t move in all the people we, the County Board, intended to move in, and then the VAC did stay in their location longer than expected. We did have a house for that, and we didn’t move forward with that house for a number of reasons. I feel we’re setting policy and it’s not always being executed. This is not just “Oh, we messed up on a lease. I’m voting no just because of that.” No, I don’t want to kick the VAC out, but to the second point, we must be proactive with our county in solving some of these problems. We know we had bought the Copperfield building; we knew there was a plan to move the VAC and that did not happen. Now we’re paying $7300 in a lease, every month, because we didn’t do our due diligence to move forward our plan, or change our plan, and as a county agree we’re going to keep the VAC where they’re at and agree to this lease at that time instead of retroactive. I want to be very clear why this project ruffles my feathers. Again, we’re asking for proactive problem solving and clear communication so we can make sure we have checks and balances and staying within the boundaries of our sub-branch of the government.

Executive Bertino-Tarrant stated I’m going to agree that it ruffles my feathers as well. We are acting in accordance with what we follow with the state statute and county ordinances. Again, as he stated, if you’re going to come to us and say we did it wrong, then the last time you did it, you did it wrong because we never went out to bid. This is a contract. We have to do our daily operations. Our daily operations doesn’t always have to be coming back to this board. You approve a budget at the beginning of the year, and in that budget are line items. If we had to come back to ask for more money, we do come back to you. You’re making it sound like we’re being nefarious by doing things without communicating to the Board. You’ve given us the authority through the budget process. My role is to administrate the county’s actions and day-to-day operations. The County Board does not run the day-to-day operations. I agree with you, Copperfield should be moved forward, but we cannot do anything without the county taking action, so we have to improvise and do other things. One of them was keeping the VAC in the building and extending the contract that we already had that’s no increase in fees. We can only react to what we are given. We are doing our job; we are following state statute and we are (inaudible) changing county code. Mr. Mitch Schaben has repeatedly said if you don’t like the county ordinances, that is your role to change them.


MOVER: Mimi Cowan, Speaker, District 11 (D - Naperville)

SECONDER: Judy Ogalla, District 1 (R - Monee)

AYES: Ogalla, Moustis, Tyson, Fritz, Gould, Balich, Fricilone, Brooks Jr., Parker, Coleman, Marcum, Berkowicz, Cowan, Pretzel, Weigel, Freeman, Kraulidis

NAYS: Traynere, Ventura


ABSENT: Newquist, Mitchell, Gazanfer, Mueller, VanDuyne, Winfrey

6. 22-241 Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program Approval of Fiscal Year 2022 Application & Allocation and Authorizing Execution of the Memorandum of Understanding with the City of Joliet

Member Traynere stated they talked about a 30-day public comment period that we sign off on. Did we do that? I don’t want us to get in trouble. We talk about the grant management system; this is a grant we’ve been doing a long time. I don’t want the feds to come back to us and say give me back this money. Again, I remind everybody my printing press is broken and I can’t make more.

Mr. Mitch Schaben stated Member Traynere I’m not aware of that, but that’s something we can look into. We can talk afterwards.


MOVER: Mimi Cowan, Speaker, District 11 (D - Naperville)

SECONDER: Mike Fricilone, District 7 (R - Homer Glen)

AYES: Ogalla, Koch, Moustis, Tyson, Traynere, Fritz, Gould, Balich, Fricilone, Brooks Jr., Parker, Ventura, Coleman, Marcum, Berkowicz, Cowan, Pretzel, Weigel, Freeman, Kraulidis

ABSENT: Newquist, Mitchell, Gazanfer, Mueller, VanDuyne, Winfrey

7. 22-242 Authorizing the County Executive to Bind Coverage and Execute Contracts with Designated Carriers for the Renewal of the Will County Comprehensive Group Benefits Plan ("GROUP BENEFITS")

Member Ventura stated I will be a yes on this because we are going out to bid again next year. There was quite a lot of discussion about vision. I know Member Mueller texted me during the week about…our vision isn’t great. We do understand that this is a negotiated benefit so we need to either have a better one going forward, or we need to work with our employees to negotiate that out, because we spend $300,000 on vision care that most people can’t use because the insured coverage is higher than the out-of-pocket amount. That’s a waste of $300,000 to the county. I will be a yes on this, but I expect going forward that our bid in the future will include better coverage or negotiated with our union employees would seek to improve that. Thank you.


MOVER: Mimi Cowan, Speaker, District 11 (D - Naperville)

SECONDER: Mike Fricilone, District 7 (R - Homer Glen)

AYES: Ogalla, Koch, Moustis, Tyson, Traynere, Fritz, Gould, Balich, Fricilone, Brooks Jr., Parker, Ventura, Coleman, Marcum, Berkowicz, Cowan, Pretzel, Weigel, Freeman, Kraulidis

ABSENT: Newquist, Mitchell, Gazanfer, Mueller, VanDuyne, Winfrey

8. 22-243 Approving 2023 Premiums and Premium Equivalents for Will County Comprehensive Group Insurance Plan, Including Active Employee Rates, Retiree Rates and COBRA Rates


MOVER: Mimi Cowan, Speaker, District 11 (D - Naperville)

SECONDER: Natalie Coleman, District 10 (D - Plainfield)

AYES: Ogalla, Koch, Moustis, Tyson, Traynere, Fritz, Gould, Balich, Fricilone, Brooks Jr., Parker, Ventura, Coleman, Marcum, Berkowicz, Cowan, Pretzel, Weigel, Freeman, Kraulidis

ABSENT: Newquist, Mitchell, Gazanfer, Mueller, VanDuyne, Winfrey

9. 22-244 Authorizing Renewal of Contract with AON Consulting for Benefits Consulting, Brokerage and Professional Services and Alight Benefits Administration & Communications Platform


MOVER: Mimi Cowan, Speaker, District 11 (D - Naperville)

SECONDER: Jacqueline Traynere, District 4 (D - Bolingbrook)

AYES: Ogalla, Koch, Moustis, Tyson, Traynere, Fritz, Gould, Balich, Fricilone, Brooks Jr., Parker, Ventura, Coleman, Marcum, Berkowicz, Cowan, Pretzel, Weigel, Freeman, Kraulidis

ABSENT: Newquist, Mitchell, Gazanfer, Mueller, VanDuyne, Winfrey

10. 22-245 Declaring Will County Sesquicentennial Commemorative Coins as Surplus and Authorizing Disposal

Member Traynere stated are these being sold individually like on a website or are they being sold in bulk just for the silver? I’m just curious because I might like to own one. They’re worth something, they’re not just decorative. In Bolingbrook they did a 50 year coin for their incorporation, but it was just decorative, it wasn’t anything collectible or worth anything.

Treasurer Brophy stated these are worth something, they’re silver. They’ll be sold to the public. We will be taking cash. These are cash equivalent assets so we can’t take checks that might be bounced or credit cards that could be cancelled later. These will be cash only purchases. I think we’re going to mark them at $30.00 apiece. The research we found that these commemorative coins run in that range.


MOVER: Mimi Cowan, Speaker, District 11 (D - Naperville)

SECONDER: Mica Freeman, District 13 (D - Plainfield)

AYES: Ogalla, Koch, Moustis, Tyson, Traynere, Fritz, Gould, Balich, Fricilone, Brooks Jr., Parker, Ventura, Coleman, Marcum, Berkowicz, Cowan, Pretzel, Weigel, Freeman, Kraulidis

ABSENT: Newquist, Mitchell, Gazanfer, Mueller, VanDuyne, Winfrey

11. 22-246 Authorizing Transfer of Surplus Real Estate Located Along the South Side of 143rd Street, just west of Mustang Drive, Homer Glen, IL, County Board District #7


MOVER: Mimi Cowan, Speaker, District 11 (D - Naperville)

SECONDER: Mike Fricilone, District 7 (R - Homer Glen)

AYES: Ogalla, Koch, Moustis, Tyson, Traynere, Fritz, Gould, Balich, Fricilone, Brooks Jr., Parker, Ventura, Coleman, Marcum, Berkowicz, Cowan, Pretzel, Weigel, Freeman, Kraulidis

ABSENT: Newquist, Mitchell, Gazanfer, Mueller, VanDuyne, Winfrey

12. 22-247 Setting the Public Defender's Salary


MOVER: Mimi Cowan, Speaker, District 11 (D - Naperville)

SECONDER: Mica Freeman, District 13 (D - Plainfield)

AYES: Ogalla, Koch, Moustis, Tyson, Traynere, Fritz, Gould, Balich, Fricilone, Brooks Jr., Parker, Ventura, Coleman, Marcum, Berkowicz, Cowan, Pretzel, Weigel, Freeman, Kraulidis

ABSENT: Newquist, Mitchell, Gazanfer, Mueller, VanDuyne, Winfrey

13. 22-248 Authorizing Change Order from Midwestern Contractors for the Additional Drilling, Bed Rock Removal, and Work Required on the RNG Pipeline

Member Ogalla stated I have been hearing some conversation regarding the process that is being used for where the pipeline has gone through, which is farmland, and what is going to be planted on the farmland?

Mr. Mitch Schaben stated we are obligated to cover the damage done to crops where that pipeline ran through. What we are not obligated to do is cover crops. That is a discussion we are going to be having with the Farm Bureau. It's been a request of several of the landowners is to cover crops for the following year. It would be next year’s planting season. It’s not a requirement in the county’s ordinance and it’s not a requirement in the contracts but obviously we would (inaudible) effort on behalf of the county. We’re going to have those conversations first and then bring something back to the County Board with a recommendation.

Member Ogalla stated that’s good. Covered crops are usually planted in late fall so they start to grow and then they’re growing the beginning of next year.

Mr. Mitch Schaben stated it comes down to a cost question. Obviously, there’s a desire to be a good steward of the land.


MOVER: Mimi Cowan, Speaker, District 11 (D - Naperville)

SECONDER: Gretchen Fritz, District 5 (R - Plainfield)

AYES: Ogalla, Koch, Moustis, Tyson, Traynere, Fritz, Gould, Balich, Fricilone, Brooks Jr., Parker, Ventura, Coleman, Marcum, Berkowicz, Cowan, Pretzel, Weigel, Freeman, Kraulidis

ABSENT: Newquist, Mitchell, Gazanfer, Mueller, VanDuyne, Winfrey

14. 22-249 New Hire for the County Executive Part Time Mail Clerk - Attachment Added


MOVER: Mimi Cowan, Speaker, District 11 (D - Naperville)

SECONDER: Tyler Marcum, District 10 (D - Joliet)

AYES: Ogalla, Koch, Moustis, Tyson, Traynere, Fritz, Gould, Balich, Fricilone, Brooks Jr., Parker, Ventura, Coleman, Marcum, Berkowicz, Cowan, Pretzel, Weigel, Freeman, Kraulidis

ABSENT: Newquist, Mitchell, Gazanfer, Mueller, VanDuyne, Winfrey

15. 22-250 New Hires for the LCC Telecommunicator


MOVER: Mimi Cowan, Speaker, District 11 (D - Naperville)

SECONDER: Jim Moustis, District 2 (R - Frankfort)

AYES: Ogalla, Koch, Moustis, Tyson, Traynere, Fritz, Gould, Balich, Fricilone, Brooks Jr., Parker, Ventura, Coleman, Marcum, Berkowicz, Cowan, Pretzel, Weigel, Freeman, Kraulidis

ABSENT: Newquist, Mitchell, Gazanfer, Mueller, VanDuyne, Winfrey

16. 22-251 Replacement Hire for Animal Control Officer


MOVER: Mimi Cowan, Speaker, District 11 (D - Naperville)

SECONDER: Judy Ogalla, District 1 (R - Monee)

AYES: Ogalla, Koch, Moustis, Tyson, Traynere, Fritz, Gould, Balich, Fricilone, Brooks Jr., Parker, Ventura, Coleman, Marcum, Berkowicz, Cowan, Pretzel, Weigel, Freeman, Kraulidis

ABSENT: Newquist, Mitchell, Gazanfer, Mueller, VanDuyne, Winfrey

17. 22-252 Replacement Hire for EMA Planning Officer


MOVER: Mimi Cowan, Speaker, District 11 (D - Naperville)

SECONDER: Natalie Coleman, District 10 (D - Plainfield)

AYES: Ogalla, Koch, Moustis, Tyson, Traynere, Fritz, Gould, Balich, Fricilone, Brooks Jr., Parker, Ventura, Coleman, Marcum, Berkowicz, Cowan, Pretzel, Weigel, Freeman, Kraulidis

ABSENT: Newquist, Mitchell, Gazanfer, Mueller, VanDuyne, Winfrey

18. 22-253 Replacement Hire for Land Use Secretary


MOVER: Mimi Cowan, Speaker, District 11 (D - Naperville)

SECONDER: Tyler Marcum, District 10 (D - Joliet)

AYES: Ogalla, Koch, Moustis, Tyson, Traynere, Fritz, Gould, Balich, Fricilone, Brooks Jr., Parker, Ventura, Coleman, Marcum, Berkowicz, Cowan, Pretzel, Weigel, Freeman, Kraulidis

ABSENT: Newquist, Mitchell, Gazanfer, Mueller, VanDuyne, Winfrey

19. 22-254 Replacement Hire for Workforce Investment Board Administrative Specialist - Selection in Progress

Member Cowan stated I believe they have found an internal candidate.


MOVER: Mimi Cowan, Speaker, District 11 (D - Naperville)

SECONDER: Jim Moustis, District 2 (R - Frankfort)

AYES: Ogalla, Koch, Moustis, Tyson, Traynere, Fritz, Gould, Balich, Fricilone, Brooks Jr., Parker, Ventura, Coleman, Marcum, Berkowicz, Cowan, Pretzel, Weigel, Freeman, Kraulidis

ABSENT: Newquist, Mitchell, Gazanfer, Mueller, VanDuyne, Winfrey

20. 22-255 Replacement Hires for Sunny Hill Nursing Home


MOVER: Mimi Cowan, Speaker, District 11 (D - Naperville)

SECONDER: Mica Freeman, District 13 (D - Plainfield)

AYES: Ogalla, Koch, Moustis, Tyson, Traynere, Fritz, Gould, Balich, Fricilone, Brooks Jr., Parker, Ventura, Coleman, Marcum, Berkowicz, Cowan, Pretzel, Weigel, Freeman, Kraulidis

ABSENT: Newquist, Mitchell, Gazanfer, Mueller, VanDuyne, Winfrey

Next Executive Committee Meeting is Scheduled for September 1, 2022 @ 10:00 a.m.


1. Executive Appointments Will Kankakee Regional Development Authority

Member Moustis stated I’m just curious on the Kankakee Regional Authority, which was originally formed for airport authorization many years ago. I think it was done by Governor Ryan at the time. I’m just wondering how viable this whole thing is. What’s the point of this? Is this just going to go on forever? Is the state going to say there’s no purpose? Was there a time limit on this? I’m just curious.

Mr. Mitch Schaben stated I have some history on this from when I was in Springfield. These entities were created in the state statute. The useful purpose that they have (inaudible) the issuance of (inaudible) authority and tax-exempt bonds. These entities cover regions across the state. Some are much larger; this one is the Will Kankakee Regional Authority. From my understanding there has been a desire by the current Governor’s administration to overhaul these entities in general in the state statute. In the last few years there have been a number of entities that businesses have reached out and wanting to utilize the bonding authority (inaudible) The authority had been defunct for a number of years. I think the last time there were actual appointments was 2016/2017. Prior to that the last time they issued a bond was 2014. We had been working with the Governor’s office to get their appointments to the Board as well. Kankakee has made their appointments too, but it’s not an active Board. I do think from my own perspective that there is a role that could be played; a unique ability to provide a service to local businesses. Again, whether or not there’s more structural changes to come, I’ve heard there is, but I haven’t seen anything yet.

Member Moustis stated my recollection…they had no taxing authority, even the bond authority was questionable the way the state statutes read. I don’t have a problem to appoint somebody, but I think we should stay on top and what they’re going to do.

Mr. Mitch Schaben stated I would agree with you. Looking at the state statute, which I have done a little bit, it certainly could use some tidying up. I think the underlying intent of it…it’s a good tool. The only reason why I say it could serve a purpose is (inaudible) status of the economic development authority was. We were referring folks over to the Illinois (inaudible). It serves a similar type bonding authority. There is some unique bonding authority that is provided to these economic development authorities across the state.

Member Moustis stated the reason the bonds are a problem is because they have no underlying revenue string that can pay for them. Then they don’t have an ability to tax. I suppose they could find some kind of special tax, but that’s why they just wouldn’t work. They need to figure that out.

Mr. Mitch Schaben stated my financial information is limited. There is an interest to give to this entity. I don’t know what the interest will be going forward with the change in interest rates, but there was in the last year and a half to see this entity functioning.


MOVER: Mimi Cowan, Speaker, District 11 (D - Naperville)

SECONDER: Tyler Marcum, District 10 (D - Joliet)

AYES: Ogalla, Koch, Moustis, Tyson, Traynere, Fritz, Gould, Balich, Fricilone, Brooks Jr., Parker, Ventura, Coleman, Marcum, Berkowicz, Cowan, Pretzel, Weigel, Freeman, Kraulidis

ABSENT: Newquist, Mitchell, Gazanfer, Mueller, VanDuyne, Winfrey

2. Executive Appointment WC ETSB


MOVER: Mimi Cowan, Speaker, District 11 (D - Naperville)

SECONDER: Gretchen Fritz, District 5 (R - Plainfield)

AYES: Ogalla, Koch, Moustis, Tyson, Traynere, Fritz, Gould, Balich, Fricilone, Brooks Jr., Parker, Ventura, Coleman, Marcum, Berkowicz, Cowan, Pretzel, Weigel, Freeman, Kraulidis

ABSENT: Newquist, Mitchell, Gazanfer, Mueller, VanDuyne, Winfrey

3. Executive Appointment Rock Creek Drainage District


MOVER: Mimi Cowan, Speaker, District 11 (D - Naperville)

SECONDER: Herbert Brooks Jr., District 8 (D - Joliet)

AYES: Ogalla, Koch, Moustis, Tyson, Traynere, Fritz, Gould, Balich, Fricilone, Brooks Jr., Parker, Ventura, Coleman, Marcum, Berkowicz, Cowan, Pretzel, Weigel, Freeman, Kraulidis

ABSENT: Newquist, Mitchell, Gazanfer, Mueller, VanDuyne, Winfrey

4. Executive Appointment Black Walnut Creek Drainage District


MOVER: Mimi Cowan, Speaker, District 11 (D - Naperville)

SECONDER: Judy Ogalla, District 1 (R - Monee)

AYES: Ogalla, Koch, Moustis, Tyson, Traynere, Fritz, Gould, Balich, Fricilone, Brooks Jr., Parker, Ventura, Coleman, Marcum, Berkowicz, Cowan, Pretzel, Weigel, Freeman, Kraulidis

ABSENT: Newquist, Mitchell, Gazanfer, Mueller, VanDuyne, Winfrey

5. Executive Appointments Will County Planning & Zoning Commission


MOVER: Mimi Cowan, Speaker, District 11 (D - Naperville)

SECONDER: Mike Fricilone, District 7 (R - Homer Glen)

AYES: Ogalla, Koch, Moustis, Tyson, Traynere, Fritz, Gould, Balich, Fricilone, Brooks Jr., Parker, Ventura, Coleman, Marcum, Berkowicz, Cowan, Pretzel, Weigel, Freeman, Kraulidis

ABSENT: Newquist, Mitchell, Gazanfer, Mueller, VanDuyne, Winfrey

6. Executive Appointment Will County Board of Review

Member Traynere stated I’m a little concerned. I got the email about the September appointments, and I still don’t see anything about an Assessor. I do real estate part-time and I work at a township. At the county we rely heavily on our corporate fund for property taxes and I’m pretty sure the Board of Review starts working in September or October and I’m just concerned that we don’t have an Assessor. I’m just wondering what’s going on.

Executive Bertino-Tarrant stated we do have a current assessor. We are in the process of interviewing now. We are going to start that next week. We have received applications and start interviewing next month.

Member Ventura stated I was going to motion to postpone this until our vote for whoever is replacing Ms. Rhonda Novak is going to take place before we vote on the Board of Review. So, they are going to meet under Ms. Rhonda Novak in September then?

Member Moustis stated I am also going to express some concern about the replacement of the Supervisor of Assessments. The Supervisor or Assessment’s office is an independent office. The Supervisor of Assessment is an appointed official. They work independently and they don’t fall under the Executive’s Office, they fall under the County Board in regard they give advice and consent from the County Board. That’s how it works under the state statute. The County Executive is responsible for bringing a name forward for the Supervisor of Assessments. I would be interested on the process you use for outreach. Hopefully we did an outreach that was far and wide. It’s such an important position and I go back to the days when that office got a little politicized and was a mess. We don’t want that, of course. I would be interested, Executive Bertino-Tarrant, to see your process for outreach and so forth.

Executive Bertino-Tarrant stated we did post the job. I think we maybe had eight candidates, and obviously it’s a very specific qualification for this job. You have to have a certain type of licensing to be a county assessor as opposed to an assessor in a township. Out of those eight, one was not qualified. We are going to interview all the rest of the candidates who are qualified for that position. We received them from all over the county. We posted it in our normal operations, including Indeed, too, so we did expand. We have seven candidates who will be coming in. We are including Human Resource, the Treasurer, we are including someone who is an expert in assessment too, because obviously that is not my wheelhouse, and we will be having a joint interview.

Member Traynere stated I’m guessing anyone can apply from anywhere, but I guess there’s a requirement that they have to live in Will County for a certain amount of time?

Executive Bertino-Tarrant stated we don’t have the policy. We don’t have that policy that employees have to live in Will County, our policy does not.

Member Moustis stated Assistant State’s Attorney Tatroe, for many years we used a contract for the Supervisor of Assessments. But I recall for some reason I think we felt it was necessary, but you pointed out, not too long ago, it is not necessary…they can be appointed for the four-year term, and then their appointment would come up, whatever. I think we should definitely be away from that contract because that contract automatically renewed. If they were notified in 12 months, blah, blah, blah. The State’s Attorney’s office recommends we don’t go forward with the contract?

Assistant State’s Attorney Tatroe stated correct. There currently is a contract because County Board decided to go forward with a contract. Our recommendation is there is no need for a contract. The statute is very specific about what their duties are. They cannot be removed from office except for cause, and a public hearing would be held if there was a decision to try to remove a Supervisor of Assessments from office, and also, they must be given 90 days notice if you decide not to renew the appointment. There are a lot of protections statutorily in place for the Supervisor of Assessments for the reasons that you alluded to a short time ago. There is a desire to make sure this does not become a political office or that they are not pressured. Their duties are very specifically set forth in statute. The contract that we have entirely mimics 100% the state statute. The only thing it does is now give them an additional cause of action should they be terminated under the contract, in addition to their statutory rights, so why would the county want to do that?

Member Moustis stated Executive Bertino-Tarrant we would be moving forward with just the appointment and not a contract?

Executive Bertino-Tarrant stated that would be my recommendation, yes.

Member Moustis stated great, thanks.


MOVER: Mimi Cowan, Speaker, District 11 (D - Naperville)

SECONDER: Herbert Brooks Jr., District 8 (D - Joliet)

AYES: Ogalla, Koch, Moustis, Tyson, Traynere, Fritz, Gould, Balich, Fricilone, Brooks Jr., Parker, Ventura, Coleman, Marcum, Berkowicz, Cowan, Pretzel, Weigel, Freeman, Kraulidis

ABSENT: Newquist, Mitchell, Gazanfer, Mueller, VanDuyne, Winfrey



Member Ventura stated I am very concerned with the priorities of the diversity in this county. For the past two years I have suggested to Capital Improvements some bipartisan measures, to no avail. One suggestion was to simply report the number minorities and women on the jobsite at the same time we report our safety hours. There were a number of other ideas that came forward. I was told that we would wait until our diversity and inclusion consultant finished their work and their study and then ideas would be taken forward from that. With the cancellation of the (inaudible) contract, no movement on these policies. I am extremely concerned with the message this is sending to our community about the priorities of diversity in this county. Furthermore, I still have not seen movement on housing, on the RFQ that we passed going on 15-16 months now. The last announcement is the Will County Fair opens next Wednesday so I hope to see everyone down there. Thank you.

Member Weigel stated I am requesting that this coming Veteran’s Day, we join the National Association of Counties, and the National Association of County Veteran’s Service Officers for Operation Green Light for Veterans. NACo encourages us to show support for veterans by lighting county buildings green from November 7th to November 13th. Also invite municipalities, state agencies, private businesses, community organizations and residents to light their buildings and homes green. By shining a green light, we will let veterans know that they are seen and appreciated and supported. This program has been endorsed by Ms. Denise Winfrey, President of NACo. A resolution supporting this program could be approved at our next meeting, next month. I would ask that the County Executive have her staff coordinate this project. Thank you.

Executive Bertino-Tarrant stated done.

Member Ogalla stated thank you for supporting that, that’s fabulous. First, I would like to say thank you to everyone for all the calls, messages and cards for my father. The support has been overwhelming, and I appreciate that. The other thing I want to talk about, and I don’t have last year’s coroner’s report, but I thoroughly looked through this year's report and I couldn’t see anywhere in there where it talked about the number of deaths related to COVID-19. Since we’ve been through two years of the pandemic, I thought we might have that. The report…I think it’s a historical thing we should cover. Looking back, we can say wow in 2021 and 2022 this is what happened. I hope that we can get some updated information on that.

Coroner Summers stated at the beginning when the COVID-19 pandemic started, there was a decision made within the coroner’s office, which was before I took over, that we would not take jurisdiction over positive COVID-19 cases that involved a death. So, we don’t have those numbers. It is a natural death and is signed out by a primary care physician. Does that make sense?

Member Ogalla stated no I don’t think it makes sense. Everyone here heard our Health Department continue to tell us about COVID-19 deaths and cases and on and on.

Coroner Summers stated we have two ways we do things. Because of the transmission and how great it was, before I became coroner, we made a decision to not take jurisdiction over COVID-19 cases. Does that make sense to you? If you die from the flu, that is considered a natural death. COVID-19 is a transmissible disease that is a natural death. In order to protect (inaudible) that they were diagnosed with COVID-19, the cause of death was COVID-19, that’s considered a natural death. It does not come under the jurisdiction of the coroner. Ms. Susan Olenek knows this as well. That’s why you didn’t see it. If you would like for me to do some background, I would have to work with Ms. Susan Olenek and I would have to see if there were any cases that we signed out. But it didn’t fall under our jurisdiction, so that’s why you don’t see those numbers.

Member Ogalla stated it would be great to know, though, I think it’s very historical for us. We all lived through it; our lives were changed dramatically. We were shut down, locked up, masked up and I think it’s something the public should have information on.

Member Freeman stated good morning. I would like to say thank you to the Farm Bureau for arranging last weekend’s tour. I also want to encourage all of the County Board members, even if you have already done so, sign up to go scoop ice cream for the seniors at Sunny Hill Nursing Home. It truly is an amazing moment in time. Member Tyson and I went, and I probably will be signing up again as well.

Member Berkowicz stated my comments go back to the coroner’s report. I am perplexed as to why COVID-19 would be considered a natural death. Maybe she can clarify that for me. Also, I made a comment and asked some questions at the Public Health & Safety Committee meeting. Member Ventura, I discussed them with her, and I am a little dismayed that there was no follow-up. So, I am glad Coroner Summers is here today, and I would like some follow-up from her.

Member Ventura stated after the committee we asked staff to send out invitations for Coroner Summers to attend the next Public Health & Safety meeting, Sheriff Kelley to attend, and our State’s Attorney Jim Glasgow to attend the next Public Health & Safety meeting. The next meeting is in September and has not happened yet. I am happy to confirm with staff after this if those three individuals have responded to our invitation, but since our meeting is in September, we want to give them time to make sure they can respond to those requests. It has not gone unnoted.

Member Berkowicz stated can we have confirmation of that sent to the full Board?

Executive Bertino-Tarrant stated your Chief of Staff will do that.


Member Fricilone stated good morning, Will County. As we all know, our staff does yeoman’s work, so I want to thank them as always. We all should know that the next three months, the rubber hits the road. We have state and federal agenda’s, the budget, and the levy. Let me remind the Board that it’s our job to review, make changes, and approve a budget. It behooves all of us to take this book and really look at it. There’s a lot of information and it’s not that complicated. Take a look at what we’ve done historically the last couple of years, that information is there. If you see something that you think is out of whack, bring it to the Chair of the Finance Committee and certainly she’ll deal with it. I really think it behooves all of us to really take a look at it, whether you’re on finance or not. My only other comment is, today is National Pinot Noir Day so have a glass of wine and enjoy the day.

Speaker Cowan stated our staff is so efficient that committee Chair Traynere mentioned changing the time of the budget workshop to facilitate board members attending the training and it’s already been done. In the time we’ve been sitting here, the staff has worked with Ms. ReShawn Howard and has decided that the budget workshop will start at 1:00 p.m., Tuesday, August 23rd. As Member Fricilone has said, this is a lot of work and a lot of stuff to look at, so if you can attend that budget workshop start digging and be ready to ask Ms. ReShawn Howard questions. I really encourage you to do that. I really encourage everyone to attend the Economic Development Elected Officials meeting being sponsored by the CED. It starts early on that same day, and I’ve been to it before and it’s really good information. I encourage everyone to sign up for that. They’ve been sending emails, if you haven’t gotten it you need to register ahead of time so let myself or staff know if you don’t have that email and want to sign up for that. To Member Weigel’s suggestion, I am happy to announce that Member Coleman had brought this up to staff a couple of weeks ago, Project Greenlight. Staff is working on a resolution to bring through the committee process this next month to join in on this project and ask Executive Bertino-Tarrant to follow through on this. It sounds like the County Executive is on board, but we’ll memorialize the process. I saw kids outside my house waiting for the school bus, so everyone keep an eye out for them and drive carefully. I wish all those kids good luck on their back-to-school projects. Thankfully they are all there in person. We are making progress on ARPA. I know it’s slow, and I know it’s taking a long time, but that’s because we’re doing it right. If we did it fast, I wouldn’t be convinced that we’re doing it right. I really appreciate the dedication of each and every one of the executive committee members and many of our other board members who attend those meetings. I know those executive committee meetings can get long. That’s kind of what we signed up for when you have to spend 30% of your annual budget over again in four years and want to do it in a conscientious way. I really appreciate all the work the board members and staff have been putting into ARPA. We continue to make progress and I look forward to continuing that in the next few months. As Member Fricilone mentioned, we are working on the federal and state agendas. Every year we try to move this process earlier so that they are ready to go at the start of the next year. If you have ideas about those agendas, please bring them to either Legislative Committee and/or your caucus leaders, and we will be prepared to discuss and get those agenda’s together and moving out the door in a timely fashion. Along the same lines, County Board rules we look at in December every two years and in the past we’ve done it last minute, and this is another thing we’ve tried in the past couple of years to move back the process a little bit to allow everybody time to look at those rules, add or subtract, or amend as we see fit based on our experiences from the last two years. So please take a look at the County Board rules. They’re on the website so you can pull them up pretty easily. See if there are any amendments or suggestions that you think are necessary. Bring that to staff or your caucus leaders so that when the new Board is seated in December, we will have a document ready to go to discuss it moving forward. A number of us attended the National Association of Counties conference in July. Lots of great learning abilities to see what’s happening across the nation, best practices. I know I learned a lot and I’m sure a lot of other people did as well. Of course, the highlight was Member Winfrey ascending to the position of President of NACo. We offer Member Winfrey congratulations, that’s why she’s not here today, she is off being president of our National Association of Counties. We appreciate her dedication and celebrate her moving up in that organization.

Executive Bertino-Tarrant stated we heard today a State of the County. I want to reiterate that this is an accomplishment of all of us. It’s not a you versus me or the Executive’s Office versus the County Board Office. We succeed because we work together. We may disagree on priorities, we may disagree on interpretations of policy, but it’s never to be lack of appreciation for each other. I think we do really good work here. I get that this is not how you (inaudible) for the last 16 years and some 30 years for other people, two years for newer members, but whatever we do we make sure we follow statute, we make sure we follow ordinance. We will always explain our decisions. We are not trying to hide anything. I have been an elected official for 16 years now, and I take pride in what I do as an elected official, and one of them is never to be nefarious and to never hide things from the public. I can assure you I am a transparent individual and I have guidelines to always show you why we make decisions. I appreciate the work that you do because, again, we gave a pretty impressive State of the County and I’m going to go around and talk to our chambers and invite them in. These are your successes, so I do appreciate that.


Executive Session is necessary for probable litigation and an acquisition of real estate. Motion to go into Executive Session


MOVER: Jacqueline Traynere, District 4 (D - Bolingbrook)

SECONDER: Mike Fricilone, District 7 (R - Homer Glen)

AYES: Ogalla, Koch, Moustis, Tyson, Traynere, Fritz, Gould, Balich, Fricilone, Brooks Jr., Parker, Ventura, Coleman, Marcum, Berkowicz, Cowan, Pretzel, Weigel, Kraulidis

ABSENT: Newquist, Mitchell, Gazanfer, Mueller, VanDuyne, Winfrey 

AWAY: Freeman





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